Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 668 Advance into the Detachment

Chapter 668 Advance into the Detachment
The prosecution of "war criminals" was proposed by several members of the Law Club.Of course, the mastermind behind it is the vest.

Although the arbitral tribunal controlled by the Law Club spared no effort to promote the idea of ​​"ruling the country by law", a large number of formulations - or rather plagiarism - various laws and regulations, while actively promoting and encouraging ordinary people to file lawsuits.But so far, their judicial business is still very small.

For Lingao, which has a population of less than one hundred thousand, except for the simple court in Dongmen City, which has more security and small commercial cases, the other three courts are deserted, with less than one turn a week. case.The judges basically have nothing to do but follow along with the codification of laws and regulations.Often seconded by various departments to do administrative or other things.

Having nothing to do is a red flag, and the vest is worried about it.And after too many people are seconded, people's hearts will slowly disperse.

Gotta give them a little prod and give them a little work!Vest thought.But the business volume of the arbitral tribunal cannot be created out of thin air.The busiest department in the arbitral tribunal was obviously the General Political Security Bureau, but this department was essentially independent, and he was unwilling and unable to intervene.

The justice system lacks significant, eye-catching action.After the victory in Chengmai, all the thoughts of vest turned to the issue of "war criminals".

For many veterans, the issue of "war criminals" itself is a boring act of taking off their pants and farting-everyone has been caught, and if they want to be killed, cut to pieces or raped, they will know what to do, so what's the point of interrogating war criminals?Furthermore, according to which law, which treaty?In the end, it was nothing more than a scene of talking, directing and acting by myself.

But the waistcoat's proposition still won the support of most of the senators in the senate. Although "doing everything according to the law" is sometimes hypocritical, rigid, and even ridiculous, it is a much more progressive system than the minority Han Tianxian who can arrest people at will.

That's how the vest's "interrogation of war criminals" was decided.A Special War Crimes Tribunal was formed, with the appointment of prosecutors for prosecution and defense lawyers.

Of course, this is absurd from the perspective of fairness-there is no international treaty or international law in this time and space.The Ming government has never concluded, recognized, signed, or participated in any such things.

The so-called "trial of war criminals" is nothing more than a way for the time-traveling group to impose a new social order on this time and space.But this line of thinking also has different views within the law club.

If the international law and international treaties of the old time and space are really followed, the war crimes committed by the crossing group in the battle with the officers and soldiers are quite a bit.Yuan Qiushi hanged dozens of prisoners in the prisoner-of-war camp, and enslaved prisoners on a large scale...

These things are worthy of being called "war crimes".Therefore, some veterans who hold opposing opinions think that the "war criminals" are purely asking for trouble and binding their own hands and feet.

Under such doubts, the Standing Committee of the Senate held a hearing on the necessity and rationality of the "trial of war criminals".

The purpose of the hearing is of course not to talk about "whether it is fair", but "whether it is reasonable".

"The so-called war crime," Vest dispelled the concerns of the elders with one sentence at the hearing of the Standing Committee of the Senate. "This is a crime only committed by losers."

The vest also explained that the trial of "war criminals" is not simply intimidation and revenge, but more about occupying the moral high ground and promoting the "justice" of the party.This is a very important matter in the ideological field.

So the trial of war criminals started with great fanfare.

By this time the attention of the Executive Committee and the Senate had turned elsewhere.To be precise, it turned to the entire Hainan Island.

The plan to occupy the entire island of Hainan was turned into a "summer awakening" under Wei Aiwen's suggestion. The results of the spring awakening were too bad, and it was unanimously opposed by many people. As a concession, it was changed to "summer" according to the situation.

Under the adjustment of the General Staff, the army, which rested for a whole day after the military parade, began to implement the "Summer Awakening" plan.

The four battalions deployed by "Xia Xing" were divided into two advancing detachments, east and west.

With the third infantry battalion as the backbone, the West Detachment strengthened Ruo's troops, workers, supplies, and medical teams. The goal was to occupy Danzhou and expand the "Purple Zone" of the Lingao regime's control area to the Danzhou-Changhua border.

The goal of the East Detachment is much bigger. According to the plan of the General Staff, the first phase of expansion will go east to complete the occupation of Chengmai, Qiongshan, Ding'an and Wenchang counties.It is composed of the first battalion, fifth battalion and sixth battalion of infantry.

Like Lingao, these four counties are the foundation of the government's rule in Hainan. They were developed early, have a large population, and have a relatively deep foundation for rule.Winning these counties is tantamount to announcing the complete collapse of Ming rule in Lingao.

As for the southern prefectures and counties, the population is sparse, and the number of registered men, women, children, and children in a county is only a few thousand, and the magistrates of many counties have been vacant for a long time. The rule of Ming Dynasty is completely symbolic.You can pick it up anytime.

In addition to military personnel, each detachment also has a county task force personally selected by Liu Muzhou.In addition to veterans, each work team also has a number of indigenous cadres, who work on the spot and take over the county government.

The first phase of the operation to occupy the entire island of Hainan went very smoothly, which can be called "it depends on the campaign".The army, supported by the navy, went on an "armed parade."The villages along the road fell against the wind, and Danzhou was the first to fall. In fact, the army did not plan to attack the city, but planned to set up camp first, and then force the officials in the city to obey their commands with both soft and hard methods.But the officials in the city took the initiative to open the city and surrender.Yu Zhiqian, the commander of the third infantry battalion in charge of the westward expansion, was greatly surprised by such smooth progress.It turned out that he thought that the officials in the city would stay behind closed doors, and made himself spend a lot of money.

The magistrate of Danzhou committed suicide with great integrity.The Jinshi master, who had been in office for less than half a year, did not do any combat operations to add prisoners to the veterans-he knew that all this was futile, so he took poison and committed suicide very simply and neatly.

The surrender was presided over by Danzhou Dianshi.He and the gentry in the city tremblingly waited for the arrival of the West Detachment at the gate of the city.

The west detachment has been rested and replenished, and its military morale is even higher than before the battle of Chengmai.

The letter was sent by the Canon History of Danzhou.This person, like Lingao Dianshi Sun Ruiwu, was desperate for the future of being a disaster officer of this kind of Yuanzhou evil army. Although he would not openly surrender to the enemy, he still had a great wait-and-see mentality.Therefore, neither committed suicide nor escaped, and stayed in the city to preside over the surrender in the name of protecting the seal.If the Kun thief can live on for a long time, he has no objection to changing his family to serve this group of Australians.

"I thought I had to live outside the city, but I didn't expect to enter the city so smoothly."

Detachment leader Yu Zhiqian said arrogantly to Liu Yixiao, the leader of the Danzhou task force.

"The cheaper the thing, the worse it is." The team leader said with a gloomy face, "Who knows what these officials are secretly planning? I think we must be vigilant!"

Zhizhou's suicide is said in the classics, God knows if Zhizhou really died or there is another plan?Liu Yixiao believes that full vigilance must be maintained so as not to be taken advantage of by the enemy.

According to the rules, except for a few small teams that take over the city defense and key departments, the main force of the army does not enter the city-this is not for reasons of benevolence and righteousness, not to disturb the people, but because the health department is worried about the serious health conditions of the local towns .Before the necessary anti-epidemic disinfection treatment is carried out on the town, the army generally does not enter densely populated areas to avoid contracting epidemic diseases.

But the gentry who greeted them at the gate of the city breathed a sigh of relief-as expected, the Australians deserved the words "no crime in autumn"!
Liu Yixiao said a few words politely, then followed Dian Shi and the gentry to the state government office.Danzhou has a slightly larger population than Lingao, and its market is a little more prosperous.But at this time, the street was empty and there were no pedestrians.Outside the yamen, there are more than a dozen yamen servants and book offices scattered sparsely, waiting on shifts, with blank expressions.

The yamen is very dilapidated, and it doesn't look as good as some antique buildings in the old time and space. Liu Yixiao went in and took a look, and there was a coffin parked in the yard—this was Zhizhou who had committed suicide.

"Open!" he ordered.

Dead people are nothing to look at, the reason why we look at them is to confirm that Zhizhou is really dead.Liu Yixiao took out a notebook from his satchel, which was the "Compilation of Basic Situations in Danzhou" compiled by the Foreign Intelligence Agency.The first sub-volume is the resumes and photos of the big and small officials in the yamen.

The photo was taken with a far-focus lens, and although it was not very clear, the facial features were still recognizable. Although the dead man in the coffin thought it was poisoned and his face was distorted, he could be seen to be the same person.

Liu Yixiao nodded with a sigh: Brave people are always respected.

"Prepare and bury it properly." He said, "Is Zhizhou's relatives still in the city?"

"Yes, yes." Dian Shi said cautiously, spying on his expression, "It's all in the back office. Master, do you want to go and see..."

"No need. Tell them not to commit suicide!" Liu Yixiao was not interested in Zhizhou's family members, "Quickly prepare a boat and send 20 taels of silver as a funeral ceremony. Just let them leave with the coffin."

"Master's grace, they will never forget it..."

Liu Yixiao nodded impatiently and asked a few more questions.Most of the yamen servants and book offices in the city fled away - what they did in Lingao has long been spread here, and the subordinate officials were afraid that they would fall into the same fate as their colleagues in Lingao, so they fled away with their clothes .

Liu Yixiao ordered the indigenous cadres in the work team to enter the county government office, to receive the archives and check the warehouses at the same time.Seals were affixed to each house one by one for later cleaning.

The warehouse in Danzhou suffered a lot. A few days ago, the leader of the Zhuang team took dozens of minzhuang and other officials to rob the county bank. Now the bank is empty and there is nothing left. There are also losses to some extent if the dirty warehouse is fined.But the grain depot and salt depot were not lost.

(End of this chapter)

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