Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 765 Public Opinion Orientation

Chapter 765 Public Opinion Orientation
In order to create momentum for this trial, the arbitral tribunal moved around. First of all, it asked the propaganda department to publish a special news about the case in the "Lingao Times". The guidance of the company is "cook raw rice".At any rate, the new immigrants have all received basic literacy training, so reading newspapers is not a problem. As for the local aborigines, many of them have also received literacy in factories.

The articles were written by Ding Ding himself—there were a few scholars like Tongsheng from Ming Dynasty in the propaganda department, and the articles they wrote were sour even in vernacular.

It is not the first time for Ding Ding to write articles on popularizing the law, but it is a big challenge to write articles on popularizing the law for the common people in the 17th century-they have never eaten pork or seen pigs running, so it is necessary to tell them the basic concepts and Make it easy to understand.It took Ding Ding to rack his brains to write a few articles in French.

The focus of the law popularization article, according to the requirements of the vest, is not to put it on the "Marriage Law", but on the "Criminal Procedure Law" to popularize modern judicial procedures and legal concepts. Of course, a certain comparison should be made with the judicial practice of the Ming Dynasty .According to Vest, it is necessary to highlight the "barbaric", "backward", "cruel" and "incompetent" judicial system of the Ming Dynasty.

In order to highlight these four key points, Ding Ding had to seek advice from Eshui, and asked him to find various materials about the shady judiciary of the Ming Dynasty from the notes of historical records as shells.In addition, I went to the county government a few times and had several exchanges with Master Wang.

Ever since the county office was completely evacuated, Mr. Wang had nothing to do. In addition to helping the county office to stamp and process official documents due to this, he accompanied the county magistrate Wu to drink, play chess, and compose poems. They have good supply and monthly subsidies, which are enough for them to live comfortably.Of course, I am happy to talk to someone who comes to ask me questions.

Wang Zhaomin has been a teacher for decades. Although his criminal name may not be very good, he has a lot of experience and has handled countless cases. Now that he heard about "shady" things, he immediately picked up a few more complicated and bizarre cases. Said one by one.He also made specific comments one by one according to his views.

Regarding the report on the case itself, Ding Ding also followed the basic principles of later generations, and only used the principle of a certain village, a certain department, and a pseudonym. The Navy also specially called and asked him not to include anything reminiscent of the Navy in the article.Wei Aiwen requested that the subsequent fight between the navy and the police battalion should not appear in the report.

"MMD, who is the Cultural and Propaganda Department?" Although Ding Ding understood their thoughts, he was very dissatisfied that this department should dictate his own reports.

Finally, Du Wen suddenly called and asked to communicate with Ding Ding on whether the case would help improve the status of women.

"I don't think it has anything to do with the status of women..."

"How can you say it doesn't matter? This is a typical objectification of women. Did anyone specifically talk to the victimized woman during the whole process and listen to her voice?"

Ding Ding admitted that he did not, but the investigators of the arbitration tribunal should have gone to interrogate.

"Look, no one cares about women's will and rights!" The voice on the phone was a little excited, "Doesn't she want a divorce?"

"Go ask the arbitration tribunal."

"Of course I will ask, but there are serious problems with the reporting tendency of the "Lingao Times" about this case..."

Ding Ding hangs up the phone depressed - what is the tendency of the report?Pan Pan was making coffee and said, "Who's on the phone?"

"Du Wen from the Women's Federation." Ting Ding couldn't explain to Pan Pan what kind of organization Du Wen's social work office was, so she introduced the chairperson of the Women's Federation, which was the easiest for her to understand.

And Du Wen also came to talk to Pan Pan many times and wanted her to join the Women's Federation. Pan Pan was not interested in joining a political organization—she always believed that women's rights should be protected by themselves, rather than forming some associations to demand them. I never agreed.

"Is this case related to women's rights?" Pan Pan is also very interested in this case. Although she is dissatisfied with the fact that the arbitral tribunal has not heard the case and has reached an internal conclusion, there is nothing special about this case as a whole.Of course, she is not and can understand the opinions of some elders who want to be sentenced to death or life.In her opinion, even if it is "destroying military marriage", a little punishment is enough.

"If you want to talk about it, it's also related." Ding Ding looked at a table of proofs and manuscripts, "For example, why can't that woman choose the man she loves." He quickly added, "It's what Du Wen said."

Immediately the woman's gossip instinct kicks in: "Does she love that lad?"

"Who knows." Ding Ding said, "This matter has nothing to do with the case."

"I really want to know." Pan Pan was aroused, "I want to write a special report on the relationship between naturalized people..."

"Absolutely not." Ding Ding hurriedly stopped his wife's whimsical thoughts, "Naturalized people don't need to think about relationship issues, just eat and work. Why do you make them think so much?"

"You're right, they are human beings too. Why can't they have a relationship life?" He was determined to engage in this theme.Ding Ding thought again and again, thinking that since the arbitral tribunal is about to announce the "Marriage Law", divorce is the most important article in the Marriage Law, and it is understandable to make such a report in terms of creating public opinion.Finally agreed to Pan Pan's request.An interview pass was issued to her.You can enter the county government prison for interviews.

As a result, Pan Pan's interview went away in good spirits and returned in disappointment.Originally, she thought that she would see a middle-aged woman who still had charm, but what she saw instead was an old and thin woman, who was not attractive at all.

Although she brought an interpreter who can speak Hokkien, the person concerned was overwhelmed when he saw a blond, blue-eyed, ghostly "chief" come to talk to her, let alone the interpreter's full of emotion noun.The simple sentence "Are you in love with so-and-so" took a few minutes to explain.

What frustrates Pan Pan even more is that this woman who looks like an old woman can't tell whether she loves the suspect or not, and she doesn't even want to talk about whether she likes the suspect. Showed unspoken contempt.It's either that I don't know what to ask, or I don't want to talk.It made Pan Pan's interview unsustainable.

In the end, Pan Pan had no choice but to say: "If you were given a chance, would you like to marry and live with someone?" She was looking forward to getting an answer of "Love comes first", but the person concerned simply said: No.As for why, she didn't want to say at all, no matter how Pan Pan asked, the other party always looked at her with a look of "Never mind your business".

"Do these people have their own thoughts?" Pan Pan couldn't help telling Tintin what he had seen and heard.

Ding Ding smiled calmly: "You can't stand it? People in the 17th century, it would be nice to have a question and answer exchange with you-don't forget that the person involved is still a salesman in Dongmen City-at least he has been baptized in modern civilization Yes! If you really go to the countryside to chat with the people, it will be good to answer you in ten sentences. What special report do you want to write?"

In addition to preparing for public opinion in newspapers, the cultural and propaganda department also uses "public opinion guides" to build public opinion among the general public. Public opinion guides are a new trick created by the cultural and propaganda department. People—mainly peddlers—spread news and guide the direction of public opinion in accordance with the spirit of the weekly "notification" of the Cultural and Propaganda Department.As a reward, each person is given a 50-yuan circulation coupon by the Cultural and Propaganda Department every month as a small incentive - Ding Ding refuses to admit that this is a kind of "remuneration".

The purpose was quickly achieved, and the spread of the case by the guides in the streets and alleys of the villages and towns quickly spread the case throughout the county—so much so that some veterans raised objections: whether such a publicity would affect the image of the army? Bad consequences?Will it make people feel that once they join the army, their wives will be NTRed?

But Ma Jia and others believe that only by publicizing this case can the naturalized citizens fear the wives of NTR soldiers—the hard labor for several years is no joke, and the labor camp in Fuyoudi has become a terror of the new Lingao regime. One of the legends is simply hell on earth in the eyes of the common people.

As in the past, Du Wen requested to promote the "protection of women's rights" through this case. She requested that the sailor and his wife be divorced at the same time - because they had "broken their relationship", and that the sailor's "domestic violence" behavior of beating his wife should be investigated for criminal punishment. responsibility.This request was of course firmly opposed by the Navy.It was also opposed by most of the elders - except for Liu Yuefei who had just returned from a field trip.Even the matron is indifferent to the well-being of an Aboriginal woman's emotional life.Seeing the lack of supporters among the elders, Du Wen personally wrote many articles advocating the protection of women's rights and handed them over to Ding Ding for publication in the External Edition of Lingao Times.

In this way, the case was jointly promoted under the different ideas of various departments, and preparations were made for a judicial drama.

The vest excitedly ordered black robes for Anxi and other people who were going to appear in court—he went to the warehouse of the Planning Institute and chose a black silk material with good luster and texture.He also directly ordered people to repair the simple court in Dongmen City, and it was new inside and out.New cork sound-absorbing panels have been installed on the walls to dampen the noise of talking in the gallery.Iron guardrails were added to the windows—according to the latest news, there will probably be many people who will come to listen, and those who cannot enter the courtroom will probably climb on the windows like people from another time and space.

(End of this chapter)

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