Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 600 Books

Chapter 600 Books
This issue is also known as the menstruation topic when the Senate meets. No matter how many times the vest has implemented the "Vest Procedures", the marriage with the natives and the ensuing children's inheritance rights, native rights, education issues, etc. are called enduring old topic.All sides not only advocate confrontation, but also tit for tat.

"That's it—" Xun Suji began to think about it, and it didn't matter. If he was married to an indigenous woman, he would not be included in the "alternative" list, but the loss outweighed the gain.

"You should think about it again. To be honest, this matter is not busy. Besides, don't you have a secretary?" Mo Xiao'an said, "I don't think you are busy for the time being. The senate will hold a plenary meeting soon. Your last question Proposal, and then everyone quarreled in the Senate. There will definitely be a conclusion in the end."

"What if the conclusion is not allowed?" Xun Suji was a little worried, because Liu Meilan had already fallen in love with him.

"I think most people are willing." Mo Xiao'an said, "Why? Thinking of others. Don't everyone prevent themselves from marrying a beautiful girl?"

No matter what people say they don't have much interest in aboriginal women, a girl from a landlord family is of course more attractive than a girl from an ordinary poor family, and there is also a sense of face satisfaction.

"I thought that after the maid revolution, these things were just for everyone to do." Hearing that marriage would be discussed in the Senate, Xun Suji expressed dissatisfaction.

Mo Xiaoan smiled: "I think it's better that the Senate has discussed it. In the future, everyone will have nothing to say." He probably felt that this was inappropriate, so he coughed: "Let's get down to business, let's talk about new export products."

"Export commodities should be based on cheap and large quantities." Zhou Dongtian said, "Most of the industrial products in Lingao now have no economies of scale, and it is difficult to hit the market with prices."

There is no impact on the price, and only relying on "unique skills and obscenity" will eventually become a new luxury.This can be seen in the results of various industrial products they sell to the mainland.In the end, only needles and paper can be exported in large quantities to form a consumer market.These two are precisely because of the consideration of cheapness and quantity that completely overwhelmed the old market structure,

"What commodities are used to destroy the small peasant economy in the primary stage of capitalism?" Xun Suji thought hard about the courses he had learned in political economy. "It seems to be textiles? Mass-produced machine cloth destroys hand-made cloth..."

"Is this valuable to us? Songjiang cloth is already cheap enough. Besides, even if we go to a mechanized textile factory immediately, it will take a long time to reach the dumping level. There is also the problem of cotton." Mo Xiaoan said, "Now the executive committee means that the export scale will be formed in a short period of time."

"I have something that can be effective in a short period of time." Zhou Dongtian said, "Books. I mentioned this suggestion last time. The price of books in this time and space is too high. There is a lot of room for price reduction, and market demand It's also huge."

"How much literacy rate can the indigenous people have? 30.00% would be great."

"I don't know about this, but ancient scholars seem to regard buying and collecting books as a major event, which shows that books are hard to come by. The market potential is huge." Zhou Dongtian said, "Last year, I helped Xiaoxiong print some books and gave them to the county. Liu Dalin was extremely grateful to Mo Lixuan after he bought some books for Molixuan to use as a library."

Molixuan's library has less than [-] books in total, which is not even at the level of a street library in modern times, but in ancient times, it was considered a great cultural wealth.

"But I don't have time to do it—there are too many part-time tasks. This time, I will completely settle the matter of the movable type printing factory. But Lao Mo, you have to help me get rid of the group of people in the machinery factory. I want to do movable type printing The factory needs a complete set of equipment. There is also the planning institute, which consumes a lot of resources."

"Didn't you already have a printing factory? It printed a lot of teaching materials and books. What about Lingao's newspaper? I don't think it was made by hand-carving steel plates?"

"It was printed by a high-speed mimeograph." Zhou Dongtian smiled, "Some of them were printed by lithography."

"Mimeograph? That's impossible. Your printed textbooks and newspapers... are all exquisitely printed, the same as those produced by a regular printing factory."

Zhou Dongtian shook his finger: "Printing, you don't understand." He explained that he brought a commercial high-speed mimeograph machine, not the hand-engraved stencil in everyone's concept, then painted with ink, and then rotated and printed by hand. The printed things are crude equipment that is blurry and easy to fade - that kind of thing is also called a mimeograph, but it is different from the equipment he brought.

"The printing effect of our own equipment cannot be compared with this fast mimeograph." He said, "However, modern equipment cannot escape the problem of lifespan. Although I have brought a lot of spare parts, I can continue to use Sooner or later it will be over—too many things to print. So this time I propose that we must build a new printing house."

"I am very supportive!"

"Support belongs to support, this matter is not so easy to handle." When Zhou Dongtian explained, the printing factory needs to manufacture special equipment, and there are a lot of metals such as lead, copper, and steel, and many workers--workers Specialized training is required.

"It will take about three to four months for the printing plant to form production capacity."

"It's been a while." Mo Xiao'an thought it was a matter of Chi Zhali's doing.

"It's fast enough." Zhou Dongtian said, "This is based on the fact that we have a complete set of industrial systems and material support. If a few of us travel across naked, it will take at least two or three years."

"I'll make a report right away!" Mo Xiaoan said excitedly, "I don't know if there are typesetting workers in Guangzhou."

"It should be. Although movable type printing in China has not been common, it still exists in some low-end applications. Guangzhou's mansion newspaper is made of movable type—to be honest, it is bad enough. No wonder many foreigners do not recognize Chinese people. Invented movable type printing. Not on the same level at all.”

"The foreign devils still don't admit that we invented gunpowder."

"Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese. Now it is the mainstream view. Except for a few white supremacist historians, it is Bacon who invented it. But when it comes to the concept of printing, it is a bit embarrassing to be honest. Modern Printing technology basically has nothing to do with China. If there is one, the concept of block printing and the use of movable type should be regarded as invented by the Chinese.” Zhou Dongtian said, “We don’t care about this, let’s talk about what kind of books to print first. Alright. To do movable type printing, you need to make movable type first, and the quantity of movable type is very large. I need to have a basic concept.”

"I just don't know what books to sell." Mo Xiaoan thought for a while, "Confucian classics like the Four Books and Five Classics should be the best sellers, right?"

Xun Suji said: "It must be the best seller, but the competition must be fierce. There are too many people printed."

"It's best to have competition—we just dump it at a low price..." Zhou Dongtian said, "Once the scale becomes large, the cost advantage of our books is simply not comparable to that of traditional woodblock printing."

"In fact, it is better to print "Journey to the West", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin". These three books were published in the Ming Dynasty, and they must sell well. As for the version, the electronic manuscript of the People's Literature Edition is used as the base. The proofreading is good, there are few typos, and it will definitely be a sensation when it is printed." The end of the Ming Dynasty was an era of active publishing.There are many kinds of books, and recreational books begin to account for the bulk of booksellers' publishing sales.

""Dream of Red Mansions" should also be popular." Mo Xiaoan said, "And it's not taboo, anyway, there is no dynasty to test."

"Let's forget "Dream of Red Mansions", otherwise many people will rush to be the author. Everyone wants to sign it." Zhou Dongtian said, "Last time I printed the "Thirteen Classics Qingren Commentary Series". Quite a few of them want to be the authors of the book, and become a great contemporary Confucian."

"This is blatant piracy."

"I think that the works of later generations should not be published for the time being, and the works of the Ming Dynasty and before the Ming Dynasty should be published first. Some Qing people's compilations and sorting can also be published. For example, "Three Hundred Tang Poems", "Complete Tang Poems" and the like."

"You guys are so uninspired!" Xun Suji was not very interested in this, and suddenly thought of a good idea, "I don't think there is any need to print, first print a few thousand real sex/love/magazines and the like. Japanese Or from Hong Kong. Print a little bit of white girls and black girls, and you can sell them to Europe in the future..." He swallowed, "If you think the scale is too big, just print a **** photo album. Even if it's not Even the hairless photos will make the nosebleeds of Daming scholars."

He felt more and more that his creativity was astonishingly good: "This kind of reserve must be massive in the hands of veterans. Besides, we have digital cameras, computers, and professionals who understand PS, so we can create our own "Attic" by ourselves. It’s a magazine like that. Don’t women like small feet in this era? Let’s just start a magazine called “Growing Lotus Every Step”, which will feature close-up photos of various models with small feet...”

Mo Xiaoan was still laughing at first, but when he heard that a magazine for women with small feet would be published later, he couldn't help frowning: "It's so disgusting, I feel like throwing up when I hear it. You might as well be black silk! Why cater to this bad habit? We originally It is to revolutionize the society. Besides, the ancient society was very feudal and conservative, so how big of a market will you have for doing these things?”

"The market is not a problem. You should know that most of the classic pornography/erotica/novels came from the Ming Dynasty - it can be seen that there was a great demand for this kind of consumption in this period. Xiaoxun, your idea is very good - but there is a fatal problem. "Zhou Dongtian said, "We can't handle the technical paper and ink for color plate printing. Now I can use a scanner and a laser/inkjet printer to copy a few copies for you. Large batches are not acceptable."

Xun Suji was a little disappointed, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "How about **? It can be expressed only with lines! Black and white lines, a skilled engraver can make engravings! Japanese ** should be more in line with the aesthetic taste of Chinese people. .Meiman is too rough, and the paintings are ghosts and ghosts, Ming people should not be interested."

He continued to talk freely about his plans for the publishing industry, with the same interest as when he talked about H magazine just now: "As for the selection of materials, I think the general direction is fine--the style of painting should be more beautiful. As for the tentacle, human, ghost, and SM I'm afraid the taste of the food is too heavy, and people from Ming Dynasty may not be interested."

"Not necessarily, Jin Ping Meili still has a bit of perverted stuff. I think there should be a market for SM, soft ones are fine." Mo Xiao'an was also aroused by the conversation, "Actually, BL's sex should have a big market."

"There are many corrupt women in Ming Dynasty?"

"No, I heard that men are generally good in this era, and they generally like beautiful boys who look like women. In BL's **, Xiao Shou is painted as more feminine than women, so he will definitely be attracted by the rich men of Ming Dynasty .”

"How do you know so many things about BL?" Zhou Dongtian asked suddenly.

"Well, well, well, I actually dated a rotten girl..." Mo Xiao'an hurriedly argued that he was innocent, and there was absolutely no issue of orientation.

"Manga publishing is certainly possible, but it's very troublesome." Zhou Dongtian didn't ask any further, "In fact, there is a simpler way, lithographic printing is enough. This depends on the speed of our training of plate makers. It can only be considered as a long-term consideration. "

The proposal to build a movable type printing factory and to do book printing has not attracted much attention from the industrial department after it was reported to the planning institute. For the industrial department, this is just to manufacture a few simple machines, which is not difficult. - On the contrary, it attracted the double attention of the large library and the cultural department.

The focus of attention is nothing more than the types of books printed.Of course, they are not only concerned about the simple "signature".

Benefiting from cheap paper and printing costs, once Lingao's books are published on a large scale, it will inevitably form a cultural impact no less than that of Gutenberg's printing press in medieval Europe.Not only will various books in the field of traditional thought be popularized on a large scale, but various practical books and literary and artistic works will also flood into thousands of households.

With cheap printing, it is not even necessary for the traveler to compile any deviant ideological works-Huang Zongxi's thoughts are enough; there is no need to change the appearance of modern technology, and the rediscovery of ancient Chinese scientific and technological works is enough to trigger the entire society. A hundred flowers bloom".

The late Ming Dynasty was originally a period of gradual "liberalization" of social thoughts, and the Time Travel Group just took this opportunity to add fire to this thought trend—disturbing Ming Dynasty from the ideological field, or rather, the social thoughts of traditional society.

Yu Eshui's plan also has the intention of compiling and publishing a large number of pamphlets in vernacular Chinese for publicity.He compiled "Records of Atrocities Usurping the Ming Dynasty" in the previous stage, and recently he is compiling "Records of Atrocities of Zheng Ni" and "Records of Atrocities of Bandits Liu".If this kind of political pamphlet can be distributed to the society of Ming Dynasty in large quantities, its effect will be very significant.

In the long run, various political views of the Travel Group can be distributed in the form of pamphlets.Pamphlets can explain theories and events in a systematic and detailed way, which is far more effective than spreading simple rumors.Moreover, pamphlets can be stored and circulated for a long time, and the effect of one distribution can last for many years.

Ding Ding is very supportive of this plan.He was no longer satisfied with publishing a few newspapers and magazines, and began to intervene in the field of ideology.The publishing industry is a piece of fat that he has long been optimistic about.The current publishing industry may only be able to print textbooks, technical manuals or political propaganda pamphlets. After ten or twenty years, a new generation of indigenous young people will grow up, and their demand for books will explode.

So he was very enthusiastic about Zhou Dongtian's plan.Actively advocated and supported the establishment of a large-scale movable type printing factory at the State Council, and requested the establishment of a publishing group under the Ministry of Culture.

However, Yu Eshui of the large library firmly opposed it. He said that it is most reasonable for the large library to be responsible for the book publishing business in terms of the type and quality of book resources.After all, colleagues in the big library are in contact with various books every day, have in-depth research on the contents and editions of books, and have natural advantages in selecting themes, adding, deleting, revising, editing and proofreading-and also have certain experience.Even if the Ministry of Culture establishes a publishing house, it still needs the assistance of a large library in the business field. Instead of having multiple institutions, it is better to directly entrust the large library to publish.

"As for the signature of the publishing house, it doesn't matter. It can be called Sanlian Bookstore or Commercial Press. It's just a name anyway."

Ding Ding was finally forced to give in—after all, the resources are all in the big library, if the other party has a grudge, it will be difficult for him to make a name for himself even if he has a name.Eventually he accepted the proposal to set up a "Publishing Steering Group".This non-established institution is mainly responsible for the selection of topics for book publishing and the demonstration of revision plans.It is composed of Ding Ding, the representative of the Ministry of Culture, Yu Eshui, the representative of the Great Library, and Zhou Dongtian, the director of the printing factory.

Under the impetus of all parties, the new publishing and printing organization began to operate.Zhou Dongtian started to set up a new printing enterprise.

Zhou Dongtian's small printing factory is located in Bairen City. Although the scale is small, the treatment it enjoys is at the same level as Lingao Telecom Company, and it belongs to the first-level key department.In the past, it was even located in the executive committee compound.

Even now it occupies a separate yard.The door is locked all day long.Anyone had to ring the bell first, and a small opening was revealed in the door, and visitors had to show their credentials to get in.The security is so tight not only because this yard is filled with most of the printing materials and equipment of the Transverse Group, but also responsible for printing circulation coupons and various official documents.

As soon as you enter the courtyard gate, there is a big no-fire sign painted on the screen wall.A black sign read: No Smoking!No smoking!There is ink and paper everywhere, and there is no time to put out the fire when it burns.There is a specially repaired water storage tank in the brushing office, equipped with a manual water pump, buckets and many sandbags.Moreover, several fire extinguishers removed from the ship were also concentrated.Zhou Dongtian has been thinking about whether he can get better pumping equipment - fire extinguishers have a shelf life.

(End of this chapter)

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