Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 736 Victorious Return

Chapter 736 Victorious Return
This news did not surprise the Senate. According to the history of the old time and space, he died in office around 1631 due to overwork and illness.

According to this historical process, Xiong Wencan was the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi after Wang Zunde.He started his career by appeasing Zheng Zhilong, and throughout his life, he mainly treated all "rebels" with "appeasing".He came to Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and it is very possible to reach a mutually acceptable understanding with the traversers.Just like the compromise he reached with Zheng Zhilong in Fujian.For this reason, the elders were looking forward to Xiong Qingtian's appointment.

However, Xiong Qingtian will not be able to come this time—according to the efficiency of the medieval society, it will take at least three and a half months for Xiong Wencan to come to Guangdong to see things.The traveler's time is precious, and the Senate discussed it. Instead of waiting for Xiong Qingtian eagerly, it is better to deal with the follow-up matters with Mr. Li quickly and make it a fait accompli.A Hong Kong issue caused Li Fengjie to shirk in every possible way.In the end, only a promise of "turning a blind eye" was exchanged. It is difficult to predict whether the Qiongzhou government can completely become a "center-left institute".

Although the situation is still unclear, the successful return of the naval task force from the Pearl River is a matter of joy and congratulations.A grand welcome ceremony was held at Bopu Wharf.

On this day, colorful flags were fluttering on the street lamps along the way from Lingao County to Bopu—if you pay attention, you will find that most of the flags of the Ming army were captured in the Battle of Chengmai.The flags recovered from the Chengmai battlefield piled up like a mountain. According to the principle of collection, the large library collected two sides of each type, and then used hundreds of them as decorations in the stadium.Some of the remaining ones were hung in the Military Admiralty Building and the Admiralty respectively. Finally, many military flags were hung in the Lingao Cathedral.

For the rest, all cotton and linen must be washed and recycled—even the tattered ones can always be made into paper, and all kinds of silk flags are difficult to deal with. Australians don’t use silk for clothing.Except for a small amount that was allocated for industrial use, the rest were all allocated to the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda according to Fang Feide's application.

Fang Fei organized people to select these flags, and selected flags of the same size and classified them separately, and then used outsourcing processing to remove all unnecessary content on them. In the end, he had hundreds of flags that could be used in activities. Used bunting.

Now, these colorful flags are flying all the way from Lingao County along the Lingao-Bopu Highway, and several banners have been pulled up on the road: "Warmly welcome the return of the officers and soldiers of our Pearl River Task Force!", "Glory belongs to the Senate The invincible Fubo Army!", "Invincible, invincible!", "The Senate is shining brightly!"...

Teams of welcoming crowds are heading towards Bopu. These are the welcoming teams organized by the Mass Activities Department of the Cultural and Propaganda Department. Compared with the example of Chengmai Victory, this time the naval-led battle returned victorious. In terms of celebration specifications It can't be too bad, lest the navy eat it.Besides, the chairman of the executive committee is also in the returning fleet, so it has to be handled according to the level of the head of state returning from a work visit.

According to Fang Fei's order, all professional and amateur propaganda groups under the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda were dispatched. "The scale should be grand, and the atmosphere should be warm." He gave instructions to Ji Denggao, the chief of the indigenous section, "...the students in Fangcaodi must take at least eight classes, how many classes are there now? One o'clock No courage! And the chorus of the seminary, what are you doing in the front row? We are not a Catholic country!" The former Mr. Bubu was wearing a new version of cotton "work clothes" with a small open collar. A productive pencil jotted down his instructions in a notebook.

Seeing Chief Fang's instructions come to an end, Ji Denggao hurriedly reported:

"Minister Hu said that the teaching tasks in Fangcaodi are very tense, and the students have a lot of celebration activities..." He quickly swallowed the words again.

"Proficiency is a waste of time, right?" Fang Fei said.Ji Denggao didn't dare to talk. The crime of slandering the elders can be big or small. If it becomes "stimulating dissension", he will probably go to Fu Youdi to conduct mass propaganda.He quickly reorganized:

"Minister Hu means that the teaching tasks are too late, and the dispatch of more students will affect their studies, and he didn't say anything else..."

Fang Fei waved his hand: "Okay, go to Fangcaodi right away, and tell me that I told you that the students from the nurse class and the life secretary class must send one more each! Hurry up! Go by bus!" As he spoke, Fang Fei tore off a "Bus Ticket" from his satchel, wrote down the time and destination on it, and handed it to Ji Denggao.In order to improve work efficiency, each department, enterprise, and commune is now equipped with a bus—a 28-inch bicycle for agricultural use, commonly known as the 28-inch bicycle.

This new means of transportation has aroused great interest of the aborigines. After they stumbled and learned to bike, riding a bicycle became a kind of fun and pride for the aboriginal cadres.However, since bicycle tires belong to the first-level control materials, various departments have strict restrictions on the use of bicycles, and the general office implements the management system of bus tickets, so that indigenous cadres seldom enjoy the fun of using buses.

"Understood, I'll go right away." Ji Denggao hurriedly took the ticket and went.Fang Fei looked out the window of the customs office temporarily borrowed, and the welcome crowd was still a little less—and the color was too plain, gray and blue ants of the same color.If there were no maid outfits for the life secretary class and blue nurse outfits for the nursing class, the atmosphere would be impossible.

He muttered, "Old Hu, old Hu, don't think that no one will know the truth about the 'teaching reform pilot' and 'quality education' you have done in Fangcaodi. Let the elders know, hehe..."

Outside the window, the gongs and drums are shaking, and the lion dance team is warming up.And the chorus teams of various systems also came to the scene one after another.It's a pity that there is no orchestra - the traveler has a full set of musical instruments and teaching materials, and even various teaching materials.It's just that there is no complete set of performers, so we have to play CDs to make up the number.

The live broadcasting station of Lingao Radio Station occupied an office in the Customs Building of Bopu as a broadcasting studio, preparing for live broadcasting—of course it is cable broadcasting instead of wireless, and it is the most primitive type of cable broadcasting: " Talking horn”, the natives call the tweeter broadcasting system that has been erected in most parts of Lingao.

At this moment, the majestic Soviet-era marches are being played in turn on the tweeters. This is a "Soviet March" disc selected by Li Chiqi's cousin Zhang Yu from a pile of CDs.This short-haired, baby-faced girl has escaped from the boring job of telegraph operator in Lingao Telecom—according to the order of the Organization Department, this kind of work will gradually be replaced by specially trained indigenous personnel.After Zhang Yu handed over her job, she had nowhere to go. She had no special skills other than the newspaper service she learned after coming to Lingao. As a self-proclaimed ultra-leftist, she had no interest in doing administrative work in the office. The target of solicitation became her subordinates.However, they didn't get along very well. Du Wen thought that Zhang Yu's "leftist" level was too superficial, and asked her to read more Stalin's works many times, and borrowed a copy of her own reading notes for Zhang Yu's "study reference". .

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yu had no interest in this "notebook", and he was not interested in Stalin either.She is more interested in BL novels than Stalin's writings.Within a few days, Du Wen sneered at her "leftist" status, and finally the two women clashed. Dong Weiwei was pregnant again at this time, and had no intention of coordinating the interpersonal relationship of the Social Investigation Office.The contradictions became more and more intensified.

Angrily, Zhang Yu ran to the organization office and asked for a transfer.Minglang felt that this young girl was lively and eloquent, and she was also good at singing and dancing.There will always be no problem in doing literature and propaganda, and it finally falls to Tintin.Became a radio announcer.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was lying on the window sill—this office has been remodeled as a radio studio, not only installed the necessary sound insulation equipment, but also expanded the window facing Bopu Port into a large window in the style of a greenhouse—for convenience. It is convenient for the announcer to observe during the live broadcast.Zhang Yu held dried sweet potatoes in one hand - it was Li Chiqi's filial piety, and this cousin tried to eat her all the time; in the other hand, he held dried fish - bought by Zhang Yuchen, who since returning from Guangzhou Station, So he became a "chat friend" with all his heart - after all, this chat friend is very good in figure and appearance - he came to Zhang Yu for a date every two days,
Zhang Yuchen is 183cm and 77kg. Compared with many homeboys, his figure is standard. In addition, he has been in Guangzhou for two years, and he did not spend a penny of various salary bonuses, so he has a lot of money.I also brought back a lot of fun and beautiful small handicrafts from Guangzhou, which can be called "both rich and beautiful". Please have a light meal today and coffee tomorrow, coaxing a little girl who is not deeply involved in the world around.

All this made Li Chiqi jealous - the reason why he seduced his cousin to participate in the time-traveling was for "self-use", not to be the brother-in-law of a certain elder.For this reason, he had to remind his cousin several times: Zhang Yuchen had very complicated issues with men and women during his stay in Guangzhou. Although he did not take concubines openly, it was common for him to have physical relationships with many maids—and the maid he brought back—now called life. The secretary—now he is still living in his apartment in a grand manner.

"I don't plan to marry him." Zhang Yu curled his lips indifferently, "Let's date as friends."

Li Chiqi thought how many girls "associated as friends" and finally married into wives in this way, and he was very anxious, so he had no choice but to strengthen the offensive every day regardless of work and fatigue, so that Zhang Yuchen must let Zhang Yuchen retreat in spite of the difficulties.

Of course Zhang Yu didn't care about such a situation. What's wrong with someone constantly supplying snacks and playing with him to relieve boredom?

After finishing her lollipops, she picked up the binoculars and looked outside to see if there was any signal of the fleet entering the port. The fleet returning from Hong Kong was about to enter the port today.The welcome crowd on the pier has been waiting since morning, just waiting for the ship to enter the port, and she will broadcast live on the radio as soon as it arrives.

"A lot of big bosses have come." Zhang Yu took a binoculars and looked under the awning for rest on the trestle bridge.Almost all the executive members of the executive committee in Lingao came, standing or sitting and talking with smiles on their faces.She looked at the list of veterans at the executive committee, standing committee, and department heads that Tintin gave her to be there.There are as many as 25 and six in total.When Ding Ding handed the list to her, he specially told her not to read it in the wrong order, let alone miss it.

As a self-proclaimed ultra-leftist, Zhang Yu has learned and understood political issues to some extent. Of course, she understands that this is actually a ranking of positions. Although the things are small, the articles in it are very big. Check the list to see how many elders on the list have arrived.

At this moment, only a sound of drums and trumpets was heard, and a group of junior students from Fangcaodi National School were marching into the arena.

They were all dressed in standard student uniforms—a scaled-down labor uniform with a small lapel. The only difference was that the girls wore skirts slightly below the knee—this was specially requested by Hu Qingbai. They can't get used to sailor uniforms even more when they go to the middle class.

On the chest of the student uniform is the embroidered school badge and school motto of "Fang Meadow National School": "Knowledge is power".The cuffs are decorated with black sleeves with the class name and the student's individual number on it, and the collar is sewn on the lapel, marking the student's grade with Roman numerals.

Zhao Chuanyi held a small paper flag and walked in the team in an orderly manner.He is ten years old this year and is a second-grade student at Fangcaodi National School. He is the first group of aborigines to receive regular school education in Lingao—according to the education syllabus compiled by Hu Qingbai himself. Zhao Chuanyi should have been a fourth grade student in the old time and space.

Zhao Chuanyi is the grandson of Housekeeper Zhao of Liu Dalin's family. His father has worked for Australians for a long time and is now a "cadre" in the general office. All three of his children are studying in elementary schools.Zhao Chuanyi is the boss.National school life is both novel and difficult.The education model formulated by the traversers for the national school is a cramming style. In addition to guaranteeing two hours of compulsory physical exercise every day, all classes are arranged from 7:5 am to [-]:[-] pm.There is also evening self-study in the evening-the sea of ​​questions.For children, it is a very good entertainment to be able to suspend classes for half a day today to "welcome the chief".

"Come on, you guys come here." The indigenous cadres of the Cultural and Propaganda Department in charge of the organization took the team to the place where the line was drawn with lime in advance and waited, and took care of a few precautions.The students listened half-understood, and they cheered in unison as soon as the warship entered the port, and then waved the small flags in their hands.

Zhao Chuanyi looked at the pier curiously—they seldom have the opportunity to come to the pier, because it is a "dangerous place" not only close to the sea, but also with many machines and vehicles.It is easy to cause casualties, so children under the age of 16 are not allowed to enter the pier on weekdays.He looked at the big crane and the big iron boat on the sea—the teachers called it the "holy boat", and he even took them to look at it from a distance during the outing.

Now the big iron boat is on the other side of the harbor, and it looks even bigger—like a mountain!A huge iron chain hanging from the bow was thicker than his thigh. How was such a thing made?Zhao Chuanyi often thinks about this problem in his mind.He is no longer surprised that a boat made of iron can float on the water, because the teacher has told them the relationship between buoyancy and mass in physics class.The concept was also performed with tinfoil images.But Zhao Chuanyi was still amazed that people could build and control such a large ship.The admiration for the "senators" also increased day by day.He heard from his teachers that as long as they study hard, they will be able to build and drive such a large iron ship one day.This made many students feel excited, and for the first time planted a yearning for science in their hearts.

Lu Yi quietly poked Zhao Chuanyi: "Look at that big crane! It's so high, I don't know how to install it! It should be built according to the way of building towers, and it can't be done without a tall and tall shelf?"

"No matter how tall it is, it can always be built. Haven't you heard from the teacher that there is a pagoda of Baoen Temple in Nanjing that is 78 meters high. Isn't it built hundreds of years ago?" Zhao Chuanyi said.

"It has been built for many years. This big crane has only been built for a few months."

Zhao Chuanyi looked at the row of highland steam cranes of different sizes on the pier, as well as the piled up goods, and the ships gathered in the port, and felt both familiar and strange... Although his family is a foreigner, he He is a native of Lingao who was born in Si and grew up in Si. He still clearly remembers that he accompanied Mr. Liu to this place by chance a few years ago. There is only barren smoke and grass, mangroves are everywhere on the beach, and there are only some small trees in the harbor. Fishing boats are moored.Three years of hard work turned into this look!
"Well, the so-called 'science'." Yuan Fei interrupted, "There are always reasons we don't understand. Let me ask the teacher to talk about the crane in the future. How can such a heavy thing be lifted? And the rope , how to be strong to continue?"

Lu Yi continued to inquire about the mystery: "I heard that the rope above is made of steel, but I can't figure out how steel can be used to make a rope?"

At this moment, the squad leader turned his head and said loudly: "Everyone, stop talking! The old man is here."

Ding Ding hurried to the front of the student team with four or five indigenous clerks from the propaganda department. He suddenly thought that there should be a ceremony of presenting flowers on such occasions as usual.The flowers are ready-made - there is a flower garden next to the Bopu health center, and many flowers are planted in it.The climate here in Lingao is warmer, and the flowers are invincible in all seasons. It is no problem to put together four or five
"Immediately choose 6 children, three boys and three girls, and prepare to present flowers to Mr. Wen and the others!" Ding Ding took care of the indigenous cadres leading the team, and then his wife, "Be careful to take pictures when presenting flowers!"

"Understood." Pan Pan looked indifferent, playing with the SLR camera in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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