Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2306

Chapter 2306
It was broad daylight when Luo Yangming returned home, and the whole family was waiting in the main room. When they saw him coming back, they immediately surrounded him. Ding Atao and Wen Yun were even more tearful, and they held his arm and refused to let go.

"Why are you all crying?" Luo Yangming heaved a sigh of relief, "Didn't you come back safe and sound?"

"I ran out suddenly in the middle of the night, and there was such a commotion outside..." Ding Atao cried like a rotten peach, "There is a whole family here who depends on you. What good is it for you to give your life to the Australians? So Give up your life!"

Luo Yangming originally hated hearing his wife scolding the Senate, and she would definitely reprimand her when she heard it, but this time she was worried about herself and her eyes were red from crying, and she couldn't help feeling sorry for her, and said: "Following the Senate has its advantages. You don't have to worry about it." After that, he turned to Wen Yun and said, "This time your elder brother has made great contributions. The Senate will definitely promote him."

Wen Yun was originally tearful, but after all, she was young and had nothing to worry about. Seeing that Luo Yangming came back safely, she was relieved. Hearing what he said, she couldn't help but burst into tears and said, "Is it true?"

"Of course it is true."

While talking, he sat down on the chair, feeling sore all over his body, and said: "Not only him, but the laborers under him will also benefit this time." At this point, he just felt dizzy and shriveled on the ground.

Now it's a mess, the women are crying, the men are screaming, and they say they need to call a doctor quickly.It was still Li Wensheng who was old, so he could control himself. He checked his breath and pulse, and said, "Master, I'm not in the way. It's just that I'm too nervous, and I've been busy for a long time. This time, I lost my energy, but I actually fell asleep. Let him Take a good rest."

At that moment, everyone hurriedly told Luo Yangming to take off the dirty clothes on his body and carry them to Wen Yun's bedroom.Ding Atao took care of everyone. From now on, the master will not see any guests, and there is a big thing to "wait until he wakes up."

This side has been tidied up, the sky has already brightened, and someone on the street outside is beating the gong and reading the Anmin Announcement along the street: The night riots have subsided, Wuzhou City is safe inside and outside, the four gates have been opened, and the people can live in peace.

"It's safe and sound at last." Ding Atao said to Li Wensheng, "My heart is about to burst out of my throat. I'm afraid the officers and soldiers are coming back..."

"Madam, don't worry, how can the officers and soldiers fight back? They are just a few clowns..."

While talking, suddenly Ah Chun came to report: Mrs. Jiang's family asked to see her.

"Which lady of the Jiang family?" Ding Atao didn't react for a moment.

"It's the wife of Uncle Jiang, the shopkeeper of Ruijintang Silk and Satin..."

"So it's Qiuchan's sister-in-law." Ding Atao finally came to his senses.However, although she and Jiang Qiuchan are best friends, they have never had any contact with the eldest lady of the Jiang family.Why did you come to pay respects suddenly?It's not polite.And now that the situation outside is turbulent, it's better not to stir up trouble.

"You go back to her: say that the master is not in good health, and it is inconvenient to see guests. Please go back first, the eldest lady, and you will definitely come to the door to learn someday."

Ah Chun took the order, and came back after a while, reporting:
"Ma'am! The eldest lady of the Jiang family said that she only came here because of something important. She also said that she begged the master and wife to save her family. She also said that this matter has something to do with Jiang Qiuchan!"

Since the matter involved Jiang Qiuchan, Ding Atao had no choice but to take care of it.She knew something about the character of the eldest lady of the Jiang family—she was quite snobbish, and she had always looked down upon her family, and she wouldn't come to ask for advice unless there was something important.

"In that case, let her come in."

As soon as the eldest lady of the Jiang family came in, she knelt down on the ground with a plop and bowed her hands: "Madam! Please save our family!"

This time, not only Ding Atao was taken aback, but even Li Wensheng was puzzled.Ding Atao hurriedly said: "Why do you have to do this, big lady! When you have something to say, speak slowly. Hurry up and help big lady get up!"

However, the eldest lady of the Jiang family was kneeling on the ground, crying and begging, but she refused to get up, so she insisted on asking Ding Atao to agree.

"Ma'am, what do you want me to promise?" Ding Atao became more and more confused, "If you have something to say, please speak up, as long as we can help, we will definitely help!"

After hearing this, the eldest lady of the Jiang family got up crying and sat down on the chair next to her.He ramblingly told the origin of the matter one by one.

It turned out that Jiang Qiuchan stayed overnight at the Sanzong Mansion yesterday and did not return. A group of police officers came early this morning and arrested Jiang Rongxian.

"...I spent money to get the news from a detective team. It was his sister who stabbed the basket and implicated my master..." She cried again, "The people from the detective team said that this matter is very serious. I'm afraid everyone involved in the case will be hanged. This prodigal sister-in-law..." She was about to curse Jiang Qiuchan, but suddenly thought that the only hope in front of her, Ding Atao, was her sister-in-law's close friend.If it annoys her, it will be in vain this time.

"What?! Qiuchan was arrested?!" Ding Atao was taken aback. To be honest, she didn't care if Jiang Rongxian would be hanged.The most important thing is that Qiuchan commits an accidental crime.After all, she has been in Wuzhou all these years, and Jiang Qiuchan is one of her few boudoir close friends.The feelings are deep, and many things can only be told to her...

"Mistress, don't panic, and explain the matter in detail." Ding Atao said.

"Yes, yes..." The lady of the Jiang family saw her serious face and knew that there was hope, so she told the whole story from the beginning, including the matter of her asking someone for news.

"...Our Jiang family has always been a law-abiding citizen. This was the case when the Ming Dynasty was here, and it was the same when the Senate came. Last time, Chief Xie said that there was not enough money to buy food, and all merchants had to contribute. My family was the first... "

Although it was time for her to babble and cry.But Ding Atao could understand: Jiang Qiuchan was involved in a big conspiracy, which involved the murder of the elders, so the whole city was arrested early this morning, and several principals of the Jiang family were all arrested.

Ding Atao immediately thought of the arrest of Mr. Hao last night—isn't Mr. Hao recommended by Jiang Qiuchan?He is also the tutor of Qiuchan's son!Could it be something about Mr. Hao?

Thinking of this, she couldn't sit still.Master Hao has been working in his family for so long, if he is really involved in some "rebellion" case, how can his family be alone?

She no longer had the heart to listen to Mrs. Jiang's chatter, and said: "I will discuss this matter with my master. As long as my family can help, I will definitely help! Don't mess up your position."

After seeing off the eldest lady of the Jiang family, Ding Atao was running around in a panic in the room, intending to wake up her husband to ask him to understand, but also worried about his health.I had no choice but to discuss with Li Wensheng, and Li Wensheng persuaded: "Madam, don't worry. Australians have rules, they don't easily convict people, and they don't wrong good people. Mr. Hao and Qiuchan will be fine for a while. We Don't be in a hurry. The master won't wake up until noon. It's easy to ask again at that time."

Zhao Fengfeng was busy with the aftermath all morning. After dawn, the scouts sent by Qian Duo to Sanhezui came back and reported that Sanhezui had been breached last night. Most of the prisoners and refugees in the camp had fled. was killed.None of the remaining personnel in charge of management and guards in the camp survived, some of them were killed, and some escaped.

"... There are also some people who followed the bandits."

Zhao Fengtian nodded, which was expected.

The containment team sent by Qian Duo made a preliminary count, and there are currently less than 800 people in the Sanhezui camp, most of whom are women, children, and children.There were more than 500 corpses in the camp, and most of the rest fled.The camp was largely destroyed.Most of the buildings were burned down, and the materials and tools in the camp also suffered heavy losses.

"Who is attacking Sanhezui?"

"It's a group of bandits, and the number of them is actually small. But the camp was closed down," Qian Duo frowned, "Jiang Yougong was killed as soon as the battle started..."

"Dead? The bandits brought cannons?" Zhao Fengtian remembered the sound of cannons outside the city at night.

"The bandits don't have cannon, but they have brought a lot of gunpowder..."

Zhao Fengfeng still couldn't imagine it, because the camp of the Sanhezui National Army Squadron was a closed fortress, and it was impossible for the bandits' fighting power to be close to blasting.

"He didn't know what kind of medicine he took, so he ran to the Sanhezui camp to 'listen to the opera'!" Qian Duo spat, "It was only later that I found out that he was going to sleep with an actress! As a result, the actress was slept and called the inside A soil cannon on the inside shot him into the sky! Really TNND deserves death!"

Before the major mission, the squadron leader of the third squadron and Liu Wangwang, the manager of the camp, were actually "listening to operas" and "playing actresses".When Qian Duo heard these things, he was beyond surprised.He had already vaguely heard that "there is a problem" with Sanhezui, but he didn't expect the problem to be so big!

"Listen to the opera? You mean Liu Wangwang can get the troupe?" Zhao Fengfeng immediately remembered the opera boxes ordered by the chief, and his head grew bigger again.

"Yes, it's the theater troupe." Qian Duo said, "I don't know the exact situation, the camp is chaotic, and many people have escaped. But I hope Liu can't escape this matter!"

"How is he doing?"

"I was injured during the explosion and was crushed under the rubble, but I lost my life! But the camp was full of dead people, and there were corpses everywhere. The camp of the third squadron was not lost, but more than half of the people were killed or injured. , this squadron can be regarded as useless. It will look good when the grain fleet arrives today."

"Whether it looks good or not is another matter." Zhao Fengtian said heavily, "Now we don't have to worry about debts, and lice don't itch. How can it go bad? Sanhezui is an important place, and the camp of the third squadron needs to be repaired as soon as possible— ―This time when the first squadron comes back, they will take over the defense and take a rest. The second squadron will go on patrol instead."

"Then there is only one company left in the city during the day..." Qian Duo said.

"Although the third squadron has suffered a lot of losses, the airs are still there. After completing the third squadron, it is still possible to keep watch and patrol in the city. It just needs to be tempered slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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