Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2810 Daya Village

Chapter 2810 Daya Village

"Another young man is going to be a soldier." Zhang Laicai returned to the private room and said sadly.

"Someone has to go, right?" Tan Shuangxi said, "No one can watch this beautiful world?"

Zhang Laicai didn't speak, lit a cigarette and blew out the smoke rings slowly. Tan Shuangxi was bored and picked up the "Lingao Times" that was newly published today on the table and flipped through it casually. Suddenly his eyes widened and he pushed Zhang Laicai's arm.


Zhang Laicai shivered with fright and almost dropped the butt of his cigarette on his arm. He thought there was some important news, so he quickly stubbed out the butt of the cigarette and came over.

"what news?!"

However, what he saw was the literary section of "Lingao Times" - although they also like to read newspapers on weekdays, most of them skip the literary section.

"what is this……"

"Look at this!" Tan Shuangxi pointed at a small section at the end of the literary page.

Zhang Laicai took a closer look and saw that it was a poem signed by Tan Haonan.

"Because I really like her, I want to share all the beautiful things with her. Let's not say I love her, I just like her, and I hope to share the beauty I feel with her. For example, the moon tonight is so beautiful, the wind Also gentle.”

When Tan Shuangxi woke up, he still felt a splitting headache. He drank a large bowl of hot water, went back to bed and lay wrapped in a quilt for a while before he felt better. The sun was already very high. He didn't hear the time announced on the radio, so he guessed it was already after nine o'clock. Zhang Laicai hasn't come back yet, a spring night is worth a thousand dollars, and this guy probably won't be able to return to the hotel until noon.

Zhang Laicai left after dinner yesterday. He had nothing to do, so he continued to drink to relieve his worries. After drinking all the beer, he was not satisfied, so he ordered some fruit brandy. When he realized that it was late at night, he could no longer stand still.

Fortunately, there was a hotel with a "Military Designated" sign not far from the tavern. The owner of the restaurant was afraid that he would cause trouble after drinking too much, so he sent two guys to take him to the hotel to check in.

Zhang Lai came over just as he was having a headache.

"So you are hiding here." Zhang Laicai said with a smile on his face, "I only found out after asking the restaurant owner."

"He sent me here." Tan Shuangxi waved his hand feebly, "What a good man..."

"We charged us 1.5 cents for a portion of stewed sheep's treasure, but we can't serve you well." Zhang Laicai saw that he was sluggish and said, "Do you feel uncomfortable after drinking too much? You don't usually drink much. This is what happens when you suddenly drink too much."

"Never drink again." Tan Shuangxi muttered.

Zhang Laicai was very energetic at the moment. Seeing Tan Shuangxi's sick look, he fetched water for him to wash his face and went out to buy him porridge. The friendship that had not been forged after several years of serving in the army together became stronger. I have become more stable in my work these days.

"The last one, this is the platoon leader." Zhang Laicai sat at the dinner table and watched Tan Shuangxi drink porridge and read the mission documents.

"Platoon commander." He said subconsciously.

Li Anze was the platoon leader of his platoon. It was because of Li Anze's death that he became the "sergeant in charge" of the platoon. When it comes to their origins, they are really quite deep. Tan Shuangxi's journey from being an ordinary soldier during the expedition to becoming a "sergeant in charge" and actually serving as a platoon leader was indispensable for this officer's advice. Although Li Anze is much younger than Tan Shuangxi, in Tan Shuangxi's view, this graduate of the Jeju Island Army School is like a father and brother to him.

"What a pity. Lieutenant Li had a bright future." Zhang Laicai said with regret, "Look, all the talented people died."

Li Anze is a true military cadre with a "scientific background". After graduating from high school, he was admitted to the Jeju Island Army School and was the first graduate of the two-year infantry major. Compared with the graduates of the "Military and Political Cadre School" in the past three months, six months, and up to one year, this batch of graduates not only have a higher cultural level, but also benefit from long-term professional training and have first-class military literacy. of. The veteran officers also valued them very much, and they were all targeted for training.

Tan Shuangxi said silently: "He is my benefactor."

"Yes, if it weren't for him you would have died a long time ago."

There is a past incident involved here. When chasing the Ming army, they were marching in a hurry at night. Tan Shuangxi's platoon was responsible for the reception of the whole battalion, specializing in taking in stragglers. It was dark and the road was slippery. He slipped and fell into a ravine and passed out. When he woke up, the troops had already passed. He had a bruised head and a sprained foot. Lying alone in the grass in a ravine, surrounded by barren mountains and wild ridges, it was really making the sky and the earth not respond. He just sat there and waited for death. He never thought that platoon leader Li Anze would find him missing during roll call in the morning. While the troops were resting, they braved the risk of being attacked by stragglers and bandits and returned to look for him. They managed to walk nearly twenty miles on the mountain road to rescue him.

"If it weren't for him, not only would my body be gone, but there would also be a high probability that my file would have an unexplained 'missing' stamp stamped on it." Tan Shuangxi said with emotion.

"He must be from the same hometown as you."

"He and my grandmother are from the same village." Tan Shuangxi said, "The Li family is a carpenter in the village. His father is good at craftsmanship. He works outside all year round. When he comes back at the end of the year, he always brings back a lot of money and rice. He has more days than in the village. People are good. That’s why he can study and read.”

After breakfast, the two set off. Daya Village, where Li Anze's family is located, is a bit far from the urban railway. It is a coastal village. You can either take the coastal transport boat to Bobu or take the public carriage on the rural line. In order to save time, they decided to go by carriage.

Unexpectedly, at Bairen Transportation Center, Tan Shuangxi met an acquaintance. He was a villager from Daya Village who came to Bairen to deliver goods. He was unloading the goods and wanted to go back. So the two of them hitched a ride on his freight carriage.

The two got in the car, and the large compartment was mostly filled with daily consumer goods: wine, cloth, soap... There were also farm tools, fishing gear and hardware materials.

Watching the fields recede away on either side of the road. The road construction leading to Daya Village is very average. The gravel road is relatively smooth, but the foundation is very thin. There are often large potholes, which makes the whole carriage bumpy.

"I'm sorry, this is a truck." The driver greeted, "The suspension is bad. It's not as comfortable as a passenger car!"

"It's okay, just have a car and ride." Tan Shuangxi said and handed the driver a cigarette and started chatting randomly, hoping to distract his attention and relieve the discomfort caused by the hangover.

"Isn't this road good?"

"How much better can it be if we raise funds to repair it?" the coachman kept talking, smoking a cigarette. This road is not an "official road", but Daya Village and several other villages along the way jointly contributed money and work to build it. However, because this was the first time private funds were raised to build roads, the county civil affairs department gave a small subsidy and sent technicians for free to survey and design. Therefore, the specifications of the roads were modeled on Australian styles, but there were no big machines to lay the foundations and the materials were not good enough. . It started to break a few months after it was repaired.

"...If it breaks down in the past two years, it has been repaired. The repairs are not as fast as the damage." The coachman said, "That's right, how many cars travel on this road every day? It would be weird if it didn't get crushed."

Daya Village and several villages along the coast rely on this road to sell their catch to Chengmai County and Majiaobao. Villages not close to the sea sell vegetables and poultry through this road. Whether it is the old county town or Bopu, Bairen, Calais...the huge appetites of these emerging towns seem to never be filled. Cargo carriages are constantly transporting agricultural and fishery products on the road, and also transporting industrial products from the towns back to the villages.

"It's really different from before." He said with emotion as he looked at the scenery along the way.

It has been a long time since he came to Daya Village. When he was a child, he loved to go back to his parents' home with his mother. As I get older, I don’t really want to go back. My family is poor, and my mother is not too keen on returning to her parents' home. After all, life is not easy for her mother's family. After dragging the children back with them, the reception seemed "reluctant" due to human factors: the worry behind the happy expression of the grandmother, the slightly embarrassed "welcome" from the uncle, and the undisguised disgust from the aunt. Although we still have to move around from time to time because of relatives, the number of visits is getting less and less.

Later, when his grandmother passed away, he followed his mother to the funeral and hurried back to Daya Village. In a flash, several years have passed.

"There are more than ten times as many people now as before," said the driver. "They are all Yankees. If you speak the local dialect in the village now, eight out of ten people won't understand you. Everyone has to speak the new dialect now."

"Everyone can understand the new dialect, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with it. But the kids don't know how to talk anymore..." The coachman seemed to be complaining a little, but he couldn't tell the downside of the kids not being able to talk anymore, so he just sighed helplessly.

On one side of the road, the terrain opened up, and there were large tidal flats along the coast. The area close to the road was covered with vegetation. A group of ducks are looking for food on the beach.

Tan Shuangxi knew that this was "tidal duck raising". Raising ducks in this way not only saves feed, but also lays many duck eggs of good quality. It is the so-called "sea duck egg".

"So many ducks!" Zhang Laicai said in surprise as he stood up and looked at the huge flock of ducks that changed into various formations from time to time on the beach.

"It's not a lot," the coachman said, "it's just a small part. Now many people in the village are raising ducks, but there are fewer people going out to fish."

"Oh? Why don't you go." Tan Shuangxi felt a little strange.

"Fishing is more expensive now. You need a big boat, even an Australian-style boat. Fishing gear is not cheap, and you also need to buy ice... Speaking of making money, fishing is more profitable than before, but most people can't afford this cost. Sorry. Besides, fishing with large boats saves manpower. What will happen to the extra people? The Tiandi Society sent people to promote duck breeding, saying that there are many tidal flats here, so the village started to raise ducks and sell duck eggs. Give it to the food factory, and at least make enough food and clothing for the whole family.”

"Well, fishing at sea is a hard job after all." Tan Shuangxi said sincerely.

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