Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 614 Preparation for Public Opinion

Chapter 614 Preparation for Public Opinion
"Directly recruit the militias of the communes. We not only need to replenish the troops, but once the main force of the army leaves, Lingao will fall into a vacuum. The people will think that we have dragged the troops away, and people's hearts will fluctuate. Besides, we must guard against other forces taking advantage of the vacancy. For example, Liu Xiang or foreigners." Dongmen Chuiyu said.

"In addition to the militia of the commune, the workers of each factory must also be armed as a team to protect the factory." He Ming said, "Once the battle begins, all the army and navy will be dispatched except for a small amount of naval forces. The main base of Lingao must have certain security forces." Guarding with troops. This part can only be dominated by the militia.”

"All the veterans should also be mobilized. Seeing that the veterans are all in Lingao and fighting in person, the mood of the people will be much more stable. And it can also be used as the final reserve team." An engineer who returned from Sanya to prepare explosives The leader Panda said, "In addition, we need to fortify the important facilities in Lingao. In particular, we need to fortify Bopu and Ma Niao. These two places are our key points, and we must prevent the enemy from smuggling and landing with small troops."

Wei Aiwen said contemptuously, "You think highly of them—"

"Contempt is necessary in strategy, and attention must be paid in tactics. If the enemy adopts tactics such as make-up assault, killing a few elders will be regarded as a serious disaster." Panda said.

He Ming said: "If the enemy has enough determination and has a few decisive and brave generals to command, it may not be impossible to use infiltration and surprise tactics-there are many precedents in history."

Soon, the combat plan and mobilization plan were sent to the executive committee, and after adding and amending several contents, the official implementation began.

The second-level mobilization order was issued subsequently.Orange warnings are communicated to all units.The mobilization machine of the entire crossing group started to work.

Liu Youren came back from his family’s field—it will be sown in summer soon, and he went to see the state of the soil and the newly built drainage and irrigation canals—after Xun Suji gained the full trust of the Liu family in the first year, in the second year He began to suggest that he engage in some expensive agricultural projects.

These projects are mainly farmland water conservancy projects. The Liu family's land is relatively concentrated, so it is necessary to carry out large-scale water conservancy construction.Tiandihui and Delong jointly launched a special water conservancy loan for this purpose.At the beginning of winter, Liu Youren mobilized his clansmen, tenants, and long-term workers to build the first drainage and irrigation canal under the guidance of Tiandihui.

After a winter and a spring of construction, the canal was finally completed.The canals built according to modern agricultural standards plus the supporting gates, reservoirs and branch canals, although not as good as the US-Taiwan governance project and the school field renovation, are also the first among the main customers of Tiandihui.

Liu Youren looked at one place after another and felt very satisfied-according to Xun Suji's statement, after building this canal, the moisture content in the land can be maintained at a certain level. It can be irrigated.As long as there is no severe flood, drought and famine, the harvest can be guaranteed.

This is of course not bragging, Liu Youren has been to other counties, and some counties also have channels built by officials, which can indeed benefit all people.Now he also has it on his own land, which makes Liu Youren feel unbelievable for his boldness while being excited.

The cost of this project is very high. Except for the manual work, all the materials are ordered from Australians. Everything is not cheap, except for the gray powder that turns into mud when it meets water and turns into a stone when it dries. It takes 50 circulation coupons for a pack.Even the yellow sand, gravel, and bamboo used in the project are handled by Australians, and the price is calculated in kilograms.Although the technical guidance is free - because he is a key customer of Tiandihui and has already paid the service fee.

He couldn't afford to pay for this project no matter what—even with the strength of his family, most of the project funds were borrowed from Delong Bank, and the mortgage was the land under his name.

If this year's harvest is not good, he will be bankrupt if he fails to pay back the first loan in the fall.

In the past, he would never dare to make such a big bet, but now he is full of blind trust in everything the Australians do.I feel that Australians are reasonable in everything they do, and they will never fail in whatever they do.All in all, following them will definitely not hurt you.

Now he is more enthusiastic about promoting the marriage of Liu Meilan and Xun Suji.He already had a vague idea.If you don't get married with them now, you may not be able to get married in the future.

He changed his clothes and went back to his place of business.Liu Guangbiao has already arrived.He was holding the newspaper he had just bought from Dongmen City in his hand.

Liu Youren has developed the habit of reading "Lingao Times" every day. He knows that although this kind of Australian stuff is not Daming's mansion newspaper, it has something similar - that is, it can be seen from it that the Australians' recent government trends and policies Policy, and even the trend of power changes within the Australians can be seen.

For example, recently, newspapers have mentioned the Senate more often than the Executive Committee. Although Liu Youren doesn't know what the Senate or the Executive Committee is, he knows that this is the main government office of the two Australians, and the Senate has been mentioned more often. , indicating that the Senate has begun to take charge of affairs.

It's a pity that I still don't know anything about the Australian government system, otherwise, I might be able to gain some money in it...

Liu Youren took the newspaper and opened it casually.The newspaper is in four folios.The four big characters in regular script of Lingao Times are written vigorously and powerfully.There is also a line of "public release" in small characters that he doesn't quite understand.

The headline on the front page of the newspaper was about the news of the No.14 meeting of the Standing Committee of the Senate. He browsed through it roughly, and when he saw the end of the report, it read; Fair treatment..." His eyelids twitched.

Then he turned to the back, and there was an article about Daming's tyrannical policies on overseas business travelers.This kind of article used to be very rare, but it has appeared frequently since Zhang Tian.And it’s usually context-appropriate.For example, before and after Zhangtian, newspapers published many articles about the disadvantages of the tax system of the Ming Dynasty. "Confession Book" - it is nothing more than a confession of how they made troubles in taxation and labor to enrich themselves.

What does this article mean today?He looked it over carefully.Putting down the newspaper, I felt a little inexplicable.Daming has always regarded merchants and people who went to sea for trade or even settled overseas as "abandoned people", and he knew this.But he didn't know why the Australians were suddenly interested in it?They are not the people of Ming Dynasty.

But one thing he knows very well, such articles in the "Lingao Times" have always been some kind of signal, hinting at what the Australians are going to do.

However, these articles still do not see any clues.Liu Youren decided to ignore it for the time being.Get rid of the important things at hand first.

"How are the preparations for the marriage between Meilan and Chief Xun going?"

"Responding to Uncle San's words: Meilan's eight-character post has been sent a few days ago." Liu Guangbiao originally proposed to marry Liu Meilan to an Australian out of personal revenge. Seeing that the Australians are getting more and more powerful, their attitude is very different. He became very enthusiastic, and even sent greetings to Liu Meilan's family.

"Well, not bad. Have you sent back Chief Xun's horoscope?"

"Not yet." Liu Guangbiao said, "For Australians to marry, they need the approval of the general office as usual. Chief Xun said that the officials in the general office have not yet approved the application—and, according to Chief Xun himself, there is no birth date in Australia." of."

"Nonsense, how is it possible that there is no date of birth?" Liu Youren scolded, "Don't they claim to be descendants of the Song Dynasty? Why don't they even have a date of birth!"

"According to Mr. Zhang, they really don't like this there, that is, they don't need the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers..."

Master Zhang is Zhang Youfu, the No. [-] "Australia Hands-on" talent in this county. Everyone will ask him for advice whenever they have trouble dealing with Australians and they don't understand.

"This is too much of a joke! Could it be that you don't even have a date of birth?" Although she is married to a granddaughter of the clan, she is still a girl of the Liu family, so she can't be so hasty.

"Go and talk to Chief Xun, you still need a horoscope post, and even if you don't have one, you have to get a meaning."

"Yes, my nephew understands." Liu Guangbiao hesitated for a while, "This, do you still want to ask someone to combine the horoscope?"

"Of course I invite you. You can't skip the matter of etiquette." Liu Youren set the tone, "This matter must be done as soon as possible. It's going to be hot in the blink of an eye. Is it possible to hold a wedding in the summer? Go quickly."

"Yes," Liu Guangbiao agreed, but instead of retreating, he took a step forward and whispered, "My nephew has some news, I don't know whether to tell it or not—"

"Bullshit! What should a uncle or nephew passed down from one's ancestors say, say it quickly!"

"I heard from an old long-term worker in our Zhuangzi—he is now working in an Australian factory—that the Guangdong government will soon mobilize troops!"

"This is true!" Liu Youren couldn't help lowering his voice.

"Really!" Liu Guangbiao nodded. "Australians are mobilizing every factory, training militias and preparing to defend the city. I heard from him that their factories have recently switched to producing firearms."

"The officers and soldiers are coming!" Liu Youren nodded!

"Uncle San, what should we do?" Liu Guangbiao asked in a low voice.

Liu Youren thought to himself, it is really unreasonable for the imperial court to use troops against Lingao.The Australians are doing a good job in Lingao, the magistrates in the county are also doing a good job as officials, and the common people have a way to live. Seeing that life is getting better day by day, why doesn't the court give everyone a good life?Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little resentful.

"This group of officials is planning to use the heads of ordinary people as a promotion talisman again," he said.

Liu Guangbiao glanced at the clan uncle in fear.Uncle can say such outrageous words?

"Third Uncle, now is not the time to say this. As soon as the imperial soldiers arrive, the Australians will collapse immediately. They will flee for their lives by boat. What should we do? Should we run for our lives with them..."

"In your opinion, can the soldiers of the imperial court beat the Australians?" he asked back.

"This—" Even Liu Guangbiao, a small rural landowner who has only been to Qiongzhou Fucheng, can certainly see the difference.

"From my nephew's point of view: Australians have fast firearms and strict discipline in the army. The court's troops are incomparable." Liu Guangbiao said, "However, the court's troops are numerous and powerful, and they come with ten equals to one Mount Tai. Australians may not be able to resist."

"Your concerns are justified." Although Liu Youren said so, he actually didn't take it seriously.He had seen the power of the Australian artillery. Even if the imperial army came in tens of thousands, it would only increase the casualties in front of the Australian artillery.

How it ends depends on whether the regiment members trained by the Australians dare to fight the official army to the end.

He thought for a while: "You gather all the elders of the clan, I want to chat with them. In addition, you first put all the grain in the warehouse, except for one third!"

Whether it is the Australians or the imperial army, when a war is fought, they must ask for food from the people.This is what Liu Youren is worried about.For the Australians, Tiandi will help them grow food and build canals, even if they have to produce food by themselves, it is only right and proper, and they know their details clearly.Fortunately, the Australians are reasonable in their work, and they will not levy randomly, and there will be no such thing as their subordinates cleverly setting up a name to fill their own pockets, so the burden will not be too great.As for the imperial army, if they attacked Lingao, they had to be embellished.Otherwise, if the government army wants to attack the village, the village itself will not be able to withstand it.

"Also, hurry up and get someone to repair the walls of the village, and store ash bottles, rolled wood, bricks and stones. The bows, arrows and firecrackers should also be checked, and if they are broken, they should be repaired quickly..."

"Sanbo, a wall like ours can't stop the Australian cannons..."

"You are so confused!" Liu Youren glared at him.Liu Guangbiao immediately understood that this armament was not to defend against the Australians, but to deal with the imperial court.

Once the imperial court's army arrives, whether it can defeat the Australians is another matter. It must be certain, and many small groups will inevitably disperse and "grab" everywhere.This kind of grain harvesting has gone from simply collecting grain to the point where officers and soldiers take the opportunity to loot everywhere.Unlucky villages and households may even be in danger of being slaughtered—anyway, when a "slave thief" hat is worn, there will be no Qingtian master who is full and has nothing to do to appeal for grievances.The head may be rewarded as an enemy leader.

The stockade was well built, and at most the officials and soldiers extorted some food, wine and meat, so that they would not be looted and killed.

"Yes, my nephew understands!" Liu Guangbiao responded quickly.He asked again:

"What about Meilan's marriage?"

Liu Youren closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then suddenly opened them as if he had made up his mind:


The news that the imperial army was about to attack Lingao quickly spread throughout the county like a gust of wind.The atmosphere in Lingao suddenly became tense.Originally, the executive committee had no plan to keep it a secret—this kind of secret cannot be kept. Instead of keeping everyone guessing, it is better to let everyone know slowly.Tintin's Propaganda Department was the first to take action. He had already prepared a whole series of articles, preparing to spread the word from small to large to create public opinion.The article Liu Youren saw was just the beginning.He also prepared a series of articles below:

"Australian Overseas Chinese in Guangdong Are Unjustly Treated", "The Ming Government Confiscated, Expeled, and Killed the Property of Our Overseas Chinese Without Reason", "Close-up: Overseas Wanderers Returned to China Sincerely, Have Nowhere to Serve the Country, and Are Persecuted Instead", "Close-up: Nowhere to Call to Heaven— ——The Tragic Situation of the Deported Australian Expatriates", "The Incompetence of the Imperial Court, and the Exhaustion of the Ten Thousand People-Comment on the Liaodong Defeat", "Outsiders in Foreign Wars, Experts in Internal Fights - Comments on the Government's Unreasonable Expulsion of the People of Song Dynasty in Australia", "How did Zheng Zhilong Exchanging the blood of the people of Ming Dynasty for the black hat of Ming Dynasty—Comment on Zheng Zhilong’s Caress... The following commentaries were later compiled into a booklet and widely distributed in Ming Dynasty.

Of course, there are more lethal things, that is, several "special commentator articles of this newspaper" written by Ding Ding himself: "Advising the Guangdong Government to Rein in the Precipice", "Tolerable and Unbearable", "Don't Say What You Say" Pre.

In addition to playing with words, Ding Ding stepped up his promotional activities. Puppet shows such as "Test" and "Paradise" began to tour the county on a large scale.The puppet troupe of the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda has expanded to two sub-troupes, one for performance and one for rehearsal, so that a troupe is touring outside every moment.The student drama club of Fangcaodi Education Park also began to rehearse these two scripts.Ding Ding also organized people to engage in some newspaper dramas, and asked the students to perform on the streets.

Wei Aiwen ordered the theme class meeting of "Yesterday, Today" to be held in the entire army, so that soldiers who had been trained in the political propaganda department can speak out from their own experiences, and openly talk about the differences between the new army and the Ming army, so that soldiers can fully understand the differences between the old and new armies.

The General Political Security Bureau and the Police Headquarters have strengthened internal control over the streets and alleys to prevent spies from sneaking into Lingao to inquire about intelligence and spread rumors.Of course, if there are internal dissatisfied elements who try to talk and riot, the State Administration of Political Science and Security will not object to adding more free labor.

The Senate urgently passed an additional budget for the military industry.The Planning Institute announced the construction of a grenade workshop to replace the various miscellaneous grenades in the past.

"It would be too ugly if our grenadiers went into battle with a matchlock wrapped around them." Lin Shenhe said, "Now that the level of chemical engineering has improved, it should be resolved."

Although the lethality of the grenade was limited, it played a decisive role in increasing the firepower of the infantry.Technicians of the No. [-] and No. [-] Weapons Design Institutes and Mechanical Departments believe that the current industrial and chemical level is sufficient for the manufacture of hand grenades.

After discussion, Lin Shenhe, Li Yunxing, Bai Yu and others decided to imitate a mature product that is relatively safe to carry and use under the simple and rough production process-the Type 67 wooden handle grenade. Prepared simple wooden handle grenade.

This kind of grenade has been simplified in the production process, and the materials can be obtained locally as much as possible.As for the production equipment, it has been simplified to the point where only seven people are needed for transfer and production. As long as there are raw materials, grenades and landmines can be manufactured anywhere.It is a typical product of the idea that all people are soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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