Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2392 Financing

Chapter 2392 Financing (27)

"However, this long-term plan must be made, and it must be solid. Let the Ministry of Finance and the Government Administration Council approve it-the team may not be full, but we have to set up this shelf first, so as not to argue in the future."

It was only then that Chuhe realized that this "human oil" was playing with the idea of ​​"occupied".First set up the framework and enclose this three-acre land, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

"Brother is brilliant!"

"Hey, I can't say I'm smart, but I've been squeezed in the past few years and I understand." Ren Youzi said and took out a box of cigars, "Have one?"

"I don't smoke..."

Ren Youzi lit a cigar for himself, took a deep breath, and then let it out leisurely.After a while, he said: "Your brother must also understand that the stock exchange, stocks and bonds, are essentially making money for the Senate and Nanyang Company. What about this money? It's all under the bed of Lao Cai in Guangzhou. It's really embarrassing, and I don't want to force them to take out the bayonet, so I came up with such a soft way."

"The problem is that it works."

"Easy to use is easy to use, but this exchange—" Ren Youzi lowered his voice, "To be honest, it doesn't matter whether it is available or not."

Chuhe was startled, thinking that you fucking don't tell the truth!But since the other party said that, he was regarded as "one of our own".He immediately stated:
"Brother, you are building a high-rise building. But as you said just now, if you can do it without talking about it, you have to set up this shelf first..."

The two looked at each other and smiled.Ren Youzi continued:
"Actually, this fundraising doesn't matter if it's stocks or bonds. If you really set up a stall to sell it on this exchange, no one will buy it! Even if there is, it can't be sold for hundreds of thousands. When it comes to fundraising, you still have to go the old way! This Liu Xiang probably knows all the rich men in Guangzhou who can afford money, so he ran through the list one by one—even now the investment banking business needs roadshows, don’t worry about it, it’s efficient—besides, the big households are also in a hurry right now To get in touch with the Senate, buy a peace. Buying thousands of bonds from you is the same as getting a vote? So they will definitely buy it, it’s just a matter of how much. As for the others, we haven’t thought about the middle class yet. And the need for a little money at the bottom, and they don’t have much money with the Gini coefficient of Ming Dynasty. As for the upstarts, I know that your brother is probably thinking about the Walnut Crisp Zhang family, and thinks his family is a model of fortune supported by the Senate. It is not impossible to make persistent efforts and give his family an icing on the cake to make a vigorous demonstration effect, but in my opinion this is not suitable: his family has basically invested all the money, and now he still owes Delong a loan. It’s more difficult to get these people to invest money to support going south. It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s that they have no money.”

Chuhe lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "I do have this idea. I really never thought that Zhang's family is so tight - his family's business is very popular!"

During the outbreak of the epidemic in Guangzhou, merchants had a hard time, but Zhang Yu's family supplied goods for the army, so they were not affected by the sharp drop in store sales.Moreover, his family's new workshop is located outside the big world, and has not been blocked. During the entire epidemic period, production has been stable, so production and sales have not been affected.

Ren Youzi took a puff of smoke: "This is the benefit of being in Cheka. We can see Delong's monthly financial report. I have paid attention to the loan situation of Delong to merchants in Guangzhou in the past six months. This family can take A lot of loans have been taken - if it is in business, it is impossible for the Zhang family's company to get so many loans."

Now Chuhe is a little nervous: "Is there a problem with this loan?"

"If you want to talk about the problem, there is no mortgage. Basically, they are policy loans." Ren Youzi said, "Jin Zhijiao specifically told me about this matter, and asked me to pay more attention to the Zhang family's loan situation. I will investigate it specifically. I figured it out, and the usage was normal, and it was all used in expanding production, such as building factories, buying equipment and raw materials. Then I went to Delong to check the specific approval process—basically it was Lao Hong’s instruction."

"So it's Old Hong..."

"Yes, that's what Lao Hong meant. Otherwise, how did the model of the Zhang family come to be established?"

"Fuck, does Zhang Yu have a good-looking sister? Or is Zhang Yu herself very good--"

"That's not true." Ren Youzi cast a contemptuous look at Chuhe, "Zhang Yu doesn't have any sisters, he himself is just an ordinary young man, he's not very good-looking, besides, Lao Hong doesn't have that hobby either. "

"I don't understand this, Lao Hong is so selfless? Zhang Yu's surname is not Hong either!"

"Brother, how did you get so messed up in the financial circle back then?" Ren Youzi's eyes sparkled, "This family may be the one that Lao Hong made white gloves for himself."

"How did I forget this?" Chuhe made a "suddenly enlightened" expression, and slapped his forehead, "It's been too long since I've been out of the circle."

"So, don't say that the Zhang family has no money at the moment, even if he has money, this hot stove can't let him go."

"Unless Lao Hong comes..." Chu He said.

"Old Hong really wants to come out on his own, this face must be given." Ren Youzi suddenly remembered something, and added: "Also, the rules of the exchange must be set fairly. So I don’t believe that I can do well. If I really want to make quick money, I can just open a casino to play horse racing, or even play lottery tickets. But if you want to play for a long time, you must let the first batch of investors make money to have a demonstration effect and to Let the rich people in Guangdong and Guangxi townships see opportunities to rush to invest. If they have concerns when raising funds for the first time, they can also make a classification. They will pay for the face."

"That's natural. You need to fertilize the land."

The "First Working Meeting of the Canton Stock Exchange" was successfully concluded, and Chu He sent Ren Youzi away, thinking that since such a special person as Zhang Yu was mentioned, it is better to go to his shop.Zhang's Walnut Cake is very famous now, and I have admired it for a long time. Regardless of whether his family can participate in the stock offering in the end, it is always right to do some research first.

It is not difficult to do research, because the current Zhangjia Walnut Cake has a store in the big world, and the workshop is not far from the big world.

The Zhang family walnut shop is going to expand production after receiving a loan from Delong. There is still a lot of idle land that can be developed, so they bought land to build houses and set up workshops outside the city, and the focus of production was shifted outside the city.

"Little Pu!" he called out.

Park Zhixian immediately appeared at the door and asked, "Chief!"

"Do you know where Zhang Jipu is?"

"It's in the big world. I bought it a few days ago. It tastes really good." Park Zhixian saw him and asked, "If the chief wants to eat, I'll go and buy it."

"You don't need to buy it, I want to go to the store to have a look."

"I'll contact you right away!" Park Zhixian said, turning around and going out to find Manager Gao.

"Hey, no need, no need, let's go and have a look." Chu He looked at his clothes, "Give me a set of your cadre uniform."

He is wearing the special uniform for senior cadres specially provided by No. 82 store. Although the style is the same as that of naturalized civilian cadres, the materials are very different. The cotton thread is mixed with wool spun special fabrics, not to mention comfortable to wear. , and very crisp.Tailoring is also tailored by tailors, not mass-produced by garment factories.

"Boss, are you going for a private visit?" Park Zhixian's mind was spinning quickly.

Chuhe laughed and said, "You're the only one with a good brain! It's not convenient for me to go to the big world like this."

"Even if you wear my clothes, people will recognize you as a patriarch when you walk out into the big world—this kind of demeanor is not something ordinary people have, just like the moon among the stars..."

"Okay, don't change your ways to be afraid of flattery." Even though Chu He said that, he still felt very good in his heart, "Don't talk too much, and quickly get a set."

After changing their clothes, Chu He and Park Zhixian came to the "External World" from the special passage "Inner World".Zhang Dashijie's "Watch World" was originally designed according to the shopping mall in another time and space. Except for the lack of sufficient reinforced concrete, lower floors, and no huge hollow courtyard, the basic business model is completely the same.

The only difference in operation is that although the shops in the big world are also for rent, more than half of the various shops inside are opened by the Senate itself. In addition to selling goods, they are more for culture and shop promotion—"New Life” and “New Culture”.

They went out through an inconspicuous small door, and they arrived at the "Watch World", which is the outer square of the Great World.A "giant" four-story brick-and-concrete structure with a clock tower and a large glass roof stands in the middle of the square - this is the Great World Department Store.

However, Zhang Kee Dim Sum Shop is not in this shopping mall, but in a three-story long building that surrounds the entire square.This building used to exist as the wall of the big world. There are no windows on the first floor outside, and all doors and windows are opened towards the square.There are windows facing outside only on the second floor and above.Merchants can only operate within the facade on the first floor, and cannot go to the second floor.However, with the recovery of Guangzhou, the military significance of the Great World has become very small, and the second floor and above can also be rented out.

There were very few people in the outer square—Guangzhou hadn't fully recovered from the catastrophe, and business was in decline.Without spare money, naturally no one has the mind to see "Australia View".

"The market is still sluggish." Seeing the sparse crowd, Chuhe couldn't help but feel secretly worried.A downturn in the market can seriously affect business confidence, and people tend not to spend money-not only consumers, but investors as well.

In such an atmosphere, whether it is a stock offering or a bond issuance, it will face a severe test.I have a lot of wishful thinking, and if the financing fails at that time, and I have to pay a share in the end, it will be a big scandal.

(End of this chapter)

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