Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2385 Financing

Chapter 2385 Financing (Twenty)
But he looked left and right and found that it didn't seem to be the case. Combined with several other documents, he speculated that the intention of the Senate should be to build a subsidiary under the Nanyang Company and issue shares in the name of the subsidiary, so as to avoid the aborigines from holding shares. The impact on the parent company is also conducive to doing all kinds of moths in the name of subsidiaries, and then you can continue to set up subsidiaries such as South Asia Company, East Rome Company and the like.But this document is too vague. Is 51%+5%+5% the shares of Nanyang Company or the shares of Southeast Asia Development?Southeast Asia Development as a subsidiary of Nanyang Company with its 39% shares to go public offering?Or does Southeast Asia Development hold 39% of the subsidiary of Nanyang Company?Chuhe tried to draw a picture of the shareholding structure, and even drew three or four plans, feeling that any of them might be what the Senate wanted.

He felt that this "guidance" might have come from someone who was not a financial expert, not to mention this inexplicable calculation error, even the vague formulation fully showed that he was a layman.

"In the 17th century, laymen still lead experts," he complained in his heart.His mind was already in a mess, he stood up and walked to the window, it was already dark, and the Pearl River under the night was dotted with fishing lights. Squatting under the street lamp to smoke, occasionally burst into laughter.Chu He took a deep breath of the clear air by the river in early winter, sat back at the table, and thought: Forget it, I don’t want to guess which plan the Senate’s intention is, I will give the plan that I think is reasonable to Around, let him worry about it, whichever plan he is willing to make.Anyway, the valuation of Nanyang Company has been fixed, a total of 200 million shares, one yuan per share, and a total of 8 shares are issued in my plan, which is only 4%. Nanyang Company can start with such a small amount of shares, and no matter how the shareholding structure changes, it will not affect much .

Thinking of this, he suddenly became enlightened and began to write the shareholding structure.

The next day, the municipal government continued to hold relevant meetings.

This meeting is actually a fundraising meeting.There were not many people present.Except for Liu Xiang, most of them are veterans of the financial sector.

In fact, the new plan is not much different from Chuhe's old plan.However, in accordance with Liu Xiang's "spirit" yesterday, the rhetoric was revised, and all the "technical means" intended to "repudiate accounts" were deleted-not only that, but also specifically increased the relevant profit expectations.

"...preparing to issue a small batch of bonds. The initial preparation is 2 silver dollars. The interest rate is tentatively set at 10% of the annual income. Of course, we can discuss this with Delong..." The surroundings were very excited,

"The term is three years, and the interest is paid at the end of each year. The interest is definitely not high, but with the consciousness of this group of people, they will definitely not buy it. After all, it is not much, and each person can get less than a few thousand. The key is to make a big cake. , said that the Senate is about to issue shares of Nanyang Company. The company’s prospects are very good, the dividends are large, and the stock price has risen again. In the future, it will make a lot of money. They can purchase shares of Nanyang Company at a ratio of 2:1 with the bond purchase ratio. These people know the elders The strength and policies of the Senate are also very likely to personally participate in the development activities of Nanyang Company, and boarded the ship of the Senate very early, and made a lot of money from the Senate. The Senate privately invited them to apply for the purchase. They are Impossible not to accept..." The surroundings continued to introduce, Liu Xiang frowned as he listened.

"In this way, there are 10000 yuan of stocks and 20000 yuan of bonds, and then it is announced in the Lingao Times that Nanyang shares have risen by 20% within a week, and the previous shareholders can buy and sell freely, or they can be sold to the Senate. The power of public opinion held by the court has amplified this matter, and it is best to use various channels to convey this matter to other non-core large gentry households. It is best to make the noise known to everyone. Use the money-making effect to attract them to participate in the second issue of bonds. This round can still be targeted, or issued to major chambers of commerce, large clans, etc., but the interest and stock allocation ratio of this bond issue have changed, the interest is 8%, the term is four years, the stock allocation ratio is 5:2, and the total amount is 5 In this way, we have completed the placement of 10 yuan in two rounds..."


This is... the benefits are not in place?The surroundings quickly came up with the expected "benefit transfer plan" and said: "When the initial financing enters the operation stage, we can start another round of financing. This time, I think we can tie-in public bonds such as the 'Guangzhou Municipal Urban Construction Fund'." , everyone can dilute the cost of distribution, ah ha ha ha ha..."

Liu Xiang quickly raised his hand to stop the malicious cuteness around him.

"Xiao Zhou, let me ask a few questions first!"

"Liu Dafu, tell me." The surroundings casually called out "Liu Dafu" who usually teased, but they didn't realize it.

Liu Xiang didn't care about this, and asked directly to the core: "Issuing... [-] bonds in advance, right?" He looked at the records he had made, and saw nodding around him, and then asked: "Then , what about the collateral?"

"It's only [-] yuan, what kind of collateral do you want..." Surrounding thought this in his heart, but he also had confidence-although the assets of the Southeast Asian company in his hand had not been cleared, but the mere [-] silver dollars was still not in his eyes.At the same time, he really didn't think that such a huge Guangzhou mansion, with a mere [-] yuan, still needs collateral?The famous scene of "I want an imperial decree? Come here, let's write him one!" in the theater of my mind, tentatively said: "This is only the first installment of [-] yuan, so you don't need any collateral..."

"Indeed, it's only [-] yuan, so there's really no need for collateral. I'll gather the 'progressives' to hold a reception and introduce you. The task of [-] yuan is easy." Liu Xiang suddenly changed the subject and asked: "Little Zhou, these days you inspect everywhere, Danzhou for a while, Foshan for a while, inside and outside the city of Guangzhou, you seem to have only visited for three or four days!"

People around were slightly shy when they heard the words, and when they were about to answer, Liu Xiang's second question also came: "Over there, Bureau Zheng, it seems that you haven't talked to her yet?"

I haven't had time yet...but that's not the answer.

"Ju Zheng is very busy, and my time is not coincidental..."

Liu Xiang raised his hand again, stopped the conversation around him, and said, "That's a pity. I don't know if you have any experience in your recent research. The experience I had with Zheng Ju and the others when they came to Guangzhou to handover with Guo Yi , I remember that Xiao Zhang wrote an article and submitted it to Venus, the title seems to be "A Brief Examination of the Behavioral Logic of Contemporary Businessmen in Guangzhou", maybe you haven't read it?"

Hey, Zhang Yunmi wrote it, and the resident elders of Guangfu in the back row, the corresponding author is your old man, who doesn't think that this is what you use to spoil others, really go and take a closer look!Why is there really something unexpected in it?

"Oh, maybe I really missed it. I'll go to the library of our city government to borrow some later? Read it carefully?" The surroundings immediately became cautious.

"That's not necessary. The main point is that in this time and space, in this era of businessmen, in their minds, the 'government' actually has no shit credit. It can even be said that Ming's government credit is directly infinite. Let's go to Guangzhou The city has done so many things, including this fight against the plague, that it has established such a meager credit."

"But let's..." Liu Xiang pointed to the surroundings, and then pointed to himself: "We can't take such a small amount of credit too seriously. Most of the merchants in this era, the recognized credit unit is still an individual."

"Now, tell me, after my reception, who did they lend the [-] silver dollars to, and who lent it to you?" Liu Xiang said this sentence more and more slowly, and his tone became more and more serious .

Hearing the rumors around me, I had no choice but to cup my fists and say, "It's you, brother!" I was thinking in my heart: This is Liu Xiang, he asked me for personal benefits?It's okay to give him a few points in the allotment...

"Then, I, Liu, is only worth 2 yuan?" Liu Xiang continued: "Back then, why did Rubin ask a wealthy businessman in Guangzhou to 'help the army pay', asking for 30 taels, and it was done without any evidence. I, Liu, cooperated with a group of small partners to work hard in Guangzhou for several years, and the catastrophe and catastrophe have been overcome, how about an airborne army leader?"

Ok?Does this mean that I look down on him?Your defensive range is a bit strange... Also, what do you mean by saying that?Are you going to use your personal credit to help me round up 20 packages?But it's true, asking him, Old Liu, to toss [-] to [-] yuan, which is really not very authentic...

"Then let me ask you again, what do you think of my position as the mayor of Guangzhou?" Liu Xiang didn't care about the answers around him, and continued to ask oppressively.

The people around didn't understand what Liu Xiang wanted to express for a while, so they could only respond vaguely: "Uh...ok..."

"Okay, that's good. As long as you sit down and copy some ideas from the old time and space, you can get achievements, right?"


"Then it is conceivable that based on the 5 years since I have worked for one term, there will be at least four more terms in the future. Our veterans will take this position, right?"


"In the future, there is a high probability that our baby will be the one who is outstanding, and will sit in this position, right?"

My baby probably won't be able to catch up with the trip you mentioned... The surroundings complained in their hearts, but they could only reply: "Yes."

"Then should I start with this and use my personal credit and identity to get unsecured financing for investment projects?" Liu Xiang continued: "For example, if I ask myself to be a state pastor next year and recommend your wife to take over Guangzhou Mayor, your Nanyang Company was unable to honor the repayment in the first year due to excessive expansion, do you think your wife is sitting in a good position for getting achievements, or is she in a bad vegetable garden?"

(End of this chapter)

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