Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2233 Qi Zhang Lecture Qi Chapter Listen

Chapter 2233
Speaking of this, Lao Zhang sighed again: "If that's the case, having mules and horses is better than walking back by yourself. Many brothers were injured on the mountain, and they didn't even see the ox carts, mules and horses. They used rifles and spears as sticks to support each other. Walking back! Unlucky, I encountered a small group of bandits on the road, and I couldn’t even save my life! I also walked in the ground for a few days. If I lay in a bullock cart for a few days, it was really unbearable. The hands and feet are still intact, so I get out of the car and walk by myself. There is no place to rest on the road, so I have to sleep with my clothes on, lying in the yard of the common people's house, spreading some straw and sleeping randomly."

"Brother Ah Zhang came to Wuzhou like this?" Bi Cheng was a little unbelievable. Although the speed of the ox cart was already very slow, it was not as fast as a wounded soldier walking.In quasi-security areas, it is very dangerous to be left behind, not to mention bandits, and the hostility of the local ethnic minorities such as Yaochu is not low, and it is almost impossible for the wounded who are left behind to return to the camp alone.

But Lao Zhang nodded calmly: "According to my calculations, I lay in an ox cart for two days, and barely got to the place where the lookout saw the city wall. It happened to be a column of wounded soldiers who were marching in pain, so I got out of the cart and went with them. And hurried on. If we didn’t rely on sticks, it would be difficult for us to take two steps. Finally, everyone in the escort team had spears, so they gave me spears as crutches. This time, we walked slowly. I walked for a day. The people here have never heard of "two managements and five reforms". It takes half a day to walk a few miles, and I can’t get to the campsite on time. I can only spend the night along the way. Sometimes I don’t go to the village or shop. It’s not bad to have a ruined temple to shelter from the rain. Even if there are a few health workers, I’m already tired There is nothing to worry about disinfection and pest control! As a result, mosquitoes and fleas breed every night, and everyone is bitten. When I came here, my life was still alive. Brothers, but they were still breathing when they were delivered, but there were only two of them left. In the past four or five days, except for me who came here on foot, and the other who took a cargo ship on the way, the other four did not get off for a moment. The car, made this Taiping car filthy and stinky, and the straw paved was soaked in feces, urine and pus... As for the brother who took the boat, it was not unavoidable. Although the boat was fast, it was bumpy and not light. There were still rats in the cabin, and soon after they were delivered, they had a high fever and died quietly..."

Bi Cheng also sighed: "The place where the comrades were injured is far away from here, and there is no nearby health center to go to..."

"That's why it's serious to wipe out all these stubborn bandits quickly!" Lao Zhang sipped his hot water and said, "When you come to the Japanese Old House, the blessings will spread widely, and there will be roads everywhere. There are hospitals everywhere, so I won’t suffer from this disaster again. I just feel sorry for these brothers who have been lying in the urn early..."

For reasons of sanitation, the joint logistics system, which was unable to evacuate the bodies of the sacrificed soldiers in good condition, adopted the advice of the health department. Most of the martyrs who died in battle were buried on the spot, and those who died after being sent to the hospital were cremated and sent to Cuigang uniformly.

"Being alive is better than anything else." Lao Zhang said with emotion, "Be patient for a few days, and then you can go home."

Bi Cheng wasn't very interested in going home, he was a bachelor and had no parents.What can barely be called "home" is just a bed in the factory dormitory-since he joined the army, this bed has probably been assigned to other people.Now that I think about it, I am homeless!
"Condolences are distributed!" Someone cheered, and the atmosphere in the tent became lively.As long as they are not in a coma, the wounded are given some condolences every week.Sometimes it’s a cigar or a five-pack of cigarettes, sometimes it’s dry snacks, sometimes it’s small items made by students and female workers organized by the rear: underwear, socks, handkerchiefs…

The nurse took a small basket and distributed it along the hospital bed one by one. Anyone who could move in the tent gathered together to see what new comfort items had arrived this time.

Bi Cheng also subconsciously wanted to reach out to pick it up, but suddenly realized that he couldn't get up casually, and then thought of something: it's useless to be able to get up, and his hand is no longer a normal hand.

It seemed that until this moment, he had just realized what had happened to him - he was already disabled, not only could he not be able to go to the battlefield, but his life in the future would be different from before.

The atmosphere in the tent in the observation area did not affect Song Junxing, who was sleeping in the dark.This night shift is worthy of his quality. He went straight to the dormitory without even eating breakfast, and fell asleep. Dinner may be saved.

In fact, the veterans of the health department are not military officers, so there is no need to pay attention to the "unity between officers and soldiers". , and everyone is busy, and in normal work, they can basically only eat the working meals delivered by the logistics with the doctors of Guihuamin.What's more, the frontline conditions are simple, and the so-called small stoves for restaurants are not very high, which is not very attractive to Song Junxing.

However, it seemed unreasonable not to eat for a day, so Song Junxing simply packed up and went out.

"Old Fu, I think the current momentum is a bit wrong." After sitting in the exclusive restaurant for a while, after drinking for three rounds, Song Junxing was already slightly drunk, and said while picking up a fried pork rib.

"Why is the momentum wrong? I think the current situation is really good—it's not a medium good, and it's not a small good, but a great good!" Fu Liangqi said half-jokingly and half seriously, "The medical kit has been tested in actual combat and is very useful; The third-level evacuation has basically taken shape, and the Wuzhou Health Center has set a model; the death rate of war injuries has dropped significantly, and the few people who came to the front line have made great contributions, what is wrong with the momentum?"

"Yes, the overall situation is very good. I don't deny this, but I want to ask a small question... Let me ask you, what is the purpose of our field medical treatment?"

"Fireline first aid, frontline trauma care, in order to save the lives of the wounded as much as possible, restore the combat effectiveness of the wounded as soon as possible, and maintain the morale of the frontline." Fu Liangqi replied.

"What I want to talk about is the issue of morale." Song Junxing said while chewing on the ribs.

"How should I put it?" Fu Liangqi asked, "In this time and space, no one can do it more humanely than us. Putting it to the big soldiers is like a bodhisattva's heart. What else are they dissatisfied with?"

"Wait a minute, let me think about how to tell you... Well, let's talk about the volunteer army. Is the morale of the volunteer army high? Can we compare? One is not afraid of hardship, and the other is not afraid of death. It is very famous in the old time and space. The Fubo army can’t compare, right? In North Korea, there is also a saying of “three fears”. What are the three fears? One fears that there will be no food, the second fears that there will be no bullets, and the third fear that you will not be able to carry it down after being injured.” Song Junxing shook the bone in his hand : "Put it in our army, let's not say that the food is enough, at least the soldiers have not been hungry; the bullets can be fired casually, and they will not be interrupted. But what about the third? Our wounded can all send it down?"

"How do you compare this with the Volunteer Army? There is a difference of 300 years." Fu Liangqi said, "The Volunteer Army has trucks, railways, pharmaceutical factories in Shanghai, and modern systems that have been established from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China nearly 50 years ago. The medical team... do we have one?"

"The Ming Dynasty didn't have B29 either. In terms of the casualty ratio alone, we are actually already very low. Apart from this, the transportation and logistics conditions of the Volunteer Army are also very poor according to the standards of the 20th century. They have something in common with us. "Song Junxing explained, "If the wounded cannot be evacuated properly, it will have a great blow to morale. Some idiots in the propaganda always boast that the medical skills of the Senate are omnipotent, fart! Our soldiers have seen what is called real close-up. The psychological expectations of modern medical skills are much higher than those of Ming army soldiers. If they know that they will suffer so much on the way of transshipment, and may lose the life that could have been saved because of the delay on the way, what do you think they will think?"

"What can you think? Can you blame us for not making it?" Fu Liangqi began to understand what Song Junxing wanted to say, but he didn't point it out, waiting for him to continue.

"Of course we won't blame us, but I will definitely be scared." Song Junxing recalled what he saw in the health center, "Some officers even told me that it was a mistake to evacuate the wounded, especially the seriously wounded. The journey was difficult. Pulling back dangerously may not be able to save people's lives, the crime suffered, it is like dying one more time! Since this is the case, why bother, it is better to lie on the front line and die quietly!"

"It's just a moment of anger..."

"No." Song Junxing was very resolute, "It's not like you have never been in contact with soldiers. If you say that they are afraid of death, you are definitely putting horse manure bags on the troops; but if you want to ask them about sacrifices and injuries, you don't want to spread it. Which, you know what answer you'll hear."

"It's not something you and I can change." Fu Liangqi took two sips of kvass, put down his glass and said, "And you also know that even if you are not angry, you have to listen to it as an angry word, otherwise what? Is it true that the wounded are left on the front line and left to fend for themselves? Or according to the old rule, after the battle, the wounded who cannot move will be 'repaired'? Don't tell me, this is what the front line does now. Someone reported it, I Just pretend not to see it, and tell you to destroy all the reports involved—because you can’t control it, and it’s not easy to manage it! This is like the current trend of amputation being abused. You know that field hospitals have no choice, but you still have to formulate a bunch of reports. The 'procedures' that can only wipe the ass on the front line, why do you think this is? Isn't it the same!"
Next update: Volume 437 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

 Book push: Zichai hates the harem to save the country and has released a new book: "Rebirth: Torrent Life"

(End of this chapter)

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