Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2759

After returning to his room, he immediately wrote a simple report based on the confession and sent it to the center by telegram. As for the detailed transcript of the confession, he sent it through the Foreign Intelligence Agency's communication line.In his report, he not only suggested making full use of Liu Zhen, but also suggested that it be best to place him secretly in a safer place such as Tianjin and interrogate the Shi Weng Group's intelligence in detail.

"...This person has a deep understanding of the Shi Weng Group and is the on-site organizer and commander of many counter-Kon operations. He has great intelligence value."

After finishing writing, he asked each group if there was any new news.The answer is: "Not yet."

Now, there is no doubt that Yang Tianliang is one of the chief messengers of the kidnapping case. Of course, he is a "secondary chief messenger", but he has committed an "unforgivable" major crime that offends the personal safety of the senator.This is one of them
Secondly, according to Liu Wei's confession, the conflict between Yang Tianliang and Leng Ningyun is obviously irreconcilable, and his use value has completely disappeared, and he is likely to intensify his conspiracy because of this failed kidnapping operation. The proper way is to "secretly rule" it.

However, to "secretly rule" Yang Tianliang, he had to seek the opinions of Leng Ningyun and the center.

As for "Shi Weng" himself, whether to take action depends on the next progress.Both the Foreign Intelligence Bureau and the Political Security Bureau have the same attitude towards the Shi Weng Group, which is to eradicate the roots.

Although Wang Yehao is the leader, in Xu Xu's view, this person is insignificant. The key is Zhou Lezhi.

Where is he hiding now?

Wang Zhi came to the study and whispered a few words in Zhou Lezhi's ear.Zhou Le was surprised and asked: "Really?"

"It's absolutely true." Liu Zhao whispered, "Xu Yong came to report."

"Call him in."

Xu Yong entered the room and stood aside quietly.

"Tell me about Tongzhou and don't leave anything out."

"Yes!" Xu Yong responded, "I followed Uncle Liu to Tongzhou to inquire about Uncle Liu..."

"Say your name when things get serious!" Zhou Lezhi reminded.

"Yes! I went with Liu Zhao to Tongzhou to search for Liu Yi's whereabouts, and only found his contact person. The contact person didn't know his specific whereabouts, but they just met every day in a teahouse called 'Hou Yuan'."

Liu Zhao and Xu Yong inquired everywhere in Tongzhou, but found no news. They only knew that his last appearance was more than ten days ago.It wasn't until I found out about a familiar police officer in Tongzhou Prefecture's Yamen that I found out something had happened to Liu Zhen.

"... He said that Liu Wei had combed a woman from the Lehu family in Tongzhou and bought a house. A few days ago, the madam of the Lehu family reported to the official that her daughter Rui Jie had not come home for a long time. When she knocked on the door, she found out The door was locked, and there was a stench coming out of it. The police went in to check and found a male body inside the mansion. There were bloodstains on the walls and the floor, which seemed to have traces of a struggle. Liu and Sister Rui, as well as a pair of guards guarding the door. The whereabouts of the old couple are unknown.”

"The male corpse is not Liu Zheng?" Zhou Lezhi said in surprise.

"No," Xu Yong said, "Fortunately, the case has not been closed, and the body has been installed and temporarily housed in Yizhuang. Liu Zhao took the young one to Yizhuang to open a museum to check, and the dead person turned out to be Wang Liang!"

Zhou Lezhi was shocked this time.Wang Liang, like Liu Zhen, has also been missing for many days.But no one expected that the two would be connected.

According to the rules of the Shiweng Group, the waiters and people with the "Shi" name around Mr. Wang who work for him have no horizontal connection with each other.Except for those who live in the palace, no one knows their whereabouts.

Wang Liang is one of Wang Yehao's confidants, although he knows all the important figures in Shi Weng Group.I have never broken this rule.Why did he die in Liu Zheng's foreign house now?

A hundred thousand reasons flashed through Zhou Lezhi's mind, but none of them made sense, so he had to ask:

"How do people die?"

"He was stabbed to death with a knife. The detective brother said the method was ruthless and not the work of an ordinary person."

"Do you know anyone who can do this?"

"Liu Zhao has been making inquiries in Tongzhou for several days, but there is no news. However," Xu Yong said hesitantly, "Liu Zhao said that many suspicious outsiders have come to Tongzhou in recent days. I estimate that nine out of ten of them are the thieves. .”

"That's right. You can go ahead." Zhou Lezhi said, "Don't meet with Liu Zhao anymore these days. If you need anything, just send a message through the mailbox. I don't want to come here anymore."

After sending Xu Yong away, Zhou Lezhi told Wang Zhi: Move!
If the thief Kun had reserved men and horses in Tongzhou, Xu Yong and Liu Zhao would definitely not be able to hide the fact that they went to Tongzhou to look for Liu Zhen. When the thief Kun followed his trail, he would be captured without any help.This time, he decided to completely cut off human contact with the Shi Weng Group and switch to using mailboxes for all communications.

It is unknown how Wang Liang died in Liu Zhen's foreign residence, but there is a possibility for Liu Zhen's disappearance: he had fallen into the hands of the thieves.

The thief Kun has a way to pry Liu Zheng's mouth open, once he opens his mouth.Many secrets of the Shi Weng Group were revealed in broad daylight.The name Zhou Lezhi will definitely become the number one person on whom the Kun thief offers a reward.

This kind of "honor" is very terrifying, and Zhou Lezhi knows very well the cost that the Kun thieves are willing to pay in eradicating dissidents.

It was impossible to fight, the only way was to hide.

No matter how rampant the bandits are, they cannot be openly hunted down in the capital.There are the most "official people" in the capital, and they have a lot of eyeliners.As long as his hiding place is not revealed, hiding is the safest way.

This time, he moved to Wanping County Government and lived quietly in a courtyard next to the imperial city wall.

Not long after Zhou Lezhi settled down, he wrote a letter and then sent Wang Zhi to the "mailbox" to deliver it.

If Liu Zheng is arrested, the entire Shi Weng Group will be in danger.Wang Yehao is a high-ranking official in the imperial court, and the thieves may still be wary of it, but anyone in the Shi Weng Group who Liu Yi knows about may be in danger of their lives.Remind them to take precautions individually.It is best not to contact each other in the past month or two.

The second is to use all the connections within the imperial court: including people from the Jinyiwei, Dongchang, Wucheng Bingmasi, Shuntian, Daxing, Wanping yamen, to closely monitor the capital, put pressure on the Kun thieves, and force them to shrink their activities or withdraw. Capital.

If personal safety cannot be guaranteed in the capital, their gang might as well disband quickly.

After dealing with this, Zhou Lezhi silently reflected on the failure of the kidnapping case under the window.He went through the whole process over and over again, wondering which link had gone wrong.

In this operation, he can be said to have "exhausted all the agencies" and thought of everything.Two groups of people acted separately to imprison and redeem people, and they also did a lot of work to confuse the public.Unexpectedly, the thief Kun actually found a breakthrough and snatched the person away from Xiyuan without saying a word!

To be able to act so quickly and accurately, there must be an intelligence source.So where is the source of this intelligence?
Zhou Lezhi couldn't help but suspect Liu Zheng.

He was the most likely candidate because of emotions and reasons, and he knew that last year he failed to ask Mr. Wang to do something, so he was afraid of being resentful.Now it is revealed that he is combing women in Tongzhou.

Zhou Lezhi is very clear about the cost of combing women, and he keeps it secret within the Shi Weng Group.Obviously, at this time, he had already developed an affair.

However, at this point, it is no longer important whether the traitor is Liu Zheng.The key now is to reverse the situation in the DPRK as soon as possible and promote peace talks.

Originally, he and Mr. Wang were working secretly. At least from Wen Tiren, they had obtained some kind of tacit approval for "peace negotiation". Mr. Wang also secretly contacted the peace faction through his own connections.But not long ago, he discovered a huge variable, that is, the restoration of society.

Zhang Pu, the leader of Fushe, is currently secretly promoting Zhou Yanru's comeback.It was originally in Zhou Lezhi's "prophecy" that Zhou Yanru's resurrection would have to wait until four years later.What caught me off guard was that Zhang Pu advocated the suppression of Kun!Not only Lou Dongerzhang in Fushe, but also many members of the society held this view.He believed that the bandits had become a serious problem for the imperial court and must be eradicated as soon as possible.

At this time, Zhou Lezhi was somewhat at a loss. The "Book of Heaven" only talks about Zhou Yanru's resurrection and the help of the restoration of society.But they don't have the same attitude towards Kun Thief.

According to the intelligence they collected, several big bosses in Fushe were actually connected with the thieves.The Merchants Shipping on the Tianjin route was co-organized by Shen Tingyang and Zhao Yingong, the real wife of Hangzhou.Even Zhang Pu himself had contact with thieves.

Originally, he thought that even if the Fushe disciples were not willing to support the peace talks with the bandits, they would not be in a hurry to suppress the bandits.The current situation was completely beyond his expectation.

Fushe was so disgusted with the thief's attitude, how could he convince Lou Dong Erzhang?
Although Zhou Yanru would not be able to join the cabinet until four years later, once Wen Tiren resigned, even if his followers continued to control the cabinet, they would have to act cautiously.With the current momentum of Fushe, cabinet academicians Liu Yuliang, Xue Guoguan and others may not dare to go against the court.In this way, his plan to negotiate peace in the imperial court will be in vain!
Now he faced few choices, either to persuade Fushe to give up his rebellion, or to fully assist Wen Tiren to overcome the immediate crisis and keep his position as chief assistant.

To persuade Zhang Pu, the leader of Tongtian Cult, Zhou Lezhi believed that he did not have the ability.What's more, even if you can convince him, you may not be able to convince the scholars who returned to society.

As for Bao Wen Tiren, he knew more or less what happened before and after Wen Tiren stepped down from heaven.It's still the beginning of the year. As long as he is persuaded to let Qian Qianyi go and not make a fuss about Zhang Hanru's affairs, it is still possible to avoid being deposed.

It's just that Wen Tiren has always been cunning and cunning, so it may be difficult to win his trust.Secondly, although Wen Tiren was deposed because he insisted on framing Qian Qianyi and was suspected of being a party member by Emperor Chongzhen, the emperor was already dissatisfied with Wen Tiren, and this incident was just an introduction.He Wen Tiren could escape the first grade of junior high school, but he may not be able to escape the fifteenth grade.

It seems that even though I hold the Holy Book and have been taught by my master, I am still a layman when it comes to being an official. I still have to ask Mr. Wang to make a decision on this matter.

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