Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2831 Reporter Mai Ruibao

Chapter 2831 Reporter Mai Ruibao

The target of the restructuring is the Lingao County Opera Club. Compared with the puppet troupe, most of the opera troupe's performances cost less, with only one or two actors, and do not require much expenditure on costumes and props. They are suitable for individual performances to be performed alone.

"Since they think they earn less in the group, just let them do it on their own." Ding Ding expressed support, "It's not sweet to force yourself."

"Of course you can do it yourself, but my book cannot be passed on in vain..." Wang Tao said.

In the world of storytelling and storytelling in this time and space, Wang Tao can be regarded as a "grandmaster" level existence. It's not that his professional skills are so high - there are so many professional "characters" who are powerful storytellers in this time and space, and they are definitely much better than an amateur like Wang Tao. But when it comes to mastering so many books, no one in the world can compare with him.

First, as a fan himself, he collected a large number of classic manuscripts when he first traveled through time, including manuscripts and performance recordings of various genres of storytelling across the country; second, various related materials brought by the Great Library and other elders, In particular, there are so many online novels, many of which have been adapted into storytelling.

With so much information at hand, apprentices whose basic educational level is only a second-class diploma can only bow their heads and bow a hundred times. Therefore, the plan proposed by Wang Tao is that actors who intend to go independent need to pay "usage fees" based on the basic materials they have learned, and each one is counted as one.

"The fee is paid once a year and is linked to the annual registration of the actor's license." Wang Tao put forward his suggestion, "The money collected is considered as the funding of our department."

"How much is the fee? I think it is reasonable to charge it based on a percentage of his revenue..."

"That's true, but how can we know his specific income?" Wang Tao said with a smile, "We can only roughly collect a fee every year according to the method of fixed tax. There is some income. If he goes out to perform and the market is hot, appropriate If you charge more, if the market is bad, charge less. I’ll think about how to charge it.”

The plan is now on his desk. Although Ding Ding hasn't had time to take a closer look, he can tell from a cursory glance that Wang Tao put a lot of thought into it. And his calculation is the same as his own, which is to try not to support professional groups.

Although this time it only involves folk-art actors, it will be generalized when the time is right to prepare for "privatization".

Wang Tao is currently the director of the Performance Department. He thinks the same as me, and many things will be easier to handle. As for Fang Fei, he is passionate about rehearsing various group exercises, organizing large-scale performances, and creating a "sense of ritual". He has no idea about the performance market.

He first looked through the relevant proofs on the table. He no longer needed to do the proofreading work, it was more about considering the words. Sometimes this kind of deliberation takes a lot of time, but today it just went by in a flash. He picked up the report on the founding of the "Liangyou" pictorial magazine on the table.

"Liangyou" is a 16-page photographic pictorial that Wen Xuankou is preparing to publish. Unlike the lithographic and copperplate pictorials they published earlier, the source material of "Liangyou" mainly comes from photojournalism photos. This is mainly due to the progress in the chemical industry and optical sectors over the years, which has enabled the industrialization of photography and imaging printing.

Although Tintin didn't know how much effort the industrial sector had put in behind the scenes, he knew how much benefit imaging could bring to newspapers and magazines. Especially photojournalistic pictorials. In the era before television, the influence of pictorials with pictures and texts was even greater than that of newspapers.

For the launch of "Liangyou", in addition to establishing a new printing office, a special training course on photojournalism was held. Training photojournalists. The masthead of "Liangyou" was intended to be written by Wen Desi or Wang Luobin. After a little consideration, Ding Ding added a comment: "It is appropriate to ask a veteran who is proficient in calligraphy to write this matter, but not..." He thought for a while and added The sentence "unsuitable" was crossed out.

The pictorial is expected to be 16 pages and 32 pages. In addition to 26 pages of photography, there are also 6 pages of lithographed comics. All layouts use a mixed layout of graphics and text.

Ding Ding picked up the printed proof of the pictorial and looked at the effect of the picture printing. In order to better reflect the effect of the picture, the pictorial has certain requirements for paper, ink and printing press, even if it is printed in black and white. In the early years, the printing house of the Senate could only be satisfied with the lithography process for printing artworks. Now being able to print photography pictorials is a big step forward.

On this late spring morning in 1638, Mai Ruibao, a trainee photojournalist for the "Good Friend" pictorial newspaper, was experiencing some kind of indescribable mental trance. Although his buttocks were still dangling on the sofa seat in the first-class train carriage, his body felt as if Miraculously floated into the air. A month ago, he officially joined the pictorial agency. Chief Ding Ding personally handed over a brand new camera with "Lingao Optics" printed on it and told him the essentials of interview shooting. At that time, Mai Ruibao also felt a sense of happiness going straight to his forehead, and he was extremely excited. .

However, none of that can be compared with this time. What kind of virtue and ability do I have? I am just a fledgling boy who has studied in Fangcao Cao for a few years and was selected to study painting in an art training class for two years. Because I have no respect for the Senate. After showing great interest in the Pokémon camera, he became a member of the first photojournalist class. After a few months of study, I officially joined the "Liangyou" pictorial magazine. For the first time, I was able to sit in the special car for seniors and accompany a group of leaders, not to mention the leader of the leaders, the beloved Chairman Wang Luobin, inspecting and interviewing Danzhou Industry. District, he didn't even dare to do this in his dreams.

What was especially unexpected was that Chairman Wang was so approachable, without any airs of being a "big leader". He chatted and laughed with all the naturalized staff throughout the trip, especially with Sun Shangxiang, a female reporter sent by the "Lingao Times". . Miss Sun is such a sweet talker, she can respond wittily no matter what the topic turns to. Chairman Wang's hearty laughter and Reporter Sun's lark-like laughter are intertwined throughout the carriage, and she is dressed in dark blue. The white lapel dress further highlighted her fair skin and slim figure. Mai Ruibao looked at Miss Sun, as if he was the one talking to her. His heart was filled with happiness and joy, and he couldn't bear to get off the train when he arrived at the station - oh no, this urban train has really arrived in Danzhou, why is it like this? quick?

After waking up, Mai Ruibao jumped out of the carriage quickly before the leader. The newly built Danzhou Yangpu Station is currently mainly handling freight services, so there are no people on the platform except railway employees. However, at this moment, two groups of Japanese national troops were already lined up under the simple awning. As soon as the carriage door opened, a "fake Kun" jumped out. As soon as he jumped onto the platform, he lifted up the wooden box hanging on his chest, opened the front cover and popped out a pig-snout-like thing wrapped in leather. He stretched and stretched it. He glanced left for a while and then turned right again, still moving various mechanisms on the box, making clicking sounds. In the eyes of the simple and alert mercenaries, this action was no different from loading and aiming some mysterious firearm. The two Japanese soldiers nearby picked up rifles with bayonets and moved closer. Fortunately, at this time, veteran Lu Zeyang Walking over from the other end of the platform, he stopped the Japanese mercenaries and asked them to get into formation again.

Mai Ruibao knew nothing about the danger of almost getting a few more holes in his body. He looked around at the platform environment and the light diffracted under the canopy. He silently recited the Sixteen Sunshine Mantras that he had memorized countless times, adjusted the aperture, and loaded the shutter. line, and then came back to the viewfinder - the focus was correct, and the image of Chief Lu with his head and feet upside down was perfectly projected on the frosted glass screen. At this moment, he heard Chairman Wang's angry voice: "Commander Zeyang——" The reflection on the frosted glass screen changed from one to two, and he quickly unplugged the viewfinder and inserted the film holder containing the dry plate. , took a deep breath, leveled the camera steadily, and pressed the shutter release button at the moment Chairman Wang and Director Lu held hands.

The operation of the glass film camera is complex. The procedures and formulas taught by the chief's teacher kept repeating in Mai Ruibao's mind. His hands did not stop for a moment, and he shot the heroic postures of several chiefs one after another. In the end, the camera seemed to automatically find the target. The ground was aimed at Sun Shangxiang, who was interviewing Chief Lu. Unfortunately, Chief Lu seemed to be absent-minded and ended the interview after saying a few words in a hurry. When Mai Ruibao inserted the film holder again, through the side viewfinder, he regretfully saw Miss Sun's figure walking away from him.

The elders and their entourage were naturally transported by horse-drawn carriages. Mai Ruibao's original carriage on the special train was considered a "car ride", so it was naturally impossible for him to ride in a carriage again - after all, he was not as cute and charming as Sun Shangxiang.

After leaving the station, there is a simple street market. The houses and pavements are very simple, but it seems that the business here is very prosperous. First, there are many pubs and restaurants here, and second, there are thirty or forty Zero rickshaws waiting in line at the station square.

Based on Mairuibao's experience, businesses around large factory areas are mostly prosperous. Workers have high incomes and are generally willing to spend money. Although the neighborhood has not been newly built, it can be imagined that with the dual blessing of the station and the factory area, it will become more and more prosperous.

He called a Zero rickshaw and walked for fifteen minutes along a newly paved road to the newly built "Special Chemical Park" of Danzhou United Chemical Industry.

The Special Industrial Park is an industrial zone with the highest security level. Before entering, you can see the "Regulations Sign" at the entrance of the factory. There are dozens of them with white characters on a red background. Mai Ruibao didn't have time to take a closer look, but was attracted by two huge slogans next to it: "Go to work happily and go home safely", "Safety is the guarantee of family happiness, and accidents are the bane of life's tragedy."

At the security room at the factory gate, I showed my ID card and a letter of introduction from the "Liangyou" pictorial, and received relevant safety education. After undergoing a security inspection, I was able to enter the factory with an "interview pass" hanging around my neck.

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