Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2260

Chapter 2260
Xie Wendong bowed his head and listened to his arrangement, and when he had finished every item, he was secretly startled: This Master Zhan is really sinister!

" you understand?"

"Yes, the little one understands." The solution host said, "The little one is going to arrange it now!"

Feng Haijiao staggered forward in Huangdangou with a large group of people. Because of insufficient food, he had to stop for a day on the road and asked some peasants to return to Huwan to get food and supplies. When they reached Daximen, it was later than Zhan Zhekun predicted. for a day.After finally stumbling in front of the Great West Gate, I was already exhausted.

At the foot of the mountain, more than a dozen water tanks have been prepared, filled with herbal tea, and the preparation is very appropriate.

"Master, please greet me." He was ordered to greet Huang Daqiao here with a smile on his face, "Shopkeeper Xin sent a young man to meet the master. Please rest here for a while, master and brothers, before going up the mountain again." After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and went up again. A servant brought a table of cold meat and noodles.

"This is a little thought from Shopkeeper Xin. Please master and Baojuan have some dim sum first."

Feng Haijiao sat on the sliding pole for a few days, eating and sleeping just enough, his body was sore, his mouth was tasteless, Xin Laonan was so attentive, he didn't feel suspicious, on the contrary, he was very sympathetic, thinking that this old boy is very witty!

Another servant delivered a few trays here, but they were bright 200 taels of silver.

"This is a gift from Master Zhan to the brothers."

Seeing Xin and Zhan being so attentive, Feng Haijiao felt that he must be afraid of him, so he tried his best to please him.Complacent in his heart, he said: "You are too polite! Go and tell the two of you that I will rest here for a while, and then I will go up the mountain to pay a visit."

Huang Daqiao answered "Yes" and was about to leave.Feng Haijiao suddenly stopped him and asked, "How is shopkeeper Xin?"

"Thanks to Master Feng," Huang Daqiao was taken aback, "Shopkeeper Xin is still in good health, but his legs and feet are slightly inconvenient."

This is Xin Laonan's old injury, so he will wash his hands a few years ago.

"Isn't there anyone with a headache?"

"Master Feng really likes to tell jokes," Huang Daqiao said with a smile, "The weather is fine, neither cold nor hot, why do you suddenly have a headache..."

Feng Haijiao didn't smile, he stared fixedly at Huang Daqiao with his bright yellow eyes, and finally showed his face after a long time, and said, "I'm also thinking about my old man."

"Thank you, Master Feng." Huang Daqiao greeted him again, and retreated slowly.

Feng Haijiao's temptation just now didn't make him notice anything unusual.A large group of people from here arrived one after another, and when the hungry and thirsty minions saw the clear water, they cheered and wanted to gather around to eat and drink, but he asked his soldiers to use whips to drive them away.

"Damn it, I'm in a hurry to reincarnate!" He scolded, and at the same time called his doctor to test whether there was any poison in the tea with a silver needle.

After the test, there was no poison, so he let the minions drink it. He was not at ease, and asked the doctor to test the wine and vegetables on the banquet one by one. After confirming that there was no problem, he sat down and began to eat and drink.

After eating and drinking, we began to arrange matters for going up the mountain.

Although he has determined that there is no conspiracy between Xin and Zhan, the bachelor who has been a bandit for many years has a lot of eyes, so he has to take precautions.He immediately called his cronies to come.Make arrangements for going up the mountain one by one.

"We guys are going up the mountain now." Feng Haijiao said to his cronies, "You all have to show off your tricks! Although old man Xin is old, he is not confused. There are so many of us going up the mountain, needless to say, he has to guard against it." Look at us. I think it's awkward for everyone to be so defensive, it's better to come together with two families."

All the leaders applauded loudly, and Feng Haijiao signaled them to keep their voices low.

"Xin Laonan has been doing business for decades, and he always chooses big government and businessmen to do business. Needless to say, Zhuangzi has a lot of good things—"

Speaking of this, all the leaders showed greed in their eyes, and they were all a little eager to try.Feng Haijiao continued: "...But old man Xin is not an ordinary person. He is willing to let us go up the mountain, and he is probably prepared. You have also seen that the terrain of Leidapo is very dangerous. We can't act rashly. You all have to Do as I tell you."

After saying these few words, he assigned his subordinates one by one.He walked the way up the mountain, probably knowing that the most critical thing in the terrain is the three gates starting from Daximen.So he sent three capable men, each with twenty minions, to stay after passing through a village gate.

"Every gate of the village is guarded by people from Xinjiazhuang. There are not many people. You just need to stay where you are and watch them. If they ask, they will say that they are looking after the subsequent team of goods. As long as you don't drive them away Don't fight with them. Don't make a noise and disturb the mountain."

These men and horses are all his direct descendants, letting them control the gate of the village is equivalent to controlling the road up and down the mountain. They can attack when they advance, and they can retreat if they retreat. Feng Haijiao will be invincible.If Xin Laonan is honest, that's all. If there is any conspiracy, in the worst case, he can also lead the team to escape.

As a result, there are less than 50 of his direct descendants left.However, considering that Xin Laonan has only 30 to [-] people, Zhan Zhekun has about [-] people, but he is an outsider, and there is no need to stand up for a powerless Xin Laonan—after all, after Sun Dabiao is finished, he is The most powerful faction in the three genus of Yangshan, Mr. Zhan still counts on him to fight the gangsters.

If he toasts and does not eat fine wine, it is not difficult to eat him, after all, he has an absolute advantage in military strength.

He calculated it over and over again in his heart, and he won't lose money on this matter.

After assigning his subordinates, Feng Haijiao ate and drank again. It was noon when he saw Bi Xuansheng catching up slowly from behind on a poor horse.

Although he was not as defensive as he was at the beginning, he was always regarded as an "outsider" in his heart, so this time he moved, he was sent to escort the belongings.

Escorting property and food is laborious and laborious, but also has to bear responsibility. If Bi Xuansheng can do it, he might as well promote him in the future.

He didn't say hello to Bi Xuansheng, but only called a minion:
"You pass my order to Master Bi, saying that he has worked hard to escort the luggage. The brothers who are carrying it and the family members of each family are also tired. Let them rest at the foot of the mountain for an hour, and then go up the mountain before it is too late."

Then, he called Mo Chong again:
"You take a hundred new brothers and go up the mountain behind the Chinese army. If there is any change ahead, you immediately bring people over to respond!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Go up the mountain!"

In the halls of the temple, there were people constantly reporting Feng Haijiao's movements. Zhan Zhekun was a little nervous. Looking at Yang Juren, he didn't care about talking and laughing. !

Thinking of this, he forced himself to calm down and put on a calm expression, not wanting Yang Juren to underestimate him

"To the two masters, Master Feng has already passed the second gate of the village."

"Is there anyone left at the gate of the village?"

"Stay here! It's just that the distance is far away, and the small ones can't be seen clearly. There are about 30 people."

"How many people are there around him?"

"I've counted the small ones, five or sixty people."

"This is probably his direct descendant." Yang Jinghui said.

"Are there any people in the future?"

"There are about 100 people following the climber, but they haven't passed the second gate yet."

"This Feng Haijiao is really old and cunning." Yang Jinghui laughed, "It's hard for him, the arrangement is pretty strict."

"If he is not old and cunning, how can he come to eat my bait?" Zhan Zhekun was confident at this time.

Feng Haijiao led the team, full of ambition, and climbed the mountain all the way without any obstacles.Of the two village gates passing by, only the first one is guarded by twenty young men, and the second one is guarded by only two old men.And no one dared to object when he stayed behind.

Seeing that the main gate is just ahead, after passing through this gate, Lei Dapo has no danger to defend.Xinjiazhuang is also in his pocket.

The more he thought about it, the more complacent he was, seeing a few more dealers coming up ahead, who came to greet him respectfully.

"Where's shopkeeper Xin?"

"The shopkeeper is waiting in front of the temple, waiting to cleanse the master." The farmer smiled apologetically.

Feng Haijiao nodded and went up to the top of the mountain, only to see an open space, only seven or eight farmer guards at the main gate, and more than ten people working in the rice field.There was no movement of birds or birds in the forest, obviously there was no large group of people hiding, so I felt a little more settled.

When he arrived in front of the temple, he saw Zhan Zhekun with a happy face, already waiting in front of the temple, surrounded by only three or four servants.I couldn't help but secretly wondered, I cupped my hands and returned the salute, "Where's Shopkeeper Xin?"

"Shopkeeper Xin has suffered from an old injury these past few days, so he is unable to move, so he is waiting in the hall." Zhan Zhekun laughed.Feng Haijiao felt faintly uneasy, but he insisted that there were thirty or forty minions around him, all of whom were his direct aides. Go in and talk!" After saying that, he winked at his subordinates and followed Zhan Zhekun into the room.

His subordinates followed in immediately, but the temple itself was not very big, as soon as dozens of people came in, the courtyard was immediately full.The gate of the main hall was open, and Xin Laonan was sitting in front of the Buddha statue in the hall. Although he couldn't see it clearly, he looked pretty good.There were only a few servants in the palace, and at the moment, they felt relieved, they raised their heads and entered the palace with a smile, and said with a smile, "Master Xin, don't come here without any problems..."

Before he could speak, he could only hear a gust of wind behind him, followed by a loud bang and dust flying.Feng Haijiao was startled, and when he was about to turn his head, he felt that his face was hot, as if hot water had been sprinkled on it.However, the special viscous feeling made him immediately understand: this is human blood!

Feng Haijiao turned pale with shock, and when he looked back, he saw that the four servants who followed him into the main hall were beheaded to the ground, and the main door of the main hall that was originally open was also tightly closed, and a few minions were about to push the door The top of the bar.

Outside was the screaming and slamming of the door that I had brought with me.Feng Haijiao wanted to draw his saber, but was forced by several spears to dare not move.

He tried to stay calm and roared angrily, "Xin, what do you mean?!"

(End of this chapter)

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