Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2407 Hosei and Silk Factory

Chapter 2407 Hosei and Silk Factory

He imitated the style of the master, just hummed softly, picked up the tureen and swipe the tea leaves, and looked at his nephew who stood there at a loss and was a little bit frightened.

It took him a long time before he coughed: "Oh, sit down."

"Yes Yes."

"It's not that I am an uncle boasting. This time, Nansha Chen's safety is due to me negotiating with the Australians to keep the party safe!" He said here not feeling complacent, "Don't have to say, Without me, could the Australians come to this Nansha village to conduct sericulture experiments? Could there be Australians who specially send troops to patrol? Can they specially train our village to practice bravery?"

Chen Lin didn't know what to say, so he had to say "yes" a few times in agreement.

"Nephew, I think you came back this time. I heard that I took over the weaving workshop, and I felt somewhat resentful..."

Chen Lin hurriedly got up and said, "Don't dare, this weaving workshop was originally the property of the upper third house - when it gets bigger, it is also the property of the family. Since my father is gone, it is only natural for the second uncle to take over, nephew How dare my son be resentful. Besides, the current situation is so chaotic that my nephew can't handle it even if he is young! Even if the second uncle asks my nephew to take over, my nephew doesn't have the ability."

Chen Xuan looked him up and down quite unexpectedly, and said leisurely, "Nephew, your trip to Guangzhou was not in vain—you have improved a lot!"

Chen Lin's face was flushed, and he was so embarrassed that he almost got into the cracks in the ground.But at this moment, he couldn't allow him to think too much, and said immediately: "In the past, my nephew was young and ignorant. Second uncle, you have a lot of adults, so don't blame him."

"You and I are uncles and nephews of our own relatives, broken bones and connected tendons, and I am an elder, how can I blame you." Chen Xuanzhi was full of pride, "What are your plans for returning home this time?"

How could Chen Lin dare to say anything like "reorganize the family business" or "open a cotton spinning factory" now, so he could only cover up and say: "Now my nephew has lost his parents. Although Guangzhou is good, it is not my hometown after all. My nephew The next time I come back, I want to take shelter in the ancestral hall and have a place to live."

"Well said." Chen Xuan nodded, "After the catastrophe, everything is waiting to be done. It's time to employ people. You are familiar with the weaving workshop, and you have spent a lot of time in Guangzhou--you must have seen it." A lot of Australians..."

"I've never seen real Australian dollars, but the naturalized people under them have seen some."

"It's good to have seen it before." Chen Xuandao, "It's a suitable job right now."

It was only then that Chen Lin knew that the weaving workshop in his home was indeed taken by Australians.The Australians have now specially sent some people over to cooperate with the Chen Family Weaving Workshop to engage in "rural sericulture improvement".

"...You have stayed in Guangzhou and dealt with Australians, so I will leave it to you to deal with Australians."

Chen Lin was taken aback. To be honest, he didn't expect his second uncle to "reuse" him.Subconsciously speculated: "This, isn't it appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate." Chen Xuan put on a face of "a lot of adults" and said, "We are uncles and nephews, and I have no son. After the whole family is taken care of, won't it all belong to you juniors! You help me weave Do a good job at the workshop, and your benefits will be indispensable in the future!"

"Yes, yes, thank you second uncle for cultivating!" Chen Lin stood up with a face full of "grateful", and immediately stood up and bowed to the end.

Chen Xuan's behavior is not hypocritical. Back then, taking shelter of his elder brother was regarded as the steward of the weaving workshop, but he was indulging in pleasure and didn't care about the weaving workshop. He spent three days fishing and two days drying nets.Sericulture and weaving can only be regarded as a little better than laymen, and they seem to know a lot in empty talk, but when they really enter the actual operation, they will immediately reveal their true colors.

Ever since he started "cooperating" with the Australians, Chen Xuan gradually felt powerless.Moreover, as he worked more and more with Australians, he found that his "picture was too big" and it was difficult for him to adapt to it with his own ability.

In the original weaving workshop, although most of the craftsmen came back to resume work, after he had a falling out with the third brother, the third brother went to Sanliang and took away several of the stewards and important craftsmen below.Although it has barely started working now, the efficiency of the weaving workshop is far less than before. It has been almost half a year since the Australian and him jointly established the silk factory, and the production has not yet entered the right track.Australians are not happy.

There are quite a few people under him who flatter him, but none of them are familiar with Zhifang. Now that Chen Lin has returned, he has no choice but to rely on him.

Chen Lin still can't figure out the second uncle's trump card at the moment, but since the second uncle is willing to use himself now, he might as well go along with the flow and take a look at the situation of the weaving workshop - and also know the details of the Australians who came to cooperate.

Chen Xuan asked again where Chen Lin stayed. Chen Lin originally wanted to stay in the ancestral hall, but it seemed that the second uncle regarded this place as his lair, so he was still not suitable to be here.

"My nephew's house is completely destroyed now, and there is no suitable place to go. I plan to go to Brother Ji's house to borrow..."

Brother Ji is Chen Qing's father, he is a member of the lower five families, his family is very poor, but he is honest and responsible.

"Ah Ji's family—his family is too poor. Although there are a few vacant rooms, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat or sleep there... Anyway, I'll ask someone to send him some money and rice later."

Chen Lin came out of the ancestral hall, feeling very upset.Thinking about the next step.To be honest, he couldn't quite figure out the real intention of the second uncle: in his speech, he could see that he was testing himself everywhere, and he was very wary, but it didn't seem fake to ask him to work for the weaving workshop.What kind of medicine is sold in the second uncle's gourd?

He followed Chen Qing back home, told Fifth Brother Ji and his wife that he wanted to stay here for a longer period of time, and gave him a few taels of silver as expenses.Fifth Brother Ji naturally agreed.After a while, Chen Xuan also sent his family members to send two stones of white rice and a few pennies, saying that it was for Chen Lin to spend the night.He also asked him to go to the weaving workshop to meet up with the Australians tomorrow.The fifth brother Ji and his wife came back safely after getting the money and rice, and their son was happy. They killed chickens and wine that night, and made a good meal for their uncle and nephew.Chen Lin asked his sister Chen Yue to move here as well.There is a care for each other.

Early the next morning, he came to the weaving workshop.

This weaving workshop is located by the river at the east end of Nansha Village.In the earliest days, Chen Lin's grandfather opened a silk shop named Fengshenghe, which specialized in buying raw silk from silkworm farmers in the four townships and selling it to merchants.Because the business has been good, each branch of the clan has also invested a lot of money in it one after another, coupled with the bleak management of the grandfather's painstaking efforts, Fengshenghe has gradually made a name for himself.In my father's generation, the raw silk was contracted out to machine households in the village and nearby for weaving.Then he bought looms from Guangzhou and started to set up his own workshop for weaving.

This weaving workshop was renovated and expanded by my father ten years ago.It is more than double the size of its grandfather.Chen Lin was standing in front of the gate at the moment, both sad and relieved.

What is sad is that the hard work of my father's life has just fallen into the hands of outsiders!It is gratifying that this weaving workshop survived the war. Although the walls have traces of fire, they are generally well preserved.On the side of the gate, there are two long boards with white wood stubble and ink characters--this is no stranger to Chen Xuan, who has travel experience in Guangzhou: that's how Australians do it.

On the left is "'Fengshenghe' Silk Weaving Factory", and on the right is "Nansha Sericulture Improvement Institute".

Finally left the name, Chen Lin thought to himself.

But upon closer inspection, the courtyard has undergone many changes.First of all, the steps to enter the door have become slopes, and the stone threshold of the door has disappeared.There are two more Xiangyong standing guard in front of the gate.

In the past, water bandits were rampant in the local area, and because of the accumulation of raw silk, satin and money in the workshop, it was the target of bandits.Therefore, the courtyard walls built at the beginning were particularly tall and thick.At the corners of the courtyard walls, turrets are built with bamboo and wood, with clappers and lanterns hanging on them, and Xiangyong standing guard on them.Although the door is open, there are two layers of rejection horses that can be seen inside.

The customs are so tight, the Australians are obviously very concerned about this weaving workshop.He thought, no wonder the second uncle asked him to come to the workshop to help, obviously he couldn't handle it with his little ability.

There also seemed to be a red brick chimney standing in the backyard, emitting black smoke.He has also seen this red brick chimney in Guangzhou.Know that this is the chimney used by the "boiler", and the boiler is specially used to heat hot water.As for hot water, it is really needed for silk reeling, and there is no need to get a special boiler to burn it, right?
Entering the front yard, the changes are even greater. Not only have a lot of things been added to the yard, but the layout has also changed.New houses and sheds were built, taking up more than half of the originally spacious courtyard.Objects are piled up everywhere.

What tricks are the Australians doing?Make a neat and tidy compound so cramped?Chen Lin was secretly puzzled.

Without waiting for him to take a closer look, Chen Xuan led him into the inverted room on the north side of the first courtyard, which used to be the accounting room of the weaving workshop.Chen Xuan's father also often works here and receives businessmen.Now different wooden signs are hung in front of the doors of each room here, and all the original windows have been replaced with glass windows.

That's pretty serious.Chen Lin muttered secretly.The second uncle took him to one of the rooms, but he saw that there were several big Eight Immortals tables assembled into a long table, and some stools were placed in a mess on both sides.Standing against the wall is a black wooden plank with white ash remaining on it.

What is the point?Chen Lin can be considered to have seen a lot of "Australian view" people, but this is the first time he has seen such a display.

Chen Xuan told him to wait here for a while, and after a while, he heard footsteps approaching outside, and there seemed to be quite a few people coming.Chen Lin hurriedly adjusted his clothes, bowed slightly and waited quietly.

But I saw a group of people coming in from outside, and the leader was a woman.Chen Lin was startled.

He saw that the woman was about thirty years old, slender and frail, wearing a blue cloth dress and combing a pair of maids.At first glance, it looks like a local woman.However, looking at it again, the look and eyes are quite different. Chen Lin has also seen many "real girls" from a distance in Guangzhou, and he can tell at a glance that this is a "real Australian"!
Looking behind her again, there is another girl, about eighteen or nineteen years old.The demeanor looks quite similar to her.Chen Lin was very curious: he never expected that two Australian women would come to such a small Nansha village as his home!
(End of this chapter)

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