Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2235 Acting County Magistrate

Chapter 2235 Acting County Magistrate
The problem of drug-resistant strains was directly reported to Minister Shi, which caused a small commotion among the Guangzhou Health Office.The level of medical treatment has not improved much, and the problem of drug resistance first appeared, and time-traveling medicine began to show an unavoidable limitation-precocious.

"The level of drug chemistry does not match the level of clinical diagnosis and treatment, and something is going to go wrong." Fu Qiliang looked at the document in his hand with frowning.The production line of penicillin has not been formally built yet, and it is still in the trial production stage. It stands to reason that there should be no anxiety, but if bacillary dysentery spreads in quasi-safety areas, or even becomes a big one like the Guangzhou plague incident, the faces of everyone at the health gate will be compared. Can't hang on - before they set off, they issued a military order to "nip the epidemic in its infancy".

In order to solve this problem, the Ministry of People's Livelihood and Welfare has issued an order to use the expired medicine of the Holy Ship.Although the name "expired medicine" sounds scary, if you look deeper, the medicines brought on these holy ships, even after being reduced to "expired medicines", are better than the various medicines produced by the Senate. This is the reason why expired drugs have not been disposed of, but have been able to retain their status as "controlled materials".However, the "holy ship drug" cannot completely solve the problem of Shigella drug resistance, and they dare not use too much - expired drugs themselves are one of the common causes of drug-resistant strains, and letting go of use will only lead to more serious diseases question.

"Actually, I don't think the situation is that bad." Song Junxing thought for a while and said, "Think about it, what is the guiding ideology of public health work? Prevention comes before treatment. Controlling bacillary dysentery should not only start with drugs, but more importantly, prevent disease. Enter through the mouth. As long as you take care of this, bacillary dysentery is actually nothing to be afraid of.”

"I'm not afraid of bacillary dysentery..." Fu Qiliang was still worried, "The fact that it's mainly drug-resistant bacteria is too shocking... Do you have any other plans for these two days?"

"Didn't it mean that the cabinet will come to inspect these two days? It is said that some big heads will come. But I heard that not only the Shiyuan will come in person, but President Wen and Chairman Wang will also come..."

"What are they here for?" The news was a bit unexpected for Fu Qiliang.

"As a show of importance, this inspection is not just looking at the sanitary port, but all aspects." Song Junxing smiled, "I don't know if you have heard of another thing. The superiors will organize one during the inspection." Memorial Service for the Martyrs of the Health Front', Chairman Wang is going to speak. Hmph, I dare say that I will definitely put that paragraph up..."

"Which part?"

"Do you still need to ask? Of course, it is 'A person's ability may be great or small, but as long as he has this spirit, he is a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who is free from vulgar interests, and a person who is beneficial to the world." People's people'..."

Fu Qiliang snorted and didn't answer any more.

"What should come will come." Song Junxing filled Fu Qiliang with a glass of kvass, "It's good enough to do our own business first."

"I hope." Fu Qiliang's face widened slightly, looking at the darkening night, he smiled and raised his glass: "Cheers to the Blue Emblem Flag."

"For the Senate and the people." Song Junxing also smiled.

Luo Yiming's heart was on fire at this moment.The consequences of Dalangxu's failure were far beyond expectations.

The first is the loss of personnel. The two national army squadrons that escorted Wang Chuyi to Dalangxu suffered heavy losses. to ten people.The rest were either killed or lost.Although the other squadron ran back more than half, but there were many wounded.Has completely lost combat effectiveness.

In this way, Luo Yiming was left with only one squadron in the county and the mountain company that was allocated temporarily—because the battle plan could not be implemented, it was not clear how long this mountain company could stay, and he had no command authority.In desperation, he sent an urgent letter to Huang Chao, requesting that a new county magistrate and squadron be dispatched as soon as possible.

The bigger problem is that the prestige of the county government has been seriously damaged.Originally, they had gradually established the prestige of the government in the county, and the order in the county began to improve.As soon as the Dalangxu incident happened, the county was in chaos, and the ongoing collection of "reasonable burdens" immediately came to a standstill.The loose bandits who had been hiding to avoid the wind started to make trouble again, and even fled to the vicinity of the county town to make trouble.There are three police officers a day in Yangshan County, which makes Luo Yiming very anxious.

Although the arrival of the mobile field hospital was purely accidental, it reassured him a lot - the mobile hospital was escorted by a small team of the "White Horse Squad" of the National Army, and there were two gunboats, both of which were powerful; besides, there were two The old man is in the county seat, so it would be faster for Director Huang to send troops.

Huang Chao wanted to cry when he received the urgent letter. In fact, he was mentally prepared for Wang Chuyi's embarrassment.He didn't expect him to lose so badly, he almost didn't include himself in it.Although he escaped with his life now, Luo Yiming said in the letter that the county magistrate Wang was "seriously injured, and his limbs have been amputated. It is not known whether he will recover"—he cannot count on a dying naturalized cadre. To preside over the county government, let alone suppress bandits Xuan Fu.

Wang Chuyi's failure not only caused turmoil in Yangshan County, but also affected his appeasement work in the entire Lianyang area.Prior to this, he had already followed the prior plan: divide his troops into various traffic points: National Army Lianshan No. [-] Squadron was stationed in Lianshan County, National Army Lianshan No. [-] Squadron was stationed in Chengshan Old City, monitoring the road going south of Ba Pai Yao In Lianzhou, the first Lianzhou squadron is stationed in Zhoucheng, and the second squadron is stationed in Lumingguan, controlling the eastward and northward roads of Bapai Yao; in Yangshan, a squadron is stationed in Yonghua Township to monitor the passage of Bapai Yao On the road to the southeast, a squadron is stationed in Yangshan County.

Under such a deployment, most of Huang Chao's troops were used to guard the traffic hubs, monitor and block the Yao area.Historically, the Ming court responded to the riots in the Yao District in this way, and it was quite effective.

As long as the roads leading from the Yao area to the outside world are strictly controlled, the law and order in the states and counties can be guaranteed to the minimum level. After the law and order is stabilized, various means such as politics, culture and economy will be used to gradually figure it out—Huang Chao dare not say that this can be done once and for all. To solve the Yao chaos in Guangdong, but at least it can make a good start.So he was not too worried about his lack of mobile troops.

Now, thanks to Wang Chuyi's failure, a squadron stationed in Yonghua to monitor the Bapai Yao southeast road is gone. The Yao people in Yonghua who had settled down may be shaken. After Sun Dabiao burned Dalangwei, Yonghua entered Yangshan Han Roads in the district have also been opened.If Ba Pai Yao united with the Yonghua Yao people to cause chaos, Luo Yiming would have no countermeasures except to stick to the county seat.

In order to stabilize the situation in Yangshan, the Mobile Force Mountain Company, which was originally only going to be transferred out for a week, had to stay in Yangshan to assist Luo Yiming in rebuilding order.This is simply a huge loss to the already stretched mobile force.He estimated that once the news spread, Ba Pai Yao would probably take action in all likelihood.He must suppress this evil fire as soon as possible.Otherwise, once the riots expand, the consequences will be disastrous.

He thought: First, a new county magistrate must be sent to Yangshan to stabilize the situation.The second is to immediately carry out the suppression of bandits in Yangshan, and completely wipe out this group of bandits as soon as possible, so as to deter all kinds of forces in the Lianyang area.

However, he doesn't have a team of civilian cadres in his hands-there is a shortage of naturalized civilian cadres at the county level, and it is very difficult to even match the county magistrate. It is even more difficult to fill the vacancies urgently now.

After thinking about it, Huang Chao had no choice but to call Pi Da to the office.

"I am now appointing you as the acting magistrate of Yangshan County. You clean up and take office immediately!"

Pi Da was taken aback: "Chief, I... have no education..."

Pi Da didn't like reading, and his grades in cultural subjects were always poor. Although he focused on training, he only had simple reading and writing skills, and he got a C-type diploma.The report was full of white words——Huang Chao couldn't help correcting her typos for a long time every time she read it.However, she performed very well in social work. As for cadres, her organizational and agitation skills are not bad. She has participated in many grassroots work teams to open up new districts. She has also worked at the village and town levels in Taiwan and Jeju. She has some local administrative work. experience.The strongest point is her loyalty to the Senate and her stoic work ethic.

As a county magistrate, Pi Da's ability is definitely not qualified, but she may be able to handle it if she is asked to clean up the mess.

If she can't do it again, then I have to go to Yangshan by myself.Huang Chao felt that his head had become bigger.Hope this girl can do it.

"Don't worry. It has nothing to do with whether you are educated or not." Huang Chao briefly explained the situation in Yangshan, "Wang Chuyi is now seriously injured and has lost the ability to work. The national army in Yangshan has suffered a lot. , People’s hearts are unstable. You rush to stabilize Yangshan. I have already ordered Zhenhuan to stay in Yangshan with the mountain company to help you stabilize the situation."

Pi Da was silent for a moment, and asked: "Since the chief wants me to go, I will go! But what should I do after I go to Yangshan?"

"After you go, the first is to stabilize people's hearts and restore our presence in Yangshan. Armed patrols and collection of reasonable burdens, these tasks must continue; the second is to rebuild the armed forces. We have no time to replenish your troops. You We must try to replenish our troops locally - especially to restore control of Yonghua as soon as possible."

Unlike those naturalized cadres whose leaders are used to holding a small notebook to memorize the main points when talking, Huang Chao said one thing for Pi Da. She pinched one finger, and after pinching ten fingers, she remembered ten things.She pinched her fingers again, and she was able to repeat the original words verbatim.

Huang Chao was very surprised when he saw her finger memory method for the first time——after trying it a few times, he found that it was accurate before he believed it was true.But he was a little confused, what should I do if I need to remember more than ten things?


Next update: Volume 439 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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