Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 745 People at Guangzhou Station

Chapter 745 People at Guangzhou Station
Guo Yi stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself carefully.His hair has been re-growth - in the full-scale preparations before the second anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, he shaved his head like other retreating men in Guangzhou Station, and turned into a clean and comfortable square-inch style.At that time, I just felt light in my head.Feeling a little buoyant.

He was the first to shave off his long hair, which meant "submitting to the arrangement" to the organization.Because not long after he came back, gossip about people in the Executive Committee and the Senate who were dissatisfied with the Guangzhou station spread-some even suspected that the Guangzhou station had a different heart.The news about the major personnel adjustments in Guangzhou Station also spread to the ears of Guangzhou Station personnel.Afterwards, Zhang Yuchen was the first to be officially transferred from the establishment of the Guangzhou Station, and became an "idle veteran"—a new term created by a group of veterans who studied literature and history dissatisfied with the title of "basic labor veteran".

Immediately, Zhang Xin and Lin Baiguang were dispatched back to Guangzhou to hand over the intelligence system—this shows that Zhang Xin's departure from Guangzhou Station is also a certainty.According to the information disclosed by Skaide, the office director of the colonial trade department, Zhang Xin is likely to be sent to Xinde to do business.

Yan Maoda was also called by the organization office to talk. It is said that he will be transferred to Leizhou to work soon, and the transfer order of Comrade Chang Shide is said to be issued soon.

This series of transfers made Guo Yi think that it was unlikely that he would return to Guangzhou. Just as the full-scale preparations began, he took advantage of the situation and got a haircut with other veterans.Said that he and the Senate and Lingao "breathed together and shared fate",
After the second anti-encirclement victory, Minglang talked to him and asked him to prepare to return to Guangzhou.

"Put your hair back, everyone thinks your work in Guangzhou is very important."

Guo Yi didn't ask whose idea it was, but since it came from the head of the organization department, it meant that the order came from "organization".Organizational orders are inviolable.He just nodded silently, expressing his willingness to accept the task.

Xinde Guangzhou Station is still headed by Guo Yi, and Zheng Shangjie is promoted to the head of Guangzhou Station's business. Pei Xiuli has received several months of special training for intelligence work, and is ready to show her skills on the intelligence front.

As for the intelligence system taken over by Guangzhou Delong Bank and Lin Baiguang, it is still within the management scope of the Guangzhou Diamond Organization, but these two parts are independently responsible to the corresponding administrative departments: Delong Guangzhou Branch reports to the head office in Lingao, and the intelligence system reports to the Lingao head office. Foreign Intelligence Service.The head office of Delong Bank officially launched the bank code book, and it is stipulated that all financial institutions of the Delong system will use this code book for power generation from now on.As for the intelligence bureau system, they already had their own passwords.

But so far, Guo Yi has nothing to do.Has been idle in his dormitory.The two maids he brought back who had had a physical relationship were temporarily placed in a quarantine camp because they could not enter Bairen City, and they were said to have accepted a comprehensive interrogation and investigation by the Political Security Bureau.

"God knows what they are going to write in my file." Guo Yi thought to himself, he touched his chin, this time back to Guangzhou, his situation is very different from before, just like yesterday when Skaide and others met with him It was mentioned when we were discussing work arrangements—he went back again, but in fact his identity was semi-disclosed, which was tantamount to being the consul of the Time Travel Group in Guangzhou.More energy should be put on dealing with local officials and gentry.

"The opinion of the big library and the cultural and publicity department is that you are required to vigorously promote Australian culture and Australian lifestyle in Guangzhou, and subtly change the thinking mode and lifestyle of Guangzhou citizens." Then, "Anyway, that's what it means..."

Guo Yi is very familiar with this meaning: "It means peace x peace x evolution x change."

"That's right, that's what it means." Skaide took out a wooden cigar box, "Shall I smoke one? Wu Nanhai sent it."

"Thank you." The cigars in the cigarette case had a rich aroma-in fact, it was not just the smell of tobacco leaves, but the mixed aroma formed by spraying a small amount of rum on the tobacco leaves.Guo Yi smoked waterpipes in Guangzhou—but his extravagant hookah was lost in Guangzhou, and now it is unknown who has fallen into the hands.

He still remembered that he liked this silver water pipe very much, including all the accessories on it, which all showed the highest achievements of ancient Chinese handicrafts, whether it was fine carving, inlaying or weaving, all of them were exquisitely crafted and could be called an exquisite handicraft.It has no anger and is very clean.But if you think about it carefully, this can be regarded as a manifestation of "being corroded by the life of Daming".Skade respectfully gave him a cigar, perhaps to remind him of this problem.

He picked up a cigar, cut a small slit with the cigar cutter Scudder handed him, and lit himself.

"Not bad, right? I heard it was rubbed on Chuqing's thigh." Skaide said.

"Hehe." Guo Yi laughed a few times.

Skede sighed: "Go back and prepare. After New Year's Day, you will go back to Guangzhou after the New Year's Eve meeting. What the Executive Committee and the Senate mean is that you need to be more fanciful, and you don't need to be too low-key—anyway, everyone Everyone knows that you are an Australian sea merchant, and you have the prestige of winning a big victory."

"Do you want to hold a special celebration for the reopening of the purple shop?"

"Of course." Scaled nodded, "The celebration can also fully reflect the Australian way of life." He waved his cigar and said mysteriously, "There is a gossip - someone proposed to build a luxury yacht for you, Mr. Guo, It is parked at Baietan, and when I have free time, I will take a walk on the river, which will make the wealthy landowners in Guangzhou envy to death..."

"Isn't it too cool?"

"We just hit Guangzhou, wouldn't it be even more popular." Skaide said indifferently, "The government is intimidated, we have to hurry up and show our strength--Da Ming has been in Guangdong for a few years, Let the local wealthy people fully understand our strength and ability, so that they will honestly follow us in the future."

Guo Yi got a new telegraph operator—the first generation of indigenous telegraph operators trained by Lingao Telecom. These operators have already mastered the use of the telegraph machine proficiently.As for the work of translating electricity, it will be handled by confidential officers trained by the Political Security Bureau.This time, the aboriginal personnel system in Guangzhou station has been completely cleaned up, and the core part has been composed of aboriginal personnel who have undergone screening and training.

Guo Yi looked at his image in the mirror for the last time. His hair was rather long. Whether he had been taken care of by a hair stylist or not, it was scattered behind his head, which seemed a little disrespectful.If he wanted to be in another time and space, he could find a rubber band to tie his hair up, but there was nowhere to find a rubber band here, so he had to ask Zheng Shangjie for a black iron headband to tie his hair up.

After taking care of everything, he looked at his watch. It was time for the Ministry of Colonial and Trade to "review and reform"—this matter was like studying the "old three articles" during the Cultural Revolution, and it became a daily task for various departments. Unshakable and fixed procedures.Guo Yi has a very plan for this in his heart, but he always has an attitude of not commenting on such things, so as to avoid causing trouble for himself.

When going out, he secretly reminded himself that after the meeting, he would go to see Yiliu and Zhitao, both of whom were his housemaids in Guangzhou—according to Lingao, they were life secretaries.After returning to Lingao, he made up the "compensation fee for over-occupied maid" and "compensation fee for over-occupied maid".This is a solution specially opened for expatriates to occupy more women in the past.It is legal after paying the fee.

Of course, Yiliu and Zhitao are not very beautiful, but according to the evaluation criteria of the Maid Countermeasures Committee, these two girls are at the A level.In order to avoid envy and hatred from others, after returning to Lingao, he arranged them in a quarantine camp for quarantine and screening in a very low-key manner, minimizing contact with them.

According to the training plan for the indigenous personnel of the foreign station, Yiliu and Zhitao were trained in accounting and secretarial respectively. Of course, they also received brainwashing education and screening.Those who are identified as "unreliable" indigenous personnel, at least stay in Lingao to work, and at worst disappear -- most of them are sent to "study classes" for "re-education".

Guo Yi possessed these two women, naturally at the beginning because of his physical needs more than his spiritual love.But the so-called love for a long time, I gradually developed feelings with them, so I heard that after the screening, both of them belonged to the category of "qualified"-according to the files of the Political Security Bureau, the actual political appraisal is level IIB-I couldn't help but relax tone.This way at least there is no need to separate the two places.

After the meeting, Zheng Shangjie invited Guo Yi to attend a small-scale party on the Feiyun in a few days.

"Take your two maids with you."

"Is it too eye-catching?"

"It's okay, I still want to ask them to help during the annual meeting. I want to borrow a dozen good-looking and tall maids from everyone's maids to serve as waiters for the annual meeting." Zheng Shangjie said, "You also Don't blindly hide and hide, you are all on the side of the executive committee, what are you afraid of? Besides, you are also a veteran now."

"That was not what I meant--"

"What does that mean? You must come! The two maids will bring me too!"

"Okay." Guo Yi nodded helplessly.

"I'm going to invite Xiao Pei."

After returning to Lingao, Pei Xiuli had no one to ask for advice—except for participating in a survey and reform of the plan and participating in several military trainings during the second full-scale mobilization against encirclement and suppression, there was nothing to do.In the end, when she was extremely bored, she accepted Dong Weiwei's invitation to teach part-time in the maid class, lecturing on "compulsory courses for women" such as clothing matching, make-up, manicure, skin care, and fitness. She also enjoyed it.Zheng Shangjie was very excited about the annual meeting - she is very lively by nature and likes to show off.Of course you don't want to miss this kind of thing.

 Sorry everyone, on 10.3 and 10.4, we will take the children out, and we will stop updating for 2 days.happy holidays everyone
(End of this chapter)

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