Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2823 Life experience

Chapter 2823 Life experience

Like most chain restaurants in the past, Mudanlou's French fries are processed and frozen semi-finished products delivered from the central kitchen. Then fry it at about 175°C, take it out and let it cool before the fries turn brown, then fry it at 190-200°C for about one minute, then spray the seasoning immediately and serve. Not only is a lot of oil used in the oil pan, but it must also be replaced regularly. This series of restrictions determines that French fries are not a food suitable for home cooking.

As Sonia tasted the French fries one by one, Sonia looked at the leftover menu unexpectedly and quietly. Then, she suddenly pushed the menu to Zahra and asked: "Do you think this story is true?"

Zahra picked it up and took a look. What Sonia pointed out to her was the beginning of the menu. On the left was a reproduction of the "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" on the entrance wall, and on the right was a text describing the origin of the Peony House.

This story is of course a fantasy version reviewed by the Ministry of Truth. The general idea is that Peony House was a well-known restaurant in the Bianliang era of Tokyo. Its founder, whose surname was Mai, was obsessed with refining alchemy to seek immortality, and was nicknamed "Mactan". Although Mai's alchemy failed, he mastered excellent fire control skills. Later he opened the Peony House, which specializes in fire-grilled sesame cakes, which is regarded as a unique specialty in Tokyo. Although the Mai family were merchants, they had always served the country loyally. After the Jingkang Rebellion, the Mai family of Mudanlou followed Emperor Gaozong to travel south, and then re-opened their shop; after the Battle of Yashan, their family followed their ancestors of the Australian Song Dynasty to travel far away. Australia, and continued to improve according to the customs of Australia and Song Dynasty, and eventually became the most famous caterer in Australia and Song Dynasty, with thousands of shops.

Zahra roughly understood this paragraph of text, and there was nothing unusual about it. It was just bragging about a century-old store. Similar rhetoric is found in Persia.

"It's probably true, or it may be false." Zahra didn't care, "Anyway, he can't prove it, and you can't falsify it."

"That's true." Sonia said, with a strange expression on her face, and muttered to herself, "It can't be proven, and it can't be falsified."

"What's wrong with you?" The Persian girl was a little strange.

"Just like Peony Tower's rhetoric, the Senate is an existence that cannot be proven or falsified."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Zahra became nervous, looked around involuntarily, and lowered her voice, "Don't forget your identity!"

But Sonia whispered: "I always feel weird."

This suspicion has only intensified since she started working at the museum and carried out many surveys of the outer islands with remote exploration teams. During the inspection, veteran Cui Yunhong left a deep impression on him. Not only because of Cui Yuanlao's profound knowledge and exploration ability, but also because of his insight. Cui Yuanlao could almost identify all kinds of animal, plant and mineral specimens found and named them accordingly.

But the problem is that the names given by Cui Yuanlao are not only Chinese, but also have corresponding Latin scientific names and sub-disciplines. You know, as the official language of the ancient Roman Empire, Latin has been dead for a long time as a daily language. However, due to the stability of its language, as an academic classification language it is the absolute standard in European academic circles. As a naturalist, Sonia is of course familiar with it.

But the Latin name given by Cui Yuanlao is not only clear, but also basically consistent with what is currently used in Europe. Even if there are some names that were named not long ago in Europe, they are exactly the same, which is very strange. Sonia thought a lot, but she couldn't find any examples of exchanges between Australian and Song Dynasty scholars and European academic circles from her memory. She couldn't help but once again doubt the origin of the Senate.

She still had many similar doubts, including the multiple languages ​​they mastered and their familiarity with European natural history: Sonia herself didn't know about some scholars and academics, and you should know that she often visited Europe. I know a lot about European academia and scholars, but not as detailed as the elders. Especially the works of these people are actually available in the museum’s reference room! Not only that, the publisher also thoughtfully added various annotations...

"...I always feel that if I spend time with the elders day and night, I can always get something from their mouths, but nothing." Sonia smiled bitterly, "You know, I am also relatively famous..."

"Yes, you are so famous!" the Persian girl joked jealously, "Our Elder Xu also said that he was too anxious and it would be a pity not to bid for you..."

Sonia's face turned red: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"I'm telling the truth."

"If I had a choice, I would rather not have such an honor." Sonia said.

"Then you won't be able to get everything you have now?"

There was a conflicted expression on Sonia's face. It was obvious that she was struggling in her heart.

Zahra actually understood her quite well. The closer she got to the elders, the less aura they had, but the more mysteries surrounding them. Zahra did not answer her words immediately, but watched the crowds pouring out from the cinema next door and walked into the green garden across the street, looking at the restaurant where she was sitting and the various novelties that came with the Senate around her. . After thinking for a moment, Zahra replied: "Is it important where they come from? I think it's more important what they have changed and what they will continue to change next." She looked at Sonia's blue eyes. Eyes continued, "Just like us, do you think we are free or not free now?"

Sonia knew clearly in her heart that they were slaves. When she was sold in Basra, she knew that her fate would be to enter the "harem" and become a concubine who had no personal freedom and only used her appearance and body to please her master. And here, not to mention that she can go out on adventures and inspections, even an ordinary maid like Zahra can have a free and prosperous life: she can go shopping, and she can chat casually with friends. Such freedom is unheard of even in Europe, not to mention conservative Eastern societies.

"This is probably destiny." She sighed, and suddenly she thought of something, "I have always been curious, how do you speak English?"

English in this time and space is still a very niche language, far less popular than French, German and Italian. It is neither an academic language nor a symbol of aristocratic education. It has nothing to do with culture and art, and is no different from a rural dialect. Sonia's English was brought by her British mother. How did a Persian girl in the Middle East learn it?

"Do you know about Abbasid?"

"I have heard his name, a great monarch! A great man who defeated the Sultan."

"When he was in power, he introduced British soldiers and craftsmen to help form the army and manufacture firearms. Our family was familiar with the Shirley brothers at that time."

During the Persian Safavid Dynasty, in order to counter the increasingly severe military pressure from Ottoman Turkey, Abbas I actively introduced European military technology and political allies. The most active among them are the British. Britain not only provided military assistance, but also dispatched military advisors, and even directly used its overseas fleet to provide military support for the Persians' operations in the Red Sea.

The Shirley brothers are two famous British adventurers in Persian history. The elder brother of the two brothers, Anthony, graduated from Cambridge University and then joined the army to adventure everywhere. After getting acquainted with Abbas I who had just succeeded to the throne at that time, he actively helped him build fully weaponized military and promote the establishment of cooperative relations with European countries. After his elder brother went to Europe as a mission in 1600 and was finally recognized by the Holy Roman Empire as the commander of the fleet, his younger brother Robert continued to stay in Persia to help him build the army. Later, he led a delegation to visit London and other European countries three times, which prompted Britain and Sars to The Philippine Dynasty formally established diplomatic relations and died on the way to his last visit. With their efforts, the Safavid dynasty built an army that could rival the Ottoman Empire, which greatly improved the situation in Europe against the Ottoman Empire.

It is because of this relationship that Zahra’s family learned English.

"...If that's the case, how could you..."

It is not uncommon for women of noble birth to become slaves in the Mediterranean world, either because they were captured by pirates during the voyage, or because their residence on the seaside was looted and captured by pirates. But Zahra's family is not only authentic Persians, but she also heard from a Persian girl that her family lives among the inland mountains and is not a coastal resident.

"This is about His Majesty Safi. Do you know him?"

"not sure."

"He is a terrible monarch." At this point, Zahra trembled involuntarily.

Although Abbas himself was a man of great talent and brilliance, he was suspicious and prone to murder, and was especially cruel to those in his own family who were suspected of being killed. Therefore, all three sons were deposed or killed by him. Before Abbas I died of illness in 1629, he could only name his grandson Safi as his heir.

Safi was only eighteen years old when he came to the throne. Because of his father's experience, he was cruel and restrained. He ruthlessly eliminated anyone who could threaten his power, executing almost all the Safavid princes and the courtiers and generals who had made outstanding achievements under his grandfather. And Zahra's family fell in such a violent storm.

"...After something happened at home," Zahra sighed, "my sisters, my sisters, and a few young brothers all became slaves. Those six months were like hell." She stroked her chest, " Coming here is like arriving in a garden for me..."

At this moment, the meals for the two of them had been served. The aroma dispels the depressive atmosphere. On a round wooden plate, there was a round cake cut into six pieces. The round cake is mixed with a variety of fish, shrimp and vegetables, and there is a layer of sticky yellow-white milky substance that sticks together. Exudes a charming aroma.

“There are several kinds of spices that Chinese people don’t use here.” Zahra smelled it and said, “It’s really strange!”

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