Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2243

Chapter 2243 Night Attack on Dalangxu ([-])

Sun Dabiao "washed his hands in a golden basin" and deceived Wang Chuyi to come to participate, and he did not hesitate to burn his own foundation Dalangxu. Although he won a battle, he "has become famous".Zhan Zhekun, Bi Xuansheng and others, as well as his brother Feng Haijiao and others all came to congratulate, and Zhan Zhekun also specially sent the military officer's robe and customs defense.The heads of "Wang Chuyi" and several National Army sergeants who are said to be the "leaders of the Kun Army" were also solemnly dried up with lime, put in wooden boxes and taken away—it is said that they were going to Xiong Wencan Go to "pass on the first and make a contribution" and ask for a reward for him.Zhan Zhekun also said that he will be given a hereditary military post if things are done: at least he is also a commander.

However, this victory did not make Sun Dabiao happy for long. Apart from the robe and the wooden defense, Xiong Wencan did not send him many actual reinforcements.Although he relied on the prestige of the First World War to attract a large number of local "brothers" to join the gang, he also used this to collect food and salaries in the county, and his power expanded rapidly, and he suddenly became the largest power in the county. The meaning of the second county government office.However, this expansion of power did not bring him much comfort.

Although he claims to be "strong in soldiers and strong in horses", he is still far from "commanding the whole county".Although Feng Haijiao sent people to congratulate him, and even sent people to "contact" him here, but he called himself a "peer" and ignored his orders at all. He not only firmly controlled Qinglianwei, but also extended his hands to the surrounding areas. Regions, wantonly expropriated food and salaries, and extorted rich households.During this period, the men and horses sent by Sun Dabiao to "collect wages" even confronted each other at one point, and almost clashed.Although the two sides did not really take action under the oppression of "the enemy is present", but mutual suspicion and fear have arisen.

Sun Dabiao felt very uneasy. Zhan Zhekun said that they should "work together" to keep the land of Yangshan and prepare for the future entry of officers and soldiers into Guangdong.However, he heard about the counterattack of the officers and soldiers, and his ears were callused, but he didn't even hear any news.

The Lianyang area is the only way for Guangdong to go to Hunan. Sun Dabiao sent many people to inquire about the news. However, no matter whether it was business travelers traveling north or south, or refugees flowing in from Hunan, no one had heard that officers and soldiers had assembled in Hunan and were preparing to enter the country. Cantonese.As for Guangxi, although the talk was in full swing, only the sound of stairs was heard, but no one came down.

Feng Haijiao had two hearts on his side, and another team quietly came from another county, it is said that it was from Master Yang in Guangning.Although the number is the smallest among them, they are Zhan Zhekun's direct descendants.Now this team occupies Xin Laonan's Zhuangzi, although there is no movement, but it makes him thorn in the back-what does Zhan Zhekun mean?
From the Australian, he later knew for sure that Wang Chuyi was not dead, but only lost a leg.And the Australian fleet is still on the river.There was no intention of running away at all.The most terrible thing is that he heard that the Australians transferred the Liman team from Qiongzhou: all of them are flying on grass, drilling mountain leopards, and crossing mountains and ditches like walking on flat ground.Sun Dabiao secretly murmured in his heart: After the battle of Dalangxu, he specially sent people to count and identify the corpses left by the bandits.There were more than 80 corpses left by the thieves, most of which belonged to the local Yao people.In other words, there are less than 200 Australians in the city now.

This defeated general with less than 200 soldiers did not run away, and kept sending people out of the city to collect "reasonable burdens"-this gangster is really very tough!
In addition to emotion, he felt a little more fear in his heart.Although the victory of Dalangxu was very "brilliant", the price he paid was not small: not to mention that Dalangxu was turned into ashes, and many people were lost under his command -- many of them were his backbone.Although there are a large number of people and most of them are new brothers, it is still a question of whether they can fight or not.

In order to give myself courage, but also to boost morale.In the past few days, he has arrested a few native opera troupes in various places, and performed operas in Dalangxu every day. He also kidnapped many women and set them up in a brothel.They also gather to gamble on Shake Treasure every night, making the bandits go whoring and gambling wildly.

That night, Sun Dabiao was in a better mood than before, because he heard that the gangster had sent a woman to the county magistrate—when he heard the news, he thought that the spies he had sent were playing tricks on him, so he beat the hapless spies first Forty batons.

However, the following news proved that: indeed, a woman was sent to be the county magistrate.Sun Dabiao really couldn't figure out how a woman could be a county magistrate: even his smartest concubine didn't see that she had the ability to be a county magistrate.

What is this number?Could it be that this woman has some spells?This made Sun Dabiao very nervous—especially when he heard that the female county magistrate was a "Liman", Sun Dabiao's sense of mystic fear rose to the highest level, and he specially arrested two Taoist priests and two monks, plus a few A magic stick who pretends to be a ghost to earn money on weekdays "protects" him day and night.

I don't know if this "protection" is effective, or if the Liman female county magistrate has no real skills.After a few days, Sun Dabiao was able to eat and sleep, and this inexplicable fear subsided a little.

At this moment, he had just finished his dinner and was playing leaf cards with a few wives in the village for fun.While playing cards, suddenly a corner of the door curtain was lifted, and a valet stood at the door, looking inside non-stop.

Seeing this, Sun Dabiao reprimanded: "What's the matter? What a ghost! Come in and talk!"

"Here." The servant hurried in and reported, "Master Mei came back from outside the county seat and said he has important news to report!"

The so-called Master Mei is one of his subordinates, nicknamed "Brush Eyebrow".Two thick and thick eyebrows are eye-catching, making people forget his real name. "Brush Eyebrow" has always killed people without blinking an eye, but she is thoughtful and cautious in doing things.Sun Dabiao then sent him to monitor the movements of the Kun bandits under Yangshan City.


Sun Dabiao's women hurriedly dispersed, but after a while, "Brush Eyebrow" strode in.

"I've seen grandpa..."

"Don't be too polite," Sun Dabiao was anxious to know the news—the news reported by "Brush Eyebrow" in person must be important news, "Quickly tell me, what's new about the Kun thief?"

"I know: this afternoon, a fleet of gangsters came up the river, moored at the pier outside the county seat, and many things were brought out of the city to board the boat... When it was getting dark, Li Man's fleet originally stationed in the county seat We're on board too!"

"Is this true?!"

"It's absolutely true!" "Brush Eyebrow" nodded and said, "I nodded, and a total of more than 100 people, including luggage, were all on board. When I arrived, the fleet had already set off!"


"That's right, the Kun thief is about to run away!"

He had known for several days that the Australians packed their luggage and loaded the ship, and the wounded, women and children boarded and evacuated in batches.Sun Dabiao and his leaders suspected that the Australians were going to run away.

This time the most elite "Li Man" team also ran away - it seems that the Australians will not be able to stay in Yangshan for long!Sun Dabiao's eyeballs rolled around, and he asked worriedly: "Have you sent someone to follow?"


"Okay!" Sun Dabiao's heart dropped half of the stone, and he praised, "You have worked hard! Go to the cashier——no, Liangtai, tell me what I say: reward ten taels of silver!"

"Thank you grandpa!"

It was night, Zhen Huan and Shan Dilian got off the boat quietly by the river.This place is already close to the boundary of Yangshan County - nearly [-] kilometers away from Dayangxu.In ancient societies, this distance was almost impassable at night.This is also to confuse the possible tracking of the enemy.

"Comrades, we are going to Dalangxu to give Sun Dabiao a 'surprise'!" Zhen Huan said in a low voice, "Are you confident that you will arrive on time?"


"Okay, let's all go!"

According to the pre-booked plan, Zhen Huan led the Shandi Company on one road, and Luo Yiming led the County Squadron on the other road. The two sides agreed to launch an attack on Dalangxu at the same time at four o'clock in the morning.

This is the time when the sky is about to dawn, not only is the night thick, but also the time when people sleep the most. The sentries are on duty all night, and at this time they are even more sleepy and their guard is lax.

Pi Da was also in the county squadron led by Luo Yiming.Although all the cadres in the county opposed it, she insisted on going.

"I know both archery and sword skills." Pi Da said, "I must participate in this battle—once the local gangsters know that Sun Dabiao fell into the hands of a woman, it will definitely hit them hard."

Luo Yiming and others couldn't persuade her, so You Ciren had to stay behind.Pi Da took the four servants lent to her by Zhou Liangchen to fight.

The four servants were determined to show their faces in front of Pi Da, and they were all excited.The leader of the family is Zhou Da, who is not tall, but stronger than the average native, and carries a simple knife; his younger brother, Tuesday, is slender, with a bow and a barrel of arrows on his back, and is said to be a good archer; A man named Zhou Fu, with two short knives stuck in his waist, was nimble and had nothing to do while waiting to set off, so he performed a double knives show for everyone.The last one was a long stick made of iron with a handbag, and a dagger stuck in his waist.

"The servants of the Zhou family are really strong." Luo Yiming said, "Unfortunately, they are servants, not our soldiers."

"They are good at fighting alone and in small groups. If you really want to line up, they have no advantage." Pida said, "With them here, you don't have to worry about my safety."

The teams set off quietly according to their respective time points.The team in the county town did not open the city gate, but lowered the rope ladder from the city and climbed down the city quietly.All soldiers wear strips of white cloth around their arms for nighttime identification.

Zhang Tianbo sat in front of the gaming table, his eyes were bloodshot from staying up all night, but he had no intention of going away, and continued to shout and drink at the gaming table.It was already early morning, and the people around the gambling table had almost dispersed, only a few bad gamblers were still playing poker showdown.

His luck tonight was so bad that he doubted his life.Gambling starts from holding the lamp, whether it is a banker or a idler, almost every bet will lose.Before midnight, he had already lost all his money. If his wife wasn't around, he would have already bet his wife and children by now.
Next update: Volume 448 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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