Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2204 Ping Jingyang Mountain

Chapter 2204 Ping Jingyang Mountain ([-])

"Why is this?"

"Let's listen to the students speak slowly. This matter should start with the origins of the other two. First, let's talk about Sun Dabiao. This man's ancestor was not from Yangshan, but a bandit who fled from Huguang. His ancestors occupied Yangshan as soon as they came. He set up several shops in Daxiuwei, monopolizing the salt business with the Yao people in Yonghua Township, selling the salt for the price of gold.

"His salt mainly comes from three sources. One is the official salt on the surface, the other is smuggled, and the third is some people who have no capital to buy back. Some sell salt by land to Huguang or to Yao Pai Yao Village to sell it. Once the peddlers are encountered by his subordinates, they will inevitably be murdered and seized by him. As for the kidnapping and extortion, Sun Dabiao has done a lot."

Wang Chuyi suddenly realized that it is no wonder that the local Yao people are so worried about the salt price.It turns out there is such a reason!
"As for Feng Haijiao, he is a water bandit entrenched in Qinglianxu. It is said that his ancestors were Danhu. After several fights, he took over the Lianjiang River in Qinglianxu as his own territory. He specializes in extorting money from passing ships and robbing those who do not follow him Its cargo is not only like this, but also often buys and sells goods by force."

But these materials are not rare: Wang Chuyi learned some information from the "General Situation of Yangshan" compiled by the Foreign Intelligence Bureau. Although it is not detailed, he generally knows these people.

"Does the county magistrate know the saying that Hunan eats Cantonese salt and Guangdong eats Hunan grain?" Peng Shouan knew that Wang Chuyi was getting impatient.

"Please tell me." Wang Chuyi knew that Peng Shouan was going to talk about drama.

"Huguang is ripe, and the world is full. Huguang produces grain but not salt, so Huguang grain is cheap and salt is expensive, and Guangdong is the opposite. Lianyang is remote and mountainous. Fortunately, the river can go all the way to Guangzhou, and Huguang is only separated from Huguang by Jiuning Mountain. .Crossing the mountain, you can go north along the river and go directly to Wuchang. Therefore, although Lianyang is located in a remote area, it is still prosperous. Especially in Lianzhou, merchants in Huguang buy salt, and merchants in Guangdong sell salt. Salt is the most affluent place in the three cities of Lianyang."

What Peng Shouan said above was still nonsense, but Wang Chuyi listened patiently.

"The three tyrants colluded with each other. At Qinglianji, they sold the autumn grain they received to the grain merchants who went south, and then bought salt with the exchanged money, shipped it to Lianzhou and sold it to Huguang merchants, and then bought grain from Huguang merchants to fill the county. Library."

There is such a hand!Wang Chuyi couldn't help but nodded again and again, these details were not mentioned in the "Overview".People who are not in the landlord government don't know the threshold at all.This old bureaucrat doesn't think he can't do things well, but he sees things clearly.

These words made Wang Chuyi determined to suppress the bandits first.Originally, he planned to collect money and food first, and then suppress the bandits.Now it seems that this reasonable burden cannot be paid without killing a few monkeys.

"Suppressing bandits is useful." Seeing his change of attitude, Peng Shouan felt very useful, and simply shared his experience as an official in the local area. Treachery. If this root is broken, the Yao people will want to create chaos, and it will not be so easy."

This situation is not surprising, because Huang Chao once talked with Wang Chuyi: the local bandits are inextricably linked to the Yao platoon, as long as the local bandits are wiped out first.The Yao people lost their guide when they wanted to go down the mountain to plunder.It is of great benefit to promoting local security.

"Master Peng's words are very useful." Wang Chuyi said sincerely, "It seems that we still need to deal with the root cause first!"

The matter of suppressing the bandits was of great importance. Wang Chuyi didn't dare to make the decision without authorization, so he wrote a coded report and his own related action plan based on the collected information, and sent the messengers to Lianzhou for instructions.

Although Huang Chao gave full authorization to the Guihuamin county magistrate and governor under his command, he still has reservations about the military command - it's not that he can't trust them, it's because their capital is too little: five national army squadrons , three regular army companies.Scattered throughout the entire Lianyang area, a single defeat can hurt muscles and bones.Huang Chao is very aware of his situation. The current calm of the three cities of Lianyang is all due to the "Tiger Might" played by the Fubo Army along the way, and it has not reached the point where everyone is convinced - especially the local tyrants and Yao. Platoons.As long as there is a large-scale military defeat, these forces will immediately swarm.

It is better to be more cautious and slower, but also to maintain the myth of "Fubo's army is invincible in the world".

So when he received Wang Chuyi's report, even though he knew that suppressing bandits was the right thing to do, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.I got up and looked around the large-scale map of Lianyang on the table, thinking over and over in my mind.

To be honest, he was quite worried.Because Wang Chuyi's total strength in Yangshan is only two national army squadrons, plus an auxiliary squadron composed of Yonghua Yao people.

Naturally, a squadron stationed in Yonghua Township cannot be used easily - their existence is not only to deter the Yao people in Yonghua, but also to monitor the road to the southeast of Ba Pai Yao.

The other squadron is the national army squadron in the county.Relying on the county militia team composed of temporarily recruited strong men in Yangshan County, the county squadron has a certain degree of mobility.Wang Chuyi's plan is to use this squadron to carry out targeted strikes against Sun Dabiao and Feng Haijiao.

Naturally, this amount of troops is too weak to encircle and suppress the two gangsters.Each of them can mobilize two or three hundred bandits.Moreover, the entrenched places are old nests that have been operated for many years. If they want to attack directly, the county squadron with limited combat power and disadvantaged numbers will have to be disabled even if they can win.

Therefore, the plan proposed by Wang Chuyi is to "outsmart" and use "recruitment" as a bait to lure the two bandit leaders out of their lair and capture and kill them all at once.Then take advantage of the chaos to attack.Raze their lair in one fell swoop.

This plan cannot be whimsical - in fact, Huang Chao still appreciates it.Because when he was the county director, he also relied on various "strategies" to suppress bandits.

If Huang Chao was asked which historical figure of the Ming Dynasty he liked the most, he would answer Wang Shouren without hesitation, not because Wang Shouren led the upsurge of ideological emancipation in the Ming Dynasty, but because he was influenced by a popular historical book and liked Wang Shouren's suppression of bandits and rebellion The "unprecedented trick" is highly appreciated, which fully embodies the basic element of the art of war that soldiers are not tired of deceit.During the bandit suppression period in Lingshui, Huang Chao had fully learned this method. He used night raids, ambushes, and other deceitful means, and he was very daring to fight. He dared to fight with hundreds of bandits with a platoon. .

In the past, a platoon of Huang Chao dared to fight, but that platoon was a regular army of Fubo Army.Now, Wang Chuyi's subordinates are all members of the national army who have been in the army for less than half a year.

Huang Chao thought over and over again, and decided to approve Wang Chuyi's action plan-everything has a beginning, and the elders cannot be in command of everything.However, just to be on the safe side, he decided to send Li Miao Company to assist Wang Chuyi - after all, since ancient times, elite soldiers could not do anything to attack enemy villages, and relying on the national army alone would be very risky.

He wrote back immediately, approving Wang Chuyi's action plan.At the same time, he was told that Li Miaolian would provide support—but they could only arrive 24 hours before he started the operation, so he was asked to confirm the specific operation time.In order to prevent the two sides from cooperating.

At the end of the letter, he repeatedly urged Wang Chuyi to be "cautious" in suppressing the bandits and not to advance rashly.Bandits are different from officers and soldiers. Not only are they familiar with the local conditions, but they often have a huge network of human relations. They are more informed than the government. Gentlemen must remain vigilant.

Wang Chuyi was very excited when he received the reply, and immediately called several local naturalized officials and Peng Anshou to discuss the specific action plan.

Trapping the bandit leader in the name of "Zhao'an" is also a traditional practice of local officials.Although Peng Shouan had no chance to do it himself, he had heard many similar stories.This move did eradicate many bandits and local tyrants.

"I have no opinion. As long as the county magistrate orders, our squadron will definitely implement it." The squadron leader of the National Army squadron said, "It's just that our strength is insufficient. Even if the entire squadron is dispatched, there are less than 100 people. Dalangxu and Qinglian The two places of Wei are market towns with walls and many residents and merchants. The terrain is quite complicated. If we want to attack by force, we can take them down. The problem is that we can only attack one by one with our troops. No matter who comes first, The losses probably won’t be small, and I’m afraid they won’t be able to do what we want when we attack the second place.”

"That's why we need a surprise attack." Wang Chuyi said, "If we take down the bandit leader in one fell swoop, they will be leaderless. Another surprise attack will catch him off guard. Besides, Chief Huang will send a mountain company to support us—you don't have to worry about the lack of troops. "

Hearing that there was support from the regular army, the squadron leader was obviously relieved: "I don't have to ask. I'll arrange people to do reconnaissance."

"I don't think your squadron is good at reconnaissance," another naturalized cadre said. "We all speak with foreign accents, and we can tell when we open our mouths—can they not suspect a foreigner coming suddenly? It's better to be a local." of."

"The local ones are hard to find. Except for the Yao people in Yonghua, we haven't recruited soldiers locally..."

"You can recruit a few local activists, who have blood debts with the bandits."

Peng Shouan coughed lightly and interrupted their argument: "Never mind that, since it's a call for safety, it means to call for safety. These two people have quite connections in the county. You might as well call someone you trust first, Promise him a big reward and let him go to lobby—I'm afraid it won't happen overnight."

Since ancient times, bachelors have more minds, and bandits have more minds—bandits are often inferior to officers and soldiers in terms of combat power, fighting spirit, and weapons, and they often face the encirclement and suppression of rural bravery in rural areas.Therefore, most of the bandit leaders and backbones will be extremely suspicious, not only cunning, but even moving three times overnight.Otherwise, it is impossible to be active for decades.And these two families have been bandits for generations. Although they have been strengthened, their suspicions have long been engraved in their bones.

Next update: Volume 408 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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