Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2801 Sitting on pins and needles

Chapter 2801 Sitting on pins and needles

After the old man almost fell down, the old lady seemed to understand and started sobbing. Her voice was very small, but it seemed to shake the quiet afternoon. She tremblingly stretched out her hand to support the old man, and together they picked it up and placed it in the bamboo basket next to it. Tan Shuangxi wanted to help, but looking at the old man and old lady supporting each other, something stopped him in his tracks. The militia captain helped the old lady's arm and put the bamboo basket on his shoulder. The old lady didn't refuse, she let go of the bamboo basket, took the old man's arm, leaned on his shoulder, and the two slowly walked out of the vegetable garden.

Zhang Laicai muttered: "Do you want to follow?"

"No need to ask, the things haven't been given yet!"

The two of them followed reluctantly. Tan Shuangxi had done this kind of thing once before with the platoon leader. According to his words, he would be uninterested for at least three days.

After entering the house, the old man said gently: "Old lady, go get some water for these two children." The old lady walked in with her back hunched over.

Tan Shuangxi took out a kraft paper envelope from his bag, opened it in front of him, and took out everything one by one: "Guo...Dad Guo, this is Dapeng's death notice; this is the pension check; this is These are his medals and medals; this is his cemetery certificate - Dapeng is now buried in a military cemetery on the mainland; this is a list of his belongings: a few old military uniforms, a bedding, and some odds and ends. The post office will send it to you in a few days. Check it yourself. If there is anything wrong, write to this address - if you don't know how to write, ask the village office to write. "

Finally, he took out a piece of paper and said, "If you give us your fingerprints, we can go back and sell the business."

The old man is like a wooden man, he does whatever he says

Tan Shuangxi handed the things to the old man. He didn't rush to look at them. Instead, he asked everyone to sit down. He sat on a bench and looked at the two Fu Bo Army sergeants and said, "How is your battle in the north?"

"The Ming army was vulnerable," Tan Shuangxi said. "It took almost no effort to fight with the officers and soldiers. They all surrendered after hearing the news. Later, Xiong Wencan, a dog official who went around inciting bandits to riot, got some hard work. He died in a bad battle. Many brothers..." Tan Shuangxi knew that the problem was not about fighting at all...

The old man remained silent and hunched over. He didn't know if he was listening to Tan Shuangxi's battle report. Tan Shuangxi thought that maybe he didn't hear anything at all.

The old lady came out with several bowls of water, her eyes red. She must have been crying in her room.

Tan Shuangxi drank from the bowl. It was the cheapest coconut shell bowl. Refugees are given such a bowl after they are taken in. It is their first gift. The shells of these bowls were already banging against each other very hard, and I didn't say anything for a while.

The old lady looked at the old man for a while, as if she had received some consent. She turned to Tan Shuangxi and said, "Why is Dapeng... missing?" The old lady spoke Shandong dialect, and Tan Shuangxi did not understand. But he probably guessed the meaning, and the militia captain also translated it for him in a low voice.

"What is supposed to come will come." Tan Shuangxi thought to himself, paused and said, "Ever since Xiong Wencan incited the bandits to riot, bandits have been everywhere. We just kept marching and rushing. One time when we went to suppress the bandits, we encountered The bandits were ambush. The bandits were in the woods on the roadside and attacked the team with firearms. They were too close and a small stone hit Dapeng. "Tan Shuangxi gestured at his chest and continued: "...the health worker went up to rescue him. He was out of breath, and all of a sudden..."

The old man listened attentively. The old lady sat on the bench next to her, leaning against the old man, sobbing softly. The neighbor's woman had been called to sit behind her and support her. The old man looked a little pale and asked, "What happened next?"

"Later, we eliminated all these bandits, rescued more than two hundred women and children who were kidnapped, and seized many stolen items." Zhang Laicai took over the words, "The next day we sent people to deliver them one after another. gone back."

"It's worth it." The old man said.

Tan Shuangxi didn't know how to answer his words. Although there was no crying as expected, he still felt that he couldn't stay in this small room, so he looked at Zhang Laicai. Although Zhang Laicai was considered a "talking" person in the company, he was also a "talker" at the moment. The passenger seat feels like needles and needles. He just kept looking at Tan Shuangxi with pleading eyes, hoping that he would end it soon.

After finally being able to say goodbye, the old couple had to fulfill their duties as hosts and left the two non-commissioned officers for dinner. Tan Shuangxi and Zhang Laicai almost begged to say goodbye, leaving the village chief and a few neighbors to accompany the two old people.

As we were about to reach the entrance of the village, a shrill cry suddenly came from the direction of the old man's hut. Tan Shuangxi and Zhang Laicai trembled unconsciously, quickly quickened their pace, and fled the village as if they were running away.

After leaving the village, he heaved a sigh of relief: "I am most afraid of this kind of thing." Tan Shuangxi said, "I feel shameless to see the family members."

"What are you talking about? It's getting late. Let's go to Fushan Town to rest for the night."

Although Fushan Town is within Chengmai County, it is actually at the junction of the two counties. The aboriginal people here also belong to the "Lingao people" and speak the same dialect. Because of its convenient location and the Lingao Metro station here, business is relatively prosperous. The two arrived in Fushan and booked a room in a local military-designated hotel. With nothing to do, it is inevitable to have a drink in the evening. After a few glasses of wine, Tan Shuangxi said what he had been holding back all afternoon: "How will Guo Dapeng and his mother live as an old couple in the future?"

"There are pensions and survivors' allowances. Are the old couple worried that they can't make it?" Zhang Laicai said, "Besides, he has a son and a daughter at home. Even if he is not around, he still sends money back. When his eldest son comes back, It’s natural.”

"Yes, I still have a son at home, so I won't be bullied by others!" Tan Shuangxi said and took a sip, "If he is really an only son, then it all depends on whether the people in the village have any conscience!"

"It depends on how Murakami arranges it. I think the village chief is quite nice. Zhongxing is an immigrant village, and his family has no ties to the local area, which is a good thing. Anyone who has several relatives will be sharpening his knives." Zhang Laicai After drinking a full glass of beer, he said with emotion, and then greeted loudly: "Man! Do you have any hard liquor?!"

The clerk came over quickly with a smile on his face: "Yes! Yes! There is Xue Ziliang brand fruit brandy, 45 degrees..."

"Have a bottle!"

The waiter was stunned and advised: "A bottle of 750 ml is too much for two people. You can also buy it by the cup..."

"Shit! Why do you think we can't pay?" Zhang Laicai slapped the table.

"I don't mean it, I don't mean it. You're always taking care of the store's business, and it's too late for the store to thank you." When the waiter saw that the two soldiers were upset, he didn't dare to say anything anymore - soldiers have been coming to visit in recent days. There are quite a lot of people, and although they spend money like water, when they make trouble, the store is in a state of uproar. "

He turned back to the counter to place an order for drinks, and whispered to the apprentice: "Go outside and see where the patrolling military police are."

Tan Shuangxi knew that this probably brought back some past events, so he didn't ask any more questions. In fact, this kind of thing can be guessed, and he couldn't help but lose interest when he thought about it. road:

"Ma Niao is not far from here. I'll check it out when I'm on vacation in the future. There are quite a few soldiers in Zhongxing Village. It's not difficult to help them with anything."

Lending a hand is fake, only when someone is watching can others feel fearful.

"Yes, the team will go and check it out often. It's better." Zhang Laicai poured himself half a glass of brandy, which seemed to suggest that he would get drunk before resting.

"Were you there when Guo Dapeng died? I don't think you told the truth to the old man."

"Drink a few sips less, or you'll get a headache if you drink too much." Although Tan Shuangxi said this, he also poured himself half a cup. He tilted his neck and poured all the wine in the cup into his mouth. A line of fire shot straight from his throat to his stomach. It immediately made him dizzy. He had never liked strong alcohol, but now he wished that the wine would be stronger and stronger. After a hangover, he would forget all the scenes of that day. But at this moment, the effect of alcohol was completely opposite, and the scene at that time was different from the previous one. It all came out like a movie.

The moment the gunfire fell, Tan Shuangxi had already rushed to Guo Dapeng, grabbed his clothes and pulled him into a nearby ravine. Guo Dapeng was unconscious. His eyes were slightly open, his mouth opened vigorously, and he breathed "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Tan Shuangxi knew that this was a pneumothorax caused by being shot in the chest. If the wound was not blocked as soon as possible, he would be suffocated to death immediately. This was something he learned in battlefield rescue training before the expedition.

Tan Shuangxi quickly tore off Guo Dapeng's clothes and backpack with both hands, but he was carrying too much equipment! Water bottle, belt, bullet belt, primer box, grenade bag, backpack... Time was tight, and Tan Shuangxi could not be allowed to unbutton his equipment and find wounds, so he could only pull open the buttons on his chest!

Fortunately, it was summer, and Guo Dapeng only wore a vest and a military uniform. After tearing open the button of his clothes, he saw the bullet hole in his right chest. The bullet hole was small and round, probably just a stone. Bandits and Xiangyong generally couldn't bear to part with real lead. The small bullet holes spurted out black and red plasma with his nervous breathing, dyeing the white linen vest red...

Tan Shuangxi tore open the first aid kit and pressed it directly on the bullet hole without having time to unfold it. He pressed hard with both hands, fearing that air would come out of the bullet hole again. But Guo Dapeng's breathing still did not improve, but became weaker and weaker.

"Hygienist! Hygienist!" He shouted urgently, and the sound of gunshots and shouts of death rang out all around. No one answered his call.

"It must have penetrated! There are still wounds in the back!" The soldier next to him held a gun and reminded him while being alert. Tan Shuangxi lowered his head and saw that the yellow soil and green turf were soaked with blood, and the blood had turned black. , a big pool of black and red.

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