Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 622

Chapter 622 Before the War ([-])

"The doctor will be sent there when the war is fought. Now I will give you a few nurses and Chinese medicine practitioners to maintain basic health care. After you get there, the health workers in the army and labor should also be sent back."

After He Ping left, Shi Yanren began to bury his head on the table again, drawing schematic diagrams on the board with unskilled skills.His idea was to come up with some standard procedures for medical staff in training.He knows that the quality of indigenous medical staff is poor, their culture is low, and their ability to accept them is low.So I want to use the atlas to simplify the difficulty of education.

"Damn, this thing looks really spectacular!" Mei Wan looked at the steam engineering machinery made in Lingao, slowly driving over from a distance, emitting black smoke and steam.

Rather than saying "driving", it is better to say "climbing".So slow that you can barely feel them moving.Even the endless stream of bullock carts on the road overtook them one after another.

"New equipment. I think the performance is much better than the Meteor No. [-] locomotive." Although the support team led by Shan Daoqian used bullock carts, they arrived a long way ahead of the construction machinery.

Shan Daoqian, who was recalled from Sanya, was fully entrusted with the responsibility of road construction——Shan Daoqian completed the construction of a simple railway in Sanya, and he entrusted Ji Runzhi with the construction of roads in Sanya. The design drawings have been completed Well, the road construction team also has experience, and Ji Runzhi only needs to be responsible for supervising the progress of the project.

This renovation of the post road was almost a new attempt for Shan Daoqian - he did not use any modern construction machinery, and relied entirely on local industrial support in Lingao.The Machinery Department builds several bulldozers and road rollers that use nested steam engines.

Steam rollers and bulldozers using the principle of pottery machines climbed up the road from the industrial area of ​​Bairen City at a speed of less than [-] kilometers per hour, emitting steam and black smoke, followed by a group of workers and technicians. There are also several bullock carts full of spare parts and maintenance equipment.Although the performance of these steel monsters is not good, leaking air everywhere, and making weird creaking noises, the shock of the steel monsters writhing and stumbling forward to the people along the road is far beyond that. More modern farm vehicles and jeeps.

But for Shan Daoqian, the reliability of these devices is not good.Three steam-powered road rollers and bulldozers stop and go, repairing and adjusting mechanical equipment from time to time.It took almost a full 24 hours to come to the construction section.

But once the road section is reached, the power of the machine is on display.Although the steam engine equipment is inconvenient to use and keeps breaking down, its efficiency is still much higher than that of manpower and animal power.Stone rollers pulled by oxen cannot be compared with steam rollers at all.As for the bulldozers, although the motorcycle hours that can be used are less than six hours a day, they can do enough earthwork for 100 people to work for a day.

Shan Daoqian started from Ma Niao to renovate the post road to Chengmai.The first batch of army troops and militia that had been mobilized were used as laborers to repair the road and march towards Chengmai.As for Mei Wan himself, he presided over the construction of the Ma Niao base.

As an important salt-making base of the Lingao regime, Ma Niao is also located at the junction of Lingao and Chengmai.The Planning Institute originally planned to set up a local administrative organization, the Mayao Commune, to enrich some new immigrants and serve as the eastern support point for the Small Cross Road project.

In the preparations for this anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, the Mayao Peninsula was put on the agenda as a target that needed to be defended.The work of fortification began immediately.

According to Mei Wan's original plan, Ma Niao's construction of the city was just to build a European-style bastion fortress, with a company stationed in it, equipped with a dozen artillery pieces, to control the port and saltworks, so as to ensure that the enemy could not roam around and destroy the area.

However, in the formally implemented plan, Ma Niao has become a fortress city, not only preparing to serve as an army base for a long-term garrison of a sizeable army, but also storing a large amount of military supplies, and possessing a certain ability to repair and maintain weapons-the General Staff has prepared to send Maniaobao will be the main military base of the army in the future, and the main force of the future army will be stationed here.To this end, a large area of ​​training grounds and shooting ranges are also planned nearby.

According to He Ming's revised combat plan, all army forces participating in the anti-encirclement and suppression operations: four infantry battalions, one artillery battalion and one engineer company will be gathered in Ma Niao for training and replenishment to form a field army.Wait for the Ming army to assemble in Qiongshan before starting to fight.

Although Maniao Fort is still under intense construction, He Ming, his staff and most of the officers have arrived in Maniao and opened the Field Army Headquarters in the original artillery building.

He Ming set the headquarters to Ma Niao to avoid the overcrowded veterans of Bairen and Bopu.Although he has already greeted the Senate, he will not receive any non-official seniors.But they can still find various reasons to come to the headquarters.All of them are very enthusiastic about making suggestions for future operations-since the Senate no longer discusses this issue, it is more convenient to talk directly to the military officer.Some people talk about strategy, others talk about the use of tactics, and some offer their own "new weapons" solutions.He Ming was so annoyed by such visitors that he simply moved to Ma Niao with the headquarters team earlier.

Because of its special importance, Yanchang Village opened a cable telegraph system next to the gun tower very early. After He Ming came with the headquarters, the cable telegraph station was immediately expanded, not only adding more telegraphers, but also buying some equipment. It can serve the army effectively.Li Yunxing even sent a telecommunications engineer Hu Muye to Bairen's telecommunications bureau to take charge of equipment maintenance.He also brought a radio station as a backup

Hu Muye took the equipment and set off from Bairen in a slow bullock cart. On the bullock cart were He Ping from the Ministry of Health, Wu Shimang from the Lingao Church, Yang He, the leader of the quarantine camp, and others.The specific tasks of these people are different, but the general purpose is the same-to prepare for the expected captives.

Several people chatted and talked along the way. They set off at dawn and arrived at Ma Niao almost at noon.From a distance, the sound of snare drums and flutes can be heard, and white smoke and black smoke are lingering.From time to time the roar of guns could be heard.

On the flat training ground, teams of infantrymen are practicing in formation to the accompaniment of drums and flutes.The non-commissioned officers raised their voices and yelled the password, and sometimes they shouted in unison: "Kill! Kill! Kill!" and the roar of "fire".

Around the unfinished earth mounds of Fort Maniao, there are patches of off-white tents dotted on the slopes and valleys facing the sun.Rows of artillery and vehicles are neatly parked in the open space.Cooking smoke lingers on the field cooking truck.Soldiers in gray uniforms with shoulder rifles passed by from time to time.

On the post road leading to Chengmai, groups of laborers, soldiers and construction machinery were busy, and steam rollers spewed out black smoke from time to time.In the distance, people can be seen building a bridge over the river.

"In the past, I arrived at Heshe within a few kilometers. After passing Heshe, I will be in Chengmai County." Wu Shimang knows a lot about the geographical situation of Lingao because of the need to preach.

"Now that our road has been repaired, the Chengmai county magistrate will have a hard time. I think it will be like ants on a hot pot."

"He can pretend to be deaf and dumb like County Magistrate Wu, and become a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in the future."

"Knowing that pretending to be a deaf-mute is still a smart person, I am afraid that he will die. Then he must be sent to heaven."

"So many cars!" He Ping suddenly exclaimed.

The ox carts transporting grain, plants, ammunition, and building materials moved slowly one after another, forming a long line on the road, with no front or rear.It looked spectacular.

They usually know the power of industrial society, but seeing the huge energy of the industrial society they created, everyone is very excited.

The perimeter of the Mayaocheng construction site has been completely martial law.There are barbed wire fences, deer villages, watchtowers and ditches everywhere.Their ox cart was stopped by sentries as soon as it reached the turning, and everyone's credentials and order documents were checked.He Ping saw that in addition to the fixed sentries, there were small groups of floating sentries patrolling everywhere.He Ping saw that the security here was so heavily guarded, and he was a little bit ready for battle.

They reached the headquarters easily.He Ming was not there, so Dongmen Chuuyu, the staff officer on duty, made arrangements one by one according to their intentions.As for the establishment of a field hospital, Dongmen certainly welcomes it.

"There are no prisoners to treat you now, but recent drills have been frequent, and some have been injured. The other thing is epidemic prevention. Thousands of people have already arrived in such a small area. Although every company has health workers, some You don’t have to worry about sending someone from the health department to sit in town.”

"Let me check the camp first. Especially the toilets and drinking water. There won't be a large-scale epidemic if it is done well."

"Okay, take a look first. The Ministry of Health has given us a centralized water purification station, and now it has been stipulated that all troops must go to the water station to get water."

At the moment, the east gate blows the rain and takes everyone to a camp. Several rows of simple houses have been built here, and a sign is hung on the door.These are the places where the representatives of various departments sent to Ma Niaolai to coordinate the work for this battle work and stay.

He Ping's Ministry of Health office is ready.There is only a wooden bed and a folding table inside, and there is no chair to sit on the bed to work.

Dongmen Chuyu said: "The conditions are poor, so let's get over it first. Ma Niao's hospital has just started construction, so you can move there after it's finished."

"It's okay, I'll look around for the epidemic prevention situation first."

"Xie Shu!" Dongmen Chuiyu called out.

"Yes!" Immediately behind them, a young officer stood at attention and saluted.He Ping sized him up. He was probably in his early twenties, with dark skin, regular features, and his hair was shaved short like all soldiers.He was wearing an army uniform with the rank of second lieutenant, but on his sleeves was a red stripe representing a staff officer.This was probably an Aboriginal trainee staff officer.

"Xie Shu is a trainee staff officer, in charge of logistics. Let him accompany you." Then he ordered, "You take Comrade Commissioner to check the health security situation!"

"Understood!" Xie Shu asked in a calm voice, "Chief, where are you going to inspect first?"

"Let's start with the water supply station."

He looked at the water purification station first.He recognized the hygienist in charge of the water purification station. He had just graduated from the hygienist training class of the Ministry of Health a few months ago. His name was Niu Yutian, and he fled to Lingao from the mainland three months ago.At the age of fifteen or sixteen, he looks very fair and speaks softly.When he was assigned, the staff felt that he was too delicate, so he was assigned to be a hygienist at the sanitation port.The medics wore white armbands on the sleeves of their uniforms, emblazoned with the emblem of the health department: a blue snake wrapped around a wooden staff.

He Ping asked about the status of the water purification station.I know that this set of mobile water purification equipment used by the army was recently shipped.Filter the water with fine sand and activated carbon, and then put in bleach for disinfection.Drinking water also needs to be boiled.The entire water station can be disassembled and drawn by livestock.It is very convenient to use.He Ping checked the condition of the equipment, and checked whether the activated carbon and sand had been installed and replaced correctly.Bleach release records were checked.

After looking at it, he thought that there was no problem with the water station itself, but the water supply was insufficient.He Ping shook his head especially when he found out that the water station had no pumping equipment and the water was carried entirely by manpower.Such a supply can only barely guarantee the daily training of the field army.It is difficult to supply during the march.

"This set of equipment is battalion-level field water supply equipment." Xie Shu said, "It is not enough to supply so many troops."

He Ping knew that these were probably samples from the mechanical department, and they were used for experiments.He secretly called this a reckless act, and according to the current garrison and population size of Ma Niao, it is reasonable to set up a waterworks.

"Let's go see the camp."

The units of the field army are stationed separately in battalions and companies, and there are deer villages around each station.At the gates of the front and back of the camp, small blockhouses were piled up with stones, and there were shooting holes. Each blockhouse could accommodate up to three people to watch and shoot.When you encounter a surprise attack, you can resist it for a while, and buy time for the troops to gather.

Rows of military tents were neatly set up in the camp.There is an open space in front of the gate that has been leveled for roll call, and the roads in the camp are neat and tidy.All kinds of vehicles and utensils are all sorted.Each camp has set up toilets according to the number of soldiers and prepared disinfection medicines.

The soldiers had already gone out for training, and there were only a few support staff in charge of cooking and guarding the camp.Seeing a chief inspector, everyone stood up together, lined up neatly and silently saluted them.

Even a layman like He Ping can see that the barracks is well-disciplined and the soldiers are well-trained.Can't help but admire: "These troops are well trained."

"This is due to the well-trained chiefs." Xie Shu said.

In He Ping's ears, this meant a bit of flattery.He couldn't help but glanced at the young officer, and saw that his face was calm and sincere, and he didn't seem to be flattering.

"Oh, this Australian method of governing the army has never been used in real battles. How do you think it compares to Ming's frontier army?"

Xie Shu said seriously: "It's the four words 'orders and prohibitions', which are far superior to all the troops of Ming Dynasty."

Discipline is indeed one of the biggest differences between modern armies and ancient armies.The young officer didn't talk about the thing that shocked the natives the most because of the huge firearm advantages of the traversers, but first talked about discipline, which made He Ping look at him differently.He couldn't help being interested:

"I also heard that the discipline of the officers and soldiers is not good—"

"No, when I say order and prohibition, I don't mean that the discipline of the people is good or bad, but that the chief can train the troops to advance and retreat as freely as hands, feet and limbs."

He Ping nodded, feeling that his knowledge was not bad.Can't help but become interested in him.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Tongchuan, Shaanxi."

"You are from the frontier army, right?" He Ping heard that he was from Shaanxi.I think there are very few northerners here, and most of them are deserters from the army.

"No." Xie Shu said with a smile, "My family used to be a small grain farmer, and my father was a scholar. In the year of Tianqi, there were bandits in my hometown, and I couldn't stay any longer—the bandits and the officers and soldiers took turns to ruin the family. The family had to flee to the Central Plains. I Dad said that the Central Plains was the place where the Fourth World War was fought, so he couldn't wait, so he ran south, and as soon as he ran, he ran to Guangdong."

"Why are you in Lingao again?"

"My family does some small business along the coast. Not to mention extortion by the government, the ship was also robbed by the sea owner. My father was angry and said: 'Wherever we go, we are bullied by thieves and officials. Why don't we become thieves too? Let's go." When Xie Shu said this, he suddenly realized that he was scolding the chiefs as thieves, so he quickly stopped talking.

He Ping smiled: "We are indeed thieves, we are Kun thieves."

"The behavior of the chiefs, not to mention the sea masters and local bandits, even the Ming Dynasty is less than one in ten." Xie Shu said, "I used to be considered a good soldier at home. "Wu Jing Zong Yao", "Wu Bei Zhi", "Ji Xiao" I have read a lot of "New Books", and the one I admire the most is Qi Shaobao. I have also thought about how to build a strong army. Only when I was in the Fubo Army did I realize that what I thought..." He didn't continue, just shook his head down.

He Ping found it very new. Most of the aboriginal officers, soldiers, administrators and students he met were taken in, and all of them were bitter and bitter, or had nowhere to go.The gratitude and admiration to the traversers are from the bottom of my heart.But Xie Shu's "worship" has no taste of "gratitude", nor does it have the bitter taste of hatred.When he talked about his own affairs, he was still a little bit sarcastic.

Moreover, this young man's speech and attitude are completely different from those of the natives. If it weren't for his strange Mandarin, He Ping would have thought he was a veteran he didn't know.
"Follow us as a thief, aren't you afraid of being wiped out by the officers and soldiers?" He Ping asked intentionally.

"The government can't even wipe out the rogues in our hometown," Xie Shu said with a smile. "In the war with Donglu, we lost more than we won, and it is even more delusional to defeat the Fubo army."

"There is a bandage station under the hillside over there." Xie Shu asked, "Is the chief going to take a look?"

"Of course I'm going." He Ping asked, "Why has a dressing room been opened?"

(End of this chapter)

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