Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 788 The Farm Couple

Chapter 788 The Farm Couple

Wu Nanhai stood in front of a kapok sapling - he just planted it more than ten days ago.The saplings were taken from the nursery of the farm plantation, and the trunk was already as thick as a fist.Some wilted leaves had turned green when transplanted.Good fertilizer has been planted under the root of the tree, and this tree will definitely grow into a towering tree in the future, witnessing the happy life of him and Chuqing.

A gust of wind blows, and the branches and leaves are clustered.A smug smile appeared on the corner of Wu Nanhai's mouth.

"Master—" Chuqing called him from behind, "The weather will be cold sooner or later, and I need to add some clothes." As he spoke, a folk version of M65 was draped over his shoulders.

"No matter how cold the weather is, it must be [-] or [-] degrees. What are you afraid of?" Wu Nanhai held Chu Qing's little hand—the skin on the hand was rough and calloused.As the earliest employee of the farm, she has always been Wu Nanhai's right-hand man. Not only did she personally participate in the management work, she also did a lot of physical work by herself.Chuqing contributed a lot to the fact that the farm cafe grew from nothing to an unofficial leisure place that the elders loved to come to.

Chuqing has to manage the operation of the farm’s tertiary production with all her heart, and is also responsible for the logistics management of the farm workers; she also has to take care of the daily life of the veterans of the biological world who eat, drink and drink on the farm and use the farm as a hotel; "Master"——Wu Nanhai's daily chores, from waking up to wash his face to sleeping with him at night, satisfy all his needs and desires.

Wu Nanhai felt that if Chuqing didn't get a proper title after doing so much, he really couldn't face his conscience, so he decided to formally marry her—even though some veterans suspected that Chuqing's background was too humble, as a veteran Wu Nanhai still stood up for whether his main wife was suitable or not: "The status of this time and space has nothing to do with us!" This not only has gratitude and admiration for Chuqing but also contains realistic considerations: let a maid be born, without any cares and worries , a woman who doesn't even know her surname is the main wife, exempting herself from all obligations to her wife's natal family--the wife's background is too good, and her natal family is too powerful, and she may become a ticking time bomb for the Senate in the future.

"Master—" Chu Qing lowered her head shyly, but didn't take her hand away.A few days ago, she had officially married Wu Nanhai in the newly completed chapel. The wedding ceremony was presided over by He Ying. Xiao Zishan, Wanjia Brothers from Nongkou, Ye Yuming, and others were also present. Dugu proposed marriage and others, led by Huang Dashan, a group of people from the biological world who had been eating, drinking and living on the farm for a long time, and several church members who were also Christians: including Ren.The backbone of the farm's naturalized civilian workers headed by Wang Tian... Finally, Bai Duolu attended the wedding on behalf of the Catholic Church, and presented a hardcover Bible in leather, signed by Wu Shimang and sponsored by the Jesuits.

The wedding ceremony was very simple. At the request of Wu Nanhai, the husband and wife pressed the Bible with their left hands and the "Common Program" with their right hands, and then read the oath together.The oath was drafted by Wu Nanhai himself:

In front of God and all the witnesses who came here today, I, Wu Nanhai/Chuqing, would like to marry/marry you as my wife/husband.From now to forever, whether in good times or bad, rich or poor, in health or sickness, in happiness or in sorrow, I will always love you, cherish you, and be true to you forever and ever.Amen.

Both parties signed the oath.Subsequently, Xiao Zishan issued the No. 002 "Old Veteran Marriage Certificate" issued by Liu Muzhou, the deputy civil affairs committee member.After the ceremony, a simple banquet was arranged in the farm cafe to entertain the guests.On the second day, Wu Nanhai personally distributed happy candy to all the veterans in Lingao, and at the same time distributed happy candy to the naturalized civilian workers in the entire agricultural port.Everyone is very happy.

"Don't call me Master, call me Nanhai." Wu Nanhai said in a low voice, "We are husband and wife now, not master and servant girl."

"Yeah." Although Chuqing was not the first to accept Yulu, but this time she was famous and well-known, and the nourishment of Yulu was naturally different from the past. Her face was like peach blossoms, her eyes were like spring water, and she was indescribably mellow and charming.She called out in a low voice, "Nanhai."

"That's right." Wu Nanhai put his arms around the bride's shoulders.Although he is very familiar with the flesh in his arms, the feeling now is different from the past.

Behind them is the newly built Protestant chapel.Wu Nanhai built it with his own money. There were several Protestants among the elders, so from the very beginning, Wu Nanhai positioned the farm chapel as a joint worship service, not just belonging to his own denomination.

Wu Nanhai knew that there was a strong anti-religious tendency in the senate—"monotheism is a cult" was a catchphrase of many elders.If it weren't for the many practical benefits and benefits brought to Lingao by cooperating with the Jesuits, and the consideration of preparing a religion for the Li and Miao people in the hinterland of Hainan Island, this kind of cooperation would have been difficult to tolerate.

Therefore, Wu Nanhai was extremely low-key about the issue of his own church. The small church he built was paid for by himself, and he discussed it with Mei Wan at the dinner table.Mei Wan heard that it was a small project, and that Wu Nanhai would pay for the construction costs, so she agreed immediately——as long as it does not involve the use of controlled materials and tools, Lingao Construction Corporation has the right to undertake local general construction projects by itself of.

The church is a colonial-style wooden house with a single-story bell tower—this was designed by Zhang Xingpei, an American architectural engineer and an authentic American turtle.The scale is extremely small and can only accommodate 50 people for worship at the same time.The colored decorative glass was bought from Mo Xiaoan, and the cross was made by Wu Nanhai himself by a carpenter.Other than that, there is no other decoration-fortunately, among the Protestant denominations except the Anglican Church, they don't pay much attention to decoration, so it's enough to make do with it.

There is a sign nailed outside the door of the church, which is the "Permit for Religious Places" uniformly produced and issued by the Religious Office.All religious sites have to register with Heying’s Religious Affairs Office. After paying the registration fee, information collection fee, and license fee charged by the office, they sign and promise to pay religious tax, religious site use tax, and believer’s poll tax. "Three taxes", and signed a statement at the same time: the statement agrees to accept the "Senate Religious Affairs Officer" as the "protector" of the church, and the registration is legal only after paying the "management fee" every year.

Wu Nanhai ran all day for this matter, and invited the sign marked "006" back to the farm.Give this chapel a formal identity.On the night before the wedding, in the presence of several church members, Wu Nanhai performed a Protestant baptism ceremony for Chu Qing in the chapel.Of course, he made a report to He Ying in advance—religious believers must report and register one by one as the basis for collecting religious poll tax.

"Dean Wu is very upset." He Ying said with a smile after completing the report.

"He's a hypocrite," Wu Nanhai sneered, "I don't care if he's happy or not. He just wants to set up a national church. If he really wants to become the Pope of Lingao, Rennes and I must be grilled. "

He Ying laughed and the matter passed.However, this incident reminded Wu Nanhai: it would never be good for him to make a big noise.You should still be low-key and low-key now.

"Boss, Chief Ye is here, waiting for you to go to the meeting." A maid appeared from the side of the church and said respectfully.

"Okay, let him wait for a while, I'll be there soon." Wu Nanhai agreed, and let Chu Qing go.

Ye Yuming was sitting in the small conference room of the Nanhai Farm——Wu Nanhai is a farm where there are no divisions. Rather than saying that the farm belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture, it is better to say that the Ministry of Agriculture is located in the farm.This small meeting room is where the core meeting of the entire Crossing Group's Agricultural Port is held.

Ye Yuming, as the leader of Tiandihui, has an independent Tiandihui office in Dongmen City, but the root of Tiandihui is in the farm, so he mainly works in the farm.

"Old Wu, you are really happy when you have a happy event." Ye Yuming noticed the joyful look on Wu Nanhai's face and joked.

"Don't make fun of me, let's get down to business." Wu Nanhai sat down and found that there were only the two of them in the conference room, "What? We have a meeting between the two of us."

"Dugu and Wanjia brothers are coming soon, so let me talk to you first." Ye Yuming said, "The Hong Kong development project has been approved at the work meeting of the Executive Committee. It is decided that the Ministry of Colonial Trade will temporarily Leading the development. The Planning Institute is preparing the entire plan.”

"Isn't that the old company's business?" Wu Nanhai didn't remember any modern agriculture content in Hong Kong. "I've been to Hong Kong many times. This place lacks water and is not suitable for large-scale agriculture."

"It's not suitable to do it, but it should be done. What Skade means is to set up some agricultural settlements, properly carry out agricultural development, and increase Hong Kong's self-sufficiency ratio."

Wu Nanhai nodded: "There is enough sunshine for agriculture in Hong Kong, and there is still some land suitable for planting. The key is to build reservoirs to store water. This is not the business of our Ministry of Agriculture. I think we still have to produce from non-staple food: We started growing vegetables and raising chickens.”

"Why don't you raise pigs..."

"You are the person in charge of the Tiandihui. Pig raising is an industry that consumes a lot of water. At the beginning, there was not enough water to support it." Wu Nanhai said, "However, Hong Kong has an advantage. It is backed by the Pearl River Delta, an agricultural industry in this time and space. In developed areas, it is very convenient to obtain feed, and we can carry out large-scale breeding in the local area. Let’s start with poultry such as chickens and ducks. I think quail is very good and easy to raise. It can be promoted intensively in Hong Kong.”

"I won't talk about agriculture for the time being." Ye Yuming saw that the problem began to turn to the professional field, and he was afraid that if he talked about it, he would run out of ideas. "I want to build an agricultural reclamation system."

Wu Nanhai regained his energy, but on the surface he remained calm: "Oh, engage in land reclamation?"

Ye Yuming nodded excitedly: "Isn't the land reclamation right for developing a place like Hong Kong?"

(End of this chapter)

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