Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2230 Principles and Obedience

Chapter 2230 Principles and Obedience

"Under the city of Chengmai, the enemy and our soldiers, the number of wounded is unknown. The situation at that time was said to be 'people rest on the stage'. The chiefs said, do your best, obey the destiny, and treat as many as you can. We waited What I learned at that time, even though I was an assistant, what I used to do was only beating the side drums, disinfecting the sheets, lifting the legs and raising the hands. Now I don't care about these many things, and I will share one or two of those that are not too difficult for me to take care of. The surgery department only watched the chiefs do it, and some of them simply listened to the chiefs' lectures. At that time, the wounded were like a tide, and they had to bite the bullet whether they could or not. At that time, it was me. It is also common to be at a loss at the stage. There are countless people who have not been rescued. How many days will there be?

"Not much to say, just a brave soldier of the Ming army, the shin bone was smashed by a shell, and debridement was necessary during the amputation. This amputation coincided with Chief Lin and I performing the surgery. Looking back afterwards, I don't know when the amputation happened. What the hell, I just felt that the newly dispensed hydrogen peroxide was not enough for use, so I filled it with gauze, gathered it into a gauze ball, and stuffed the hydrogen peroxide gauze ball into the bone marrow cavity to wipe..."

Hearing this, Chen Ruihe's eyes widened.Before he could speak, Xie Yao laughed wryly at himself: "Yes, since you have been to the emergency room, it is easy to think: This hydrogen peroxide will produce a bunch of bubbles when it is poured down; if the gauze ball is blocked, many bubbles can't come out. Come on, it can only be squeezed into the bone marrow cavity...the pressure is so high, what consequences do you think will happen?"

"...Air embolism?" Chen Ruihe asked cautiously.

Xie Yao nodded his head and admitted it: "Earlier, I heard that the air embolism is very dangerous. I didn't expect it to come so fast and far beyond human power! Before Chief Lin turned his head to see what medicine was in my hand, the wounded screamed." It's so boring, you will be unconscious in an instant, an instant, you will be useless. If you sincerely submit a complaint to sue, you may wish to tell me first: a piece of gauze killed someone, what should I do? Supervisor Inefficiency caused the assistant to treat the wounded, so what should Chief Lin do?"

Chen Ruihe was surprised, and immediately replied: " can this be compared! Director Xie, no one knows your level in the Senate, who is qualified to judge you, so naturally you shouldn't be punished; the chiefs...of course more Can't be punished... But, but I heard that this is called a 'medical malpractice' in Australia, and the doctor will go to prison—even if the government doesn't investigate, the family members of the wounded will demand the doctor's life!"

"Is there still a need to go to Australia? If this happened in Bairen General Hospital, it would already be a medical accident!" Xie Yao smiled meaningfully: "But this is a front-line matter. Pay for your life? This soldier has a surname I can't even name it, and in this troubled world, most of them have no relatives and no reason, who would find this place for him to demand someone's life?"

"This is not..." Chen Ruihe blurted out, but Xie Yao raised his hand to stop the conversation.

"Stop shouting. Let me ask you, what is the level of medicine in Australia, and what is the level of this newly restored homeland?"

"This..." Chen Ruihe was speechless: no one has been to Australia, everyone only knows how the chief is - but isn't the level of the chiefs the same as Australia's level?What does this have to do with whether it is "medical malpractice"?
"I once heard Chief Lin mention that although in Australia, the doctors in the capital and the doctors in the remote areas made the same mistakes, they were punished differently—the punishments in the capital were heavier and more severe, while the doctors in the remote areas were punished differently. They are much lighter." Xie Yao said, "If Wang Chuyi's leg was lost in Lingao, it would be enough for the health worker to report directly to Fu Youdi and become a health worker in a hard labor camp for a year or two; This front line...hehehehe..."

"But this... this, this is wrong..." Chen Ruihe only felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't seem to tell what it was: "They are all naturalized citizens of the Senate, why are they treated so clearly differently!"

"Today, as an elder, it is necessary for me to tell you a little bit of life experience, to teach you to be a good boy, you just remember: this matter happened on the ground of this quasi-law-and-order area, and if the people don't do justice, the officials won't be punished. The level of health workers is low, even you and I can see it. Can’t Chief Song see it? Can’t Chief Lin see it? Can’t the Senate see it? Why don’t they go to prison? Have you thought about the joints?" Xie Yao asked.

"..." Chen Ruihe opened his mouth, but no words came out.He remembered that when he was in the training course, several veteran doctors said that the hygiene training was "too simple". It is said that it takes more than ten years for a doctor in Australia to train a doctor before he can diagnose and treat patients independently.

As for the Senate, the best naturalized civilian doctors in Bopu General Hospital have only five years of experience—most of them started as nurses and health workers without much medical education at all. Then he will continue to treat people and then participate in various short-term training courses to cultivate them.It is conceivable that there have been many "hydrogen peroxide" accidents similar to Xie Yao's under such "instant doctors".

"Think about it carefully, if you can't figure it out... You have attended politics classes anyway. The world under the rule of the Ming Dynasty contains a lot of chapters, so you must read it. If you go to work on weekdays, don't be so generous." Xie Yao also No more explanations, just smiled helplessly: "It's okay to learn techniques from Lao Xie, but you don't have to learn from me with this temper."

Such an answer did not satisfy Chen Ruihe, but he seemed to understand Xie Yao's subtext.This kind of subtext made him vaguely feel that this kind of double standard connivance seemed inconsistent with the spirit of the original oath, but he didn't know how to refute it—or maybe it was just that he didn't really want to refute it.

Fortunately, this conversation did not continue. While they were talking, the orthopedic doctor who was on duty yesterday also came to eat.Seeing that they seemed to have finished eating, they just nodded and went to cook.

Xie Yao said hello very easily: "Get off work? How many cuts were made yesterday?"

Chen Ruihe knew that the question of "how many amputated" refers to amputation.

For the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, due to the lack of internal fixation materials and the limitation of traffic conditions, amputation and bone setting are almost all of their work-the "surgery" in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology refers to amputation.

In this time and space, lack of doctors and medicines is the norm. Even veteran doctors who have mastered modern medicine are helpless in the face of many common injuries in the old time and space, especially for mechanical limb injuries. In the old time and space, cooperation with surgery is enough Rescue and recovery.But here, amputation became a common treatment.This phenomenon is exactly the same as in the early days of surgery.

"It is said in the data that early surgeons were barbers and butchers. Although it is discriminatory, it is not lacking in facts." Hippo once said so at a conference on hygiene.

In the anticipation of the veteran physicians, soldiers who had undergone unbearable transport and bumps were inappropriately treated with homemade anesthetics that were often out of stock by surgeons who had not received good education and training in a dirty operating environment. The operation will definitely be full of blood, fear, despair, and shocking complications and mortality will be reported.But what surprised them was that the wounded often showed perseverance and patience without complaint during the operation.Of course, this kind of thing is not surprising in the eyes of the naturalized people: if you are willing to give medicine to your own soldiers, you can be called a benevolent general, but the Senate will give the same medical assistance to roadrunners, beggars and enemy soldiers , They are simply saints, what else do these big soldiers have to complain about?

Before the war, the veterans of the orthopedics department had anticipated that amputation might be abused—because even in the Lingao General Hospital with the best medical and sanitation conditions, the treatment of work-related injuries also tended to do so.Therefore, corresponding indications were formulated, and Lin Motian repeatedly emphasized the danger and cruelty of amputation.But with primitive medicine and transportation, amputations to save the lives of the wounded are becoming more and more common.

"Don't mention it again... the mother-in-law. It's all about taking a break. This scalpel is blunt, and it can't even cut the skin! Cut, cut off his egg bag! That wounded man, Yan It was called the local county magistrate, and you sent it to me. What was it called? Yes, Wang Chuyi! It hurt so much, ah, I kept screaming and screaming throughout the operation! The anesthetic didn’t work either.” Bone Doctor Injury seemed to be in a bad mood, but his appetite was very good. The tin lunch box in his hand was full, "It's been a long time since the scalpel was replaced, how many days will it take for the supplies to arrive? It's really urgent." It's terrible. If we go any further, there won't even be enough sutures!"

"His amputation is dangerous, right? There are many blood vessels in the amputated leg." Xie Yao said.

"That's true." The orthopedic doctor nodded, "It didn't take too long, it took about 10 minutes, but the wounded made me dare not move the knife, but it was even slower! Fortunately, he was so lucky that I only If you hit these cannonballs, otherwise the cannonballs would go into the flesh too much, so you can use this blunt knife to find iron sand and lead, and it will be worthwhile!"

"How much did he save on his left leg?"

"Above the knees, it's barely preserved. I don't know what will happen in the future. This infection will be sad." The orthopedic doctor sat next to them and began to gobble up, "This day! I can't even lift my arm." I can barely hold the chopsticks.

Chen Ruihe sighed, there was no other way.

"I heard that you also did it overnight, and the injured spleen failed to survive?"

Xie Yao shook his head: "He has a good life. Although he lost a spleen, his life is always safe. Pity the one in front of him, with an open abdominal wound, and a deep wound caused by a cold weapon: you also know that it is more dangerous than a gunshot wound , more susceptible to infection, and it was typical peritonitis when it was delivered. Although I sewed up the intestinal tube, there was no medicine available. It is inevitable to have a fistula—I think I have to wear a dung bag around my waist all my life, and if I am not careful, I will be infected. I am afraid that I will not live long."

Next update: Volume 434 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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