Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 790

Chapter 790
The difficulty is not in terms of reliability—according to the report of the Li and Miao Affairs Office, at least all the Lidong and Miao villages in Lingao are "wholeheartedly supporting" the new regime.The work in the past three years has not been done in vain.It is because there are a large number of malaria patients among the Li and Miao populations, and there is a saying in the local chronicles of Hainan Island that "the Li people are often sick". Benign malaria, but intermittent attacks make it difficult for them to be fully utilized as general laborers or soldiers.

"I don't think it's a big problem. Don't the Li people often riot? They have the strength to riot but not the strength to serve as soldiers?" Skade said, "Besides, some of them must be able to resist abuse. Otherwise, how could the Li people live in the mountains for a long time? survive?"

"So the Li people riot frequently, but their combat power is limited. Daming can suppress the situation with a group of beggar-like guards guarding a few stockades." Dongmen Chuyu said, "The army has to go out every day to conduct exercises, train, and be on duty. Soldiers But I don’t know when it’s going to be a swing, and this army can’t be used.”

"It's a waste of such human resources." Skaide never forgot about the Li people, "Can't we treat them?"

"Let's think about a specific method." Dongmen Chuiyu was unwilling to disclose the military's specific plan for this, and confused it vaguely.Since the current Executive Committee is not willing to expand the number of military personnel by reducing the number of laborers under the rule, and the demand for military strength from all sides continues unabated, a large number of highly decentralized security and internal security tasks have affected the normal education of the army train.The idea of ​​recruiting a group of mercenaries to perform security tasks and free the troops from internal security operations was abnormally brought up to the internal meeting of the Military Affairs Bureau.Li Miao soldiers are just one of the options.

As soon as the Hong Kong development plan was announced, it immediately attracted an upsurge of new officials running for officials.Although the second plenary meeting established the basic principle of "voluntary registration and organizational review" for the selection of officials, many people, in addition to registering on the website of the Organization Office of the Intranet, also went to visit various organizations that they thought could exert influence in private. powerful character.Minglang had to stay out of the courtyard of the office for several days in a row to avoid being forced to "eat a meal and chat".

After some intense on-stage and off-stage activities, a list of bureaucrats in Hong Kong was finally announced: Luo Chen, a technician from the Tiandihui, was appointed as the captain of the Agricultural Reclamation Hong Kong Wing; Shi Zhiqi was appointed as the Hong Kong Security Commander; Commander of the Naval Detachment.Hong Hong Yin served as the Hong Kong business representative.

In addition, a group of technical cadres were dispatched to Hong Kong.Including Shi Jiantao, who vigorously advocated the construction of shipyards in Hong Kong.This person originally worked in the Planning Institute and was very interested in the shipbuilding industry, so he volunteered to be the director of the Hong Kong shipyard.

The appointment of Shi Zhiqi as the Hong Kong Garrison Commander could not have been approved. The Army believed that it was unreasonable for all senior military positions in Hong Kong to be occupied by the Navy system. However, everyone finally reached a consensus: the Commander of the Hong Kong Garrison should choose someone with experience in amphibious operations. Shi Zhiqi is obviously the most qualified candidate.

According to the increasing number of expatriate elders, the Senate formally implemented the system of "elders' committee" and "collective decision-making on major affairs" among all groups of expatriate elders with more than two persons.If there are more than three elders stationed in one place, a local elders committee must be established. Any major local policy decisions must be notified or even voted at the meeting of the elders committee.The committee must meet regularly and keep minutes of the meetings.

Under the escort of two patrol boats, the "Qionghai Coal" slowly approached the Central Pier No. 852 on the "Saint's Bay"-the Central Government Affairs Council has officially issued a place name naming document, officially changing the name of Xiangshanao to "" Hong Kong Island", the [-] base was renamed "Central"; Victoria Bay was named "Saint's Bay".Replacing Queen Victoria's name which didn't even exist.

Several people in gray and green uniforms stood on the deck of "Qionghai Coal", pointing at the Central Base under construction.Tall and strong figures and better clothing show that they are the so-called "old men".The soldiers who were busy working as stevedores on the pier whispered to each other. Does the arrival of another group of veterans mean that there are new operations to be carried out?After the military operation against the Pearl River Basin ended, many elders left Hong Kong one after another.Now there are only two or three elders left on the island.

Under the traction of the big boat, the Big Whale slowly leaned against the trestle and set up a springboard.When the port staff boarded the ship for inspection, several veterans had already disembarked. A 25-year-old veteran was originally in a small shed next to the pier, and the council quickly greeted him.

"Mei Gong! You are here." The young man greeted a 30-year-old veteran who got off the boat, and Mei Lin from the official construction company came.

"Xiao Shi, your work here is not bad." Merlin looked around, "Four months, it's beginning to take shape."

The shrill siren blew—the port authority had noticed that the red warning flag symbolizing the highest danger was hung on the Qionghai Coal, and the laborers and soldiers who had been working near the No. [-] wharf were quickly evacuated.

"What? Dangerous goods are brought in." Xiao Shi changed color a little.

"Dynamite." Merlin said briefly, "Didn't you apply for the use of explosives?"

"Yes, yes, let's go first."

The few people didn't care about greeting each other, and under the leadership of a person named "Xiao Shi", they walked to the commercial station in the Central Base.The commercial station is more than 1 kilometer away from the pier by the sea. The construction team built a standard rail of wrought iron tracks here to transport goods and people between the two places.

Since the Pearl River Estuary Detachment landed in Hong Kong in September 1630, the development of Base 9 has been in progress, and the planned Central Base has formed a rough scale.The commercial station is the core building of the entire base.It is the bastion and foundation of rule.This building is built according to the 852th-century armed trading station model and then comprehensively designed with reference to the modern government public construction design experience.The area is small, but the supporting facilities are perfect.

The entire main castle is a rectangular multi-storey hollow building.The structure is roughly a large open space surrounded by multi-storey buildings.The four corners are four protruding forts, each of which is 5 stories high and 17 meters high.At the top is an open-air battery.The lower floors are the guard's residence, the ammunition depot, the gym... The bottom floor is the toilet, which is flushed with sea water.

All floors are 4 storeys and 14 meters high, except for the bulwark.There are no windows on the first and second floors in the outward direction, and there are windows on the third floor and above. There are iron protective shutters, which can be closed in case of attack.But for the inner courtyard, there are windows on each floor for ventilation and lighting.The top terraces of the floors are fortified.

The building facing south is the external office area, and the ground floor is the lobby and gate.All the institutions that need to work with the outside world are all located here.In the middle of the south building, there is a five-story bell tower.The east floor is the dormitory area, where soldiers of the guard force, naturalized civilian staff and cadres live.Each floor has a large powder room.Part of the ground floor is the canteen and kitchen, and part is the armory.The west side also has four floors, the first and second floors are warehouses, the third floor is equipped with clinics and inpatient departments, and the fourth floor is also a dormitory.To the north are auxiliary buildings, including boiler room, pump room and wind power station.There is also a temporary holding cell and various storerooms - including a garage on the ground floor.

The commercial station has not been fully completed, but the four corner towers, the main entrance building on the south side and the clock tower have been completed.Although the clock tower is found in many buildings designed by Lingao, so far, a large clock has not been manufactured-not that it cannot be manufactured, but the planning institute feels that this thing is not urgently needed, so it simply waits for the raw materials to be supplied. Make it more abundant.

At the foot of the main city, roads were paved according to the original model of Dongmen City, and now the commercial hall and customs are under construction.There are piles of yellow sand, buckets of cement and stones of various sizes everywhere.The workers are constantly busy.The labor horn and the wheezing sound of the steam roller rang together.

The workforce is personnel from decontamination camps established locally.The Guangdong civilians, officers and soldiers who were captured and voluntarily followed in the Pearl River Estuary Crusade were quarantined here and also served as infrastructure engineering personnel.Lingao Construction Corporation sent a veteran named Shi Dafu to take charge of all the construction projects in the local area.Shi Dafu is a major in engineering and civil construction, and has worked in a construction company. He can be regarded as a doer with both theory and theory, experience and experience.

Shi Dafu led a group of people into the main city, and asked them to sit down in the conference room.The conference room is located on the bell tower to the south of the commercial station.Only then did they introduce each other.Among the newly arrived veterans, Mei Lin is here to preside over the construction of several reservoir projects on Hong Kong Island - to spread the stalls in Hong Kong, according to the calculations of the Planning Institute, it is planned to complete the water storage capacity of 1631 million cubic meters in 1632-200 .By 1633, the total storage capacity was 770 million cubic meters.This can effectively supply the needs of industrial and agricultural production on Hong Kong Island.

"Most of the reservoirs in Hong Kong are built using the existing terrain in the mountains, and the amount of earthwork is limited." Mei Lin brought a full set of Hong Kong hydrological data from the old time and space provided by the large library. "However, the cost is still very high."

Under the premise that the whole of Guangzhou will be occupied after the end of the Second Five-Year Plan, the Planning Institute believes that it is not worthwhile to invest too much capital in Hong Kong, so the entire scale of industry and agriculture in Hong Kong is limited to a small scale.The total population of Hong Kong in the future planning of Hong Kong Island and outlying islands compiled: the population including the garrison, workers, reclamation personnel and personnel to be purified does not exceed 30 people who live for more than 3 days.

(End of this chapter)

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