Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 777 New Year's Reception

Chapter 777 New Year's Reception

"Your telegram." A naturalized cadre of the Confidential Communications Office of the General Office sent a locked folder to Wu De's desk-this is a telegram and document above "confidential" in the Executive Committee, the People's They have a special key for the method of circulation among committee members and ministers.

Wu De opened the folder and took out the telegram.The telegram was stamped top-secret, and the sender was He Fanghui from Sanya.Among the three veterans staying in Sanya, he is the person in charge of civil affairs.

He telegraphed the arrival of the first slaves from Southeast Asia.A total of 254 people went ashore.In good physical condition.All are male young adults, no children or old people.

The Englishman really brought the slaves in on time.Wood thought.The use of slaves in Southeast Asia is the established policy of the Senate, which includes labor and future strategic layout considerations.Even if Quark was unable to do so, the Executive Committee had prepared a plan for other foreign businessmen to fill this role.

He stamped his name on the browsing list below the telegram.Lock the folder again and return it to the confidential officer to take away.He opened a folder marked "Labor Force" on his desk, which contained weekly statistics of "Disposable Labor Force", sorted by age, gender, region, industry... summary.Overall, the increase of 4761 laborers in the Sanya region, which has already transported 3850 people and currently has 254 people, is not a large number, but slaves will greatly reduce the death rate of naturalized laborers who have received basic training— The most dangerous and heavy work will all be undertaken by slaves.After Quark Poor has tasted the sweetness this time, he will bring in slaves in an endless stream.Fully meet the local demand and consumption of labor force.

Of course, the demand for labor is insatiable.With He Rubin's retreat, the entire Hainan Island will be under their control.The Planning Institute estimates that the population under the control of the Senate will expand to 40 to 60 people.But to be fully mobilized, a series of tasks must be done: suppressing bandits, collecting villages and households, and checking the population.The most optimistic estimate is that the population of Qiongzhou can only be fully and effectively utilized at the beginning of 1632.In contrast, it is more convenient to immigrate as indentured slaves and buy slaves.

In addition to slaves, the Executive Committee is also looking for ways to expand the source of population.The refugees in Fujian and Guangdong have been searched almost.The Executive Committee once again turned to the Great Library—preparing to seek new opportunities from the uninterrupted natural and man-made disasters at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

Wu De thought: The idea is good, but the premise is that they have enough transportation capacity, and Liu Xiang, who is currently hiding somewhere... There are many technical details to be resolved.

While he was thinking, his personal secretary Chu Yu came in and sent a red invitation card.

"Who gets the invitation?" Wu De asked strangely.The only one who could send invitations to his table was the happy event of the elder himself—the invitation for Yun Suji to marry Liu Meilan, the niece and granddaughter of Liu Youren, the head of the Liu family village, had been sent yesterday.Wu De was still worried for a while: Do you want to make a red envelope?Then decided to buy a sample gift.

Chu Yu said, "It belongs to Committee Member Wu."

"Committee Wu?" Wu De was stunned for a while and realized that he was referring to Wu Nanhai.Wu Nanhai is getting married?He immediately thought of the women on the farm.

"It's Chuqing..." There was some resentment in Chuyu's voice—they were from the same background, seeing the former sisters become the wives of the elders, I couldn't help but feel sour.

"Oh, oh, it's her." Wu De nodded.Said noncommittally.

The New Year's Day reception in 1631 was held as scheduled under the arrangements of Fang Fei and Zheng Shangjie.In addition to the essential staff on duty, most of the elders attended the New Year's reception held in Lingaojiao Park.In addition to the veterans, local "collaborators" in Lingao were also invited, most of whom were members of the County Advisory Bureau and directors of the Dongmen City Business Association: Lin Quan'an, Liu Youren, Zhang Youfu, Li Sunqian... Lian Fubuer is not so big Qualified small landlords were also invited because they were "typical" of the Tiandihui.

The remnants of the Ming government in Lingao: County Prime Minister Wu Ya, Dian Shi Sun Ruiwu, Inspector Fu Bowen, County School Instructor Wang Ci, including Wu Mingjin, the main hall of Lingao County who was completely reduced to a puppet, all received the invitation.Of course, Wang Zhaomin, who has contributed the most to the veterans, is even more invited.

In addition to this group of representatives of the local people who Du Wen called "ghosts and snake gods", there are also representatives of the naturalized people: outstanding elements selected from among soldiers, cadres, workers, commune members and students-Liu Muzhou is planning to organize a "revolutionary" in the next year. "Model Worker Selection" and other tricks.Of course, once you want to be a model worker, the March [-]th red-banner bearer is probably not exempt-otherwise Du Wen will not let him go.

The indigenous people who were invited all regarded it as a great honor.The crossing group defeated the official army, and the power expanded to the entire Qiongzhou, so that the common people, regardless of high or low, already had a premonition that "the sky is going to change".Whether it is the upper class or the lower class of society, there are a large number of people who are eager to get on the boat of the Australians in this changing situation, and earn a fortune for themselves and their families.Almost all the invitees therefore accepted the invitation.Even Wu Mingjin, who has always embraced "no surrender, no departure" and preached that he is non-violent and non-cooperative, also came in a sedan chair with a smile on his face.

The reception started at 12:31 on December 17st, and Mu Min personally came to the venue to arrange security work.Because there were a lot of indigenous personnel present, even though they were all "activists" or considered "reliable" in the security assessment, Mu Min knew that this was not an absolute guarantee—one had to be foolproof when doing security work.

At that time, Lingaojiao Park will gather more than 400 veterans and about 100 traversers under the "New Order" elites. Once a casualty accident occurs, it will bring huge losses to the entire business.

Mu Min, as the directly responsible veteran and the person in charge of the security of the green zone, coordinated with various departments on the security work of the New Year's reception at the internal security meeting.A defense plan was drawn up.The first cordon line was set up 50 meters outside the Lingaojiao Park, which was in charge of the 2nd company of the Lingao Garrison Battalion of Li Yayang; the police team composed of the Bopu Police Station and the police training class in Fangcaodi was responsible for maintaining around the two entrances and exits of the park Order, check identity.

In the park, the Bopu branch of the special investigation team is responsible for the security and controls all the commanding heights.Finally, the inner cordon was formed by the staff of the Political Security Bureau.On the sea, the Navy's spy boats formed three cordons.All ships and personnel are prohibited from entering within 1 nautical mile of the coastline of the park.

In addition to safety precautions, fire prevention and accident prevention should also be taken into consideration at the reception—there are gas lamps and barbecue pits inside... Mu Min specially surveyed the terrain and was anxious for several meetings, venue layout, dining table placement, and barbecue pits The location, evacuation routes... and even how much extra lighting should be added have been discussed one by one,
Now everything is ready, just waiting for the guests to arrive.The Lingaojiao Park is decorated with lights and festoons, and the gas lamps are shining brightly.The Feiyun number moored on the pier is covered with colored lights."Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon" and "Spring Festival Overture" were constantly playing on the tweeters, creating a lively and cheerful atmosphere.

Guests in twos and threes, some on foot, some in sedan chairs, and some on bicycles, came to the square in front of Lingaojiao Park—this is already a second-level security zone, and people without invitation cards are not allowed to enter.Liu Youren came to the square in a sedan chair beaming with joy—Chief Xun finally clearly agreed to his marriage with Liu Meilan. This matter that had been pending for almost a year was finally settled, and the relationship between the Liu family and the elders could not be the same day. And the language.He twirled his beard and looked cheerfully at the gate built with bamboo.This "park" in Laoshizi was originally only accessible to veterans, and it was shrouded in a layer of mystery.This "reception" can go in and have a look in person, this alone is exciting.

Whistles sounded in the square, and several policemen ran around blowing whistles, directing the sedan chairs of each family to enter the "sedan seats" in order, and lined up neatly and orderly.The bearers are taken to rest in a temporary rest shed by a special person.Liu Youren knew the rules of the Australians. Only the invitees could enter the venue, and servants were not allowed.Now send the servants you brought with you to rest.He took the invitation and went to the gate.

After walking a few steps, I saw a middle-aged gentleman coming out of a sedan chair carried by two people. I took a closer look, who is it not Wu Mingjin?He has been doing nothing for a long time, eating and drinking, and getting a little fat.Wearing a cloud scarf and a Huluo robe.He looks like a scholar from a middle-class family.

Liu Youren immediately went up to make a salute - Wu Mingjin's Daming county magistrate is already an empty post, so he doesn't need to be too polite.

Wu Mingjin was very polite. He had heard about it a long time ago: the Kun people wanted to take his niece and granddaughter as concubines, and they had a lot of contempt for this bumpkin landlord in their hearts, but they didn't show it on the face—this kind of "upstart" of the Kun people is terrible. Can't afford to offend.

"Are the old parents also coming to the reception?"

"Exactly," Wu Mingjin nodded and said, "At the end of the year, when you have nothing to do, you have the right to have fun."

The so-called end of the year is calculated according to the "Great Song Calendar", which is the Gregorian calendar. According to the "Da Ming Calendar" that is used in parallel, there are still two months to celebrate the new year, but under the leadership of the elders, it is used at a high level. The Gregorian calendar has become a common practice, gradually changing everyone's habits.

Just as he was talking, a scholar in blue shirt came huffing and puffing beside him. Seeing Wu Mingjin there, he immediately gave a big salute as a court attendant, causing the passers-by to look sideways.

"Tang Weng! Why are you here too?" The person who came was none other than Wang Ci, the county school teacher.He came by himself, his head was covered with sweat, and his blue shirt was still in order, but it smelled of sweat from years of old clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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