Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 671 Goal

Chapter 671 Goal
"Go to the countryside." Hu Lanyan nodded.He heard a lot from the bandits who defected to the countryside from many other bandits.

They know that the most important thing for thieves is to "go to the countryside". They have heard of "work teams" when they were in Lingao. They are protected by soldiers and go deep into the wilderness, remote villages, and some go to the village to inquire about news. They stationed themselves to practice bravery, and some climbed mountains and ridges, drew pictures of landscapes, and collected various stones, branches and leaves.The seemingly inconspicuous team cast their nets in all directions like a spider, and finally engulfed the entire Lingao tightly, killed all disobedient enemies, and forced everyone to obey them.

"Australians are from overseas, why can they stand in Lingao?" Gou Xunli patted the taro skin on his hands, "The most important thing is to 'go to the countryside', staying in the county town, no matter how many people you have, you can't figure it out As for the affairs in the countryside, when they go to the countryside and gain a foothold in the countryside, naturally many people will tell them the news."

Hu Lanyan said: "Brother is right. But what should we do?"

"What should we do?" Gou Xunli said viciously, "Come and kill one, so that the work team they go to the countryside will come and go!"

"The thieves have powerful firearms, and if we kill them, we will die." Hu Lanyan was taken aback.He hadn't fought the Kun thief head-to-head, but he had heard a lot from other people.Generally speaking, rumors are always scarier than facts.

"Little brother, come and find a way." Gou Xunli thought for a while, "Call Xin that day."

Since Xin narrowly escaped his life in the ambush in Daolu Village on that day, he has been wandering in the grassy mountains and forests for a long time, and he has a place to go when he encounters people with blind eyes on the road.

He was scared out of his wits by the Australians. As long as he mentioned Australians in the team, he would add fuel to the story and talk about how powerful the Australians are, how they are so elusive, and how sharp their weapons are.

When he heard that Gou Xunli was going to deal with the work teams going to the countryside, he was taken aback—the rest of the party also thought so.The internal and external cooperation planned well, but they were ambushed by someone for no apparent reason, and the entire army was wiped out.Even his sister was taken away by the thieves.

"Second Master!" Xin said cautiously that day, "Although the work team is small, there are three No. 40 people, and all of them have Australian bird guns. If we work face to face, we are no match."

Gou Xunli said viciously: "Who said you have to do it face to face. You have to play tricks!"

On that day, Xin thought that playing shady back then was enough, but in the end, she still didn't play the Australians, and instead played with the rest of the team and even the girls.

Xin didn't dare to be soft at this time that day, lest she be remembered by this cruel and ruthless Second Master Gou.He is a habitual bandit in Lingao, and he knows a thing or two about the methods of this mighty, black-and-white Second Master Gou, so he is very afraid of him.Moreover, Second Master Gou is now the second shopkeeper of the gang, much stronger than this little guy like him.

"It all depends on Second Master's clever calculation..."

"Stop talking empty words," Gou Er said dissatisfiedly, "You have dealt with their work team, come, tell me the details."

"We don't know the place well, so it's really awkward to come to the countryside like this," Wang Wu said worriedly, looking at the dark night outside.While talking, he unconsciously touched his holster again - it contained a Lingao version of the revolver.

Liu Dazhu was making straw sandals for himself, and smiled nonchalantly: "People who have a little money are afraid of death. We have guns in our hands, and there are more than 30 people in the company and lead soldiers. Which kind of bandits who don't understand have eaten Xiongxin The leopard has the guts to die?"

Wang Wu was a little embarrassed. "That's what it says," he murmured.I want to refute it, but I think what the other party said makes sense. It is only ten miles away from the garrison under Danzhou City, and the gangsters generally have only a few dozen people, and those with hundreds of people are considered a large group.With a gun, a grenade, and a solid house as a cover, if there are bandits who want to come to the camp and rob the camp, it is almost like looking for death.

"You belong to the petty bourgeoisie who is not determined to fight!" Liu Dazhu skillfully sold Du Wen's teachings that he swallowed alive, "Fighting against the enemy has to face all kinds of dangers. If you are afraid of tigers before you How can those who are afraid of wolves carry out their work?"

"Yeah, you're right." Wang Wu was not as good as Liu Dazhu, so he had no choice but to agree with him embarrassingly.

Wang Wu and Liu Dazhu are both from Daolu Village.After the pacification of the Shisancun area, this area was used as a pilot area for "going government to the countryside", and many people were absorbed into various groups and training courses that were piloted locally.One of them is the village cadre training class, which specializes in training grassroots rural cadres and team members who go to the countryside.

When Du Wen chose the future village leaders, she preferred poor peasants, thinking that they were similar to the proletariat and had the consciousness of struggle.Liu Dazhu, the poorest peasant in Daolu Village, participated in the training class.His motivation is simple - three free meals are provided for the village cadre training class.This is something that my family can't achieve anyway.

Although Liu Dazhu is poor, he is very smart and has no family business to manage. He soon devoted a lot of enthusiasm and time to this career that can make him eat well.He became a good student, got a Type C diploma, spent almost all the time in the village cadre class, read a lot of various educational pamphlets published by the Ministry of Education eagerly, and soon became a "highly enlightened" The students are very appreciated by Du Wen.

As for Wang Wu, a rich peasant, he has a family and a business and does not intend to be a "village leader".However, the Australians' bandit suppression taught him the concept of "protecting property through the barrel of a gun". He signed up for the basic militia when the [-]th village basic militia company was formed.Wang Wu is very enthusiastic about defending the "new life".His family has a lot of labor, so he spent a lot of time on the organization and training of the militia, and became a small militia leader.

"Summer Awakening" required a large number of work team cadres. Not only were all veterans who were willing to work in the work team drawn out, but many indigenous cadres and students were drawn from Fangcaodi and various communes to enrich the team.It was against this background that Wang Wu and Liu Dazhu were transferred to the Danzhou work team.

Liu Yixiao initially gained a firm foothold in Danzhou, and after establishing the liaison officer system, he divided his team members into several teams. Each team consisted of seven or eight indigenous cadres and students, and an infantry platoon was assigned as a guard force. .According to the principle of first near and then far, the village gradually expanded to the whole territory one by one, and finally achieved the goal of establishing a village regime in the whole village of Danzhou.

The work team in charge of the two came to Zhaopu Village, a village more than ten miles away from the city of Danzhou.

This is a small village with more than 30 families.This place is not far from the state city, but the terrain is quite rugged, and it takes half a day to walk on foot. There are barren mountains and wild ridges along the way, and the surrounding environment is very barren.

The people in the village cultivated the land at the foot of the mountain to make a living, and also opened up some terraced fields. Because of the lack of water, farming was completely dependent on the sky.The life of the common people is very difficult - of course, this is a normal state in the countryside of this time and space, and there is nothing strange about it.

Because of poverty, there are not even people who can be called rich peasants in the local area.It is really a poor village.It will be included in the goals of the first batch of regimes going to the countryside. Apart from being close, the first thing is to be poor.

Poverty leads to change. Such villages are not attractive to young people, and poverty makes people satisfied with a small amount of material stimulation. The work team can easily cultivate the first batch of available personnel among the local population.Part of the large amount of grain and cloth taken from the Danzhou grain depot was transferred to Liu Yixiao on the spot, and used as funds for the current stage of activities.

After the Zhaopu Village team arrived in the village, they started working according to the procedures in the Work Manual.The division of labor is that Liu Dazhu is in charge of "village administration" and Wang Wu is in charge of "militia".Liu Dazhu's niece, a graduate of a women's training class named Liu Bin, is in charge of youth and women's work.

The work team learned about the situation in the village and distributed some food supplies to help the poorest people.A symposium for the heads of households was held.When people talk about the local situation, they mainly use the word "poor".

The village only produced barely enough food to satisfy the hunger, and the transportation here was inconvenient. The most basic consumer goods such as salt, cloth and ironware became very valuable when they were transported from the outside world, making the people more and more poor.

Banditry is not serious here, probably because it is too poor and remote, even bandits seldom come to visit.Wang Wu is very concerned about whether there are any local people who are going to be bandits?After asking through various channels, there is no such person.

Liu Dazhu took the guards to go around the village. He is no stranger to farming, but there is less land and more mountains here.It is completely different from Daolu Village.

"We still have to invite the Heaven and Earth Association to come." He muttered to himself.He decided to add this to the report.

In the evening they met under gas lamps to write their reports.

"The young and middle-aged labor force here is rich, and they can be absorbed to serve as the first batch of soldiers of the Danzhou garrison company."

"I roughly tested my intentions, and there are quite a few people who are willing to go. At least [-] or more soldiers can be transported. It's almost one person per household."

"Doesn't this mean that there are no local militiamen?"

"In such a small village, it is certain that all the people are soldiers. The remaining men are enough to organize a militia platoon."

"How is the implementation of the Qinglan plan?"

"Qinglan Project" is a special plan for the Traveling Group to take care of orphans in the occupied areas.It is an important item in the performance appraisal of the work team.In order to make the shelter situation in his team look good, Liu Dazhu desperately lobbied the poor multi-children families in the village these days, asking them to hand over their underage children to the work team and send them to Lingao to be raised.This practice is not considered a violation, but is actually encouraged - the education department welcomes more children into their hands, thus being molded into a generation of "new people".

(End of this chapter)

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