Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2374 Financing

Chapter 2374 Financing ([-])

Zhang Yunmi has her own sedan chair, in fact, she doesn't like this kind of ostentation very much, it's not comfortable to sit on - basically she can only sit upright.After all, the chair in the official sedan chair is a boxy official hat chair, hard and cold, without any concept of "ergonomics", and it is far from the official carriage.

However, riding in a horse-drawn carriage in Guangzhou was too restricted by the road conditions, so the elders could only compromise and use the sedan chair as the main means of transportation.Zhang Yunmi sat in the four-person sedan chair of an unknown official in the city.

Just as she was about to get into the sedan chair, Zhang Xiaoqi waved at her.

"Sister, sit with my sister!"

Zhang Xiaoqi's enthusiasm is actually not very useful to Zhang Yunmi.But she knew that she was alone and helpless in the senate, and the "good intentions" of some senators even concealed attempts.So be wary everywhere.However, she still trusts Wang Qiyi and Zhang Xiaoqi, the model couple among the veterans—of course, part of the trust comes from the relationship between her and Wang Muqing.

Of course Zhang Yunmi knows that character is not the same as ability to handle affairs, but she sees Wang and Zhang's ability to handle affairs and people. Why is there such a big difference between people?Involuntarily, she thought of her father again.

Such a couple has no problem with their personalities, and they belong to the rising "famous people" in the Senate. She will naturally not refuse to express her friendliness and affection for herself.

Zhang Xiaoqi's sedan chair was the eight-carry sedan chair used by the former chief envoy of Guangdong.Sometimes when they go to check work or have a meeting together, the husband and wife will also ride in the same sedan chair.

Wang Qiyi's ass has not yet sat firmly, seeing this posture, he hurriedly got down on the ground consciously, and changed Zhang Yunmi's sedan chair - needless to say, his wife has something private to say to Zhang Yunmi.

Wife, everything is perfect, but I can't see the little girl suffering and suffering.This is true for Nan Wan'er, and it is also true for Zhang Yunmi.

Following the city hall security secretary's "Let's go!" The line of sedan chairs slowly started, and the target was the second surprise inspection location they had just discussed: the police station.The first checkpoint, of course, is the city hall!Enjoy the treatment of the elders personally inspecting the whole process - because there is no extra manpower.Well, now, they are going to the police station for a surprise inspection, and by the way, they will take the manpower and go to the next target.

The sedan chair was bouncing rhythmically, Zhang Yunmi silently reviewed today's meeting: originally the meeting was about finance and tax issues, but a Chu elder came in halfway, and then the taste of the meeting changed.

Liu, Wang, Zhang, Ai... She could understand what each of them said, and understand what they meant, but she also vaguely felt that they all had something to say, Pi Liyangqiu.

This sudden "inspection" obviously included some kind of meaning.Zhang Yunmi felt that she seemed to know something, but she always felt that there was still a layer of veil behind her, so she couldn't see clearly.

"What? Can't you figure it out?" Zhang Xiaoqi, who had been prepared for a long time, opened his mouth.

"Huh?" Zhang Yunmi was still trying to clarify the attitudes of all parties and the "meaning" of their speech--she has somewhat understood some "black words" during her stay in Guangzhou.He was suddenly called out and was a little confused.

"Speaking of it, I really don't understand." Zhang Yunmi knew that she asked her to take a sedan chair with her today, so she must have something to say. Since she opened her mouth, she just said what she wanted, "Sister, you Help me with the commentary. Especially his attitude."

"I won't be sleepy if I talk about this." Zhang Xiaoqi was planning to give a "speech at the Rongguo Mansion", but now he heard "he" again!Well, it's a bit interesting, and this directly refers to it.

"You don't understand what happened today, do you?"

"Hmm... Eldest sister is amazing! What you said, I really think it's wrong from the beginning." Zhang Yunmi recalled it and said with certainty: "I think... everyone's reaction seems to be a little... weak... I think, this matter It's very bad, everyone seems to be listening to a joke..."

Zhang Xiaoqi's heart skipped a beat first: Why hasn't this girl turned around?Thinking about it more carefully, why did this girl come here at such a young age?Isn't it his father's life secretary who "deceives the master with a slave"!When this girl asks this question, she feels empathy!Then we have to enlighten enlightenment!Zhang Xiaoqi awakened her motherhood and started the tutoring mode.

"Hi! It's just our sisters here, let's not talk about those nonsense." Having said that, his voice was still lowered, after all, the bearers are not their "sisters", and this sedan chair, to put it bluntly, is a little soundproof None of the effects.

"First, the sufferer is not here, so we don't need to get excited, don't you think?"

Zhang Yunmi nodded - but, not being excited doesn't mean you should understate...

"Secondly, don't say it's against us. Even the sufferer himself can actually shoot that secretary—of course, there will inevitably be a disturbance. But, although there is punishment in the end, say It won't be too heavy after all, right?" Zhang Xiaoqi said lightly, "For an ant that can be killed with only one hand, why do you make such a fuss? There are too many livers, so you have to sneak up on the tip of your liver?"

When these words came out of Zhang Xiaoqi's mouth, Zhang Yunmi felt a slight chill—is this what Liu Xiang often said about "the consciousness of the ruling class"?At this moment, the light from the torch that led the way outside shot in, and it was shining on the face of "Sister Zhang"—smiling softly, but she suddenly felt a little chill on her neck.

"...Well." Zhang Yunmi quickly lowered her head, the thought that was turning in her heart at the moment was not about Chu He, whom she had no memory of at all, but about her own damn past.

She withdrew her thoughts, followed Zhang Xiaoqi's words and asked: "But, if you are beaten to death, you will be punished with three glasses of wine, wouldn't he have formed a relationship with the Liangzi around?"

"Around... this secretary does things like this..." Zhang Xiaoqi quickly adjusted the qualitative question, and then continued: "This beam has been formed a long time ago. Even if there is no such thing, even if they cooperate happily later, the Chuhe group will not Pimples? In the future, the proposals of Huang Qi and his wife around you will be opposed for no reason at the conference. I’m afraid they don’t know when they offended others. So why do you always emphasize on managing the people around you? People around you dig holes for you. I fell into it inexplicably, and I’m afraid I’m still in the pit wondering why the whole world is against me. From ancient times to the present, countless high-ranking officials have fallen into the hands of those around me.”

The truth is good, but it has nothing to do with me... right?The relationship between the father and daughter, who have only been communicating by letters, seems to be weakening. Zhang Yunmi suddenly lacks confidence.

"Then, why not deal with it seriously? Everyone looks like they have nothing to do! It can be like..." At this point, Zhang Yunmi originally wanted to use his own example, but he didn't want to say anything.

Zhang Xiaoqi quickly reached out and stroked Zhang Yunmi's back, as if doting on a big girl.

"Well, it depends on who you want to deal with."

Zhang Yunmi didn't move, and continued the question.

"Isn't it just two?"

"Let's talk one by one." Zhang Xiaoqi smiled slightly, slowing down the rhythm of stroking.

"This is Secretary Zhou, we really have nothing to do."

"It's not because of her great ability, but because this shitty thing has been put in full view." Zhang Xiaoqi analyzed: "If you put it on the bright side, everyone must follow the rules, talk about both the open and the dark, and maintain Interests are not only the interests of that Chuhe, but also the interests of the surroundings. He Chuhe is the elder, but the surroundings are not elders? The matter is put into the situation of "public discussion", and the interests of the "senators" are safeguarded."

Zhang Xiaoqi took a breath, and continued: "Even if this Chuhe didn't have the guts to kill people, he just rounded up that Secretary Zhou on the spot and gave her a few big mouths—we haven't had so much trouble here. When the surroundings come back, let’s come forward and let Chuhe set up a drink by himself, and punish him with three glasses of wine. What can the surroundings say? It’s not about Chuhe alone. People around him who offend don’t just applaud, but they must support it in their hearts. If you want to talk about the personality around you, I’m afraid you’ll help pour the wine yourself.”

The more I speak, the more I understand, but the colder my heart becomes.Zhang Yunmi knew that when his father's incident came up, the elders probably discussed it in this tone.

The sedan chair was pitch-black, and Zhang Xiaoqi couldn't see the expression of this "big girl", so he continued:
"The difficulty lies in the fact that Chuhe can really bear it. According to Lao Liu, he didn't even get a single slap. If you slap a few times, the secretary will turn into a personal grievance when the secretary comes back and cries. Then there will be hard bars around." Whether it’s hanging the secretary at the door of the guest house to pull the belt, it’s a small matter, and it has nothing to do with us.”

"But he just turned around and came to the city government. Come here, and if you want to cheat, you can cheat Lao Liu. But unfortunately, we were bumped into today when we were in a meeting. Something happened, so we have to make a statement... It is said to be a statement, but when things get serious, our statement is nothing more than a statement."

Yes, yes, but why not kill them all?Back then, I was taking care of my own father's feelings and saving my face... How did this matter pass away today?

"It's easy to express, but difficult to act. My sister, let me ask you, what kind of units are there?"

"Ah! Nanyang Company? There are no other positions?"

"That's right, Nanyang Company...a commercial organization! The starting point of Chuhe's complaint is that it does not operate according to administrative norms...but, it is not an administrative unit!"

"However, Nanyang Company is a first-level national policy company. According to our "Supervisory Regulations", the personnel and administrative management of national policy-level enterprises under the jurisdiction of the Planning Institute refer to the administrative organs of the Senate."

Zhang Xiaoqi nodded approvingly: "Sister, you put your heart into it! You are right! But, there is still a problem. Strictly speaking, this Nanyang company has not been formally established. Except for the employees around me and the Southeast Asian company, No one is its employee."

(End of this chapter)

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