Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2806 Tryst

Chapter 2806 Tryst ()

"Oh, it's already dawn." The man stood up and looked out the window. The sky was already slightly bright. He was probably still dreaming when the rooster crowed.

"It doesn't matter. So what if it's dawn, you don't go to work." The woman turned over, hugged the man's arm, and buried her head in the man's arms, but she never opened her eyes.

"It's because we spent too much time last night." The man teased the woman gently, hugged the woman tightly and stroked her back, feeling the youth seeping out of her body. The drowsiness that surged from the man's body engulfed him again.

When I opened my eyes again, the sky was completely bright. From time to time, there were chickens crowing and dogs barking outside the window, and occasionally there were the footsteps of pedestrians passing by. The woman sat in front of the dressing table, combing her hair carefully. The man suddenly panicked and fumbled with his clothes to get up.

"Why are you in a hurry? It's early." The woman put on her earrings, "The whistle for the day shift hasn't blown yet."

"That's not good. It's already dawn and there are so many people on the street that it's inconvenient."

"If it's inconvenient, we can leave after dark." The woman chuckled, "I'll go out to buy some braised food later. Your favorite duck feet, braised noodles, and Korean mixed vegetables...don't you like the ones at home? A bottle of sherbet?"

The man knows that the woman wants to keep him until evening. He also covets the tenderness of women to some extent. But reason told him that it was not advisable to stay for a long time.

"What if someone comes?"

"Who will come?" The woman saw that he wanted to leave, and she felt a little resentful. "Everyone in the factory and a group of people from their reading club knew that he had gone to join the army. He was alone here, and there was no one. Relatives." When the woman said this, she suddenly showed an ambiguous smile, "Besides, I am the only one in the family, and they don't want to be blamed."

"Your Chinese studies are really good." The man praised her.

The woman didn't care: "Fortunately, I studied well and could read and read newspapers, otherwise I would have been rejected by him to death!"

"He still dislikes you?" The man was a little surprised, "He is a bachelor and a poor man who almost starved to death..."

"If you are poor, you will have a lot of temper." The woman giggled.

The man got a little bored and stopped talking.

"Are you angry?" The woman approached him happily.

"No." The man pretended to be open-minded, "I'm just a little worried - your house faces the street after all. You can hear any noise from outside."

The sounds outside gradually became noisy, including the sounds of hawking, conversations, shouting at animals, the grinding of wheels, the bells on rickshaws...

The man knew that he would not be able to leave during the day.

But to say that he had something to do, he really had nothing to do. When a man goes to town to do business, he has already done it. Staying here for one more day is nothing.

"It seems I can't leave."

"Are you so anxious to go back and see your yellow-faced woman?"

The man was a little displeased, but he didn't show it at all on his face. He just said with a smile: "There was so much noise last night, I was afraid of you..."

"Disgusting!" The woman's fist hit the man's chest.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door downstairs along the street, one after another rapidly. The two people's movements froze for a moment, their eyes fixed on the window. The knocking on the door below became more urgent. The sound of banging on the door could already be heard in the man's mind, and he couldn't help but hold his breath.

The woman glanced at the door in panic, seeming to be thinking about something. Then she stood up, walked quickly to the window, slightly opened a corner of the curtain and took a peek. He turned around and said:

"It doesn't matter, it's sister-in-law Mei Tang next door. I don't know what's going on. I'll come as soon as I go." After that, she left the room, and footsteps coming down the stairs could be heard outside.

The man quickly dressed up. Carefully collect all your belongings scattered in the room.

A woman's voice came from below, and it was unclear what was being said. After a while, the sound disappeared. He heard familiar footsteps on the stairs again.

The woman opened the door and came in. She was stunned for a moment when she saw his appearance, and said with a smile: "Why, are you afraid that someone will come to catch you?"

"That's not true," the man smiled guiltily, "We've all gotten up, and we have to put them back together." Both of them took a deep breath and smiled at each other.

"What does your neighbor want from you?"

"Borrow money." The woman took off her headscarf and threw it on the armchair indifferently. "Borrow two yuan - the family can't make ends meet."

"Aren't the people who live here all factory workers? How about a few dollars less?"

"Look at you, a young landowner," the woman sneered. "It's true that a man works in a factory and his salary is high, but he can't handle having so many children. Five children, three of whom are boys, just eat." The couple has to fight hunger every month. "Why don't the women go out to find a living wage?"

"With five children at home, what kind of work are you looking for? We can't even finish the housework." The woman said and went downstairs again, seeming to be busy with something. After a while, a plate full of breakfast came up.

"It's not as good as what you have at home, just fill it in."

The man looked at the breakfast on the table, including white porridge, salted eggs, five-spice salted peanuts and "Australian pickles" on a small plate. Even at his house, the breakfast was nothing more than that.

"It's pretty good." The man said, pointing to the salted egg, "Just this, not everyone can afford it anymore."

"As long as you are satisfied." The woman said with a smile, "You are much more easy-going than before."

"I used to be cold?"

"It's not cold, it's very... um... arrogant." The woman started to eat breakfast herself, "Do you know what the classmates in the class call you?"


"Young master, lamb." The woman covered her mouth and smiled.

"In the blink of an eye, it has been several years since I graduated." The man was a little embarrassed, "I don't know how my classmates are doing."

"A lot of people are no longer in Lingao." The woman said, "Last time I met the leader who taught us and said that about two-thirds of our class had gone to other places, such as Jeju, Taiwan, Shandong, and Sanya. …Someone went to Guangdong recently. He also asked me why I didn’t go out to work after graduating from high school and stayed at home as a housewife. He said many times that it was a waste of talent.”

The woman laughed when she said this: "Fortunately, I'm not a government-funded student!"

"Your father treats you really well." The man said sincerely, "My father feels that he is in trouble for sending several of my sisters to junior high school. He complains about it every day. It makes my sister hide away when she sees him."

"He's not treating me well, he's just trying to be fashionable and please the chief." The woman said boredly, "He agreed to me marrying him because he is the man the chief likes."

The day shift whistle sounded outside. Following the high-spirited whistle, a sonorous and powerful man's voice suddenly sounded outside:

"The last ring just now was at 8 o'clock in Lingao time. Good morning, all listeners! Welcome to today's "News Summary". Today's news is: Chairman of the Senate Wang Luobin met with the first-level outstanding candidates of the Guangdong and Guangxi Campaign Senate in Bairen City today. Service Medal Winners... The Guangdong Region Advanced Workers Commendation Ceremony was held in Guangzhou, and the Region Governor Wen Desi presented awards to advanced workers... Please listen to the detailed news below..."

They listened attentively while eating. The news was the most important window for them to understand current affairs, especially for men. Their business was no longer the hundreds of acres of land in the village. You must always be aware of the outside world.

"What was said in the news just now?" the woman suddenly asked.

"It seems like the Senate held a lot of meetings, and then there was some trade agreement with the Netherlands... Why are you asking this?" The man was a little surprised. Since he was in school, he knew that women were not interested in world affairs.

"Is there any news from Guangdong and Guangxi? I ​​heard that peace is being negotiated with Ming Dynasty."

"Oh, I didn't say that. The news just said that the troops were resting and recuperating. It looks like a ceasefire is coming soon."

"...Go overseas! Go to the vibrant land of Southeast Asia! Nanyang Company's immigration recruitment seminar will be held at Wenlan River Park from the 10th to 12th of this month. At that time, senior figures from Nanyang Company and the civil affairs department will be present to lecture on immigration policies. and related discounts. To make it easier for everyone to participate, we have arranged performances during the day and night..."

"...The 36th Veterans Placement Conference was held in Bairencheng. The theme of this meeting was the proper placement of retired and disabled servicemen and their families..."

"...Today's news summary program has finished..."

"It seems that the war is almost over... he should come back." The man carefully searched for words, avoiding words like husband and man, as if he was avoiding sewing needles in a sewing box.

"Yes." The woman did not raise her head, but just breathed out. It might be an answer, or it might just be a polite response.

"Tell me about him." The man seemed to have suddenly found a topic of interest.

"He, he has nothing to say, why do you ask?" The woman began to clear away the dishes on the table.

"I'm just curious... Is he good-looking? Is he not good to you? Or does he have other lovers?" For the first time, the man felt that he was a little tongue-tied.

"No, he is actually quite handsome and treats me very well." The woman's voice became lower and lower, and her eyes lowered, "He is just a little poorer, but he is actually good in other aspects. I was still very fond of him back then. Want to marry him."

"...Coal is the blood of modern industry, and Hongji Coal Mine is the energy workshop that continuously supplies blood to Lingao. Since the establishment of Hongji Station, generations of officers and soldiers stationed at the station have overcome the harsh and harsh natural environment, focusing on production with one hand and promoting peace with the other. , used practical actions to defend the rights and interests of the Senate and the people. Now please listen to the special report. I am going three thousand miles westward and stationed to defend the country to express my loyalty..."

The woman was washing dishes downstairs, and the man was wandering around the house boredly. He was already very familiar with this bedroom and could no longer feel anything new. Then he left the door and came to the stairwell.

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