Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2280 Beheading Plan

Chapter 2280 Beheading Plan
Liu Wangwang said: "He is a juren, and you are also a juren, this is just right!"

Chang Qingyun didn't know what Liu Wangwang meant by "just right", so he could only vaguely say: " is..."

Liu Wangwang stood up and stretched his waist, a smell of sweat mixed with wine came to his face, and it became more and more intense.Chang Qingyun didn't dare to cover his nose, nor did he dare to look disgusted.

"Sun Qiaoniang, do you know her?"

Chang Qingyun yelled that it was not good, bit the bullet and said: "He lives next door to me...she is the daughter of Mr. Sun."

"As for me, I want to marry Sun Qiaoniang..." Liu Wangwang said.

Chang Qingyun's heart tightened, not daring to answer his words.

"...Although I am in charge of the camp, I can't do things like taking other people's women by force—not to mention that she is the daughter of an official's family. I have to save some face. So I plan to marry the matchmaker back home." Probably because it was itchy, Liu hoped to catch it. She scratched her chest, "It's just that this little girl is very stubborn. She insisted that she would not marry without her elders making the decision. Master Sun, she hanged herself again. Here, she is the only one who is a distant cousin and a little girl, neither of whom are serious elders. No one can be the master. In my opinion, you can be regarded as Sun Qiaoniang's godfather. Her father is a juren, and you are also a juren, so it doesn't count as humiliating her."

Chang Qingyun was dumbfounded: What kind of way is this?
"This... the student and Master Sun's family have never met..." Chang Qingyun shook his head again and again, "With no relatives and no reason, how can a student be her elder? The Sun family can't agree..."

"Fart! You live next door to his daughter, so why are you strangers?" Liu Wangwang said, "Would the Sun family be willing to give it a shot? Don't talk too much! It's settled like that! Go back and clean up, change Wear clean clothes. At night, I will ask Qiao Niang to ask you to be my godfather!"

Chang Qingyun deliberately refused, but he knew Liu Wangwang's means, if he said "no", he would have a way to toss himself, so he had to bow his head and agree.

Liu Wangwang picked up a stack of coupons, tossed them casually, and threw them on the ground.

"You take these coupons, get yourself dressed first! Then get some good food and drink! You can be considered my father-in-law, so be more decent!" He laughed loudly.

Chang Qingyun was furious, and wanted to yell at "Zhuzi is unreasonable!" But he didn't dare to speak, picked up the coupon with humiliation and returned it out.

Desperately returning to the lower place, Chang Qingyun no longer had the heart to paint, and lay down on the bed, feeling resentful in his heart.This thief is really humiliating a scholar!He thought to himself, forcing the officials' own wives and daughters to sell jokes is nothing, but now they are forced to marry again!He doesn't believe in "Ming media is getting married" at all.Liu Wangwang is a man of humble background, not to mention, his character has always been extremely bad, intimidating and seducing, seducing women is a common thing in the camp, spending time and drinking all day long, and throwing away when he gets tired of playing.The so-called marriage of the Ming media is probably because Sun Qiaoniang refuses to obey, and he is afraid of being charged with "rape".Australians punish subordinates for rape very severely, which Liu Wangwang probably fears.

To be this "godfather" by yourself, wouldn't it be helping the evildoers!
The Sun family has no contact with him, not to mention that Master Sun was a neighbor in this camp when he was alive, and he and Qiao Niang have not spoken a few words.However, at this moment, Liu Wangwang's "forced marriage" made him feel the "pain of subjugation".

The death of the rabbit and the sorrow of the fox, how far should scholars be ruined, can the thieves be satisfied? !
He thought about whether to go to Zhen Kun to file a complaint through Zhao Fengtian, but he was just a prisoner, and Liu Wangwang was a senior "fake Kun".If you sue yourself, even if you sue Liu Wangwang, the Australians will not punish him for a felony—is he going to be married to the media?On the contrary, he and Liu hoped to form an enmity.

You have to fight with them like Yi Haoran!Otherwise, do you really think that we scholars are easy to bully? !

Originally, he disapproved of Yi Haoran's behavior, resenting him for dragging himself into the water.This long-lost blood once again filled his chest.

But thinking about it again, he calmed down again.I am just a scholar, hard-top Liu hopes that this demon star will have no other results except being dragged to the intersection to strip his pants in public and be whipped, or worse - hanged to death, and let the gangsters laugh at him for "overreaching".If you want to do it, you have to do it to hurt the thief!Let them see that scholars can't be bullied!
Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to see Yi Haoran.

Yi Haoran lobbied in Longmu Temple, causing Cai Lan to be confused.He didn't let Cai Lan join the gang on the spot - right now he still can't trust Cai Lan, and dare not reveal his true intentions to her.But he could see that the flame of revenge had been rekindled in this little girl's heart.And agreed to contact me through Jiang Qiuchan in the future.

As long as there is this flame, when the time comes, it will naturally be useful!

Yi Haoran felt that everything was going smoothly, and he became more energetic.Now he has Jiang Qiuchan-Cai Lan, the line that goes straight to the heart of the Kun thief, and he has the support of warriors like Jiang Suo and Song Ming.The conditions for a big fight are in place.Next, it is how to do an earth-shattering feat!
The three of them discussed in the small boat, and Song Ming's opinion was to contact the "old people" everywhere in the city-now these separated officials and soldiers will be everywhere in the city, and there are quite a few of them.Some even acted as fake hair.He proposed to connect all these people, and at the same time send people to Guangxi to make contact, and ask the imperial court to send a large army over. After the city is connected, they will riot together, smash the gates, and regain Wuzhou.

Under the current situation where the officers and soldiers of Guangdong and Guangxi have been defeated, if there is such a feat as the recovery of Wuzhou, it is comparable to the great victory of Guangning in the past.

However, Yi Haoran quickly denied his plan.Now that Guangxi has been defeated, it is almost impossible to expect them to send surprise soldiers over the mountains and mountains.Furthermore, even if Wuzhou can be captured, they will not be able to hold it if they are lightly armed and partial.And for this plan to succeed, it will have to recruit a wide range of lost personnel from the past.The more people involved in the plot, the greater the possibility of being betrayed—especially in the current war situation, how many loyal people there are still, this needs to be weighed carefully.

Yi Haoran's thinking is completely different. He thinks that there are few of them at the moment, but there is a route that can lead directly to the heart of the Kun thief, and they can follow the example of Hou Dagou's surprise attack on Wuzhou in history.

Yi Haoran didn't know about this past event in the past, but only learned about it when he read the old "Fuyao" materials in Xiong Wencan's shogunate.It is said that in the seventh year of Tianshun, Hou Dagou led 700 people to besiege Wuzhou Prefecture, but failed to attack many times.He pretended to retreat.Chen Jing, the commander-in-chief, relaxed his guard.So in the middle of the night on November [-]th, Hou Dagou suddenly led his elite soldiers to the city from the scaffolding ladder of Chashan (North Mountain), entered the city with the help of Neiying, and randomly attacked the heavily guarded Wuzhou government office.Conquer Wuzhou Prefecture in one fell swoop.After entering the city, the rebels plundered everywhere, released the prisoners, executed Wuzhou Mansion Discipline Ren Chuan and Chief Minister Song Qin, captured Chen Jing, and took the deputy envoy Zhou Yan as a hostage, and then quickly withdrew from Wuzhou City.

Yi Haoran believes that their current situation is similar to that of Hou Dagou: there are only a small number of elite soldiers, but they have internal support.The defense in the city is lax, if you imitate Hou Dagou's old tricks, you will be [-]% sure.

"Mr. Yi means..." Both Jiang Suo and Song Ming were stunned by this bold plan.

"We sneaked into the city and took Xie Erren in one fell swoop!" Yi Haoran said murderously, "If it is convenient, we will capture him alive and take him to Guangxi as a captive; if we are nervous, we will take his head!"

In the current situation, even if Wuzhou cannot be regained, beheading or capturing a genuine real Kun is naturally rare and good news for the court. Needless to say, everyone involved has made great contributions!That's all for Jiang Suo, Song Ming's eyes lit up immediately - this is much simpler and easier than his plan of "recovering Wuzhou"!He also knew the gap between the Ming army and the Australian army. Once the garrison inside and outside the city reacted, a division of only a few thousand people may not be the opponent of the Australians.If they can't take Wuzhou City, some of them will not only have no merit, but will be guilty instead.

In comparison, Master Yi's plan to retreat with one blow is much more clever.

"It's just that it's not easy to take down Xie Erren..." Jiang Suo said, "there are hundreds of people in the National Army in Wuzhou City. Although many of them are armed with standard spears, they can't be trained. There is also the national army inside. Even if we succeed in raiding the Sanzongfu, even if the national army in the city is too late to stop, and the Fubo army outside the city moves, it will be difficult for us to escape..."

They have seen the combat power of the Fubo Army before, and no one is sure to retreat under their pursuit.

"So we have to find something for them to do in Sanhezui."

"What does Master mean?"

"There are now more than 4000 captives gathered in Sanhezui. If they can be incited to riot, the Kun army outside the city will be restrained."

"It's a good idea." Jiang Suo nodded, "How can we make the captives riot? Australians are very organized in managing captives."

"We have to wait for an opportunity." In fact, this is also the most difficult point for Yi Haoran.The Australians did not abuse the thousands of captives in the camp, and they had food and clothing.Why rise up and riot?He has now pulled Chang Qingyun onto the boat, but he has neither the guts nor the ability to incite a riot.

"If you can't incite a riot, how about sending someone to set it on fire?" Song Ming suggested.The prisoner camp in Sanhezui was constructed entirely of bricks, wood, and straw, which could easily catch fire. Once a fire broke out, it would inevitably lead to chaos, and the troops stationed outside the city could also be restrained.

This method is much easier than fomenting riots.But Yi Haoran has been to the camp before, and he knows that setting fire is not so easy. The Australians manage the camp very well. There is a certain distance between the longhouses, and there are buckets and soil bags.If the fire is not too hot, it will be easily extinguished.

But he was unwilling to spoil their interest at the moment, and said: "This is also a method. Think again, everyone. No matter what method is used, as long as we can delay the garrison outside the city, we have a chance of winning!" He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said , "Let's think about it again, think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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