Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2277 The Upstart

Chapter 2277 The Upstart
Once Yi Haoran got this name, he started to deal with it in a legitimate way.

The purpose of pilgrimage is to meet Cai Lan, and it is much harder for Yi Haoran to invite this "immortal".So I decided on my own, and decided on July [-]th.

Ding Atao doesn't have much housework to do, so it doesn't matter if it's early or late.This day was fixed.

Yi Haoran immediately left the city, went to Delongmu Temple, and came to the temple to find the presiding Taoist priest,

The presiding priest of Longmu Temple has no predestined title and is young, but he is good at dancing in Wuzhou, and he is related to local wealthy families.Originally, a small and medium-sized businessman like Luo Yangming was not in his eyes at all, and it was considered a way of saving face to be received by a well-known guest when he came to the temple to offer incense.

Now Luo Yangming is a well-known and powerful figure in Wuzhou, so when Yi Haoran went to Delongmu Temple, as soon as he handed him the famous badge, Taoist Master Wuyuan greeted him in person.After exchanging pleasantries, Yi Haoran explained his intentions: Luo Yangming's wife and concubine will come to the Dragon Mother Temple to offer incense on July [-]th, and he hopes to arrange a quiet room in the backyard in advance and order a vegetarian table.

Daoist Wuyuan heard this, but a troubled expression appeared on his fair face.

"Why, is there a problem?" Yi Haoran asked.

"Master Luo's matter, Xiaomiao didn't dare to refute it, but this day is unlucky." Daoist Wuyuan frowned, "Yesterday, someone came to make a reservation..."

"In the backyard of your Dragon Mother Temple, there shouldn't be only one quiet room, right?"

"Of course it's more than that." Daoist Wuyuan hurriedly said, "It's just that this guest has a lot of background."

"Oh? I don't know which master's family it is from?"

"It's not from any old man's family..." the Taoist priest lowered his voice, "It's the Australians, but the female relatives."

Yi Haoran thought this must be Cai Lan!Qiuchan is really capable!He smiled slightly and said: "Master Daoist, my master is working in the aftermath bureau. This real Australian in Wuzhou is only Xie Zhifu. And he doesn't have a female family member to take office with him. If you say a female family member, it is probably that..." He As he spoke, he pointed in the direction of the temple entrance, "...that one?"

Cai Lan's assassination at the gate of Longmu Temple caused a sensation in Wuzhou at that time.Later, "following the thief out of integrity" became a piece of news in Wuzhou.Being embellished by others, the derivation is very unbearable.Whenever someone mentions this, most of them are contemptuous.

Contempt is all contempt, Cai Lan is now a "real woman"-the common people still know what will happen to women who talk about power.Therefore, Daoist Wuyuan deliberately lowered his voice when he spoke, and Yi Haoran used "that one" to refer to it.

Daoist Wuyuan nodded.

"Since it's her, it's easy to handle." Yi Haoran said, "Speaking of which, this person has no status, neither wife nor concubine, neither slave nor maidservant, why should the Taoist priest respect her so much? This master of Wuzhou City If you know it, don't you want to laugh at it!"

Wuyuan was a little surprised: the words were so vicious.If it were someone else, he would quickly pretend to be confused and "see off the guests".But behind this Mr. Yi is Master Luo of the "Rehabilitation Bureau" - the number one celebrity under Zhen Kun's subordinates!Not to mention that his status is more noble than this Cai Lan, and his master openly said such words...

He also remembered that the person who came to inform this time was not some important cadre under the Australians, but just a small official and Cai Lan's "accompanying wife", and he did not request to be shut down.It can be seen that Zhen Kun's love for her has faded.

Wuyuan is an exquisite and heart-loving person, his thoughts turned very quickly, and he smiled immediately: "Since Master Luo's family members are so fond of the small temple, Xiaodao can't refuse. In this way, how about setting up the quiet room at the east end? As for this vegetarian restaurant ..."

"The Daoist will do it after he sees it, so there is no need to be frugal." Yi Haoran said with a smile, "Master Luo's family members are also sensible people, and they will definitely not embarrass the Daoist." Yi Haoran has already been to the backyard of the Dragon Mother Temple.I know the terrain: the three main rooms are for Cai Lan and the others, and the quiet room at the east end mentioned by Wuyuan is three wing rooms.The environment is quiet and secluded, and it is a good place to talk in private.

"It's easy." Wuyuan Daoist agreed, "It's hot in the past, and there are not many family members who come to the temple to offer incense. If you say so, you must do it with all your heart."

On the sixth day of July, the weather was sunny and hot with few clouds.Yi Haoran got up early in the morning, had a quick breakfast after washing, then went to the sedan chair shop on the street and ordered two bamboo silk sedan chairs, and carried them to the courtyard to wait.

He was anxious in his heart, afraid of missing Cai Lan, even though he knew it was still early, he still went to the gate of the inner house to have a look from time to time.

This anxiety was seen by Ah Chun. "Master," he joked, "I think your old man is more concerned about going to the Dragon Mother Temple than his wife and aunt!"

Yi Haoran realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly argued: "Where, the weather is hot, we should go out earlier, the road will be cooler. If the sun comes up, we will be steamed and dried all the way."

"Master, don't worry." Ah Chun said, "Madam and Auntie got up early, they have delivered breakfast just now, and now they are about to wash up - it will take a lot of time. Madam said, now our family can be regarded as half a gentry family Now, it’s a big deal to go out to worship God, so don’t be careless.”

As the Australians made great strides in Guangdong, although Ding Atao was annoyed by her husband's focus on the aftermath, he gradually felt that his status was "unusual".

Luo Yangming is now one of the "big men" in Wuzhou city. No matter how prominent the gentry is, even if the master of the family has run away, as long as there are still family members staying in Wuzhou, it is inevitable to send someone to see him off on festivals and festivals. Zhang Mingthorn, a water gift.This kind of respect was something Ding Atao had never enjoyed in half his life.

Going out to pilgrimage was almost the only opportunity for women to go out in public at that time, and it was also an opportunity for women from wealthy families to show off their family background, family status and wealth.Ding Atao was born in a small family, and at her best, she was the wife of the owner of the rice shop, and she was not considered a leader among the merchants in Wuzhou City, so she didn't even dare to think about this kind of thing. Quietly.

So this time she decided to take this opportunity to show off.Even Ah Chun changed into a blue cloth short shirt today, and even a brand new net scarf.

Yi Haoran waited for half an hour before he saw the two of them coming out. They were newly bought from head to toe, not only the materials were exquisite, but also the designs were gorgeous.Compared with the usual light make-up in Tsing Yi, she is a completely different person.

Ah Chun was even more stunned, and blurted out:

"Madam, you suddenly become so beautiful!"

After all, Ding Atao came from a small sect, and when he was praised by the child, his cheeks flushed immediately, and he said, "Since we want to enter the incense, we must make a scene."

Yi Haoran hastily joked: "Madam is right! Now that the master is honorable, the wife should not be too shabby when going out. It would be unbeautiful to sweep the master's face."

Ding Atao felt that Mr. Yi was not only competent in his work, but also pleasant in his speech, so he couldn't help but smiled slightly, and said, "Mr. has to work hard today."

The tone of voice is slow and slow, revealing the calmness of Mrs. Ji Gentleman, which is different from usual.

Yi Haoran hurriedly said: "Madam speaks a lot." He bowed and said: "The sedan chair is already waiting in the yard, please get on the sedan chair with Madam and Yi Niang."

The two got into the sedan chair, Yi Haoran led the way, and Ah Chun followed behind.Speaking of which, the back house of the Luo family is quite shabby, except for the rough envoy's mother, Ding Atao has no other servants around her, and many things in the inner house are done by herself and Wen Yun.Therefore, the team that travels to burn incense can only be kept simple.I only called a buddy in the rice shop to carry the burden of offerings with me.

A group of people left the house and came all the way along the Guijiang River.Ding Atao seldom goes out on weekdays, counting it only seven or eight times a year.After the Australians captured Wuzhou, she didn't go out because she was worried that the current situation would be unstable and going out would cause trouble.My husband said that Australians are talented in governance, so I should take a good look at the new scene in Wuzhou.

Through the thin bamboo curtains hanging on the sedan chair window, one can see that the street outside is flat, tidy and clean, which is indeed different from the past.There are not many pedestrians on the street, walking in a hurry, each looking for a living, there is nothing unusual.However, along the way, there were no beggars and refugees—it used to be everywhere on the road, but now there is no trace of them.

It seems that the Australians do have some skills.Ding Atao thought to himself, if they could become kings in Guangdong and Guangxi, and their husbands would follow them, they would be regarded as first-class gentry.If it is true what my husband said, the Australians want to compete in the Central Plains and dominate the world, then Luo Yangming is a hero from the dragon, and he must have an imperial order...

However, worry quickly shrouded her heart. Now the rice shop's business is not good. The merchants in the city say that business is difficult and the market is depressed.As she traveled along the way, she saw that although the shops were open, they all looked half-dead, that is, there were no merchants coming and going, and there were no street runners soliciting business to negotiate a deal...

Thinking that Luo Yangming had hardly been at home these past few months, her mood sank again.It is said that the Dragon Mother is the most effective, and only by asking her to bless the Australians to win more battles, Luo Yangming can also make a fortune and earn a good future--finally, don't deny her a poor wife after getting rich...

She was thinking wildly all the way, and after an unknown amount of time, the sedan chair suddenly stopped.Yi Haoran's voice came: "Madam, the Dragon Mother Temple is here."

Ding Atao got off the sedan chair, but saw that he was already in front of the steps of the Dragon Mother Temple.Although she has lived in Wuzhou for a few years, the number of times she went to the Dragon Mother Temple is very small, but Wen Yun often goes - her brother is the head of the porter on the pier, and he is also a person who eats on water. Much more respected than ordinary people.

Yi Haoran dismissed the sedan chair and led the way.Climbing up the steps is a stone memorial archway, in the middle of which are the words "Pursuing Mrs. Yongning". Ding Atao has heard people say that this was conferred by the Taizu of this dynasty.

After passing the archway, it is the main hall.The weather is hot, and not many people come to Longmu Temple to offer incense.However, as soon as Ding Atao appeared, he immediately attracted a lot of attention, but he was quite confused.Ding Atao suddenly remembered that she was dressed like a rich lady, but she didn't have any maids and old ladies around her.

(End of this chapter)

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