Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 756 Homecoming

Chapter 756 Returning Home ([-])

Fu Fu climbed up a small dirt slope and let the wind blow his body - he walked under the sun for most of the day, and let the sweat stop.He didn't feel so tired, he was used to doing crop work since he was a child, and after he joined the army, the sufficient food, daily training and hard work made his body stronger and stronger.As for walking tens of miles in one breath, it's nothing.

There is no ox cart bus from Dongmen City to Meiyang Village, but the roads have been basically repaired, temporary bridges have been erected along the roads, all potholes have been raised, drainage ditches have been built beside the roads, and roads have been paved. Sand and gravel—except for the insufficient width, the level of the roadbed has reached the level of a simple road.It doesn't take much trouble for Fu Fu to walk on the road. You must know that he has a five-kilometer cross-country running training once a week.

The winter wind in Lingao is not cold, but refreshing and pleasant.Looking out from the slope, the yellow-brown road twists and turns between the slopes and paddy fields full of shrubs and trees.Most of the rice in the second season has just been harvested, and winter wheat, broad beans, and various green manure crops have been planted in the rice fields-this area is the area where Tiandihui will focus on promoting new farming methods.

This is a field scenery of the "new countryside" that he has never seen before - it is somewhat like the scenery on the "Australian picture card" shown to the troops in the political class. The "Australian countryside" on the picture card is as beautiful as It's a fairyland, and Fu Fu can't believe that there is such a beautiful and rich village and such a fertile and beautiful field in the world.

He still remembered the scenery along the road here in the past: as long as it is a little farther away from the village, there are barren and terrible wasteland mounds. The grass on both sides of the dirt road grows higher than Renanhai, and an adult who walks in the dense grass will disappear immediately.Wild dogs prowled the moor, barking hideously low.He had heard from the old people that these wild dogs specialize in digging up the dead bodies in the cemetery to eat... Fu Fu had heard all kinds of scary stories about the wilderness since he was a child.

The large areas of grass and shrubs that can be seen everywhere have been much less, and most of the flat places have been reclaimed into fields, leaving only miscellaneous forests on the hillsides, and some saplings have been planted.Fu Fu has also participated in "supporting agriculture" in the army, and knows that most of the "economic forests" such as fruit trees are planted on the hillside.

In the distance of this quiet rural scenery, there is a large area of ​​houses-there is Meiyang Village.Fu Fu felt a little puzzled, is Meiyang Village so big?

Fu Fu was sold to Meiyang Village when he was seven or eight years old, and he almost never left the village before he was sent to serve as a soldier.Fu Buer himself rarely leaves the village. He goes to the market once every ten days in the middle of the night, and he only goes to the county town once or twice a year.Fu Fu has only traveled far away less than five or six times in total.Meiyang Village is his whole world.In the rare spare time of work, he would climb up a small mound two or three miles away from the village with other children, look at the distant scenery, and argue about what he would encounter and see if he walked in a certain direction.It was already an eye-opener for him to go to a county where he could not see the village.

When he was a soldier, the village sent the young men who were assigned by each family tied up with ropes.In order to prevent Paiding from escaping halfway, all villages do this.He and several people in the village who were sent to serve as soldiers were tied together with ropes, and they were escorted to stumble across the potholed road.The village specially sent a few strong men with big knives and wooden guns to escort them.He still remembers that the leader Fu Yousan's eldest son, Fu Yizhuang, has been gesticulating on their necks with a rusty big knife: whoever dares to escape halfway will cut off their heads.The cold swishing blade made his body feel chills, and his heart felt chills——before he left, the wife of the head of the house only let him wear a pair of ragged pants and a rag that looked like a tattered vest He didn't even let him wear a pair of straw sandals.Fu Buer said: "Let him wear it and go." His wife robbed him of it: "Anyway, if he goes, he will be a dead person. What shoes should he wear?"

He walked barefoot for a few days like this, ate a few raw sweet potatoes and drank a few sips of raw water every day, and almost every pudding suffered from diarrhea.There was an orphan in the village who was too young and suffered from severe diarrhea. He died on the way before reaching the bo shop.The eldest son who was in charge of sending them to Fu Yousan's family dug a shallow hole on the side of the road and buried them.He kept complaining, "Why don't you die when you don't come to Bopu?"

Fu Fu shuffled his feet and was sent all the way to the bo shop with the depressed mood of going to die, and he became a soldier for the Australians ever since.

Fu Fu doesn't know the so-called "encounter in life", but in his thinking mode that lacks adjectives, he still feels lucky that he has "got good luck".Life in the soldier opened another door in his life, leading him to a world he had never imagined before -- a world he had never dreamed of.

"I really didn't expect such a day to come." Fu Fu took off his straw hat. When he left Meiyang Village, he didn't expect that he would come back alive, let alone come back with such majesty. "Homecoming" is the same as in "Returning Home".Thinking of this, Fu Fu couldn't help showing a smug smile.Thinking of what kind of expression the mean Patriarch's wife would have when she saw him, he felt very happy.

Fu Fu quickened his pace and walked towards the village, he couldn't wait to see Fu Yijin.With Fu Yijin, even the wife of the Fu family became less annoying.

He walked along the road, looking at the fields on both sides of the road. Many fields had already dug ditches and installed gates—these farmland water conservancy also had the credit of the army. The second is spent on the construction of farmland and water conservancy.

When he was approaching the entrance of the village, he saw two girls coming down from the hillside by the roadside, one was wearing a blue cloth "overall" and the other was dressed like a local girl. Both of them were carrying a wicker basket with It is full of tender grass that has been beaten.One of the girls was holding a basket in her hand, which contained rice and chaff that fell in the field.

Fu Fu could tell at a glance that the girls were Fu Yijin and Fu Xi from the girl's walking appearance and general figure.He shouted loudly: "Sister Yijin! Ximei!"

The two girls stopped when they heard this, and looked at him in surprise.

Fu Fu saw them stop and decided that they were.Hurry up and catch up.Getting closer, he could see more clearly—that wasn't who they were.Fu Yijin still wore braids, bangs on his forehead, and a wooden hairpin in his hair.With a round face and a pair of small but black eyes blinking, he looked at the house in surprise.It's really a girl's [-]th change. I haven't seen her for two years, and her appearance has become very different from before.He greeted loudly: "Sister Yijin, it's me!"

Fu Yijin and Fu Xi still looked at this strange soldier in surprise, but they hadn't recognized who he was yet.

Fu Fu walked up to them, took off his helmet, and said with a smile, "It's me! I'm Xiaofu!"

The two finally recognized each other.This robust young man is Fu Fu.Fu Xi took two steps forward in surprise: "You are Brother Xiaofu! Why did you come back from the team? I really didn't expect it."

Fu Fu opened his mouth and smiled, not knowing what to say for a moment.Fu Xi was wearing the common work clothes at Bopu, which made him very surprised——except for village cadres and the like, ordinary country people really didn't dress like this.Did she also work for the chiefs?

Fu Xi saw him staring at the clothes on his body: "I study in a national school. This is given by the school. I wore it when I was studying engineering and farming." Fu Xi pointed to the cloth ticket on his chest. The words of the school, as well as the school motto "Knowledge is power".

"The school is on agricultural holiday, so I came back to the village." Fu Xi looked at Fu Fu with a look of surprise and joy, and pulled his arm to look left and right, "You have become so majestic, you have to It wasn't you who called us, I really dare not recognize you," she poked Fu Yijin as she spoke, "Do you think so, sister Yijin."

Fu Yijin smiled shyly, a blush appeared on his face, he muttered speechlessly, and after a while he said: "You have worked hard all the way, you should go home first."

"Is Master Fu at home?"

"Father is in the field. Chief Wan is here, and he is teaching everyone agricultural skills." Fu Yijin suddenly changed his name to Fu Fu and called Fu Buer "Master", which felt very strange—it seemed like a stranger's name. .But she knew that Fu Fu was no longer her family's adopted child.She looked at Fu Fu: he was taller and stronger than before, his skin was healthy and dark, his hair was cut short like Australians, especially the heroic armed belt and the dagger hanging from his belt , making her unable to leave her eyes even for a moment.

Is this still the domestic boy who farms his own fields and chases ducks?Seeing his smile and gaze, Fu Yijin's heart became pounding.A little afraid to look at Fu Fu's face.

"Let's go, let's go home together."

Along the way, he learned about the tax turmoil and its follow-up more than a year ago from Fu Xi.

"Fu Yousan's old red father was severely punished by the chiefs, and now he has become poor, and he can't even show his prestige at home." Fu Yousan is very unpopular in the village, and Fu Buer has many conflicts. People in the Fuji family even hate this person.Fu Xi had eaten the old man's walking stick before, so he was very relieved to talk about it.

"Now our family is considered the richest man, and the owner of the family has become the head of the village." Fu Xi said, "The family property has grown several times compared to before. Chief Wan is really a capable person! It's like turning stone into gold!" When she talked about Wan Lihui, she was beaming with joy and admiration.

"The master sent you to study?"

"Yes, if it weren't for the lack of staff at home, he would like to send a few more to study. Now that the cost of hiring labor is expensive, it's not as simple as in the past, just give them a full meal."

(End of this chapter)

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