Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2812 Daya Village

Chapter 2812 Daya Village ()

Tan Shuangxi handed him the notebook left by Li Anze. Li Anze liked to write diaries and pension checks when he had nothing to do. When the brother-in-law took it, he smiled bitterly and said, "Everyone is gone, why do you need money? Little plum."

"How did he die? Where was he?" Sister Li cried for a long time, and finally raised her head with tears in her eyes and asked.

"Saving people, Li Anze died saving people."

She cried: "He has liked helping others since he was a child! He never thinks about himself... If you don't think about yourself, you also think about your sister..."

The woman burst into tears and complained naggingly. Tan Shuangxi was sitting on pins and needles, so he had no choice but to follow the pre-arranged words and said: "When we were in Guangxi, during the Battle of Guilin... when we rushed into the Ming army's camp, a cannon was fired from the opposite side. Xiao Lizi pressed down the two soldiers next to him. He fell to the ground and was injured."

Tan Shuangxi looked at Zhang Laicai, as if to imply that the person who was rescued was him: "The wound was on the neck... The person was gone soon."

Zhang Laicai glanced at Tan Shuangxi, because when they were discussing the lie, this role originally belonged to Tan Shuangxi, but Tan Shuangxi would rather give him the luck of being saved from the edge of death.

"Cannon, hit in the neck..." she murmured, as if she couldn't believe it.

"It passed all at once." Tan Shuangxi said, "Basically I didn't feel anything. I didn't feel anything at all..."

"Just like the youngest son of the Fu family in the east, who was hit by a tile when the wind blew." Her husband helped explain, "He fainted immediately and didn't even feel any pain. Yeah!"

But after thinking about it for a while, the woman still shed tears and kept crying.

The brother-in-law glanced at the two of them, nodded, and helped Sister Li into the inner room. Tan Shuangxi was sitting in the main room with his knees together, and there were a few childish chirps above his head. When he looked up, he saw a mud nest on the wooden purlin on the roof, and two baby swallows poked their heads out.

After a while, Sister Li came out with her husband. She was getting better, and she was holding a stack of envelopes in her hand. At a glance, she knew they were military mail sent back from the camp.

She showed the letter to the two of them to look at together. The surface of the envelope was wrinkled and stained in some places, but every crease was carefully flattened. It was obvious that the person who kept it was very careful.

Tan Shuangxi stroked the letter, took out several pages from an envelope full of familiarity, and unfolded it to see that it was Li Anze's own handwriting. The characters are large and twisted. This is not because the writer has low education, but because during the march on the battlefield, he took out the letter paper and wrote a few sentences in his free time, and could only write with a backpack and a big stone.

"Sister, I'm living a good life in the north, don't worry about it. I eat well, sleep well, and marching is no harder than usual training. I'm already fat! The morale of the team is very high, and the Ming army is vulnerable. There are crowds of people welcoming us everywhere..." As Tan Shuangxi read, he recalled Li Anze's smiling face and the way he seemed familiar with everyone when they just crossed the strait and landed on the northern continent. But then he lost weight quickly because he suffered from indigestion there.

"I have been promoted to lieutenant, and the word "agent" has been removed from my title. Now I am an official platoon leader, in charge of dozens of brothers. I am young, but they all obey me..."

Li Anze is almost the youngest in the platoon. Most sergeants and veterans have served for more than three years. When a young officer comes to the army, he will not be able to defeat the veteran Youzi without any real skills. Tan Shuangxi is quite convinced on this point. Once he entered the battle, he was a determined and courageous soldier, and all the soldiers in the platoon admired him. Whether forming a horizontal line to fire a volley, attacking in a column, or harassing with skirmishers, Li Anze always stood first.

"I miss home, I want to eat the fish you cooked, I miss the dried squid made by Aunt Fu in the village, I miss the fragrance of the rice flowers at night, I miss the pond on the mountain, and I want to fish at the beach during my next vacation. I really hope that my parents will If you are still here, you can wait for me at home. You are not busy with the marriage. Let’s talk about it after the war.”

Li Anze's mother died young, and his father did not remarry. He raised his two siblings by doing carpentry work. Li Anze originally went to military school and the family business started to prosper, but his father died in an accident while going out to work. .

"...Our battalion has now been transferred to Guangxi to fight. You have never seen the scenery here, it is all mountains! Northern Guangdong is also a mountain, and there are more mountains here. The march is just spinning around in the mountains! Do you think it will be here soon? When I walked out, I turned a corner and saw mountains again, and my head was dizzy..."

The mountains keep turning. Yes, there are so many mountains in Guangxi. During the Battle of Guilin, the entire battalion walked two hundred miles in three days to rescue Guilin. They had to march at night, endlessly going up and down the mountain, and endlessly turning. The company commander was impatient and kept asking the guide how far it was. The guide always said, it's faster, it's faster, just turn around this mountain. As a result, turning around this mountain will only see more mountains. Don't think about how far it is, don't think about where you want to go, just follow it.

"...According to the chief, Yangshuo is a beautiful place. There are many places to eat and drink in the city, but I didn't see anything. Most of the houses were burned down, and there were dead people everywhere. One of the officers and soldiers actually made it public in the county seat. The streets were looted from beginning to end, and many people were killed. The whole families of several large households on the street were killed, and some children who could not walk were fished out of a well by the National Army who were cleaning up the battlefield. Of the fourteen people, only one little girl was still alive. Looking at the corpses on the ground, we couldn't say a word. I couldn't eat all day long, and every time I closed my eyes, I thought of those poor people. Well, this is the first time I have seen someone so bad and inhumane..."

Lieutenant Li had a relatively happy childhood. The only thing that could be described as "bitter" at the company's grievance meeting was that there was once a "country wise man" who refused to pay his father's wages. This created his honest and kind nature, and he could not bear to see the suffering in the world. Whenever he encountered such a scene, he would have trouble sleeping and eating. During combat, this emotion can turn into extremely passionate hatred. The letter ended here. Tan Shuangxi looked up from the letter and said to Sister Li: "He didn't suffer much, he just passed away..." As if this sentence could compensate for anything,

This letter was actually sent by Tan Shuangxi on behalf of Li Anze. It was given to him by Li Anze after the war in Guilin when Li Anze was being carried onto the hospital ship by everyone. After turning around, I saw the familiar envelope here again, and saw the content that was once private, but the person who wrote the letter was no longer there. The parting in Guilin, that last blow, neither Tan Shuangxi nor Li Anze expected that it would be a permanent separation. Thinking of this, Tan Shuangxi's eyes became sore and he couldn't help but shed tears.

Li Anze's wound was on his stomach. When Tan Shuangxi rushed over, he was covering the wound with an enamel bowl, and blood was flowing out from his fingers. Seeing Tan Shuangxi coming over with a first aid kit, he looked after him and said, "Tie it up for me!"

If the abdomen is injured, follow the wound treatment procedures and cover the wound with a clean bowl or cup to prevent intestinal leakage. Tan Shuangxi remembered these formulas and quickly tied up his wounds.

"There are two more!" Li Anze looked a little pale and gestured.

There were two soldiers beside him, lying motionless on the ground. A single shot ripped across the entire platoon's left flank at close range.

When Tan Shuangxi came back, Li Anze was sitting on the ground leaning against a tree, and the wound on his abdomen was reinforced by himself. Tan Shuangxi looked at it and saw that there was nothing. There was no more blood seeping out, and it was probably nothing serious for a while.

"Both of them are dead." Tan Shuangxi said and sat down next to him, took out a cigarette and lit it for himself. "The Ming army has run away and the battle is over. Now we will start cleaning up the battlefield."

"Give me a bite."

"You were just injured..."

"I didn't hurt my lungs. I just stopped eating and drinking when my intestines came out. I didn't say I needed to stop smoking."

"Okay." Tan Shuangxi put the cigarette in his mouth on Li Anze's mouth, "Just take a few puffs to refresh yourself, this will be a serious injury. You have to be careful."

"How many casualties have there been in the platoon?"

"Two people were killed, and you have four more who need to be sent to the hospital for minor or serious injuries."

Li Anze took a breath and said with a smile: "This injury will not come back in a short time. You are a good sergeant. You should also take on the duties of platoon leader..." As he said this, he pointed to his officer's shoulder bag. , "Get it for me."

Tan Shuangxi opened his satchel for him, and Li Anze took out his officer's notebook, wrote a note on it, and tore it off. Scrawled in pencil on it was: "I recommend Infantry Sergeant Comrade Tan Shuangxi to serve as the acting platoon commander of this platoon." Below is his signature.

Then he took out a booklet "Cultivating Commander's Qualities" and stuffed it into Tan Shuangxi's hand: "This book is very good. Read it when you have time. It will be of great benefit."

"I will read the book carefully, and you have a good rest. Don't worry about it." Tan Shuangxi said hurriedly when he saw that he was a little depressed.

The hospital ship came quickly but was rudimentary. It was a locally requisitioned cargo ship with brackets and seats for fixing the stretcher. There are two medics and a battalion medical kit on it. The seriously wounded were carried up one by one first, then the lightly wounded. Tan Shuangxi helped the stretcher bearers carry the platoon leader onto the ship. Looking at the wounded on the ship and the deck covered in blood, he couldn't help but panic. Li Anze told him a few things, and then comforted him: "It's okay, it's more comfortable to take a boat than a car." Then he said, "I'll leave the platoon matters to you."

"I will definitely do it well!" Tan Shuangxi stood at attention and saluted.

"Go ahead," Li Anze said, "wait for me to come back."

This was the last time he saw Li Anze. When the troops returned to Guangzhou to rest, the wounded soldiers returning from the hospital brought the news of Li Anze's death. Tan Shuangxi only remembered a few words "wound infection", no last words, no hospice care, no doctor's comfort, that's all. A few words took away a living person, Tan Shuangxi's most beloved platoon leader Li Anze.

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