Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2252

Chapter 2252
"Master, Master Peng is here to pay homage, this is a greeting post."

Following the notification from his family, the man called the master turned around from the fish pond. He was an old man no matter what time and space was used. He patted the fish food debris on his hands, so he took it easy. asked:

"Which Mr. Peng?"

"It was the county magistrate of the original county..."

"It's him."

This man was none other than Ouyang Xi, the local "village sage" recommended by Peng Shouan.Ouyang Xi himself has no fame, but his son Ouyang Da is Tianqi's four-year juren - in Yangshan, where the name of the department is not obvious, and it specializes in martial arts, his family is considered the number one gentry.

Ouyang's family's house was originally in Yangshan County. When the Yao people broke down the city, his family suffered a catastrophe. Although Si Ruan and his family were moved to the village in the countryside beforehand, the houses in the city were also ruined. After the Australians came, the situation was not peaceful, and he wanted to avoid suspicion, so he simply excused the dilapidated house and stopped going back to the city, and stayed in the village in the countryside to watch the scenery.

Because his family's foundation was in Chengguan, Ouyang's family was not as indifferent to the Senate as other gentry, and even refused to pay money and food.When Wang Chuyi came to Yangshan, although he had a lot of haggling over the amount of reasonable burden to pay, he still paid a lot of money and food after the agreement.

Although Ouyang Xi sincerely hoped that Daming would come back—after all, Ouyang Da’s fame was attributed to Daming—and he didn’t like this new foreign regime, but he still tried to be perfunctory on the surface.After all, he more or less knows the strength of the Australians.If Daming was really about to perish, he had no intention of letting his family die for him.

Wang Chuyi wanted to suppress the bandits, so Ouyang Xi naturally agreed.His family is the number one gentry, rich, well-fed, and strong. Naturally, ordinary bandits would not dare to provoke him, but his family has a large population and a wide network of contacts.Even if the bandits can buy the face of Ouyang's family, they don't necessarily buy the face of Ouyang's relatives and friends. What's more, his family still has a lot of land and other properties. Friends", spend some money to keep safe.It would be a good thing if Sun Dabiao could be suppressed.

Later, I heard that county magistrate Wang wanted to recruit Sun Dabiao, which was not beyond his expectation: this is considered normal in the local area.Therefore, he not only paid a "reasonable burden" to the county, but also spent some money to the bandits Sun and Feng who came to ask for food and salary.For the Ouyang family, this is not a big burden, but a harmless way of survival.

Sun Dabiao blatantly attacked Wang Chuyi in Dalangxu, and completely turned against the Australians, but this was beyond Ouyang Xi's expectations.

Ouyang Xi also knows the strength of the Australians - Yangshan is not a place with no news, businessmen from south to north often pass by here, he has seen Australian products, and he has heard about Australians.

Although Yangshan is a remote place, the Australians can't come here with many troops.But if you really want to annoy them, the combat power of Sun Dabiao and others is by no means an opponent of the Australians-after all, the Australians defeated He Zongbing's tens of thousands of troops back then.

He heard that Sun Dabiao and Feng Haijiao, the two major bandit leaders in the county, had been appeased by the imperial court and became the generals of the left and right wings of Yangshan-although there have been rumors of murder and arson since ancient times, but Sun and Feng Ouyang Xi secretly despised him in his heart because of his bad deeds in Yangshan.

No matter whether he despises it or appreciates it, the fire at Dalangxu plunged Yangshan into chaos.The newly arrived "Great Song" is considered unreliable by everyone, and the gang of Sun and Feng under the banner of "Da Ming" is another gang of bandits. These two parties each claim to represent the "king law" and send people everywhere to recruit Grain collection.Several groups of people came here from Ouyang Village, and Ouyang Xi's response was to "speak kind words and not give money", so that the envoys who came here sent people to entertain them warmly, serving them with good wine and good food, and when it came to food, Ding had his own housekeeper Cry poor.In short, nothing.

It's not that he is stingy with money and food, it's that the situation in Yangshan is confusing for a while, and no one can see what will happen next, so he naturally doesn't want to stand in line easily.

At the same time, he took care of his son to hoard gunpowder, build weapons, repair the walls of the village, and prepare for war-not all to guard against the Australians or Sun and Feng, but the current Yangshan has completely lost the king's law. Not only did all kinds of villains take the opportunity to become bandits, but even some big households in the county also took the opportunity to settle old scores with new and old grudges.All of a sudden fires were lit in every village, smoke rose from the villages, and the Ouyang village was also crowded with people who had come to take refuge nearby.

A few days ago, he heard that the Australians had sent a new county magistrate—it was actually a woman—Ouyang Xi couldn't believe it for a while, since ancient times, there has never been a woman as a county magistrate!Although there was a Wu Zetian, she also became a queen first and then an emperor.Later, I heard that it was really a woman who was the magistrate, so I immediately took a Dasong pill.

A few days ago, shocking news came: the female county magistrate actually went out in person to level the Dalangxu and captured Sun Dabiao's family alive.Master Ouyang naturally didn't believe it either - the Sun family is an old bandit for many years, and the county magistrates of all generations have nothing to do with him. wipe out?

The spies he sent to the county came back, but they vividly described the distressed appearance of Sun Dabiao and others in the county.Ouyang and his son had to believe it.

Regardless of whether the female county magistrate ended the victory in person or the Australians sent another elite to take care of it, Sun Dabiao's demise was real.Dalangxu is an important road in the Yao district. The Australians took it down, not only made a lot of money every day, but also captured the life of the Yao people in Yonghua.

This time, although the Australians can't say that they have come back, they have already gained the upper hand.Feng Haijiao may have been jumping around for a few days.Based on his experience, with the status of Ouyang's family in the county, it is inevitable to encounter the problem of "standing in line"-what should the family do?
At this juncture, Peng Shouan came to visit suddenly, and he definitely didn't come to have tea with him—most likely he came here on order.Ouyang Xi couldn't figure out why the other party came, he wanted to discuss it with his son, but Ouyang Da went to another Zhuangzi the day before yesterday and was not at home.

Peng Shouan was the county magistrate of Daming, and he became a "consultant" after he was demoted from Australia. Naturally, he also came to Ouyang's house.Although Ouyang and his son had "disdain" for Peng Shouan at the beginning, they never showed it.He just dealt with it carefully. When he asked for "reasonable burden", he also "expressed" to Peng Shouan, so he only set a lower number.

Why did he suddenly visit the place at this time?

Seeing that the master's face was uncertain, the servants were quite hesitant, and said: "Then go and say that the master is not at home..."

"No, no." Ouyang Xi hurriedly stopped him. It is obviously unwise not to see Peng Shouan at this time. Judging from the behavior of this woman after she arrived in Yangshan, she was decisive, ruthless and far above County Magistrate Wang. It must be a strong order.Now that she has just suppressed Sun Dabiao, it is time for her to establish her prestige, so it is not appropriate to sweep her face.

"Change! Open the front door and tell me that I will greet you personally." Ouyang Xi ordered.

Ouyang Xi changed into his hospitality clothes and came out to welcome him.But I saw Peng Shouan waiting in front of the dripping eaves with a few Kunren followers.He straightened his clothes quickly, stepped down the stairs with a smile on his face, and bowed to him.Welcome Peng Shouan into the hall to give a ceremony.

After the two paid their respects to each other, they pulled the chairs to divide the guests and hosts to sit down, and brought tea from left to right.During the tea, they greeted each other a few words.Ouyang Xi first complimented the new county magistrate for being "courageous and resourceful" and "thunderous". Except for the great disaster in Yangshan, the common people are "like the rain".Then he also praised Peng Shouan for "assisting the military aircraft" and "helping the world and the people".Although he knew it was flattery, and he couldn't say "help" at all, Peng Shouan was still very pleased with it.I also gave some flattery words as usual, nothing more than "being kind and generous" and "benefiting my hometown".

After the polite conversation between the two sides, Ouyang Xi said: "Sir, I came to our village on purpose today, what can I learn from you?"

Ouyang Xi probably guessed the reason for his visit, and it was nothing more than money and food.In fact, he had already made a decision in his heart, prepared to spend fifty shi of grain and 300 taels of silver, and sent him away.If you want to talk about other things, then you have to fight the famine well.

"The students came here this time to send greetings on behalf of our county magistrate: Mr. Ouyang is a virtuous person in this county. Now Yangshan is troubled, and the people are like fish swimming in a cauldron. I hope that Mr. Ouyang can come out to do more for the people. "

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Ouyang Xi couldn't understand what he meant for a while, so he could only perfunctoryly say, "My family lives in Yangshan, and Yangshan has difficulties, so I should contribute." He reckoned that this was nothing more than asking for money and food Open to find a high-sounding reason.

"Okay," Peng Shouan said, "Since that's the case, the students won't beat around the bush. In fact, the students came here to 'borrow soldiers' from the gentleman at the order of the county magistrate."

"Borrowing soldiers?" Ouyang Xi was stunned, "Sir, don't be joking, the students are just grassroots, where do you get soldiers?"

"I'm not joking." Peng Shouan said seriously, "If you talk about the bravery of the group, is there any one in Yangshan County that can be compared with Mr.'s family?"

In terms of the number of people, Ouyang's family is indeed the largest in the county in terms of number of members, and Ouyang Xi himself can't deny that.If they were swept away, they would be able to pull out two or three hundred regiments -- and the military equipment of his regiment was the strongest in the county.

Ouyang Xi secretly thought something was wrong, this "borrowing soldiers" had bad intentions!

"In terms of the number of regiment members, there are indeed quite a few Ding Yong in our village—it's just that most of them are rural people, and they are still competent in guarding the manor's house. In terms of 'soldiers', the difference is too far."
Next update: Volume 457 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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