Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2360 The Current Situation of Sanya

Chapter 2360 The Status Quo of Sanya ([-])
Next, Tang Menglong introduced the population situation of Sanya in detail.Sanya currently has a registered population of more than 5, and there are more than 1 slave laborers without household registration.The total population is nearly [-].There are also thousands of military and short-term dispatch personnel who cannot be counted in the population.

This figure impressed Xu Yanliang very deeply. If Guangzhou is not included, Lingao, the "first city" of the Senate, has a population of less than 20.

The current population is mainly concentrated in Hexi District, Tiandu District and Jinling District.Among them, Jinling District is the majority.The area has a lot of flat land and sufficient water supply. Most of the farmers who come to Sanya live in this area.Most of the local farms of Nongken are also set up locally.The second gathering area is Tiandu.The third is Hexi District.

After this introduction, we talked until the evening.Tang Menglong was the host that night, and the two chatted happily over wine.With the help of alcohol, Xu Yanliang confided in Nanyang Company's "ambition" in the future, and Tang Menglong also patted his chest and promised that he would "definitely support it".Both sides parted ways.

The next day, Tang Menglong said that he would take him to Hexi District.Xu Yanliang declined—today he was going to meet the staff of the Sanya commercial station of the Southeast Asian company, and it was inconvenient to have Tang Menglong by his side, so he was asked to arrange a guide.Tang Menglong arranged for a secretary of the municipal government to lead the way.

This secretary is not very old. He graduated from Fangcaodi's administrative class last year and was assigned to Sanya.As soon as Xu Yanliang came out of the city hall, he was waiting under the steps with two Venus Zeros and four guards on bicycles.

Seeing him coming out, he immediately came to the etiquette of standing at attention and nodding:

"Yuan Fei, Secretary of the Sanya Municipal Government General Affairs Office, reports to you!"

There are not many departments in the Sanya city government, and the number of cadres is very small.This so-called secretary is a "handyman" who does everything.

"How old are you?" Xu Yanliang couldn't stop laughing at the immature young man in unreasonable cadre uniform.

"Report to the chief, 17 years old!"

"You are so young, why don't you study for a few more years?"

"Report to the chief..."

"Stop talking about it, and answer the question directly!"

"Yes! Teacher Yuan said that I'm 'not sculpted from dead wood'. It's better to start working as soon as possible. At least I can have a few more years of service."

"The rotten wood can't be carved and arranged to be a secretary in Sanya. Come on, tell me who this ingenious chief is."

"Yes, it's Elder Yang Xinwu."

"It's him." Xu Yanliang almost laughed again.But he held back, "Can you ride a bicycle?"

"of course!"

"Then tell this broken rickshaw to go back, let's ride there!"

"Yes, Chief!"

A group of people rode bicycles along the Senate Road and returned to the original route yesterday, and continued to ride at the pier. This area is on the west bank of the Sanya River and east of the coast. It is a long and narrow strip of north-south.In the plan, it is the business center and life center of Sanya City.

Not far from the pier is the commercial station area. In the 17th century, commerce and freight were not completely separated, and most merchants engaged in trade traveled with people and goods.Therefore, there are buildings such as "commercial stations" or "commercial halls" in port cities in various countries.

The business station is roughly based on a country, a region or a company, integrating accommodation, negotiation and inventory, as well as functions such as currency exchange and remittance.Commercial stations generally adopt fully enclosed management. On the one hand, it is to ensure the personal and property safety of merchants. On the other hand, it is also intended to facilitate local government management and taxation.From the earliest "Iron Merchant Station" of the Hanseatic League in London to the Yiguan of the "Thirteen Banks" in Guangzhou, there are similar institutions.In the early days, such commercial stations also served as consulates.

Because Sanya was positioned as an "international trade city", land was specially set aside near the wharf to set up commercial stations.However, because the trade here is not prosperous, so far, only the British East India Company, the Dutch East India Company and the Portuguese have set up trading stations here.

When Xu Yanliang came to the commercial station area, he only felt that it was deserted and deserted. There were only a few small buildings and supporting warehouses in the huge open space.A few flags fluttered listlessly.

"That house is the commercial station of the Southeast Asian company." Yuan Fei pointed at the house in the distance while riding his bicycle.

The commercial station of the Southeast Asian company is located near its dedicated pier.It looked equally deserted.The open-air storage area of ​​the pier is clean, not even a broken box, only seagulls flying up and down looking for food.The cumbersome steam crane and the supporting boilers are cold and there is no spark.Beside the trestle bridge, there are more than a dozen merchant ships.Not only the sails have been furled, but some ships even have their masts removed.There were no sailors on board, only two guards standing guard by the pier, bored.It looks like a depression in the winter.

"Is it so deserted here on weekdays?" Xu Yanliang asked, getting more and more frustrated as he watched.

"It's winter now, and it will be lively when the wind turns next spring," Yuan Fei said.

Xu Yanliang stopped the car, looked around the pier, and asked, "What kind of boats are coming here?"

"British ships mainly. Dutch ships too. Portuguese ships come only rarely."

"It's rare to set up a business station?"

"There are not many boats. But this trading station is very busy. Local merchants often communicate with the Portuguese here."

"Oh, and why?"

"I don't know." Yuan Fei said.

Xu Yanliang became suspicious: it is not surprising that Portuguese ships rarely come here—they can go directly to Macau to do business, and there is no need to go to Sanya for a detour.But since there are very few ships coming, why did the Portuguese set up a trading station locally?And many local businessmen are so-called "leather bag companies". Why do they often communicate with Portuguese businessmen?

Since ancient times, there must be some kind of interest connection behind these abnormal behaviors.

Yuan Fei was about to lead him over, but Xu Yanliang said, "Take me around Hexi first. Then go to the commercial station."

Since this place is to be used as a long-term base, it is better for newcomers to get a clear understanding of the situation.

After passing the dock area, the convoy headed north along the north-south Xintiandi Avenue.The street market here is much more prosperous than that in Hedong District, and the city's fireworks are much heavier.The shops on both sides are two-story "arcade buildings" in the style of "Old Guangzhou" and "Old Haikou"-very practical in hot and rainy places like Sanya. .

He got interested, got out of the car immediately, and said, "Let's go over and have a look!"

Naturally, Yuan Fei couldn't dampen his interest, and immediately led the way in front, escorted by four guards, patrolling along the street.

The standard of road construction here is generally the same as that of Senate Street.The sidewalks are paved with local stones, and some large and small arcades with different heights are also built with stones and red bricks. Not only are they well constructed, but they are also exquisite in building design and appearance, even better than Bairen City. One chip.Xu Yanliang even noticed the gas lamps here.Compared with the unpretentious geometric iron lamp holders in Lingao, the gas lamps here have complicated and gorgeous patterns.

At the beginning, the Senate really had high hopes for this place.Xu Yanliang sighed in his heart.Now, the attention of the Senate is on the mainland, and the original "pearl" of Sanya seems a bit bleak.

How to make it shine?Xu Yanliang couldn't help but fell into deep thought again.

He roamed under the arcade, browsing the shops.Judging from the signboards, it can be considered that there are 360 ​​lines of equipment here, and there are sufficient stocks in the store, but he noticed that most of the stores here are commercial stores that distribute food, daily necessities and other consumer goods and catering, that is to say, their customers Mainly locals.Probably the capital will not be too large.

It stands to reason that this is a foreign trade port, and there will be a considerable number of trade names engaged in overseas trade.For example, shops selling imported spices, textiles and handicrafts, etc. - this is quite common in Guangzhou.But he walked a few hundred meters here, but he didn't see many houses.It can be seen that foreign trade does not dominate here.

Seeing his solemn expression, Yuan Fei felt a little apprehensive.Suddenly I heard Xu Yanliang ask:
"Apart from these small business names, is there any big business here?"

"Yes, yes, the biggest name here is Qionghai..."

"Qionghai? Isn't this Li Luoyou's business?" Hearing this familiar word, Xu Yanliang blurted out unconsciously.

"Li Luoyou? No, no, the owner of this shop is named Gu..."

"Oh, yes, it's called Gu Cheng."

"Gu Baocheng."

"Yes, Gu Baocheng." Xu Yanliang was a little surprised, "Isn't he in Lingao?"

He knew that Gu Baocheng was Li Luoyou's darling, someone who was closer than his son.Putting it in Lingao itself is to save a fortune for him, so that he can become a rich man with peace of mind.Why did you come to Sanya again?

"It's the Sanya branch of Qionghai. Master Gu is not here, and there is someone else in charge."

Xu Yanliang thought that this shop is an old cooperative shop of the Senate, and it has been tested.Although Li Luoyou's attitude was ambiguous, after the recovery of Guangzhou, he even went north to Nanjing in a flash.However, his name in Guangdong has not been moved and is still operating normally.

"How is this semi-colon operating locally?"

"It's quite standard, doing some sea trade business. The business is not big. Some ships go to Kaohsiung, and some ships go to Portugal."

"Is there any more?"

"There is also a semicolon of Dongshanju. Originally, the business was quite prosperous, but news came out a few days ago that their boss Liu was arrested in Guangzhou. The general number of Dongshanju was also seized. Now Dongshanju It’s a mess from top to bottom. It’s impossible to make deals.”

"Who is the manager of this shop now?"

"The shopkeeper here is named Chen Huamin, who is said to be Liu Caidong's cousin. A few days ago, he came to our chief to ask him to intercede. He burst into tears."

(End of this chapter)

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