Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2214 Supplying the Convoy

Chapter 2214 Supplying the Convoy
Even if he didn't come to plot against him, after being recruited by the Kun bandits, Sun Dabiao would never meet the Kun bandits again, so the Kun bandits could calmly attack him.When the time comes, he will be in dire jeopardy, and it will be considered a benevolence for this big brother to watch the fire from the other side, and if he doesn't do it, he will make trouble.

Feng Haijiao, who was tortured by such doubts and fears, was worried. He always wondered whether he had made a mistake in being the "General Manager"--I knew it would be better to surrender to the Australians.After much deliberation, I had no choice but to ask Ji Bi Xuansheng
Naturally, Bi Xuansheng couldn't allow Sun Dabiao to step on two boats.After all, the purpose of Yang Juren's sending him here was to cause trouble for the Kun bandits in Yangshan, and to drag the bandits back.If Sun Dabiao had both ways, he would be in a stalemate with Feng Haijiao.This Yangshan still can't get into chaos.Not only will there be no chaos, but Feng Haijiao will also be shaken after a long time.

He calls himself little Zhuge, but feels that he has been suppressed by his father in the past so that he has not been able to show his strength.Now that I am alone, I naturally have to make a good plan.

Seeing Feng Haijiao coming to ask him advice, Bi Xuansheng knew that his chance had come.He said in a low voice: "Master is worried! This Master Sun said that he and you, Dong Weng, are allied with blood and will not attack each other. But people's hearts are separated, just in case..."

"I know this, but you don't need to talk about it!" Feng Haijiao said angrily, "Now that I'm on Daming's boat, I'm alone. If the Australians come to attack, none of us can escape! Even yours **Master Yang is also going to be on the swing sooner or later! MD, where is the firearm he said for me? And that butt seller named Zhan said that he wanted to give me money, so far I haven’t even seen a hair! !"

Bi Xuansheng was slightly embarrassed: This empty promise can't be taken seriously, but if you really want to annoy the bandit leader, if you don't guarantee your own life, there is no guarantee that he won't come and go to join the bandit.

"It will take some time to come from Huining and Wuzhou. Besides, the road is not smooth now. Masters Zhan and Yang want to send things. I'm afraid it will be difficult. In our current situation, we can't wait for them. We have to do it ourselves..."

"What? What did you do? Tell me the truth!" Feng Haijiao stared at his small eyes with a fierce look.

Bi Xuansheng trembled secretly, thinking that this guy is really a long-standing old water bandit!I couldn't help putting away my contempt, and said respectfully: "Don't be impatient, master, the student has a plan..."

"The small break is over, everyone is ready to go." You Ciren yelled, while putting on the newly issued sun visor helmet, and wiping sweat with a towel.

Following his yelling, the peasants and national soldiers who had been lazily hiding in the shade of the trees came out of the shade.

In July, it was so hot that it was about to fall on fire. Since June, there has not been a drop of rain in the sky. The muddy road is covered with a layer of floating ash, and the grass on the roadside is all wilted.In such weather, we have to drive under the sun, no wonder everyone has a bad face.

"Lieutenant, the weather is so hot, do you want to rest for another 10 minutes?" The corporal in charge of managing the civilians approached and said.

"You're confused! It's not even noon yet, take advantage of the fact that it's not too hot and don't take a few steps to reach the top of Dalangxu, are you going to dry the dried meat in the afternoon?" You Ciren scolded, "Hurry up now and rest in the afternoon. After a long while, we have to rush to the station in the afternoon. It’s not safe when it’s dark!”

The corporal was bored, so he had no choice but to leave embarrassingly, and went to urge the civilian husband.

The peasants rearranged the ropes on the Zidian trolley and tied them firmly.There are a total of ten of these carts, with grain bags tied on them, and some uniform pockets and boxes of different sizes, all of which are stamped with the red Iron Fist emblem and blue number.This is the packaging material uniformly produced by Lianqin.

This is a supply convoy transporting supplies to Yonghua, and such supplies are delivered once a week.The transportation is mainly grain and some non-staple food that cannot be dispatched locally.Each cart is loaded with [-] catties, and it is accompanied by two peasants. Pulling and pushing is usually not too strenuous, but now that the weather has become very hot, the peasants feel that it is twice as hard as before when they go on the road.

In addition to the twenty civilian husbands, there was also a squad of National Army soldiers escorting them.Originally, this kind of escort did not require a second lieutenant officer like You Ciren, but because of the complicated situation recently, and the Yao people in Yonghua showed signs of commotion, Luo Yiming sent him to Yonghua to investigate the local situation——You Ci Ren is one of the few military officers in the national army who was born as an old scholar. He is not only literate, but also very organized in his work.

Originally, You Ciren had a great future in the Fubo Army, but because he was diagnosed with an illness half a year ago, he was not suitable for military service. He was sent to Yangshan as the deputy chief of the public security department.For the convenience of carrying out his work, he usually wears the uniform of the National Army and the rank of lieutenant—the same as he was in the Fubo Army.

In just a few minutes, the team was completed.You Ciren checked the condition of the convoy as usual, and also checked the equipment of each soldier.Soldiers of the national army generally have poor combat quality and weak combat effectiveness, and their compliance with the regulations is far inferior to that of the Fubo army, so they have to spend a lot of effort to correct their various minor problems.

"Each gun must be loaded with good ammunition! Don't be afraid of trouble, let alone misfire!" You Ciren said tirelessly, "Yangshan is not peaceful yet, so we must always be alert to the enemy's sudden attack!"

The soldiers and civilians were frowning, and finally received Lieutenant You's announcement of "departure", and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

You Ciren called the corporal to his side, and said in a low voice: "The front is Dalangxu, how is the situation there?"

This is the first time he leads a team to escort supplies.He knew the situation of Dalangxu.Although Sun Dabiao, who was entrenched in it, accepted the recruitment, in fact, his men and horses had not been reorganized, and he was naturally worried that the supply convoy would pass by.

"It doesn't matter, Sun Dabiao is very sensible." The corporal didn't take it seriously. "After he returned to Dalangxu, we often passed by his site. Whether it was a supply convoy or a single person, he never dared to stay. It was a gift every time. Out of the country. Even if we eat at Dalangxu, they won’t charge us..."

You Ciren nodded, but he was already not at ease.These places are powerful and fickle.I just called you brothers and sisters, but when I turned around, I might get stabbed in the back.He has always complained about Wang Chuyi's failure to concentrate his efforts to capture Dalangxu.How could this main road leading to the Yao district fall into the hands of someone like Sun Dabiao?In case of bad water, the squadron stationed in Yonghua will be very passive.

Although Wang Chuyi revealed his real purpose at the meeting, You Ciren felt that his calculation was ridiculous, and there were many uncontrollable factors.However, he could only talk to Luo Yiming about these things—after all, Wang Chuyi was the county magistrate.

All the way without incident, the convoy arrived at Dalangxu before noon.The regiment who set up a checkpoint on the road saw that it was the national army, so they didn't dare to talk too much, so they quickly moved away and refused to let them pass.

Dalangxu is the main road leading to the Yao District. It was originally a commercially developed market town.However, in the Bapai Yao Rebellion not long ago, the Yao people in Yonghua broke the Dalangxu, set fire to it after looting, and burned down most of the street buildings in the Weixu.It has not yet recovered its vitality, and it is still full of ruins.It's just that the vendors have already set up their sheds and started their business. The streets are quite lively. In addition to the local people who have returned one after another, the surrounding people also come here to sell goods. Yao people can be seen in the crowd from time to time.

As soon as they entered the fair, one of Sun Dabiao's housekeepers rushed over after hearing the news, bowing and politely.Hearing that they were going to fight locally, they led the supply convoy to an empty field.What kind of house here was originally, but now only a piece of white land is left after burning.Only a few bamboo sheds were built in the middle, and tables and chairs with missing legs were placed under them for passing merchants to eat.

"Come on, brothers, please sit down," the butler greeted, "I'll ask someone to prepare meals..."

"Don't worry too much," You Ciren said, "It's hot, and you can't eat greasy food. Choose fresh vegetables and rice."

"Yes, yes, the officer is right." The housekeeper said, "You guys have ready-made preparations here, and they are all eaten by passing merchants. Although they are rough, they are still clean."

Talking about taking care of the food, You Ciren took a look. It was just cold rice porridge, pickled vegetables, and a big pot of mung bean soup.Not only the utensils and food are clean, but also very useful, so I nodded immediately.The corporal said in a low voice: "Lieutenant, we often shoot here, it's okay. Don't worry about using it when you're old."

"Is the item on the convoy guarded?"

"There's no need for guards, they don't dare to move." The corporal often leads a team to deliver supplies, and he pouted, "The car is under the opposite shed, and they sent someone to watch. You are always afraid of losing things, and they are even more afraid!" Said Then he smiled triumphantly.

You Ciren disapproved of his insensitivity, but judging from the current situation, Sun Dabiao was probably different from the bandits. After all, on his own territory, he probably wouldn't be too messy.

While eating, I saw a few Yao people sitting in a straw hut next to them, eating taro and the like, but they didn't see what they wanted to eat. The guy just put a stack of big bowls and a big pot of tea .

Looking at their pale and gray complexions, there is a sense of weakness in every gesture.You Ciren felt strange, and asked: "Since these Yao people are here to fight for the top, why don't they eat?"

The housekeeper smiled and said: "They all come here to sell mountain products in exchange for salt. After changing the salt, they rest here and go back. The master is kind, pity them for being poor, so let them rest in this shed, eat dry food, and don't want tea. their money."

"I see." You Ciren nodded.Looking at the appearance of these Yao people, it is obvious that they have not eaten salt for a long time.Looking at the things they carried with them, the bamboo tubes containing the salt are light and light, obviously there is not much salt.

"How much is the salt price here?" You Ciren asked casually.

Next update: Volume 418 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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