Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2346 Freshly Baked Nanyang Company

Chapter 2346 Freshly Baked Nanyang Company ([-])
After getting in touch with him, he feels that this person has a calm temperament and is organized. The HR of the Senate is not easy to do. The work is complicated and has to deal with a lot of forms and data... If he can be alone for several years, his working ability is certain abnormal.

He suddenly remembered that both Xu Yanliang and Wang Kai were members of the Great Sailing Club, and he was also involved in advocating the launch of the 854 project.

In this way, there is a great possibility of convincing him to join.

Sure enough, when Xu Yanliang was found around and asked, he agreed
"I'm tired of doing HR work, and it's just right to change the environment." He said, "Anyway, it's a job waiting for you, and a naturalized citizen can do it without my job. I just apply and come, you Get the commission ready."

"letter of appointment."

"Okay, call it whatever you want."

So three days later, Xu Yanliang arrived at the third floor of the customs building.Officially became the "Secretary of the Board of Directors of Nanyang Company".After painstaking efforts around the company, Nanyang Company finally had a basic team.

Three people from Nanyang Company held a small meeting in the surrounding offices.The theme of the meeting was to establish the future development path of Nanyang Company.

The topic is very big, but it is very vague, but it is a guiding ideology for the future development of Nanyang Company.What to do, what not to do, and how to do it all have to be based on this historic document formulated today.To be less precise, this is the "Basic Law" of the Future Nanyang Company.

"Gentlemen, the future of our Nanyang Company is on today's topic." Zhou Zhou said, "Let me briefly explain my basic views on future management."

Undoubtedly, the blueprint of the Nanyang Company is the most popular "Indian Company" in this time and space. Since the establishment of the first East India Company initiated by the Dutch, European countries have competed to establish the "East India" and "East India" for the purpose of colonization and trade. West India Company.Although most of these companies have different operating conditions, from the most popular Dutch East India Company to the British East India Company that finally withdrew from the stage of history, all of them have left their own strong and far-reaching influences in Asia and America.The British East India Company created an unprecedented precedent in which a commercial company ruled the entire subcontinent of millions of square kilometers, controlled the regimes of dozens of states, and squeezed hundreds of millions of people.

Whether it is the pioneer Dutch East Indies or the British East Indies, they are the envy and imitation objects of these people around them.

Compared with administrative agencies, a company's behavior is naturally much "looser".It can be carried out perfectly in accordance with the principle of "no law prohibits".Almost anything can be done.Compared with the colonial trade department controlled and commanded by the Senate, the Nanyang Company can be said to have completely removed the shackles and went into battle lightly.

The blueprint of Nanyang Company drawn by the Nanxia faction and its surroundings is very large, from India, Australia, North and South America... wherever there is a coastline, there are almost all coveted by the elders and related development plans.However, the reason why the meal needs to be eaten in one bite is still understandable.At present, the strength of Nanyang Company does not allow him to squander, so he can only start with projects with less investment and quick results.

So things such as the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, and even India have been excluded from the schedule by the surrounding areas.To open sub-mines in so many places at the same time, not to mention that his shell subsidiary company can't do it, even if the Senate can't do it with all the resources.

"...To put it bluntly, the Senate and the Council of Government are willing to open this hole, but they are still suffering from insufficient supplies. The original Ministry of Colonial Trade cannot meet the demand. So let us give it a try. My opinion is: we must get it as soon as possible. Benefits—the benefits must be immediate. Time flies, and if we are still working on the layout and setting up bases next year, our company will be half ruined."

"Your requirements are too high." Wang Kai said, "What can you do in a year? It takes half a year to build a boat! Go out to do sea trade, and the round trip is calculated in years. It takes a year to build a shelf. That's about it. Besides, we are self-financing and don't use the Senate's money, so why should they be talking about it?"

"I understand what Mr. Zhou means." Xu Yanliang nodded, "We took advantage of the Wuzhou incident this time to win a stud. There are a lot of people who are not convinced. If the time comes, we will show some When the results come, they will be questioned immediately, and if something goes wrong, there will be even more inquiries and hearings will come soon..."

"No way……"

"I think this is inevitable." Xu Yanliang spread his hands.

"Okay, let's talk about it." Wang Kai was somewhat sullen. In his leather bag was a plan to capture Manila and then control the Philippine Islands.

Spread out on the conference table around is a huge map of the East-Southeast Asia region.However, he did not immediately point out the country on the map and explain the grand plan of Nanyang Company, but said:

"The first thing we need to do right now is to move," he said. "The company's headquarters cannot be located in Lingao."

"I agree." Xu Yanliang said.

"Why?" Wang Kai couldn't figure it out. Now [-]% of the "productivity" of the Senate is in Lingao, and more than [-]% of the supply of naturalized cadres, technicians, and workers is provided by Lingao.Leaving Lingao, wouldn't it be a loss of the convenience of obtaining resources nearby?
"The water in Lingao is too deep, and there are too many eyes." Zhou Zhou said, "Although it is more convenient to apply for resources by running. But once the company starts operating, many internal news and conditions of the company will be leaked out quickly—even though we have business Autonomy, but the elders have the right to supervise the national policy enterprises. If someone wants to find fault and seize something to make trouble, the company's operation will be greatly affected."

Xu Yanliang said: "In this case, I propose to move to Guangzhou. Most of our export materials come from the mainland. Setting up a head office in Guangzhou is convenient for direct procurement. If you want to colonize in the future, you can also recruit immigrants on the spot in Guangzhou without having to come here again. Come and turn once."

Purchasing and recruiting immigrants directly in Guangzhou saves the constraints of the Planning Institute. As long as you have money, Nanyang Company has the final say on how much goods you are willing to buy and how many people you want to recruit.

"If we go to Guangzhou, we'll be the Ministry of Colonial Trade in a disguised form." Wang Kai objected, "Guangzhou is not close to Southeast Asia. If we don't go to the front line in person, we can't do it from behind. At any rate, Lingao is closer to Southeast Asia than Guangzhou. some."

Nodding around: "To be honest, I think so too, but I'm afraid I can't realize it now..."

Guangzhou is plagued by plague, and it will take at least a few months for it to end.Nanyang Company can't wait so long.The surrounding idea is to relocate the team of Nanyang Company first.

"Otherwise we will take down Malacca..." Wang Kai said jokingly.

"I think about it too, but let's not think about such an expedition to win Malacca for the time being."

Xu Yanliang suddenly said: "I do have a place, which can be used as a temporary transition."


"Sanya." Xu Yanliang said: Although the Sanya Special City was originally established for Sinotrans local iron ore and other special products, the Senate has always had great expectations for it, and Sanya has always received a lot of policies, industries and funds. support.Not only does it enjoy the level of a special city, the Senate has listed Sanya as an open port in various trade agreements, which means it is very important to develop Sanya's foreign trade.

However, Sanya's foreign trade is not very successful in general. Although it has a good seaport, Sanya is still inconvenient in transportation from the core area ruled by the Senate, and the transportation of goods is inconvenient.For many foreign merchant ships, except for a few goods, most of them need a long waiting period for trading in Sanya.The choice of goods is not as large as Lingao and Guangzhou.

"...these are the disadvantages of Sanya. But because of the disadvantages, we will be welcomed by the city government when we go to Sanya. I think we will get the support of the local government in many aspects. This is much stronger than when we are in Guangzhou or Lingao. Starting from Sanya It is also more convenient to go to Nanyang. The disadvantage is that typhoons are more frequent.”

"That's right, the Foreign Trade Corporation has strong influence in these two places, so it doesn't make much sense for us to go there." Wang Kai said, "Actually, Kaohsiung can be chosen, as it is close to Fujian—that is also an important export commodity. land."

"Kaohsiung's infrastructure is too poor." Around shook his head, "And there are Dutch people there."

The first decision was quickly made at the meeting: the headquarters of Nanyang Company was moved to Sanya.

"What about the Southeast Asian company?"

"We will also move out together," said the surrounding. "We and the Southeast Asian company are actually two brands of one organization. But we have to have an office in Lingao. Take care of the interests of the company."

"It has to be a veteran."

"Guangzhou also needs to have an agent," Xu Yanliang said.

"Well. But these two people don't necessarily need to be full-time employees. As long as they are veterans who agree with our company's purpose and business policy, they can be regarded as part-time jobs." Zhou Zhou said, "We can give him a director's seat. Of course, he must be a shareholder. Just do it."

Everyone has no objection, and the next plan of action will be discussed around

"My plan is to develop the Mekong Delta first." Surroundings pointed to the later Saigon area, "The most disturbing issue for the Senate now is food. Taking Saigon will help food security."

"The development speed of that place is not good." Wang Kai shook his head, "There is development, but it is far from our time and space."

"So we still need to colonize, and develop while buying food." The surrounding said, "To be honest, how much food can we get through trade alone? It's better to get it directly from the local area. By the way, don't those people in the Council of Agriculture like to engage in large-scale production?" A farm? In the Mekong Delta, they can enclose land at will—the temptation should be big enough.”

(End of this chapter)

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