Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2258

Chapter 2258
Feng Haijiao smiled and said: "Go back to your storekeeper. I have many family members and many suitcase cages here. Even if I want to go fast, I can't go fast. I can only go slowly. It will take about three days to get there. Let him not have to rush to prepare."

"Yes, thank you for your understanding, sir."

"Give Steward Huang five silver coins. I will trouble you more in the future."

"Don't dare, dare not." Huang Daqiao bowed again and again.After he left, Feng Haijiao thought to himself: This old fox is really worried that I will come up the mountain to eat up his property.This reassured him on the contrary—as long as he went up to the mountain, it was not just a matter of saying a word!
The highest point of Leidapo is a pile of raised stone mountains.The bare stones are particularly eye-catching on this verdant hilltop flat.

The stone mountain is neither high nor big, but its foundation is solid and its top is flat.Therefore, in which year, a simple temple was built here.I don't know how many years have passed, and it has been built and destroyed several times. When Xin Laonan brought his subordinates to build a cottage here 30 years ago, it was already crumbling.Xin Laonan refurbished the almost decayed monastery-people who do business without capital kill and set fire, and most need a sustenance to rely on.

After the temple was completed, it not only became the place where he and his subordinates prayed, but also where he gave orders, distributed money, and handled the affairs of the cottage.

Under the benevolent eyes of the Buddha statue in the middle of the temple, they plan to commit murder and steal gold and silver, and share the gold and silver stained with human blood. The gangsters never find it absurd—even before and after every "doing business", they even come to congratulate them Safety.

The decoration of the palace is very simple.In front of the offering table, there are four groups of tables, chairs and tea tables arranged in two rows in a figure-eight shape.In the middle is an Eight Immortals table and four Taishi chairs.If there is no Buddha statue and altar in the middle, it is a very common hall of a rich family.

The most striking thing in this temple is the various swords hanging on the left and right walls of the temple.Some of these swords are not only forged from high-quality Suzhou steel, but also exquisitely decorated, with gold and silver mouths and sharkskin sheaths;These weapons are the "fruits" of Nan's hard work over the years.Every time you rob and kill pedestrians and merchants on the river, you will meet scholars carrying "qin and sword book boxes", treat them to eat bandao noodles or wonton noodles, and then take their swords back and hang them on the wall for admiration , reminiscing about the last appearance of these people under his sword.

Xin Laonan is thin and small, although he is an old man in his early sixties, he is still very capable.He was dressed in the short brown of the common people, and he did not pretend to be a gentleman like many of his kind.At this moment, he was sitting on the grand teacher's chair, his eyes were slightly closed, and he looked like he was not interested in anything.

In the other chairs, there were two middle-aged men dressed as literati.One of them is Zhan Zhekun, and the other is Yang Jinghui.

The person standing in the middle respectfully was Huang Daqiao who was sent to contact Feng Haijiao.

After hearing him finish meeting Feng Haijiao, Zhan Zhekun asked: "Have you checked the number of people?"

"I found out, I've checked one by one. There are about 100 people with knives and guns. There are also 40 No. 200 family members who are not grown up. The others are all carrying suitcases. There are quite a lot of people, more than [-]." No. people."

This number is almost the same as the news brought back by the spies sent by Zhan Zhekun.He nodded slightly, and said: "You have worked hard, go to the Liangtai to pay two taels of silver."

"Yes, thank you for the reward!" Huang Daqiao was overjoyed. He didn't expect to send a message, and he could get the reward by counting the number of people.Master Zhan is indeed more generous than shopkeeper Xin!
He thought so in his heart, but he still took a cautious look at Xin Laonan—the eyes were still closed, with an indifferent expression on his face.

Huang Daqiao backed out, Zhan Zhekun and Yang Jinghui looked at each other.Zhan Zhekun picked up the teacup and said with a slight smile, "This Feng Haijiao has the idea of ​​turning against customers."

"It's not surprising that he has such a heart." Yang Jinghui glanced at Xin Laonan, yes, they are also "anti-clients".

Ever since Yang Jinghui erected the banner of the imperial court in Guangning, he was once in a hurry.However, with the increase of the National Army garrison and the consolidation of local government institutions, the scope of his activities has become smaller and smaller.But with the continuous advance and suppression of the Fubo army, even the old nest of Yangjiazhuang had to be abandoned in the end.Take the wealth of the whole village to learn about the Chaoshan Village in the East

Chaoshanzhai was originally captured by Xiewen Donghuo and the boss. It is located at the junction of the two counties, and the terrain is dangerous.Hiding inside can also linger for a while.However, Zhan Zhekun believes that although this place is remote, it is isolated and helpless. Once the bandits calm down and concentrate their forces to attack, Chao Shanzhai is isolated and helpless. Once surrounded by all sides, it will be a place to die.

Zhan Zhekun sneaked into the activities of the three genus of Lianyang, met the three tyrants of Yangshan in Yangshan, and also knew the place of Leidapo of Xin Laonan. He has been here several times by taking the opportunity of settling Zhang Tianbo's family and so on.Very satisfied with the terrain here.And I know that the distance from Leidapo to Chaoshanzhai is only twenty miles, and it is a place where we can become horns of each other.

So he immediately thought of capturing Lei Dapo.

Zhan Zhekun is a literati, so naturally he gets along better with Yang Juren, who is also a literati.What's more, he has also seen the level of the three tyrants of Yangshan-"There is no talent to use".Although Sun Dabiao once turned Yangshan County upside down, he always believed that these bandits were just cannon fodder, they could be used to harass the bandits, but not to do big things.

Naturally, with Yang Juren's current strength, he can't fight hard-he has lost several consecutive battles in Guangning, and his subordinates have suffered a lot. There are only more than 300 people.To attack the natural danger by force can only be regarded as giving away the head.Zhan Zhekun and Yang Jinghui discussed repeatedly with the secret and decided to outwit them.

Xin Laonan is old and somewhat confused.In addition, they are greedy for money.It doesn't prevent that Mr. Zhan actually hit his Zhuangzi's idea.Just a few days after Sun Dabiao was attacked at night and the entire army was wiped out, Zhan Zhekun led more than a dozen capable township warriors led by Xie Wendong, sneaked into the village under the pretext of "delivering Sun Dabiao's treasure", and quietly killed the guards that night. , opened the gate of the village, and led Yang Jinghui's brigade into the village.

There are only more than 20 households in Xinjiazhuang, with less than 50 people in their prime.It all depends on the protection of natural dangers.Yang Jinghui's brigade immediately came to the mountain and beheaded a few resisters, and Zhuangzi would not fight himself.

Zhan Zhekun has been here several times, and pays more attention to it on weekdays.He had already figured out the interpersonal relationship in Xinjiazhuang clearly.After occupying Zhuangzi, they immediately cleaned and slaughtered Xin Laonan's cronies and more than 20 people of the same clan, and used these people's money and female relatives to buy the remaining villagers and servants.Then, Yang Jinghui transferred a part of Zhuang Ke Xiangyong from Chaoshanzhai.Enrich Leidapo.In this way, not only did Zhan Zhekun realize the situation of "the two villages are the horns of each other", but also split Xie Wendong's subordinates into two halves, which not only weakened the strength of understanding, but also made him completely lose his original position in the court. The foundation of the cottage.It can be called one stroke.

As for Xin Laonan himself, Yang Jingguang was also planning to "destroy the whole family" for him, to kill the grass and roots, so as to eliminate future troubles forever.But Zhan Zhekun stopped him and said, "No hurry."

Zhan Zhekun left behind a lot of hard work, not because of his conscience or any "unbearable", but because he learned during his activities in Yangshan that Leidapo is a place well-known among the three clans of Lianyang, and there are many bandits and strongmen Everyone regards this place as a hiding place for recuperating when the stolen goods and the wind are tense.That's why Sun Dabiao and others hid Zhang Tianbo's family members here, and Zhan Zhekun could also use the name of "transporting treasure" to infiltrate Zhuangzi.

This reputation can be used to great advantage, Zhan Zhekun believes, especially now that all ghosts, snakes and foxes are in panic all day long, and it is very likely that they will come here with their family members.

"As long as Xin Laonan is a living sign, there will naturally be people who will come to the net." Zhan Zhekun smiled and said, "How to deal with it at that time, is it not just a word from Master Yang?"

Yang Jinghui laughed out loud, and Xin Laonan's family escaped a catastrophe.were detained separately.Only Xin Laonan himself, who didn't know what kind of drugs Zhan Zhekun had given him, was at their mercy like a clay puppet every day.

"Come on, shopkeeper Xin is tired, serve him and go back to rest." Zhan Zhekun ordered.

Although he was given drugs, Xin Laonan was deaf and dumb, but Zhan Zhekun was cautious by nature. Although he had to be kept alive right now, since he was alive, he was somewhat dangerous.12 points of caution is required.

"Master Xie, please come and discuss matters." After Xin Laonan left, he ordered again.

"What do you want him to do?" Yang Juren was a little puzzled. In his eyes, Xie Wendong was just a rough guy. He might be a good fighter in battle, and he couldn't be on the stage for making decisions.

"That's wrong," Zhan Zhekun said seriously, "Since Mr. Xietuan is the head coach of Xiangyong under you, how can he not know such a big thing? What's more, the current situation should not make him think outside of himself. "

Xie Wendong is not a direct descendant of Master Yang's confidant. Although he merged with the owner of the village at the beginning and made great contributions to the dynasty, and he made great efforts to capture Leidapo this time, he will never be trusted in the Yang family's group." outsider".

In the name of dividing the village, dismantled his people and transferred him to the "birth place"... Zhan Zhekun thought there was nothing wrong with these measures.But it must be comforted well. This kind of comfort can't just rely on giving him the name of "Tuan Zong" and paying money and women, but also making him feel like "one of his own".

Zhan Zhekun secretly observed this former bandit leader, and felt that he was capable and decisive in his work.It is a great help to use it well, but it is a great hidden danger if it is not controlled properly.It is the kind of person who is said to be "better to kill if you don't need it".It's normal for Yang Jinghui and others not to trust him - after all, he was a "second-five boy" who was popular at the time and was the boss, and his surname was not Yang.

Although he tried his best to support Yang Jinghui, he didn't want to become a monolithic "Yang family army", and Jie Wendong was his idle player.

(End of this chapter)

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