Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2399 2 Difficult Situation

Chapter 2399 Dilemma
Chuhe couldn't laugh or cry when he saw that his face was covered with dim sum scum and the dim sum baskets piled up all over the floor.He hurriedly shouted: "I can't eat you to death! Why did you buy so much, how will you go back later?"

Zhang Yu hurriedly said: "The shop will deliver the things to the house in a while, I wonder where the chief will stay?"

"I live in the guest house in Dashijie, you can hand it to the service desk." Chuhe said, and then ordered to pay the bill.

As a veteran, of course, he would not carry much cash with him. Zhang Ji is not a store in the special supply system of the Senate, so naturally he cannot keep accounts with the black card of the veteran, so Park Zhixian carries a check book of Delong with him. .

Zhang Yu took the abacus and the shipping order, and made the calculation himself.His abacus calculations were already very good, but this time he deliberately showed off, he moved the beads like flowing water, and planned to sing the name of the product, unit price, and quantity on the plate without any hesitation.After a while, he settled the accounts and sang them out.

Chuhe filled in the numbers on the check book, and then stamped the ring monogram with him-this check can be exchanged for cash at any Delong branch or Delong's United Exchange.

"This is anonymous, don't lose it." Chu He smiled when he handed it over.

"The chief is joking, your business is now worth the sales of the small shop for a week. Dare the small shop keep it carefully." Zhang Yu said.

Watching Chuhe and his party leave, Zhang Yu looked at the mountain of dim sum baskets and dim sum boxes in front of him, and he couldn't be happy at all—if he had made such a big deal in normal times, when business was slow, he would have been quite happy God, but at this moment, he just felt heavy in his heart.

He has already stated his position in front of the old man Chu Yuan, and he cannot shirk his participation in Nanyang's stock offering, and must participate more or less.

But where does the money come from?
Zhang Yu doesn't need to look at the account book - he has already gone through the account book, whether it is Zhang Ji Food or Zhang's old store, he knows everything about it.Just two words: no money!

If you don't participate in this Nanyang fundraising, not only will you be suspected of deceiving the elders of Chu, but you will not be able to explain it to the Senate.No matter how much I emphasize the difficulties, in the eyes of the veterans, this is "perfunctory attitude" and "non-cooperation", and if it is put on the line, it is "two-hearted"...

Zhang Yu was sweating coldly, thinking about it.This matter can only be discussed with Dad.

The next night, Zhang Yu returned home.

Since the Zhang family moved into a new mansion, they also used the concierge according to the rules of the big family, and bought several family members to take care of them.As soon as he, the eldest, entered the gate, the boy servant on the gate would report to the inside one after another.

Zhang Yu seldom came home recently, as soon as he entered the main room, Zhang's mother was already waiting.

The reunion of mother and son, who hadn't seen each other for many days, was a warm moment of mother's kindness and filial piety, but Zhang Yu frowned, entered the room, and sat down after hastily seeing the ceremony, with a look of concern all over his face.

Seeing that his brows were tightly furrowed, Mother Zhang couldn't help stepping up to him and asking him, "Yu'er, what's the matter? Are there any difficulties in business?"

Zhang Yu didn't answer, but just asked: "Mother, where is Laodou?"

"I just came back from the Dashijie store, and I'm resting in the back room." My mother babbled, "He's old too, and he still doesn't want to rest and let the guys do it. He has to watch in front of the stove. I always say to him: you Why do you care so much about such a small business? Doing a business that can’t worth your son’s day in a year..."

"Aniang, please bring me out, I will discuss things with him."

"Your old bean is asleep..."

"I'm in a hurry."

Zhang Yu's mother was taken aback, her son's expression and tone were quite different from usual, obviously something serious happened.She didn't dare to neglect, she quickly got up and walked back.Not long after, Zhang Yu's father came out from behind rubbing his eyes.

Although Zhang Yu's father was in a drowsy sleep, he became more than half awake when he heard his wife say that his son "has something urgent to discuss."Quickly put on clothes and get up and go to the main room.

There was no room for politeness between father and son, and before the father sat down, he asked, "Yu'er, what's the matter?"

Zhang Yu glanced at the yard outside the house. Zhang Yu's mother knew that her son had something secret to tell his father, so she immediately sent out the servant girl in the corridor.

Zhang Yu lowered his voice: "Dad, Mom, I need to discuss something with Dad. How much cash do you have at home?"

Zhang's mother was surprised: "Yu'er, what are you going to do and need money from the family?"

Father Zhang didn't speak, and pondered for a while.For this son, he went from doubt to trust, and finally to anxiety recently.

Needless to say, trust, this small walnut cake shop that I tried my best to support and was almost on the verge of bankruptcy, under the coincidence of my son, flourished, and suddenly achieved a scale that he could not even imagine in his dreams-let alone it. He, even the ancestors, would probably drop his jaw in shock if he knew about it.

He himself hadn't thought that his son would really be able to "brilliant ancestors" - after Zhang Yu was ten years old, he completely gave up such hopes, and only begged his son not to be ridiculous and ruin this small family business.It's enough to keep the family business safe and secure and pass on the Zhang family and this small shop to the next generation.

However, while trusting his son's ability, he also had vague worries.

There is no end to the upstarts. This is the life experience that Zhang's father has accumulated over the years.To put it bluntly, my son is just the young shopkeeper of a bakery, so he is not expected to do big things and do big business.By chance, the nobleman who clings to him goes straight up for nine days and becomes the "Little Brother Zhang" that everyone in and outside Guangzhou knows.In the Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce where bigwigs gather, it seems to be No.1 held high.How many dignitaries in the past came to his bakery to buy dim sum, not for a bite, but just to impress their son.

Seeing him building a tall building, seeing him singing and dancing, seeing his building collapse.Father Zhang has seen such a thing more than once.Can his own son pass on the family business safely?He has been worrying about this matter, and for this worry, he is always making preparations.

Although my son has mentioned the difficulties in management in the past, but asking for money like this today, it is obvious that something major has happened to the company!
After a long time, Father Zhang said: "Money, I have some money at home. But you have to be clear, what do you plan to use this money for? Don't hide it, there are big difficulties, just tell them, and the family can help you." Think of ideas as much as possible."

Zhang Yu reported in the weekly newspaper of the Federation of Industry and Commerce a few days ago that he went south to expand the stock offering and issued bonds; Master Gao sent a letter asking how much he planned to pay; and the visit of the elder Chu Yuan today explained everything.

"...Whether it's stocks or bonds, the money is always paid out, but now my son has no spare money!"

Both Zhang's father and Zhang's mother were surprised, and hurriedly asked: "Didn't you say that the food company has a big business? There is no time to make orders..."

Zhang Yu said with a wry smile: "It's true that the order is too late to complete, but the daily expenses are also high. The New Year is approaching, and the flour, rice noodles, sugar, and nuts owed to various brands alone are a huge amount..."

The number he said made the old couple gasp.Not to mention themselves, even among acquaintances, no one has ever handled such a large sum of money!
"Can I pay back this money?" Father Zhang asked anxiously.He understands the dire consequences of a broken capital chain, "Tell me the truth!"

"It's okay." Zhang Yu hurriedly comforted his father, "It's just that the money is repaid, and there will be no money to buy Nanyang's bonds again!"

Zhang's mother wondered: "Why do Australians have to borrow money from big households when they are so rich? Australians can't borrow money to buy the machines in the factory?"

Zhang Yu said: "Father, this is a matter of value. Our family borrowed money from Delong Bank. This time, Nanyang Company borrowed money from us."

Father Zhang said: "Aren't they all from the Senate?"

This time Zhang Yu couldn't understand, scratched his head and said: "Well... Anyway, I just want to borrow money. I have already asked the Federation: Whether it is shares or bonds, it is one yuan. If it is shares, That is to wait for dividends after three years, and pay as much as the interest. If you buy bonds, the interest is 1 cent per year, with a period of about 3 years, and the interest is paid once a year."

"The interest rate is not high, is it? When we used to deposit money in the store, we would give [-] cents a year!" Zhang's mother said.

Zhang's father frowned, and pondered for a long time: "Don't talk about high profits and low profits, Yu'er, do I have to borrow this money?

"The secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry said that it's all voluntary. That old Chu Yuan also said the same thing. But..."

"I understand!" Zhang's father sighed heavily, "You are in this position, you can't buy it!"

"Yes." Zhang Yu nodded, "This family property was personally supported by the Senate. Now that the Senate needs money, let us borrow money. Can we say 'no'? If outsiders know, the Senate Doesn't the hospital lose all face..."

The old couple of the Zhang family fell into silence, and what the son said made sense.Indeed, if this bond does not buy the Senate, it will not do anything to them, but in the future they will not be the "own people" of the Senate.

None of them can afford such consequences.

"I think the bond is fine. Why did the Senate lie to us? To put it bluntly, we are tied to the Senate, and there is absolutely no reason to deceive us first. And after buying the bond, you are eligible to join the Nanyang Company Stocks, this Nanyang company is specialized in Nanyang trade by the Senate. Dad, think about how many ships the Senate has in hand? It is invincible at sea. Doesn’t the Nanyang trade in the future have to be controlled by the Senate? The Senate makes money ability, how much money can I earn if I buy shares in Nanyang Company in the future?" Zhang Yu tried his best to persuade.

Zhang's father said: "Ayu, I can trust the Senate. I can also tell you about the background of the family. I secretly saved a sum of money. It was originally used to buy Shatian in Dongguan-the Xingan over there. The Shatian that comes out is very cheap, only three silver dollars per mu. I plan to buy a hundred mu as the foundation of my family. Since you need it urgently, take it out first.”

(End of this chapter)

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