Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2821 Colorful

Chapter 2821 Colorful

In the near future, considering that the business limitations of the Ziminglou brand are too prominent, in order to avoid the illusion that the Plaid Skirt Club is affiliated with Ziminglou, and at the same time avoid the abuse of the word "club". The business department and club owners decided to develop a chain of idol theaters under the name "Dongmen Theater Company". In terms of publicity, they were completely separated from the original Ziminglou Entertainment and Plaid Skirt Club, and only shared capital and management levels.

Although the name has been changed several times, this merger has had a profound impact on the idol performing arts career in this time and space. Just like ancient Roman cities must have theaters and Colosseums, Ziming can usually be found in big cities in this time and space. The East Gate branch of Louhe Theater brings the disparate pop culture and life interests of Australia and Song Dynasty to the world. However, because the name of the club happens to be the same as the surname of the club's Dongmen veteran, many outsiders think that the club is the private property of the Dongmen veteran. This misunderstanding has brought a lot of trouble and disagreement to the plaid skirt lovers.

Across from the Dongmen Theater, which looks weird to others, next to it is the most popular unit of the literary and art department, the "Perak Hall Puppet Theater" which is as earthy as it gets. Although it uses the same red brick truss structure as the Central Experimental Theater, it has more traditional wooden eaves, doors and windows, and its relatively small size also looks more friendly to the people. There is a small square in front of the theater, and the steps leading to the sales window are always surrounded by many children and adults.

Compared with the more formal experimental theaters and the too niche Plaid Skirt Club, the Perak Hall Puppet Show is currently the performance form with the widest audience and the most intensive performances. It is said to be "Lingao Puppet Show", but in fact it is a fusion version based on Taiwanese puppet show from the old time and space. Naturally, many famous plays in the puppet show were also unceremoniously "original" in another time and space in the name of the veteran.

As the base camp of the Lingao Puppet Troupe, not only there are basically more than four performances every day, but also, under the guidance of the publicity department, new plays are constantly being tried.

The two girls walking by did not pay special attention to the content of the notice board erected next to the small square. In the poster above, a girl dressed as a fisherman stood on the reef with a determined look and held up a lamp in the wind and rain. Windproof lantern. This is actually a memorable moment in the history of imperial theater, because after "The Trial" and "The Promised Land", "The Lighthouse", the third of the twelve classics that will be performed for a long time in the future, will be performed in the puppet theater for the first time. .

The launch of "The Lighthouse" was an important part of a large-scale propaganda campaign launched by the Australian and Song Dynasty propaganda agencies, which meant a complete change in the Senate's attitude towards Zhu Ming. In this play, for the first time, a woman is chosen as the main description object and central character. It also completely subverts the image of women as a virtuous wife and mother or a flower before the moon and under the moon in traditional drama and literary descriptions. It is considered a milestone in the women's liberation movement. In fact, Du Wen is not only an active advocate and promoter of the play, but also one of its screenwriters.

Across the road from the first-generation billboard of "Lighthouse" that will be sent to a museum in the future is the "Wanbi Bookstore" that is under construction for export to domestic sales. The reason why we were able to secure this prime location adjacent to the Central Experimental Theater instead of adjacent to the "Commercial Press" on Guangming Avenue next door is because Wanbi Bookstore in Lingao is positioned as a so-called cultural bookstore. A small performance atrium is designed in the bookstore to provide the space needed for opera and folk arts. The books it sells also emphasize the so-called literary style. In terms of appearance, Wanbi Bookstore basically adopts the design ideas of its Hangzhou store, making it a rare traditional-style building in this area.

The girls who passed by Perak Hall have already seen a wide road parallel to Dongmen Avenue. This is Guangming Avenue, which will be no less prosperous in the future. Many people think that the name of this avenue is to praise the greatness of the empire, but in fact, the name comes from the building that the girls are currently walking through, the first cinema in this time and space: the Grand Guangming Cinema.

Since the name "Australian Film" spread soon after it landed in the Senate, it has now become a must-visit place for foreigners coming to Gao. Although the experimental theater also played movies intermittently, the overly "artistic" style scared off many people. Ordinary people prefer to go to more approachable "cinema".

The cinema is located at the intersection of Guangming Avenue and Parkway Street. There is not much that is surprising in appearance. It still has a blue brick truss structure architectural style, but there is a tall tower-shaped clock tower on the top, and a "Taibai timer" is installed. The latest large clock produced by "The Instrument Factory". But Zahra, a girl who has been there before, knows that you have to go inside to find out the essence.

The main screening hall in the cinema is a dome-style building with a seating capacity of 300. Equipped with orchestra pit. In addition to showing movies, stage performances are also supported. The screen product is not yet available for production, and there are only a few substitutes available. The effect is slightly inferior, but in this time and space, the effect of just projecting it onto a white cloth is amazing enough. When the "movie" was playing, the dark house suddenly lit up, and with the sound of a whistle, a train came out of the wall, spraying white gas and running towards people... It's just like this, many people have only seen it. Foreign guests who watch "Australian movies" are often frightened and rush out of the door. After recovering and returning to the cinema, they are all amazed by the realistic effects of the "movie", which really opens up a lot of Australian porn.

However, due to equipment limitations, the movies shown are mainly film films brought from the old time and space. As the production of chemical developing agents continues to increase, propaganda departments have placed this art form in a prominent position in future development plans. However, this is the only one currently serving the public.

The intersection of Guangming Avenue and Parkway Road where the Australian Cinema is located will also be a famous landmark in the future. For the purpose of industrial upgrading and competition for the right to speak in public opinion, with the approval of the Senate, the original Chuanzhi published from time to time will be upgraded to the first professional financial and trade newspaper in this time and space, "Lingao Business News". The Ministry of Commerce is its sponsoring unit, and the Propaganda Department is responsible for unified guidance and management. With this as a sign, the original complete monopoly of the media by Tintin's propaganda department was officially broken.

In the next ten years, following "Lingao Business Daily", there will be "Nanyang Express", "Financial Times", "Story Club", "Zhiyin", "Tianshui Life Weekly", "Knowledge is Power" and many other publications. Newspapers and magazines were founded and settled here, turning Guangming Avenue into Fleet Street in a new time and space. In the end, even the Lingao Times, which originally had strong opinions, moved its editorial office here. Since several newspaper buildings surrounded a small open space, the municipal department added greenery and seats, as well as a statue of Tintin, the first person in the Australian and Song Dynasty newspaper industry, to build a small public square. It is also called "Times Square" or "Tintin Square".

Times Square has not yet appeared, but diagonally across from the Grand Guangming Cinema, facing the future Commercial Daily Building, the newly launched "Four Seasons Hotel" is already shining brightly. This new-style hotel with a grandiose name from the old days was actually a commercial building affiliated to the Ministry of Commerce. Since Dongmen City has become increasingly prosperous, it is no longer appropriate to place foreign sailors and ordinary merchants who are known for being rough and unhygienic here. Therefore, the Ministry of Commerce took the lead, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the port company cooperated to expand and renovate the original service facilities for seafarers in the Bobu area and operate it as a new commercial center.

The original business building has been renovated and expanded, and the appearance of the accommodation part has not changed significantly. Only the internal rooms have been renovated, especially the addition of independent bathroom facilities for each room. At the same time, the original foreign affairs reception area for veterans was opened into the lobby, and some service facilities such as bars and laundry rooms were added for hotel guests, making it a new high-end hotel in this time and space, providing services for veterans and high-end customers. This change also has the intention of competing with Longhao Bay Hotel. After all, in terms of luxury enjoyment, "Australian style" still has to serve as the benchmark.

The most famous ancillary catering part of the original shopping mall, which was originally called the shopping mall hotel, has obtained the independent brand of "Xinghualou". It will continue to operate as a hotel ancillary industry for the time being. In the future, it plans to operate independently and allow chain stores to be opened. The newly acquired independent brand of the Merchant Hotel is very dynamic. In addition to maintaining the original building, a brand new three-story building was built along Guangming Street. Not only does it have large glass windows and brand-new decoration, it also has an open-air terrace on the roof. Here, looking at the bustling Parkway Road, drinking beer and eating barbecue has become a favorite of some local naturalized residents.

Opposite the new Xinghualou Hotel is the destination that the girls who are crossing the road are about to arrive at: the Peonylou East Gate Head Office.

The two girls who were crossing the road were attracted by the fragrance that penetrated their noses rather than following the pictures. Even standing on the other side of Parkway Street, you can smell the strange smell of food in the air. It was an indescribable experience. It smelled a little bit choking, but it had some kind of captivating power that made people feel a strange sense of hunger. The scent came one after another, causing the two girls to speed up their pace.

What is directly in front of you is a typical Australian-style truss building with three floors above and below. What is more special is the mix of one layer of blue bricks and one layer of red bricks. At the top of the building, there is a golden sign that is almost a story high. The shape of the logo is two side-by-side Chinese-style archways, but the two girls look like a somewhat deformed English letter "M". Next to the sign of the archway, there are three large Song-style characters "Peony Tower" side by side, allowing the girls to confirm that they have reached their destination.

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