Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 616

Chapter 616
"The Fubo Army is not inherited from a mature military system." He Ming seemed a little unsure how to express it, "This is an army without tradition and history. It lacks..." He pondered for a moment, " soul."

"I think Xiao Wei's political education is still doing well..."

"This has nothing to do with political education, that's not what I said." He Ming shook his head, "You have also been a soldier. You should understand what I mean. The organizational model and tactics of the Fubo Army—including Wei Aiwen's political education— We plagiarized it. No matter how well trained it is, it is only an 'armed force'. Only an army that has seen real swords and guns on the battlefield will have its own soul."

"You worry too much."

"Hehe, all the capital that everyone has accumulated bit by bit from nothing in the past three years has been handed over to me at once, so am I not afraid?" He Ming said.

Winning this battle is a matter of course-the technological advantages and the advantages of the times are so great.In case of a slight setback, the public opinion in the Senate will be very unfavorable to him.Wood understands his thoughts.

"The question is, will the roads be repaired when the war is really going to happen?"

"Of course it can't be finished. The road can be built as long as it can be. Even if it is extended to Qiongshan County by one meter, it will reduce the logistical pressure for us. The ultimate goal of building roads is to rule," He Ming said.

"If the enemy is really as speculated: the Ming army will not launch an offensive until October, maybe this road can be built to Qiongshan County."

"The Ming army may not come so late. It is still necessary to overestimate the enemy as much as possible." He Ming said.

The planning institute evaluated the proposal of building roads across the border.According to the estimates of the General Staff and the Foreign Intelligence Agency, Chengmai itself has no strength to resist cross-border road construction. It is only to renovate the post road, and there is no harassment or conflict of interest to the local people.Even on the contrary, the road construction team can expand its influence by hiring local labor and purchasing materials.

Officials in Chengmai County would not welcome such a thing, but they would not organize their own troops to attack—everyone knew that it would be self-defeating to attack the Australians with hundreds of township guards.The local officials in Chengmai would only turn a blind eye to the road construction project except to appeal to the higher authorities—it must be true.

If some local tyrant and evil gentry don't open their eyes and take the initiative to send it to their door, they can also directly destroy Liwei.

The problem is material and manpower for road construction.After thinking about it for a long time in the office, Wu De thought to himself.It is about [-] kilometers from Lingao to Qiongshan.Even if the road is built according to the standards for building simple roads, if all manpower is used without machinery, it will take at least two years to repair it.If mechanical equipment is used, it will take more than six months.I'm afraid I can't wait to fight.

Of course, building roads was not originally just for war.Since it is necessary to actually control the entire island, this road must always be built, and it is better to build it sooner than later.Only when roads are built can we talk about the control over the place.The road repair effect is particularly evident in Lingao.Wherever the road through the regime goes, the decree is particularly smooth.

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival in May, which is the day of the dragon boat race on the Pearl River.In and out of the city, it was very lively.In Guangzhou during the Little Ice Age, jackets could still be worn during the Dragon Boat Festival.

The governor's office in the city is heavily guarded.Governor Li Fengjie's sedan chair first entered the governor's office through the side door, and then many civil and military officials, including He Rubin, the general soldier, Gao Shunqin, the inspector censor, the governor of Guangdong, the sub-shoudao of Haibei, the sub-shoudao of Hainan, and the prefect of Guangzhou, etc. come.

Behind the lobby of the governor's yamen, after entering the courtyard, there is the second hall.In addition to the middle hall in the second hall, there are warm pavilions on both sides, which are places for gatherings and affairs.

Wang Zunde was in the Xinuang Pavilion of Ertang and the main civil and military officials in Guangdong secretly engaged in military affairs.It is already a consensus among everyone that the entire province is required to attack and suppress the Bopu Kun bandits.

After all the main officials have arrived.The meeting was presided over by Wang Zunde.After he made up his mind to use force, he had several private meetings with officials in the provincial capital, and roughly reached a consensus.

The chief envoy of Guangdong has promised to allocate 20 taels of silver in advance for the army to repair weapons and ships and launch them. Other funds will be found later.

"Today everyone discusses the matter of suppressing the bandits. It is very urgent. The Kun bandits occupy Bopu, open commercial ports privately, build cities and forts, and recruit local treacherous people as soldiers. It is already very powerful. I heard that the Kun bandits have iron boats, fast guns, firearms It is also sharp. If things go on like this, it will become a serious problem for our province in Guangdong. Please express your opinions on how to drive the Kun bandits out of Qiongzhou?"

Everyone looked at each other.They more or less already knew about the thieves or the Australians in Lingao.As for the reputation of the Australian firearms and iron ships, everyone has heard it.In general, except for Gao Xunyan and He Zongbing, everyone is not keen on meeting Australians.

The Australians have never done anything that caused everyone headaches on the coast of Guangdong. They do not kill, rob, or set fire. They do business in a respectful manner. Several shops in Guangzhou also know the rules, and there is never a shortage of money. , from time to time, I will show some new Australian gadgets. As for Ziminglou, it is a good place where many people used to enjoy the "Australian secret drama".

Now that they are going to be expelled and wiped out, some people still feel a little bit reluctant.And some people think that Governor Wang is making a reckless provocation-the officers and soldiers may not be the opponents of the Australians, and if they lose the battle, they will anger the Australians and cause chaos along the coast ever since.

But since Governor Wang has made up his mind, it is naturally inconvenient for everyone to refute.Some people are already thinking about other calculations-once the Australians are deported, how to divide their legacy.

You must know that Australians not only have three industries in Guangzhou, but also heard that many Australian goods are manufactured in Lingao, and they also opened a private commercial port in Bopu.
After a battle is over, when the Australians flee, they can't take all the family with them. Everyone benefits.

Gao Shunqin was most in favor of the governor's decision.He originally hated these overseas visitors very much.Originally wanted to expel the Portuguese, not to mention this group of Australians of unknown origin.

He coughed and said: "The so-called Australians don't see the tribute from the past, and they are not from the Western or Eastern barbarians. They don't even know the origin of the red hair and Franji. What they sell are all strange skills and ingenuity. Corrupting the hearts of scholars and common people. Such ugly people are hidden diseases in the heart of Guangdong!"

Everyone echoed.But everyone has no idea how to deport Australians.

As for the specific situation of the Australians in Lingao, apart from a few Tang newspapers sent by Qiongya Ginseng Tang Yunwen, everyone knows some scattered rumors: for example, they claim to be descendants of the Yashan Song people; such as.Even Tang Shenjiang’s Tang Bao only said: Australians built forts and huge cannons in Bopu;In addition, many "traitors from Fujian and Guangdong" voted as "fake Kun" as their precursors.

In addition, no one knows how many people the Kun bandits have in Lingao, how many cannons, how the big iron boat moves, etc.We don't even know how many people have fake haircuts.

However, Wang Zunde has a pond newspaper from the coastal areas of Fujian and Guangdong. He knew that after the defeat of Zhucai Lao, a group of manned ships were sent to Lingao, and then the broken manned ships of various pirates were sent to Lingao.There should be tens of thousands of people before and after.

"There are tens of thousands of real and fake kun in Lingao." He Rubin said, "There are artillery and iron boats, and it's not easy to suppress."

He Rubin is a military commander, he only has the right to suggest the strategy of the battle and has no right to decide.But after all, he is the one who actually executes the combat operations, and his thoughts are also very important.

Lu Yizhong hurriedly said: "The fake kun is just a small profit for the thief. As long as the master of Futai issues an edict and tells him to use his body to follow the thief's interests, the imperial soldiers will move again, and the fake kun will naturally disperse. There is no danger."

"Hmph, this matter may not be easy to say." He Rubin said, "Most of the fake kuns are the remnants of pirates such as Zhu Yang. Breaking through thousands of miles of waves, it must be the generation of the elders and boats. The two are colluding together, if they can't be wiped out in one go, and they are scattered, there will be no peace in the Guangdong Ocean!"

"Kun thieves are not like ordinary pirates. Ordinary pirates only seek money. Australians claim to be Chinese descendants. When they came to Daming, they neither sent envoys to the court nor included them in the book. They built a city privately in a corner of Lingao and recruited In exile, I really have a heart of disobedience!" He said in a stern voice, and immediately put a big hat on the Australians.

"General Yin."

He Rubin quickly stood up, crossed his hands and said, "Don't dare, my lord."
"You are not only the official commander of the imperial court, but also a high-ranking member of the town. The governor has always relied on you as the Great Wall of Guangdong to attack and suppress the thieves. What good strategy do you have?"

He Rubin bowed respectfully and replied: "The general's humble opinion: there are three difficulties in suppressing Kun.

"Which three?"

"There is no difference between fake kun and real kun. During the Japanese pirate rebellion during the Jiajing period, there were also real and fake kun. The real kun is only one or two out of ten, but they have been criss-crossing the sea for decades, which is a serious problem for the court. This is one of them."
"En." Wang Zunde nodded.

"Secondly, the Kun bandits are in the Guangdong area, recruiting exiles, buying and selling at a low price, not plundering business trips, and not robbing ships. They are doing a good job of winning people's hearts. Whenever our soldiers move, they will be told by the thieves, the people and the treacherous people. The military plane is difficult to secret .”


"Thirdly, the bandits' ships are strong, their guns are powerful, and their firearms are so sharp that our army can't match them. From the humble opinion of the general, I'm afraid they are still ahead of the Hongmao Helan people and the Frangji people."

Wang Zunde smiled and asked, "What is the general's strategy?"

"Don't dare, my lord." He said more and more respectfully, "Your lord has a clever plan, and naturally he has a plan to smooth it out. Please express the strategy."

"Today's meeting, I know everything and say everything."


He Rubin's strategy is no different from Lu Yizhong's.The Australians have the advantage of ship guns. Just sending thousands of people or hundreds of ships to demonstrate is not enough to force the opponent to withdraw.With this must use heavy troops.

[-] land and water troops were dispatched, including at least [-] soldiers.Also bring more firearms, especially the Hongyi Cannon.

"The enemy is always in the boats, and they have collected the remnants of pirates from all walks of life. Our soldiers will never fight against them." He Rubin is not from a navy, but he is very clear about the capabilities of the navy in this province, let alone talk about it Iron boats and iron clippers are no match for Hongmao's large plywood boats and speedboats. If you don't use the arson boat, you can't fight the enemy at all.

In his strategy, the Guangdong navy only undertakes the transportation task, and transports the participating troops to the Qianhu Office in Haikou in batches, and the whole army gathers in Qiongshan County.

"Although the Australians are powerful, they haven't been able to conquer a single county so far. It can be seen that they are not good at land warfare. I will use the land division to attack with heavy troops, and the effect will be doubled."

According to He Rubin's estimate: Most of the fake kuns are the remnants of the pirates such as Zhu Cailao, and the imperial army may not be their opponents at sea, but they are fighting on land, and they are setting up a dignified formation.The opponent dared not face it head-on.It must be retreating and sticking to Bopu.He personally led the army to Bopu by land.The bandits in Lingao no longer dared to take vegetables and meat from the gangsters in Bopu. The army only needed to surround it for a few months to half a year, and they could force them to demolish their fortress and leave.

Wang Zunde is quite satisfied with his plan.But according to the usual rules, formulating strategies is not the responsibility of military commanders, it is inconvenient for him to say whether it is good or bad, he just smiles with his beard.

"Suppress the army!" Li Fengjie said, "Only send the Lu division to attack, and the thieves can still come and go freely at sea. Although the local traitors in Lingao can't provide vegetables and meat, there are many traitors in Fujian and Guangdong who are greedy for huge profits. I'm afraid not necessarily How can I fulfill my wish”

"Brother, what's your plan?"

"Liu Laoxiang is my trouble in Guangdong. If I can follow Cao Lvtai's strategy, promise to recruit security, and use thieves to attack thieves, wouldn't it be a great thing."

The words are good, but who will contact this "giant bandit"?Liu Laoxiang has been harassing the Pearl River estuary. The government army and local Xiangyong have fought many times with the small grain hunting team he landed, but they still don't know where his main force is.The Portuguese tried to eliminate Liu Xiang many times but failed - they still want to join forces with Daming to suppress it.

To appease this kind of sea tycoon, it is impossible without one or two years of contact between you and me.The so-called attacking a thief with a thief is nothing but empty talk.

Although Wang Zunde was all smiles, he actually didn't take it seriously.

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. It would be a great thing if you can appease him." He said, "I wonder who is Cao Lvtai from Guangdong Province?"

Cao Lvtai, a co-prefect of Yuegang Haiphong, was the main person in charge of Xiong Wencan's recruiting of Zheng Zhilong.He also handled Zheng Zhilong's affairs after he was caressed. Cao Lvtai first proposed the strategy of attacking thieves with thieves.Wang Zunde feels that there is no such a bold and capable official in this province who understands the "combat situation" very well.

Li Fengjie had already had a plan.Someone in his screen connected with Liu Laoxiang, who was persuading him to kiss him.He learned from his aides that although Liu Xiang's power expanded quickly, he was extremely worried about Zheng Zhilong's expansion—once Zheng Zhilong eliminated Zhong Bin, he would definitely go east to Guangdong to eliminate him.

Li Fengjie believes that since Liu Xiang has such an idea, there is a high possibility of recruiting him, so he is stepping up the matter recently.In order to avoid Wang Zunde's intervention, he kept it secret.

At this time, he pointed out that he didn't really want to use Liu Xiang, but he wanted Wang Zunde to express his attitude towards Liu Xiang.Now that the goal has been achieved, he stopped talking, and simply said: "The humble job must do its best."

Wang Zunde's strategy for advancing and suppressing is:
With He Rubin leading the whole army, they went out to sea from Guangzhou to worship the flag.Cross the sea in batches to Qiongzhou Prefecture.Gathered in Haikou Thousand Households.Three hundred navy ships were dispatched—the navy did not have such a large number of large ships, and it was too late to build them immediately, so the shortage was all supplemented by sealing ships along the coast.

A total of 6000 troops were mobilized.With He Rubin's Zhenbiao Zhongying and Jiading as the main force, supplemented by Fubiao and Supervising Biao - a total of [-] soldiers.Qiongya Ginseng General Tang Yunwen's troops were also controlled by him.In this way, there were [-] Ming troops by land and water to advance and suppress.Wang Zunde also planned to order the Hainan branch to patrol the road: he was asked to mobilize the township braves from Qiongshan, Chengmai, and Lingao and the available local guards to fight together.The food and salaries of this part of the troops are taken care of by the Qiongzhou government itself.

After the assembly of troops was completed, the land division marched along the post road to Lingao, and when the land division surrounded Bopu, the navy division acted according to the situation.Wang Zunde had no hope for the combat power of the navy in this province, so he did not clarify their mission.

Gao Shunqin vehemently opposed the matter of using the cannons of the Franc robot warship to assist in the suppression.He was going to make a memorial to cut off the trade with the Portuguese, but now if he succeeds in expelling Kun with the help of his teacher, the imperial court will regard Francine as a useful ally, how can he approve his memorial?
Therefore, he knew that the large ships and heavy artillery of the Franji people would be beneficial to suppress the bandits, but he still firmly opposed it.Wang Zunde didn't want to argue with him, and he didn't mention it anymore.

Since the official army navy cannot compete with it.Wang Zunde sacrificed the magic weapon of the forbidden sea.He immediately ordered Qiongya General Tang Yunwen to lead the navy to cruise near Haikou and prohibit all civilian ships from entering the Qiongzhou Strait.

"My lord, why didn't you transfer troops from Guangxi?" After the meeting, Lu Yizhong would be surprised that his master didn't call any officials from Guangxi.There are quite a few chieftain soldiers in Guangxi who are brave and good at fighting.In the past several Li riots in Hainan, the imperial court sent soldiers from Guangxi Miao, Yao, Dong and other ethnic groups across the sea to fight.

"This is a matter of Guangdong, and the Guangdong army is more useful." Wang Zunde said nonchalantly, "Guangxi's land is barren and the people poor, so it's better to recruit less."

After pondering for a while, Lu Yizhong understood what he meant—"Guangdong belongs to Guangdong".

"Good regards, my lord."

"Where." Wang Zunde nodded gracefully.Then he asked Lu Yizhong about the details of the Kun thief in Lingao.Lu Yizhong is equivalent to the "chief assistant" in the governor's tent, and all kinds of news, newspapers, and documents will be collected in his hands first.

However, the Hainantang newspaper received by Guangzhou was only a few vague words-too little is known about the situation of the Kun bandits in Lingao.Wang Zunde immediately ordered people to go to Qiongzhou Mansion to put out a list to recruit talents, recruiting people who understand the situation of Lingao thieves and who are familiar with the local hydrology and geography.He also ordered He Rubin to send more agents to Lingao to inquire.

"There is a person, I think I can ask about it."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"The main hall of Lingao County—Wu Mingjin."

Lu Yizhong reminded him that Lingao County has not yet fallen.All the officials in the county are living well.The county magistrate should know the situation of Kun Bandit best. It is better to send someone to call him to Guangzhou in the name of report.


  He Rubin himself was the hereditary commander of the Suzhou Guard.His character is "Yinzhi", and it is polite for Wang Zunde to call him that.

  Li Fengjie was the governor, but the status of the governor in the Ming Dynasty was far inferior to that in the Qing Dynasty.Grade is not clearly defined. , generally with the title of imperial censor, but only a fourth-rank civil official.You can call yourself humble to the governor.

(End of this chapter)

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