Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 683 Exposure

Chapter 683 Exposure
There was a murmur of discussion in the hall.Many people echoed Dongmen Chuuyu's opinion—to let spies from the modern world taste the taste of modern electrocution.

"Comrades," Wu Mu said, "let's sort out the clues. What we want to know now is: First, who is this Wei Landuo? Since he didn't come from this time and space, how did he come here? Second, what purpose did Wei Landuo attempt to achieve when he came to Lingao?"

"Arrest him and those two magic sticks for interrogation, and we'll know everything." Someone responded from the side, "How about connecting them with a shaker phone?"

"It's not that simple. Since he came as a member of the Jesuits, what relationship does he have with the Jesuits and Jalanzani? We don't know what kind of forces are behind this time traveler. It's useless to interrogate the other missionaries, and they don't know anything about him. Most importantly, is there only one Waylando?"

"What do you mean by that?" Ran Yao asked.

"Why did this Wei Landuo come to Hainan? We can make a bold assumption. On D-Day, the space-time storm once caused the boat that Minglang's family was on to get involved accidentally. So is it also because of this reason? Wei Landuo and his Several missing accomplices may have crossed at the same time as us. He may have come to Hainan Island to find other accomplices. Even, his accomplices may be hiding in Lingao or nearby, under our noses. "

This assertion was so shocking that there was no sound in the venue.Wu Mu continued: "So, the clues to find out other unknown traversers are on this guy who calls himself Wei Landuo. We must give him freedom of movement and put him under our comprehensive monitoring. Catch him early, It's not worth the loss. Cut off the vine, and we won't be able to touch the melon."

"Can the political security department ensure comprehensive monitoring of him? We can't let this big fish slip out of our hands."

This time it was Zhao Manxiong who spoke. He assured everyone with a smile on his face that every outsider who entered Lingao was under the effective surveillance of the State Security Bureau.On behalf of the police department, Ran Yao supported Wu Mu's opinion. Currently, the entire Lingao is in a state of emergency, and any investigation, surveillance and arrest operations have become quite convenient.And this Caucasian is as conspicuous in Lingao as a peacock thrown into a group of chickens.He had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

The whistle echoed in the cell again, over and over again.Father Trigg had already lay down on the straw mat, but was disturbed by this annoying sound and lost all sleepiness.

"Padre," he heard Cecilio whisper in his ear, and immediately sat up on the bunk.The young monk's lips trembled even whiter: "Padre (priest, can also refer to father), is that man crazy?"

Father Trigg shook his head. That man was either crazy or possessed by the devil.But he dared not speak out.Because the man possessed by the devil was whistling and smiling at him, showing a mouthful of dazzling white teeth from time to time.

Weiss didn't even bother to pay attention to the whispers of the two Jesuits.In this prison-like place, the only way to know the external situation and speculate on your own situation is to rely on your own ears and the limited scene in the window.In the past few days, he has been able to hear the command of the army training and the sound of killing from a place not far from the port-it is not a skinny person wearing a cloth bag.It is a more passionate and powerful cry.From time to time, there were rows of neat gunshots, occasionally mixed with the low roar of artillery.With such frequent live ammunition training, is it possible that the Chinese in Lingao will continue to expand the war?It's very possible!After all, the largest government army here is finished.They can pick fruit anytime and anywhere.

In the camp Lando rarely spoke, or rather never spoke.There were too many holes in his strange Italian.And there may be modern Westerners in Lingao.What Weiss was sure of was that there was a faint singing voice drifting in from a distant place. He couldn't make out who was singing in what language, but the tune was "Marseillaise".

He heard this vague "La Marseillaise" only once.What I heard more was another song, which the Lingao soldiers always sang during the drills and when they finished their drills.He vaguely felt that the melody of this song was very familiar. After whistling the melody many times, Weiss finally remembered the origin of this familiarity.He was lying in a room in a small hotel in Rome, wondering where his next contract would be, and watching absently on the TV the little Chinese girl singing the song, now sung by soldiers, with a hymn-like cadence. A song of pride.

Well, Australians, I know your history.Weiss smiled smugly, even laughed out loud.Father Trigg involuntarily retreated a few centimeters into the shadow of the corner.

Footsteps came from far and near in the corridor.Weiss didn't care - maybe the guards of the concentration camp came to deliver the food again.The two meals of rice porridge mixed with minced fish and vegetable leaves every day made Weiss dizzy with hunger—this group of Chinese who claimed to be Australians seemed to be planning to make their prisoners dizzy and powerless to escape.

The door clanged open, and a breath of fresh air flooded into the room, which smelled of carbolic acid, sweat, and urine.The camp guards stood at the gate, carrying a bamboo stick instead of a gruel bucket.

"You guys, get up! Clean it up!" Although he tried his best to make his tone fierce, these people still looked at him with a mixture of fear and bewilderment, and none of them moved.

"Get ready to go, get out!" The guard continued to wave his arms, pointing at the door.Now they all understand.Weiss stood up without hesitation, he was tired of staying here, even going to hell would be better than being locked in this hot and stuffy prison.

He patted his body -- it was actually very clean, and there were no parasites on the straw mat that he was used to and had enough of in this time and space.Standing behind the guard were three young but well-built young men with dark oriental faces.They wore the rustic gray uniforms and leggings that are most common here.

But Lando soon discovered that they were wearing blue collar pins, the kind he had never seen before—including the various characters who inspected and questioned them at customs.

The three young men were silent, with cloth holsters on their belts, showing the black butts of their revolvers.Based on Lando's experience, he could tell that this was definitely not a revolver produced by a certain arsenal.More like those pistols made in Pakistani and Afghani workshops.

After a while, Trigg and others followed.The guard led the way, and the three young men followed within five or six steps without saying a word.Cecilio turned his head to look at them from time to time, and saw the black gun handles exposed on the belts of these people. The young monk could hardly walk, and he couldn't even stand firmly.

The small door at the bottom of the corridor was opened, and the summer sunlight from Lingao flooded the corridor all at once.The tense atmosphere dissipated immediately—they could see clearly that there was an open space outside, with no barbed wire, no watchtowers, and no soldiers with loaded bayonet rifles.A beautiful carriage was waiting outside the gate of the quarantine camp.Father Trigg muttered in a low voice: "Praise God", because Father Lu Ruohua stood in front of the carriage and looked at the group of people with a smile.

He was so happy to be out of the horrible atmosphere of the quarantine camp that he didn't bother to observe the situation around him.Only Weiss noticed that another carriage with a hood was parked not far behind, which looked quite strange in the empty square in front of the back gate of the quarantine camp.

Three mysterious young men got into the carriage behind, and Lu Ruohua explained that they were "security guards" sent by the Australian government.After all, the entire Lingao is still in a war period.According to the "relevant departments" of the Australians, the unpleasant treatment received by several Jesuit personnel is also a precautionary measure in an extraordinary period, and he himself expresses his regret.

"Australians have achieved great victories on the battlefield, defeating [-] Ming troops. They have gained a permanent advantage in southern China. This is God's will." Lu Ruohua made a sign of the cross when he said this.

Jin Lige muttered some words to express his congratulations. He was very curious about the current situation of Lingao Church and was eager to know many things.But Lu Ruohua's excitement didn't seem to pass - he was talking about the expansion opportunity of the Lingao Church following this military victory.

"We will build churches in Danzhou and Chengmai soon!" Probably after experiencing too many failures in missionary work in China, Lu Ruohua was full of joy at the "great situation" in Hainan, and several times he talked about it. Tears of excitement were shed.

Jinli Pavilion was not as excited as him.Before he set off from Macau, he had an inexplicable worry: Australians are so powerful, and most of the Australian elders are not the lamb of the Lord, why do they have such a great interest in spreading the gospel?What is their purpose?

Weisslando put on an easy-going look, closed his eyes and said nothing.Only the young monk timidly asked: "Padre, where are we going?"

"Go eat first," Lu Ruohua said, "You look very hungry, kid."

When they heard that there was food to eat, sparks appeared in the eyes of several people-eating seafood porridge every day these days has become unbearable.

The priests' attention to food was well-known throughout the Middle Ages.The Jesuits are relatively less particular about food than the old religious orders, but the Jesuits are not a penance after all.

"Let's go to Dongmen City now."

(End of this chapter)

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