Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2200 Restoring Lianzhou

Chapter 2200 Restoring Lianzhou
Accompanied by the word "broken food" is his daily reading, which is full of "people eat each other".

Cui Shizhao has read many history books, which record all kinds of tragedies in the lonely city guarded by loyal ministers and righteous men, but there are only a few sentences, and it is nothing more than that after reading it.However, during the She'an Rebellion a few years ago, the rebel army besieged Guiyang, and Guiyang defended it for many years. Even the daughter of the magistrate was taken away and eaten by the officers and soldiers. In the end, there were only "more than two hundred people" left in the city. Listen to what many people have said.

Now if he wants to be a loyal minister, he has to "cannibalize each other".What's more, even if he can make up his mind, he may not have the opportunity to be this loyal minister.

For Ba Pai Yao to besiege the city, he can organize officers and men and Ding Zhuang to protrude from Longjin Gate or Guangji Gate, and then send boats to the upstream villages to raise food—he has done this a few times, although the Yao people They are all intercepted, but every time as long as enough rewards are given, the soldiers are willing to use their lives. It is nothing more than killing a few more people, and it will always work.

However, this method was completely ineffective in front of the two small Australian gunboats that patrolled day and night. Even if the Australians did not obstruct them on land, those small boats would not be able to break through the blockade of the Australian gunboats.

Cui Shizhao was at a loss: he couldn't use the lives of the people in the city to win his posthumous name; he couldn't do it just surrender like seems...

Wandering in the study, a servant rushed to Cui Shizhao: "It's not good, it's not good, master!"

Cui Shizhao was taken aback: "Has the Kun thief attacked the city?"

"No, a few boats came from outside the north gate, and the thief unloaded rice bags from the boats and piled them under the city, saying that they were going to be given to the people in the city, but they just wanted the master to meet them."

Cui Shizhao hurriedly stepped up the north gate tower, and there were indeed baskets of rice under the gate, densely packed, at least fifty shi.It's just that there are bandit soldiers guarding both sides.

Cui Shizhao leaned over the female wall and said loudly: "The student is Cui Shizhao! What do you want to say? Tell me quickly, don't act rashly—the cannons in this city don't have eyes!"

The leading bandit Kun held a loudspeaker and yelled towards the tower: "Master Cui, I have heard that you love the people like a son, and you are famous for being virtuous. I have always admired you, Mr. Huang, the envoy of Lianyang in the Song Dynasty, so this time I heard that you We are about to run out of food, so we are here to help you with fifty shi of rice, as long as Mr. Huang surrenders the city immediately, this fifty shi of rice can save Lianzhou City's emergency."

The defenders and young men in the city were all in a commotion, because the daily ration supply had been reduced a lot due to the lack of food stocks, and many people had not been able to eat enough for many days. Right now, white rice is under the city!If it were on a normal day, they would just go out and try their best to snatch it, but they had heard the rumors of the "ships and guns" and "killing people like hemp", and they didn't have enough food and energy, so no one wanted to take this risk. .

Cui Shizhao's heart was like frying oil, he thought that if there were two hundred elites, they would rush out after a full meal, and kill these hundred and ten thieves, then they could take the rice back to the city and last for a long time, but what he has now is nothing more than Hundreds of hungry and tired soldiers and even more helpless young men.To rush out is to die in vain.

Seeing that the food is right in front of him, but he dare not go half a step beyond the thunder pool!
Seeing that there was no reply from the above, the thief under the city shouted again: "Master Cui! Chief Huang said: As long as you open the city and surrender, the safety of the people in the city will be guaranteed, and there will be food relief! The officials, soldiers and civilians of the Ming Dynasty in the city are willing to serve the Song Dynasty. Those who serve will be used at their own discretion; those who do not want to serve will be given Sichuan funds to be dismissed."

From the mouths of the people who escaped from the city to eat, Huang Chao knew that Lianzhou City was running out of food and was about to run out of food.So he came up with such an idea.

Obviously, this was devastating to the morale in the city. Cui Shizhao did not answer the shouts from the city, and went back to the Yamen alone.He was almost slumped on the grand master's chair. After a long time, he sent someone to find Ma Tiyi and confessed: "Brother Ma, go and gather the gentry in the city and let them communicate in Kaicheng, saying that Lianzhou is willing to surrender—the officials and soldiers in the city are also willing to surrender." It won't hinder you, it won't hinder you at all. It's just a bitch, and I'll be taken care of by you." After finishing speaking, he swallowed a bottle of secret Hedinghong hidden on his body.

For a moment, Cui Shizhao thought he was going to die, but between the chaotic dreams, severe pain, and several times of vomiting, he was still alive again.

Suddenly he woke up, but he was lying on the bed in the bedroom, his stomach was still hurting, and his head was dizzy for a while. His wife and children were crying and crying, Ma Tiyi was also standing beside him, and there was a young man with hairy hair.Seeing him wake up, the man said: "Master Cui, you are seriously injured, please sleep a little longer!" Then Cui Shizhao fell into a drowsy sleep again.

Occupying Lianzhou City, Huang Chaoru invited Yang Zeng to dinner. As a local in the old time and space, Huang Chao originally wanted to find some famous Dongpi preserved meat in Guangdong to entertain Yang Zeng, so he could send someone to Dongpi Wei After looking for it, I found that Dongpi preserved meat had not yet been invented at this time.

As for some snacks from his hometown in the old time and space that he has always been greedy for, there were none of them in Lianzhou City in 1635.This made Huang Chao annoyed and annoyed. After calming down, Huang Chao realized that Lianzhou in this time and space was not actually his hometown, and everything he missed did not exist here.

If there is no Dongpi cured meat, this meal is still required, so I simply cook a few home-cooked dishes.Although Huang Chao's cooking skills are not outstanding, he is still well-known for cooking a few home-cooked dishes.When their husband and wife had no children, they often held banquets at home to entertain friends, and sometimes invited the naturalized people under their command to eat.

Huang Chao asked someone to bring in a two-pound pullet, a duck, a pork belly, plus a bunch of ingredients and seasonings.There are very few ingredients in this time and space, and the war has just subsided, and the market has not yet recovered.It took a long time for the orderlies to be ready.

Sliced ​​scallions and ginger slices are boiled in water and soaked in water. One white-cut antler, fennel, cinnamon bark, and cinnamon leaves are marinated. One marinated duck is cooked. A pot of meat is cooked with rock sugar and soy sauce.Then I found a jar of local rice wine, made a plate of fried soybeans, a plate of pickled radish, and fried some vegetables.This is both a celebration banquet and a practical banquet.After occupying Lianzhou City, the mission of the Suijiang Detachment ended. Yang Zeng would lead a large force to evacuate from the Lianyang area in a few days, and there were new combat missions.

For this meal, not only did Yang Zeng come, but also several major officers and cadres were invited. Whether they were going or staying, this was the first time in the past few months that they could sit down and have a meal and drink in peace. Take a sip of wine.

"Chief, we are retreating, you have to be more careful here." Yang Zeng said, "The Yao people are rebellious and impermanent, this time we suppressed them, but we didn't kill the grass, maybe they will be incited... ..."

As soon as he left with the main force, there were only two infantry companies, one Li Miao mountain company and four national army squadrons left in Huang Chao's troops.Three of the squadrons were to be stationed in the three cities, and only the Wuzhou squadron was a mobile force.And these two infantry companies of the regular army were also equipped in consideration of defending against the sudden attack of the Ming army in the direction of Hezhou.

His worry was not unreasonable. Although Ba Pai Yao was suppressed by them, the small-scale riots in the Lianyang area were not completely stopped, and they were deeply impressed by the disordered law and order in the counties along the way. impression.Those "official bandits" who were instigated and organized by Xiong Wencan, and those "bandits" who wanted to make a lot of money in troubled times, don't care about your county boundaries and may come here at any time.If these people came over and incited the Yao people to create chaos again, the scale would be much larger than it is now.

In fact, Huang Chao is well aware of this worry-the expansion of the Eight Pai Yao Rebellion in the old time and space is related to the confluence of the refugee riots in the late Ming Dynasty.However, Yang Zeng, as a naturalized military officer, was able to make such a judgment without the "traversal prophecy" technique.

He nodded: "Of course I understand what you said. The problem in the Lianyang area is not isolated, it is a big game of chess in the whole of northern Guangdong. It can only be effective if both the military and the government are in charge of it--so I will treat you to Lao Zhu. There is no objection to transfer away, you stay here, although it is a magic needle for Lianyang, it is not good for the whole battle situation."

This statement was half true and half false. He naturally knew the reason why Zhu Mingxia wanted to transfer Yang Zeng: the South China Army must maintain a considerable number of mobile troops at all times.However, who doesn't want to have strong soldiers in their hands like a cloud, "the more the better" - let alone in this dangerous place!But he didn't want to lose his morale in front of the naturalized people, and he wanted to reflect his "overall view".

It's hard to be a veteran, Huang Chao secretly complained.

Yang Zeng didn't know this, and was moved: "Sir, you see that the matter is comprehensive." He then expressed concern: "Just in case something happens..."

"In case something happens, isn't there a radio station! As soon as the telegram is sent, you will come! This is our advantage."

"The chief is right!"

Fu De'an said: "Although there is no army, I always feel a little guilty, but the Senate is the best at mobilizing the masses. Don't look at the chief who has no major generals now. After a few months, he may be able to pull out several brigades. !"

Huang Chao knew that Fu De'an was flattering, but his words revealed the essence of his governance here: relying on the strength of ships and guns can only last for a while, and it depends on the common people!
"Old Fu, you are right. You are going to be the county magistrate here soon, and you must remember that winning the hearts of the people is the first task. Not only the Han people here, but also the Yao people in the Yao platoon. They are also the elders The people of the courtyard. We not only want them to be afraid, but also to obey them, and finally to make everyone 'love'. This is not easy to do, we have to take it slowly..."

"What the chief taught!" Fu De'an nodded again and again, "With your guidance here, I am not afraid of anything, and I will definitely do well."

Huang Chao looked at his extremely trusting eyes, and suddenly felt a little guilty-could the routines of being the county magistrate of "Fuli" in Hainan really work here?

He suppressed his panic and said with a smile: "Come, come, let's drink. Celebrate Lianzhou's recovery!"
Next update: Volume 404 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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