Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2331 Go to Wuzhou

Chapter 2331 Going to Wuzhou ([-])
They asked some more questions, and Zheng Ergen answered them one by one.Finally, Chen Baibin said there was no problem, and Ji Xin asked, "Where did you work before you came to Wuzhou?"

"I work as the deputy chief of the Sanya Police Station," Zheng Ergen replied.

"It must have been a long time, right?"

Zheng Ergen was a little surprised, how did the chief know?He looked at Ji Xin again, and felt that his face was familiar, but he couldn't tell when he met him.

"I went to Sanya when it was first developed." Zheng Ergen seemed to be reminiscing about those difficult years, shaking his head. "At that time, I went to be the deputy director. There were five people including me."

After Zheng Ergen left, Chen Baibin said: "This person doesn't look like anything, but he feels like he has won someone with the baton. I guess he knows the situation, but he doesn't know the key things."

"This person was a policeman from the Dongmen City Police Station." Ji Xin said, "If I remember correctly, he should be a member of the first batch of police training classes. After the Maid Revolution, I went to the Dongmen City Police Station and interrogated them one by one that night. Police on duty."

"You have a really good memory! You can still remember things from such a long time ago!"

"It's impossible not to remember, because when Dugu told someone to shoot, he was the first to stand up and refuse." Ji Xin said, "He was the only one who kept the rules in mind. Things didn't get out of hand that night. , Zheng Ergen deserves some credit."

"He still has such a glorious past?" Chen Baibin was a little surprised, "It seems that he is a submissive grassroots cadre. His ability is not very good."

"His advantage is his submissiveness. You may say that he has any awareness, but he will not do it if the rules say that he can't do it. This is also a rare advantage." Ji Xin said, "I think he disappeared not long after. It turned out to be transferred to Sanya." Ji Xin sighed, "No wonder he is more cautious now."

"Just came out of Sanya, and encountered this incident in Wuzhou again, this Zheng Ergen's brain is going to hurt."

"The fate of the little people is to go with the tide, there is nothing to say." Ji Xin said, "We just try not to let them suffer."

Seeing that he was deep in thought, Chen Baibin didn't disturb him. After a while, he saw his brows gradually widen, and then asked: "Ji Ju, who do you think will be investigated next?"

"If you want to talk about a more critical person, there is Da Xinxuan—according to the existing materials, Jiang Qiuchan came to Cai Lan's side as a concubine, which was his recommendation. But to be honest, this person will not have a lot of money." Ji Xin said, "However, you should ask and make a record."

So he interrogated Da Xinxuan again, and sure enough, as Ji Xin said, Da Xinxuan knew nothing about the specific situation, and he recommended Jiang Qiuchan purely because of her brother Jiang Rongxian.After all, Jiang Qiuchan lost her husband and was trapped in Wuzhou with nowhere to turn, so she had to find a livelihood.In case Jiang Rongxian's wife babbles every day and dislikes the orphan and widow's "free food".

They stayed in Wuzhou for a few days and interrogated all relevant personnel who were still in Wuzhou, including Qian Duo.Nearly a hundred transcripts were formed.Some transcripts seemed unnecessary to Chen Baibin, but Ji Xin was meticulous and followed the procedure.

However, so far, Chen Baibin has not heard any explanation from Ji Xin on the investigation conclusion of the case.Of course, he already knew Ji Xin's way of handling the case from a few words during the investigation.

In fact, it is not difficult to analyze his thinking. Chen Baibin knows: Ji Xin first values ​​the Senate, and he will not allow it to exist if it hinders him; secondly, it is to protect the rights of naturalized people and aborigines.Under the governance of the Senate, it is rare to openly trample and plunder the rights of naturalized people and natives, but many of the elders in the Senate are not.Inevitably something like this will happen.Ji Xin will do his best to prevent such things from happening.

Combining these two ideas, there is a vague direction in which direction the report led by Ji Xin will be written in the end.It's just that in terms of details, there are still too many things that Chen Baibin feels can't justify himself.What exactly is Ji Xin going to use to make it round?He is very curious.

A few days later, the reply letter from Teng County was also delivered, and it was clear that no transfer letter about "Hao Ran" from Wuzhou had been received.And at their request, Fuji County investigated the situation of Jiang Qiuchan's mother-in-law's family, and proved that Jiang Qiuchan's identity and related incidents were true and reliable.At the same time, I also learned that there is no "Hao Ran" or "Yi Haoran" in his family, no matter whether they are close relatives or distant relatives.In addition, Jiang Qiuchan's in-laws also said that neither Jiang Qiuchan nor her son came back to Teng County, and their whereabouts are unknown.

"These are all known things, there is no oily water..." Chen Baibin said, "It's a pity that Jiang Qiuchan ran away! I don't know if it is the truth!"

"It would be strange if there is oil and water. Jiang Qiuchan has little meaning to us now." Ji Xin said, "Our work is almost done, and we should write the conclusion. But before writing, there is one last person to interrogate. "


"Of course it's Xie Erren." Ji Xin said, "He's the person involved."

The next day, they made an appointment to get to know Youren.

Xie Erren seemed to have a well-thought-out plan for this interview, and greeted each other calmly and calmly.After being seated, Ji Xin first asked some questions about the work situation in Wuzhou, and Xie Erren answered them one by one neatly. After the warm-up was over, Ji Xin asked:

"You were assassinated when you visited the Dragon Mother Temple, is there such a thing?"

"There is such a thing." Xie Erren's expression became a little dignified, "It was so dangerous at that time!"

"Do you know the assassin's name?"

"I know, it's called Cai Lan." Xie Youren said, "Later, she left me and her in the Third President's Mansion to do some odd jobs."

These words directly blocked the subsequent series of cross-examinations, and Chen Baibin had no choice but to ask the key questions directly.

"People like Cai Lan are obviously very dangerous. According to the relevant regulations, even if you don't want to hand her over to a military court or other judicial institutions, you should at least hand her over to a prison camp and treat her as a prisoner. Why do you want to How about keeping this person?"

"Because she is good at drawing." Xie Erren said, "I just need such a person in the literature..."

"Since she is a retainer, she should always have relevant work records—such as drawings."

"There are all of them, all of them." Xie Youren was confident, "However, a lot of materials were destroyed that night during the riot, so I'm not sure if they're still all..."

"Someone reported that there is no working relationship between you and Cai Lan, and that she actually became your life secretary—is there such a thing?"

"Of course she is not my life secretary. To be a life secretary, you have to register with the general office. Cai Lan doesn't have one." Xie Erren argued.

"Okay. Let's put it another way. Is there a male-female relationship between Cai Lan and you?"

"Yes." Xie Erren spread his hands and said helplessly, "I'm a man... I made the same mistakes that men make... I know it's wrong, but I couldn't control myself for a while, alas!"

"After you had such a special relationship with her, did you give her corresponding special care? Please answer truthfully."

"Of course there is something. I'm not Pan An..." Xie Erren said in a helpless tone, "I arranged a place for her, and I also ate small stoves with me. I also found someone to serve him--Jiang Qiuchan too ...I didn't expect to be used by the enemy!"

Chen Baibin was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Xie Youren to admit it so readily. He glanced at Ji Xin, but Ji Xin didn't say a word.

"Do you know how the enemy specifically uses her?"

"I don't know that."

"Then how do you know?"

"She was caught on the spot by my security secretary."

This statement was exactly the same as in his report, and it was obviously carefully considered.

"According to what Luo Yangming and Zhao Fengtian said, you were going to send a letter to Teng County to transfer Yi Haoran's situation—but Teng County didn't receive the transfer letter. How do you explain it?"

"Maybe it burned down on the night of the riot."

"It took about two weeks from when you raised this matter to the riot. Will the transfer letter be delayed for so long?"

"It's hard to say, I have a lot of things to do, and there are so many documents to be signed. Sometimes I don't pay attention, and I will leave it for a long time without dealing with it—this is my mistake in my work."

This is arguing, but Chen Baibin has no strong evidence to prove that he is lying.I had no choice but to skip it.

Chen Baibin asked some more questions, and Xie Youren answered them one by one, but in terms of the relationship between him and Cai Lan, he always insisted on sticking to the previous statement.Others will not admit it.

Ji Xin didn't say a word during the whole conversation, just listened carefully to their conversation.He didn't let out a long breath until the conversation was over.

"This Xie Erren is really a ghost!" Chen Baibin said, "I won't talk about the transfer letter."

"This just shows one point," Ji Xin said, "Cai Lan has a great connection with this transfer letter that mysteriously disappeared."

"You mean..."

"That's right," Ji Xin nodded, "he and Cai Lan live together in this yard, and the wing over there is obviously one of his offices. Just imagine, as Cai Lan, do you have the opportunity to enter the office and get in touch with it?" document?"

"The opportunities abound."

"That's right." Ji Xin said, "Although we don't have direct evidence, it seems very likely that Cai Lan destroyed the transfer letter."

"Why is he only willing to admit his relationship with Cai Lan, but keeps it secret?"

"The relationship between a man and a woman with Cai Lan is not a big deal—of course, but the nature is relatively mild—the latter is a matter of he only has two evils, whichever is the lesser." Ji The letter said, "His relationship with Cai Lan is well known in Wuzhou. Whether it is Zhao Fengtian, ordinary naturalized civilian cadres, soldiers or even local aborigines, hundreds of people know about it. He has great ability and it is impossible to cover it up." live."

(End of this chapter)

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