Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2780 Capital

"Sir, after coming out of Zhou's house, do you want me to drop by Mr. Wang's house to report this matter?" Wang Zhi hesitated and asked, "This is a big deal. I'll let you know when I'm informed."

"You're right, but you can't go in person." Zhou Le knew, "There might be an spy from Kun outside the house this week. You have to be careful when you come back. Don't grow a tail."

"Small savings."

He thought for a while and then said: "When you go, bring more store clerks and porters, and get some things to carry. When you come out, come out together."

"Someone is spying on Mr. Zhou's house?" Xu Xu asked with interest after hearing the report from the messenger sent by Sanniang Zi.

"Yes!" The messenger reported the situation to Xuancheng, "... Sanniangzi's intention is to stop the person in Tongzhou after he succeeds. In this way, he can save the person without disturbing the Wang family."

Xu Xu smiled: "Sanniang is a very soft-hearted person! Okay, I approve her plan. You go back and remind her that once this incident comes out, the Wang family and Zhou Lezhi will probably pay attention to Wang There may be clues in Gongchang's house. Let her pay more attention."

After the messenger left, Xu Xuyuan did not take the news to heart. For his mission, it was not a big deal, not to mention that Wang Gongchang was not the focus of their surveillance. There were no important people inside, and the surveillance records were really lackluster.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered something. He went back to the house and dug out the surveillance records of Wang Gongchang and Zhou's house in the past few days, flipping through page by page.

Before turning two pages, I discovered that a young man had been patrolling near Zhou's residence two days ago. According to the records, this was the third time he had seen this person since he started monitoring Zhou's residence a month ago.

The surveillance post immediately sent out a two-person team to follow, but the boy's whereabouts were quite strange. Finally, at the temple fair of Yongguang Temple, the trace was lost due to the large flow of people and the complex terrain.

Looking back at this record now, Xu Xu suddenly felt that there might be something wrong with this young man.

Wang Gong Factory is not a lively place. It was bombed into ruins less than ten years ago. It has not been completely cleaned up until now. There are very few residents, let alone industry and commerce. What is the purpose of the young man wandering here again and again?

Either he is a member of the abduction group, or he is Shi Weng's man, responsible for monitoring the activities outside Zhou's house.

Xu Xu felt that the latter was unlikely. If Shi Weng wanted to keep an eye on these women and children, all he had to do was send people inside the mansion. Why go to all the trouble of sending people outside to control them? According to the surveillance report, in addition to four women and children, there were two other families guarding the residence, and nearly ten male and female servants. Whether it is serving or supervising, it is enough.

Thinking of this, he decided not to worry too much about it and continued to focus his search on Wang Yehao, Jin Wenchi, Liu Zhao and others.

From the process of monitoring Wang Yehao, Xu Xu discovered something very interesting: Wang Yehao was working secretly to seek a transfer to the post of governor of Shandong.

He had read Wang Yehao's biography carefully. According to the normal historical process, Wang Shilang would be dismissed from office by the end of the year and would disappear from the political stage of the late Ming Dynasty.

Could it be that he is so active in activities and transfers now because he knows his "future"?

From the moment he suspected that "Mr. Zhou" was a time traveler, Xu Xu knew that there must be something that could "predict the future". Wang Yehao was so anxious to be transferred, probably because of the "future". But then again, since Mr. Zhou "predicted the future", he probably also revealed the fact that Ming Dynasty's life span was less than ten years. Why is Wang Yehao still here trying to arrange all kinds of conspiracies? Woolen cloth? Even if there were no "thieves" like them, the rogue bandits and the Manchus would kill the Ming Dynasty.

Is it possible that Wang Yehao had the intention of following the example of his ancestors? It's not impossible to say that. The specific situation can only be known when we can interview him.

"Wang Yehao is a very interesting character!"

The third lady got the permission and got to work immediately. There are many connections in the escort agency, and they have made special friends in recent years, so they are quite well-informed. It soon became clear that the person who stretched Pan Chengan's hair in his home was not a family member in Zhou's house, but a well-known "medicine woman" in the Wang Gongchang area.

Yao Po is one of the so-called "three aunts and six po's". In fact, this is not a formal profession. Most of the practitioners are middle-aged and elderly housewives. Most of them are eloquent, have some knowledge of "pharmacology", and have some unique secret recipes.

Women in the boudoir of wealthy families have been living in the boudoir for a long time, unable to go out for leisure, lack of exercise, and often depressed mood, so most of them are in poor physical condition. Unhealthy lifestyles and backward sanitary conditions often cause them to suffer from various gynecological diseases. , especially after giving birth to children.

Regardless of whether it is a medical clinic or a travel clinic, there are doctors who are good at gynecology. However, most of the wealthy families are unwilling to invite doctors for consultation, and most of the prescriptions prescribed are conditioning treatments, which take a long time but have mediocre curative effects.

The medicine lady often has several "ancestral secret recipes" of elixirs, which often have "immediate effects" on common gynecological diseases, and also have "seeking children", "enhancing love", "contraception", "abortion"... and other things that are inconvenient to tell others. "Secret Medicine". Although the three aunts and the six wives were deeply despised by the people of the time, some people even denounced them as "disasters that come to the door" and strictly prohibited them from coming to the door. However, their existence caters to the various needs of purdah women, and wealthy families still have to deal with them.

"This woman's surname is Shi. She is quite famous here. She specializes in treating women's dysmenorrhea." Zhao Liangjian said, "A small pill, you can get immediate results after taking it. But it is also ridiculously expensive. A hundred pills cost one or two." silver."

"Oh, this is her unique skill." Sanniangzi is also a woman and knows the tricks of these women. "Three points and seven fishy" (three truths and seven fakes) are their usual routines. If it is all fishy, ​​this will The whole business can't continue.

Mrs. Shi is a frequent visitor to Zhou Zhai, and she goes there almost two or three times a month. Because she has been doing business for a long time and is good at flattering and coaxing people, the family members in the mansion have a good relationship with her. It's very convenient to get in and out.

The abduction routine of seizing women and then absconding with them is mostly started by three aunts and six wives acting as prostitutes. This incident in Zhou's house did not surprise Sanniangzi much.

"It's okay not to talk about these messy things." She told Zhao Liangjian, "But if this woman is taken out, you have to keep an eye on her in time - as soon as she leaves the boundaries of the capital, she will be intercepted. I don't care what you do."

"Please tell me what to do with it after cutting it off."

"Let's find a place to look first." In fact, she didn't know what to do, so she had to take a look step by step.

Mrs. Shi is quite proud today. It has been more than three months since she received Pan Chengan's two taels of silver, delivered news to him, and secretly arranged the match. Two months ago, the matter was actually completed for her.

This Mr. Pan was very generous. After the gathering at Ganlu Nunnery, he actually offered her another two taels of silver, asking her to continue communicating with her. Mrs. Shi was overjoyed, knowing that this was a long-term deal.

What Mr. Pan does, Mrs. Shi also has some experience in the world. Although Pan Chengan claims to be a "Jiangnan scholar", he has no Jiangnan accent. Such a handsome young man who has no roots in the local area and is indeed a "Pan Donkey and Deng Xiaoxian" can know that he is "writing a note" with his eyes closed.

Don't tell anyone when you see something wrong, let alone ruin other people's business. This is the rule of the Jianghu people. The three aunts and the six wives are also considered to be in the world of Jianghu, so Mrs. Shi only knows how to do it. Firstly, Pan Chengan was happy to give money, and secondly, things like the concubine's escape were common things in big houses. Most of the people involved would settle the matter and just ignore it, so as not to affect the reputation of the family.

But while she would not ruin Pan Youan's business, she also had her own plans. After all, Yourong was her long-term customer, and if she was kidnapped, her business would be greatly reduced, and it was possible that she would be banned from visiting her from now on. Therefore, this business cannot be made too easy for people named Pan. You have to squeeze out more oil and water.

Although Mrs. Shi often comes and goes in Zhou's house, people of her status usually do not go through the front door but through the back door.

When I got to the back door, I knocked on the door knocker three or two times, and the door opened. The person who opened the door was Liu Qier, a middle-aged woman who served here with her husband. Mrs. Shi knew that the two couples were quite capable and were the bosses in the mansion, so she deliberately tried to win over them and made small tricks to please them from time to time.

"Why are you here so late today?" Liu Qier complained, "I checked several times after I came here, but I didn't see you coming!"

"It's been cold these past few days, and my whole body aches, so I can't go out. The sun has warmed up a bit today, and I have to go out three hours a day to make a living..." Granny Shi rambled on, talking about trivial things in the streets as she walked. , a short-term thing for parents. This is a good pastime for women who have been stuck at home for a long time.

Liu Qi'er listened to her talk about the news outside and said with a smile: "You came just in time! Miss Yourong has been nagging you these past few days! She said you would never come." After speaking, he lowered his voice and said, "I asked you last time Do you have the seed recipe?"

Liu Qier and his wife were nearly forty years old, and they still felt empty at their knees. A slave family like theirs has no conditions to seek serious medical advice, so they can only resort to such "recipes".

Naturally, Mrs. Shi would not say "no", so she asked her to brag that she knew the eunuch and could get the imperial seed recipe copied from Ouchi.

Naturally, she knew a few eunuchs, but the royal seed was completely gone. It's just a way to boost one's own worth.

But she does have several prescriptions for regulating menstruation and assisting in pregnancy, and they have some effects.

At that moment, he pretended to be mysterious and said: "I have spent a lot of effort on this matter, but my father-in-law doesn't know the compatibility of this prescription. The imperial doctors prepared the medicine and brought it..."

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