Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2348 Freshly Baked Nanyang Company

Chapter 2348 Freshly Baked Nanyang Company ([-])
While looking at the roster, Xu Yanliang casually wrote down the name and personal ID number in his notebook—according to this number, he can consult the personnel file of the person he is interested in and learn more about it in detail.

His concern is the administrative capacity of these people.In other words, it is best to have experience leading a team: to be a "treasurer" in a pirate group, you must have a strong ability to lead a few ships. The wrist will do.The more people and boats you bring, the stronger your management level will be.

Among the shareholders and employees of the Southeast Asian company, whoever brings the most people and boats is naturally Liu Xiang.From the end of the apocalypse to the early years of Chongzhen, in just a few years, he became the number one opponent of Li Kuiqi and Zheng Zhilong in the Guangdong ocean. He directly controlled three or four hundred sea ships. This person's wrist and ability can be seen.If he can act, no matter where the Nanyang Company starts to establish a colony, it will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

However, Xu Yanliang thought with regret that it was impossible to use him—the Senate would never agree. Back then, Skaide had a similar idea and sent Liu Xiang and his team to Nanyang to colonize.But this proposal was rejected by the Senate.

Liu Xiang and his 15 main cronies are currently living the life of a "farmer" under the "close monitoring" of the Political Security Bureau in Sanya.No matter how optimistic Xu Yanliang is, it is very difficult to use them.

His eyes could only be placed on those "treasurers" who had been middle-level leaders and had led several ships.Most of these people stayed in Southeast Asian companies as captains or heads of commercial stations.There are also many people who have changed jobs to work and live ashore, and are only satisfied with being a "shareholder" to receive dividends.

He probably took a look at the whereabouts of these shareholders who had changed jobs, and found that the most "farmers" - this is not unusual.Whether it is Zheng Zhilong or other sea owners, they all have great interest in land.In the history of parallel time and space, they all purchased a large amount of farmland in their hometown.

In addition to the characteristics of land preservation and stable income, many people are farmers or small landlords themselves.Nostalgia for the land is engraved in the bone.

In terms of climate and land conditions in Southeast Asia, there are many areas suitable for farming, especially the Mekong Delta, which was developed by the Chinese who went to Nanyang during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

If these people are willing to take the lead in going to Southeast Asia, it will be of great benefit to the establishment of colonies.Liu Xiang and his people are mainly from the Chaoshan area of ​​Guangdong. In the parallel time and space, Chaoshan is a famous "hometown of overseas Chinese" in China. Very early on, there were fewer people and more people. Since the Ming Dynasty, there have been waves of people going to Nanyang.Xu Yanliang felt that as long as the policy was adequate, these ex-pirates who had already settled down would give it a go.

"Nanyang is the promised land for the Chinese. If they have enough land, can they not go?" Xu Yanliang thought to himself.It is a pity that the Senate did not have the "Homestead Law", otherwise the wasteland could be enclosed and occupied by laying stakes, which would attract a large number of landlords and poor peasants to colonize Nanyang.

"After so many years of landing, even a basic land law can't be settled. The Senate is a pill!" Xu Yanliang began to complain again.

"Old Xu, what do you think?" Wang Kai asked suddenly.

"It's almost there," Xu Yanliang said, "I just think that if the issue of land ownership is not resolved, our colonial action will not be able to appeal. In the old United States, there was a "Homestead Law", so many people abandoned everything they had and dragged their families Go to the west and advance to reclaim wasteland. We are now engaged in colonization, what can we promise the people? You can’t say that you go to reclaim wasteland, the land still belongs to the Senate..."

"It's not that the debate in the Senate is too big." Wang Kai said, "No one wants to touch it."

"However, if the land issue is not clarified, how can we recruit immigrants?"

"Anyway, there are too many poor people who don't have enough to eat. Let's say vaguely, 'If you go to Nanyang, you will give the land'. Let the Senate worry about the future." Wang Kai said, "I have more troubles here. "

Wang Kai felt that the troublesome thing was the total share capital of the Southeast Asian company.Although the equity of Southeast Asian companies is clear: the Senate accounts for 51%, and the pirates who surrendered account for 49%.But in terms of assets, Wang Kai was really taken aback.

Due to the policy of "caring softly to those far away", the asset evaluation of the pirates who surrendered is favorable.Sea-going ships invested in are classified according to three grades of large, medium and small, and each grade is divided into three states of good, medium and poor.There are nine modes in total.The "small-poor" ship with the lowest valuation is also valued at 30 taels of silver, while the highest-end "big-good" ship is valued at as high as 1000 taels.

Of course, there are very few ships that can be included in the good-large class, but the large number of small and medium-sized ships is also a very impressive number.From the establishment of the Southeast Asian company to the freezing of assets before this restructuring, it has received more than 200 large and small ships from various places, with a total valuation of nearly 53 taels. It became the "circle" of silver dollar certificates-according to the par value of one or two shares of Southeast Asian companies at that time, 53 individual shares were issued.

In fact, most of these "shared" ships were eliminated, sold or dismantled soon after the shares were acquired, and the salvage value recovered was negligible.The company's real ship assets are actually only those 225 ships.

"Look at this shabby company, which is inconspicuous, full of rags. It turns out that the total share capital exceeds 100 million!" This time it was Wang Kai's turn to complain.

"Let's say 100 million is 100 million. It's all fake anyway." Surrounded said, "What about shareholders and dividends?"

"There are about 1000 shareholders, and the average shareholding is about 15 shares. Liu Xiang is the largest shareholder of individual shares, holding 700 shares. There are currently [-] shareholders working in the company."

"It's quite a lot!"

"Most pirates are ordinary people. It is impossible to just wash their feet and go ashore. They still have to make a living at sea." Xu Yanliang said.


"It's far worse than his original income."

"So most of them are still working for Southeast Asian companies." Zhou Zhou said, "However, with such an investment return, it may be very difficult for us to raise shares. What about the company's revenue, operating costs and profits?"

"I don't understand revenue and costs. I have to find a professional accountant to look at it. The profit is clear at a glance. The net profit of 1634 is 7000 yuan. After removing the company's retention, it is all used to distribute dividends. Individual shareholder dividends are More than 1 yuan."

"This net profit is too low. Is it wrong? Such a big company earns less than 3 yuan a year, and a boat trip to Haimao can earn tens of thousands of dollars in profit!"

"Net profit can be made." The surroundings have some understanding of the situation, "For a company like a Southeast Asian company, it is impossible for the planning institute to make too high a net profit."

Wang Kai hesitated for a while and said, "I think Southeast Asian companies have too much historical baggage, and it's not appropriate to use it to raise shares."

"I think our first step is to invite the accounting team to clarify all the accounts of the Southeast Asian company. Find out the specific operation situation. We also need to communicate with the Planning Institute." Around said, "The fixed assets of the Southeast Asian company are easy to talk about, and the company's specific operations. You have to know what is going on in terms of costs and working capital.”

Both Wang and Xu had no objection.

"Next, let's divide the work. Xu Yanliang, you go to Sanya to make a stop, say hello to the mayor of Sanya, and see if there is any suitable place. It will be too late to build a house. But the Southeast Asian company There are docks and commercial stations in Sanya. Let’s see if we can free up some houses for offices and dormitories after the head office moves there.”

"How many people are going in the first batch?"

"Most of the office staff at the company's headquarters in Southeast Asia are going now," Zhou said. "Most of the family members will go with us when we move so far this time. It is estimated that there will be 100 people less. There are also three of our family members and service staff. , guards, also need ten or twenty."

"I'll check the personnel files first, and then talk to the headquarters staff to see how many of them are willing to move the whole family."

"You are in control of this." The surrounding said, "Needless to say, many cadres and workers are probably unwilling to go to Sanya after leaving Lingao. Anyway, everything is voluntary. If the cadres and workers are willing to go, write a letter of introduction to them and ask Yang Yun Re-arrange their destination. If you are willing to go, you will be the veterans of the Nanyang Company in the future, and you will never treat them badly."

"Give employees incentive shares?"

"Let's discuss this later. Don't worry." The surrounding laughed, "Anyway, you just make a wish first, let's not talk about the specific benefits for the time being. Be cautious."

"This hollow pancake is not easy to draw." Xu Yanliang laughed.

"Old Wang, what about you. The Planning Institute, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Industrial Port, and the Agricultural Port all went for a run. See their opinions and requirements on the current material supply. Let's see which things have the strongest response and the loudest voice, especially Those materials that are not in great demand but are stuck in key technology tree positions. In addition, go to the remote exploration team for a while. See if they can come forward to arrange a few remote explorations in Southeast Asia."

"That way the people and expenses are all theirs. Wonderful."

Everyone around smiled: "Everyone can see our little trick. The exploration team has long coveted the mineral resources in Southeast Asia. We are giving them a formal name this time, a win-win situation."

"As for me, I have to find a few financial people to discuss and discuss." Around said, "Our overall asset situation is very good now, and Southeast Asian companies are definitely high-quality assets. There is no liquidity, and the rate of return is too low. Gotta pack it well."

(End of this chapter)

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