Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2815 Banquet

Chapter 2815 Banquet

"When we go to war, we have no eyesight, and some of them will lose their lives. This is all life!" The old man of the Chen family said with emotion, "When the fifth son of our family went to serve as a soldier, his mother cried until she died. I say you too Stop crying, he deserves to die, you can't live if you cry, he deserves to have this wealth, and he can come back even through fire and danger. We fishermen originally went to sea and didn't know if they could come back. It was just to survive. I had to sacrifice my life, and now I can sacrifice my life for wealth.”

As he spoke, he pointed to the corporal who was entertaining everyone: "Xiao Fazi came back from vacation this time. My family asked me whether I should apply for retirement. I said it was not necessary. Our family's huge property must be protected - we can't just rely on others." As he spoke, he glanced meaningfully at a middle-aged couple in the distance who were entertaining others to eat and drink. There seems to be some disdain, but also some pity, "I am old and can't go to the sea anymore, so I can only sit at home and pretend. If I were ten years younger, I would also like to go out for a trip."

As he spoke, he asked the village chief: "I heard that recruitment of immigrants has started again?"

"Yes, that's right," the village chief said, "We will discuss this matter when we go back to the commune for a meeting. Those who are willing to go will give money to the officials and land..."

The resident police officer looked mysterious: "This matter has not been officially notified yet..."

The village chief said disdainfully: "What's so mysterious about this? Many people have immigrated in the past two years. The house your brother lives in now was originally allocated to Zheng Laolv. His family went to Jeju Island. There are not many people in the village who can handle animals, but he is one of them. I heard that he was taken away because he didn't want to go." The village chief said the last part in a low voice, as if he knew some dirty secret, and he felt uncomfortable as soon as he said it. Okay, here are two Fubo sergeants, who can be considered half of the leaders.

"It would be fine even if he was arrested." The militia captain didn't care. "You can go there crying, but now he is laughing. He went to enjoy his happiness! Some time ago, the militiamen were doing target practice, and we happened to be teaching the cavalry Together with the team, I heard that all the immigrants from Lingao to Jeju Island became cadres, were given houses and food, and were responsible for raising horses. There were more women than men there. It was said that he, the old man, was chosen by a group of women during the blind date. Blessed are the bachelors!”

As soon as this topic that men like to hear was mentioned, everyone immediately became agitated. Everyone began to use their imaginations and even told jokes about the chief of the planning folk choosing a life secretary. The air was filled with A happy atmosphere.

Just when the topic was heading towards tea at the Political and Security Bureau, Tan Shuangxi intervened in time: "Have many people immigrated in the past two years? I'm not just talking about our village, but also other places."

"There are so many," said the accountant, whose face turned red after drinking. "The positions of the chiefs have expanded so much, and they all need people to serve as officials. Where can we get cadres? Of course, they have to be the most trustworthy people. Lingao is from the Senate. In the land of Longxing, everyone is familiar with Sanya, so I won’t talk about it. In the first two years, I mainly went to Taiwan and Jeju Island. At first, I went to work. After a long time, I even brought my family with me. After that, I will not come back. A poor scholar came to Kaohsiung with me. He was sent to teach in the quarantine camp, so what is it called... Kaohsiung? Later he came back and talked to me about the move. The construction there is good, there are many people who can do hard work and few people who can manage things, so there are many opportunities for promotion, so I just signed up for immigration. I saw his name in the newspaper a few days ago, good guy... from Kaohsiung National School. He is the vice-principal. In Lingao, do you think he with a Class A diploma can teach in Fangcaodi? There are also a few people in our village, Zheng Laolv... The village chief has said that, and that person at the east end of the village has gone to Hong Kong. I became a minor official in the Ji Fishery Cooperative and married a local woman. I think she will probably never come back."

The militia captain took a sip of tea, used his index finger to stick up the fish fillet crumbs in the oil paper bag, put it into his mouth and sucked on it. He looked at several people staring at him in ecstasy, and said with satisfaction: "I heard it's good. more than one."

Everyone laughed together, and then fell silent for a while.

"I heard that this recruitment of immigrants will go to the south. What's it called... I didn't remember it. Anyway, it's in the direction of Hongji. The conditions given are quite good. They will give you a moving fee first and then give you a hundred acres of land. The house will go there. Build it yourself, and the bricks and wood are free." The militia captain lowered his head, looked at the wine in the cup and muttered, "If I hadn't been so scared of escaping... I would have wanted to."

"It's not too late for you to go. I heard that people who go to Nanyang can circle the land as they please, and it belongs to you. You can plant as much as you can. Just don't exhaust yourself to death."


The sun gradually fell into the horizon, dyeing the blue of the sky deeper. The golden afterglow illuminated the clouds on the horizon, and also coated the beaches, buildings and people on the seaside with gold. The returning birds began to The sky above the village was even more noisy than before, and women holding arbors to block the sun were calling their children to go home for dinner. Isn’t the south the sea? Tan Shuangxi never thought that one day he would move to a distant foreign land, but at this moment, he felt that the place whose name he did not even know must be as beautiful as the village at this moment.

The silence lasted for a long time. The person who broke the silence was Chen Kefa, who had not spoken for a long time: "You earn your life by yourself."

Without looking at the crowd, he picked up a piece of fried dried fish with his chopsticks, then took a slow sip of wine and continued to talk to the fish heads on the plate with his head lowered.

"Is it good to be an official in Jeju Island? Yes, you can do it for an official, but you have to command a bunch of people who can't even understand the language to work. Is it easy? It's not easy. Those are... not even Miao Yi. People, I don’t know when they started to go crazy and use the knife, and they will not be merciful at all. You all remember the Jin siblings in the newspaper. Is it good to be an official in Taiwan? Yes, but the miasma of land reclamation has also killed many people. This I heard what the sailor said on the boat: Hongji is good, okay, I heard that there are more women than men there, as long as you can afford it, you can marry as many as you want. But when it comes to mining coal, one day the mine will collapse. Not even a corpse can be found. You all think that you can make a lot of money by fishing, but all fishermen know that as soon as we go out to sea, we will be in trouble. Before we even got there, the boat capsized due to an evil wind. Which generation in our family didn't suffer a lot of deaths at sea? Half a year ago, our fourth uncle also died at sea. He was pricked in the hand by a fish and didn't care until he started to have a fever. I ran back and lost my temper when I didn't see the shore. There is no good job in the world. If you want to live a good life, you have to earn it with your own life, right? "

"If you ask me, what's the difference between today's life and the past? That is, you can risk your life to earn a good life, go to Jeju Island, go to Taiwan, go fishing, and serve as a soldier... In the past, if you wanted to risk your life, you could Did the place ask you to change? When I joined the army, was it because I wanted to sacrifice my life for some kind of wealth? No, it was because my family was really poor and I had no choice!"

Not sure if it was because of the wine, Chen Kefa's eyes started to turn red, so he took the bottle and drank two glasses in a row. Night has enveloped the village, and a slightly cool sea breeze blew through the yard. A gust of sea breeze blew the light of the kerosene lamp swaying with the wind, and streaked across the corporal's face. Two tear tracks flashed between the light and dark.

"Is it good to be a soldier? Well, you can eat well, wear warm clothes, travel around and see a lot, and learn some skills. Besides, this day can be regarded as being fought by us with guns, and I don't regret it. But, I am just afraid. , I am afraid that one day I will not be able to come back, and what is even more afraid is that if I come back, the brothers in the team will not be able to come back. I will get on the boat and go to sea as soon as I get home. I am afraid that Sister Li will come to see me. You have been to Li Anze’s house. I dare to go back to the village. I'm afraid that Sister Li will ask me why my brother didn't come back when you came back. Even if she doesn't ask, someone will always ask in my heart..."

At this point, he couldn't talk any more.

There was silence all around, and even the children who were playing around during the banquet fell silent. Seeing the solemn atmosphere, the village chief quickly smoothed things over: "Life and death are determined by fate, and wealth is determined by heaven! Don't think so much. Just work hard in the army! In the future, if you can secure a career as an officer, your family will be proud of your ancestors!"

Chen Kefa's face turned a little red, and he sneered: "It's natural to honor your ancestors. You can be honorable when you're alive, and you can be honorable when you're dead. There's nothing wrong with that. I admit it."

There is something wrong with this statement. Tan Shuangxi was afraid that something unexpected would happen next and ruin the situation of sending the new recruits out to fight, so he immediately came out to answer the question: "What's the matter with life and death? When our Fubo Army goes out to fight, every time we go out to fight, we are not destroyed, and the wind is rolling. That is, Later, the casualties were higher during the suppression of bandits. Now the suppression of bandits has been left to the National Army. We have set up a good position to fight, and we have never been at a disadvantage..." He said with a blushing face, and almost said: "War. The possibility of death is very small."

This was a bit embarrassing to say, so Zhang Laicai immediately added: "Brother Chen is right. In the past, we just sat back and waited for death, without even a way to survive! Since the Senate came, everyone has a way to survive, right?"

Everyone around him hurriedly came to smooth things over, and the happy atmosphere quickly returned to the table, but Tan Shuangxi vaguely felt that Chen Kefa still had something in his heart that he had not spoken out. But he knows one thing, that is, Chen Kefa will not apply for discharge, and he will return to the team.

The Milky Way stretches across the sky at night, from Scorpius and Sagittarius in the south to Altair and Vega at the zenith. To the southeast, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars also adorn the night sky. Under this vast sky, the endless black water surges up to the beach again and again and then returns to the sea. The night wind swayed a kerosene lamp, and its faint light illuminated several figures frozen in time for a long, long time.

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