Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 620

Chapter 620 Before the War ([-])

The news that the imperial court was going to suppress Lingao finally spread throughout Lingao in late May—in fact, the local people had already got the news from people around the chiefs, newspapers, bulletin boards, and discussions on the streets.Everyone knows that the officials in Guangdong don't want the people in Lingao to live a peaceful life, and they insist on driving the Australians away-it is said that the reason is because the Australians refuse to give Guangdong officials 100 million taels of silver every year.That's why the government wanted to expropriate and kill the people in Lingao, only the young women survived.

Newspapers repeatedly reported the "deeds" of officers and soldiers killing good men for meritorious service, burning, killing and raping.All deeds are provided with time and place.This made Ma Qianzhu very strange—where did Ding Ding get these materials.

"Part of it is learned from the natives, part is from historical records, and part is compiled by the Propaganda Department..."

Ding Ding’s materials are fabricated with great care. First of all, every time such a report is published, one of the three pieces of information is false, and the truth is mixed with the false; secondly, it cooperates closely with the big library, and the forged materials are sent to the big library first. Review and check to avoid giving away details.

In addition, Ding Ding also reported to the Cadres Office of the People's Committee of Civil Affairs to find a few young talents from among the refugees who took in, and specialized in writing work in the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda. This time, some of the fabricated materials were false It was fabricated in the form of notes of local scholars--contrary to proof that a license is not required for publishing and copying private notes on behalf of others, and there is no way to verify the authenticity.

"You made it up so well, will you scare the common people..." Ma Qianju was worried, he was very afraid that there would be a large-scale rebellion - in case the common people flooded into the county town or went directly to Bairen City Asking for asylum at the door, will they be allowed in?
"The people of Lingao must have played the role of the soy sauce crowd before this battle. It is impossible for them to actively participate in the battle to defend the Lingao regime." Ding Ding said, "My idea is to remind them that defending Lingao is to defend them The so-called 'home' and the so-called 'defending the country' are linked together."

The news made the people very uneasy.Many people are secretly preparing to run back when the time comes.But everyone saw that the number of Australians was increasing day by day.Every day, new troops sang songs and walked over the road for target practice.These soldiers were all wearing brand-new clothes, carrying shiny black guns, and a pair of shiny green two-wheeled artillery carts were dragged there.The sound of gunfire on the shooting range was deafening all day long.It is said that new troops arrived from Australia. Someone swore that he saw a ship coming to Bopu at night, and a couple of teams of soldiers and many cannons alighted from it.And the Australians continue to show up one by one: agricultural technicians are still going to the countryside to guide summer harvest and planting, Li Mei continues to do business in Dongmen City, the big iron boat parked in the bay is still motionless, and many people who were originally panicked Calm down—Australians are not afraid, so what are we afraid of?

Many people secretly hope that the Australians can defeat the army, so that the peaceful life that has only passed a few years can continue.Although the clans and local tyrants were worried that the Australians might not be the opponents of the government and the army, they were afraid that they would be involved in a war, but because of the strong military strength of the Australians, their artillery and firearms were all-conquering, they did not dare to resist.Therefore, no matter whether it was recruiting and mobilizing supplies or asking villages and townships to listen to the call, there was not much resistance.

The elders were called together for military training.Originally, military training was conducted once a week.The strength is also relatively large.But recently, the military training with a lot of exercise has not been carried out much, and only one shooting training per week is retained to maintain the feel of using a gun.But the imminent invasion of the enemy put the military role of the elders on the agenda.As soon as this proposal was put forward, there was a burst of painful groans:
All elders over the age of 6, regardless of gender, get up at 8:[-] a.m. every morning and go out to do exercises: first run, and then practice formation and assassination.Work started at [-] o'clock.

Cancel the Sunday rest and take half a day for cross-country and long-distance march training.

"If you don't sweat now, you will bleed in the future." He Ming was not accommodating in the Senate, "You all have big stomachs sitting in the office!"

Xiao Zishan was persuasive and persuasive: "When the physical strength improves, the functions of all aspects of the body will improve. Didn't everyone have a life secretary?"

Amidst the wailing of a group of people, the proposal was passed-everyone can still realize that life is important.

At the moment, all the veterans are organized into a veteran battalion.Divided into "teams" according to the department, each team is roughly the size of a platoon.Some teams are larger, like the mechanical team, they are divided into one team and two teams.Each team elects a captain and vice-captain.

He Ming appointed Ying Yu as the battalion commander of the veteran battalion, and also stipulated three emergency assembly locations.In the event of an emergency, all the elders would gather in the three camps of Bairen, Bopu, and Gaoshanling, waiting for orders to dispatch at any time.

"When it's time for us to go into battle, we're probably going to be doomed..." Dugu complained as he was drafted into the first team of the Tiandihui.

"Who is talking weird!" Ying Yu has been a soldier for many years, even though he has been retired for many years and worked in IT, his eyes are still full of intimidating energy, "War, fight, always think about being safe. Don’t think that we have a few SKS and we are invulnerable. From now on, we are in a state of war, and we must be armed anytime, anywhere, and ready to fight!”

As Ying Yu spoke, he checked everyone's weapons and equipment.He checked very carefully.It was found that many people's protective weapons GLOCK17 hadn't been wiped, and some pistols worn by female veterans hadn't even wiped off the oil seal. Because SKS rifles have to shoot targets every week, they have to check the maintenance of weapons as usual after shooting targets, but they are all wiped clean.

"It's terrible!" Ying Yu shook his head angrily, but he couldn't blame everyone for that. Common people in China would not allow a dog. How would they know the importance of maintaining weapons?To blame can only be blamed for not emphasizing enough when formulating the military training plan.

Clothes, leggings, and shoes are basically up to standard, and everyone also carries a small bottle of Zhuge Xingjun powder and a pack of salt flakes.

"Let's all go!" Ying Yu ordered.

Excluding those who were in Sanya, those who served in the army, those who were stationed abroad, and those who were on duty in various positions, the veteran battalion of more than 300 people set off in a mighty manner.

Many veterans who used to work in the administrative department complained endlessly. The result of sitting in the office for a long time was that their physical functions deteriorated.The veterans working in the industrial and agricultural sectors are all well-built and dark-skinned, and they don't feel hard work at all.

The senators carried rifles and knapsacks and wore military boots.Panting along the road for marching training.The senators were much more equipped than the native soldiers.The native soldiers wore light cane hats, and the elders all wore heavy steel helmets.In order not to let the ambitions of the "chiefs" fall, all the elders have to hold their heads high, like Wu Weiyang.

Accompanied by snare drums and flutes, hundreds of pairs of military boots stepped on the road, billowing with smoke and dust.The indigenous people working in the rice fields have already turned a blind eye to such a scene-recently, there have been several teams beating snare drums and passing back and forth on the road almost every day.Only a few natives who are familiar with the time-traveling crowd will be surprised to find that it is full of elders.

"Put up their chests one by one, like a woman!" Li Jun stood in front of the team, looking at the soldiers of the "Financial Team".This platoon is composed entirely of financial, financial, and accounting personnel. Li Jun, who has served as a soldier in the financial system, has become a temporary corporal and is responsible for leading the entire team. "Everyone, cheer up!" "Military Song Collection" page [-]! "The Great Army is Not Afraid of Difficulties in Expeditions"!" Li Jun seemed to have returned to his appearance as the squad leader of the armed police many years ago.

The soldiers of the financial team began to sing this song with their voices up. Although the lyrics had been changed, many people subconsciously sang "The Red Army is not afraid of the difficulties of the expedition".

Not to be outdone, the "Mechanical Team" immediately sang "Bopu Song". Although this military song was tampered with "Marseillaise", although the tune was impassioned, it was a bit stumbling and difficult to sing.

"Change the lyrics randomly, just sing PLA military songs." Du Wen, who was marching in the "civil affairs team", commented.

But the mechanical team had a large number of people, and most of them were strong men with great lung capacity, so they quickly suppressed the singing of the financial team and other teams. The high-pitched singing of "Bopu" and "Bopu" floated over the highway.

The veteran battalion did not enter the camp and the port after arriving at Bopu, but went around and walked another kilometer before starting a big rest.Although Bopu has a cafeteria, Ying Yu, who is in charge of directing the training, forbids everyone to leave the road, and all drink cold water and eat dry food.

The next section of the journey is to start from Lingaojiao and head towards the Ma Niao Peninsula.

"All teams keep quiet! No chatting, no wasting food. Go shit and pee. Men are on the left side of the road, women are on the right side of the road."

"Battalion Commander, there is also an open space on the right side of the road. It's not convenient for girls, can you send someone to build a toilet?" Dong Weiwei asked for instructions while chewing dry food.

"During the war, if you want to take a shit, you have to use the toilet first?" Ying Yu said with a straight face, "Thatch and shrubs are tall enough."

Dong Weiwei was bored for nothing, but she had been in the agency, knowing that this was not the time to make a girl angry, so she had to retreat in embarrassment, found a few companions, and went to the side of the road to choose a place with thick bushes. In the place, cleared out an open space, put a few stones picked up, and looked around to see if there was no light leakage, and then a "simple toilet" was completed.

Probably because the atmosphere of the battle is already very strong, and no one wants to be called "not knowing the severity" at this juncture, the girls did not make any louder voices except for some people complaining in a low voice, and all went to the bushes by the side of the road It's easy to go.

Ying Yu checked back and forth whether the clothes of the veterans were loose, and asked if anyone felt uncomfortable wearing the clothes, and he helped them rearrange them one by one.

After resting, the Veteran's Battalion continued to march towards Ma Niao along the newly repaired road.The weather wasn't too hot. Although we walked more than ten kilometers in the morning, everyone's physical strength was not exceeded, and even the women in the teams were not left behind.Everyone looked at the newly developed fields along the road and the settlements for resettling immigrants, and everyone's emotions were high.When they landed on this land three years ago, it was still barren and the people were poor.Bo spread the wild smoke and grass, except for a beacon tower and the house of the inspection department, there is almost no sign of human activity.

When they arrived, there were no people, no food, no food. They ate rice, flour and salt unloaded from the boat, drank river water mixed with bleach, and slept in tents.During the day, he did heavy physical work, and at night, he stood on the crumbling watchtower holding a rifle and stood guard in the dark.

In less than three years, this place has undergone such earth-shaking changes.And this change was made by them personally leading the natives.Our Lingao regime has finally taken shape.

These days, they wiped out the local tyrants, defeated the pirates, controlled the county seat, recruited exiles, won the hearts of the people, built a prototype of a modern industrialized society on a piece of white land, trained hundreds of indigenous people, and established an army And the administrative team... Thinking of all this, everyone felt an unprecedented sense of pride in their hearts.

Anyone who dares to violate my dream will be beaten to pieces!

As if infected by such a mood, someone took the lead in singing:
"Forward, forward, forward,
Our ranks to the sun,

Stepping on the vast land


At first, a few people sang, and then the whole column sang. The loud and clear military songs echoed on the road and went straight to the sky.The farmers working in the fields straightened up and watched the procession roll by on the road.

The marching training of the veterans boosted the morale of some people. The aboriginal soldiers, civil servants and community members knew that the Australians would not abandon them and escape, and they would fight with guns to defend Lingao at critical junctures. The spirit of common hatred and hatred.

Of course, it also frightened some people, thinking that the Australians themselves are training with guns, and the imperial army does not know how strong it is.Some people took the opportunity to visit relatives and friends in the county town: the magistrate of the county government was still there, and it was still Daming's territory, and the county town would not be bloodbathed if the officers and soldiers came.For a while, the rent and housing prices in the county skyrocketed.

Most of the vacant real estate rights in Lingao County belong to the county government, which means that they belong to the Time Travel Group in disguise.Xiong Buyou was really happy that all kinds of dilapidated houses in the county suddenly became hot sales-now the assets were revitalized!

But Mei Wan's construction company was not happy at all.The sudden upsurge in house repairs made the local lime supply suddenly tense.The construction company originally owned several lime kilns, and the raw materials were not only collected by itself, but also purchased from private sources: including limestone and oyster houses.Now the sudden increase in demand has caused the price of raw materials to rise suddenly.

In response to his situation, the Planning Institute immediately took action and announced the "control" of lime raw materials.Originally, Wu De wanted to announce the control of grain circulation, but the Executive Committee believes that since there is no panic buying of grain at this stage, there is no need to control grain.Excessive material control will only exacerbate the panic atmosphere in the county.

But people in the finance department have already started to get nervous.Yifan's Cheka records the sales status from various stores in Dongmen City every day, and monitors the price changes and sales volume of various commodities.Especially the status of the three major livelihood resources of grain, cloth, and salt.People in the financial department are worried that there may be a run on the negotiable notes.

Although the circulating notes have established a strong credit in Lingao, this is entirely based on the strong existence of the Transit Group. Once the rule is unstable, the credit of the circulating notes will be hit.It is likely that there will be a concentrated run on the situation.Everyone in the financial department knows that the circulation certificates are actually overissued, and once there is a run, the consequences will be very serious.Yifan didn't care about auditing or not, and focused all his attention on market conditions.

From the data point of view, there has not been a run on the circulation notes.In order to ensure a stable market, rice was imported from Vietnam on a large scale.The Planning Institute also prepared a large amount of spoils of war, ready to put them on the market immediately in case of a rush to sell.

However, the concerns of the financial department have not become a reality, and the market situation is still very stable.

"But our danger is still not resolved." Cheng Dong pointed out at the financial work conference that due to this mobilization, the issuance of circulation notes increased by 37% in the month, mainly for capital construction investment, military expenditure and mobilization of materials.This fee is ongoing.

"It is expected that the range next month will not be so large, but the absolute number will not be small." Cheng Dong sighed, "I didn't realize that our economic aggregate is really small until we mobilize."

"If we continue to mobilize for three to four months, inflation will be inevitable." Wu Di pondered, "The recent foreign exchange expenditure is also very large."

For the sudden expansion of arms production, temporary arrangements were made to import a large amount of pig iron, coal and cloth.

Because of the loss of Guangzhou Station, the main source of silver.Foreign exchange reserves plummeted.The financial system is under great pressure.

The most lucrative luxury goods can only be piled up in the warehouse because there is no sales channel in Guangzhou.The bulk of light industrial consumer goods are in better condition because most of them are picked up by customers themselves.

"If it doesn't work, temporarily reduce imports," Cheng Dong instructed. "A part of the silver must be kept as an emergency reserve. The war may end when."

"Didn't you say three to six months?"

"It's only been six months, if we continue to mobilize like this, we will mobilize ourselves to death before Daming is finished." Wu Di said, "I think the mobilization is enough."

"Some projects can't be stopped, and we have to go on with the courage." Cheng Dong looked at the budgets of several temporarily added projects—all of which were passed by the Senate for the third reading, "I have to talk to Skade, Without the Guangzhou station, we have to find a few more channels to export goods. We must earn more foreign exchange as soon as possible.”

(End of this chapter)

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