Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 799

Chapter 799

For the sake of safety and security, the dormitory of the veterans is in the courtyard of the joint processing center.In addition, the equipment of the joint processing center has not been used by naturalized migrant workers until now. To operate this equipment, at least a high school mathematics background in old time and space is required, and at most, workers who have obtained a second-class diploma cannot play with it.

Zhan Wuya's dormitory is a suite, with a small bedroom inside and a living room and studio outside, but it is actually more of a conference room.The veterans of the factory often discuss technical issues here.In the middle of the house is a big Eight Immortals table surrounded by wicker chairs and benches.Against the wall is a fitter's bench with a vice fixed to it.And the locked tool cabinet—his personal tools inside.

After the siren sounded at [-]:[-] pm, Zhan Wuya first checked the fire protection and safety conditions of the joint processing center workshop and the tube product warehouse, and made sure that the power supply had been cut off and all doors and windows were locked.It's a daily routine.As the director of manufacturing and the director of the general machinery factory, he holds the keys to these two places and is the direct person in charge.Zhan Wuya knows that the danger of being destroyed by force is not high, what he is most afraid of is a safety accident, especially a fire.

Everything was in order, so he took care of his female apprentice to go to the canteen to buy supper and drinks for the evening, and prepare to start night work at night. Everyone continued to work on the problem - the female apprentice was actually his maid. It's useless to be a maid, so I just stay with my subordinates and work as an apprentice. If you can't do a fitter, you can do a lathe or something.

Everyone hasn't come yet.Zhan Wuya took a few damaged chains from the workshop to the outside workbench, turned on the workbench lamp and carefully inspected the broken chains.I looked at it with a magnifying glass for a while.He himself was born in heat treatment. Although he didn't know metallography, years of accumulated experience allowed him to figure out a little way in this area.After looking at the fracture for several minutes, I feel that it is still a matter of the force of the material.

After a while everyone came and looked and looked at the broken link.Discuss how to increase the strength of the chain.It should be said that this time the General Machinery Factory made a relentless effort to take down the link of the industrial chain, and Zhan Wuya did the heat treatment himself—a large-scale heat treatment furnace was specially built.The steel obtained from the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry is also the best product that a steel factory can produce.

But the result is still not satisfactory.Everyone looked at the pile of chains repeatedly, adding a few words of discussion from time to time.Holding a vernier caliper, Liang Xin measured the chain links one by one, and wrote down the data on a piece of paper.Sun Li checked the chain one by one for any scars... Everyone was busy studying the chain in their hands from various angles, and they didn't discuss it until they formed an opinion—assuming that there must be physics. evidence as a basis.Zhan Wuya's female apprentice refilled them with tea, and occasionally helped to light the fire and empty the full ashtray.

In the middle of the night, everyone finally came up with a unified technical analysis conclusion: the chain is not evenly stressed.The main cause of the problem is the manufacturing process problem.

The manufacturing process of the chain in the general machinery factory is to forge the blank first, then anneal to relieve stress, then cut, then normalize and surface treatment, and finally assemble.

"I just checked a lot of chains, the tolerance is not very ideal, some are as large as ±0.7mm, and the average is ±0.5mm-the size error is still relatively large, according to the GB standard, the limit of this size chain link The tolerance cannot be greater than ±0.4mm. This shows that the prestressing problem in the cutting process is more serious than we imagined." Liang Xin said, "A small amount of tolerance accumulates, causing concentrated stress on certain links of the chain and eventually breaking."

Sun Li said: "I think it should be processed first and then heat treated. Even if a little cutting tool is consumed, it will be accounted for. After all, we can always solve the problem of cutting tools in the future. It is not a one-time consumable that cannot be replenished when it is used up. In addition , the forging should be handed over to the arsenal, where the forging machines are bigger than here. For such a high-strength industrial chain, the larger the tonnage of the forging machines, the better."

"We won't be able to solve the super-hard cutting tool manufacturing on the lathe for a while. I don't know if we can do it before the end of the First Five-Year Plan." Zhan Wuya said with a frown.Superhard knives require alloy steel materials, especially rare metals such as tungsten, cobalt, tantalum and niobium - these things have nowhere to go.Alloy steel cutting tools have very high requirements on metallurgy and processing technology. The superhard cutting tools on various machine tools currently used by the Ministry of Machinery Industry rely entirely on the old space-time products in stock. They are only used in machining and cutting with low requirements. Homemade carbon steel knives.

Zhan Wuya thought again and again: "This is indeed a reason, but lathes all depend on good tools. At present, the chains are not made just a few. Before mass production of clear qualified superhard tools, I can't worry about consuming tools recklessly. .I think we still start from the three links of controlling tolerance, forging and heat treatment. After cutting, heat treatment is carried out again to relieve stress.”

Discussions on specific techniques and solutions continued until early in the morning, and everyone dispersed after supper.

In the early morning of the next day, the production of the chain was restarted. After the chain blank was manufactured, it was transported to the Bopu Armory, where it was forged on the large forging machine in the Armory—this is the forging machine with the largest tonnage owned by the Transit Group, and all the large-scale equipment of the Transit Group Guns, heavy artillery and ship keels are all forged here.

After the forging is complete, the chain is shipped back to the factory where it is annealed in a heat treatment furnace and then cut.However, after cutting, a tempering heat treatment is performed again to eliminate the prestress generated during processing.Then normalize and surface treatment.Finally, thread buttons are added to assemble a seamless chain buckle.

"Take it for inspection." Zhan Wuya looked at the completed section of chain, "do a tension test."

"I'll host it." Sun Li said.

"Okay, strict control! This is our own business, not to fool customers."

"Of course." Sun Li said, "Let's go to the testing ground!"

Several naturalized civilian technicians who had been studying with the class responded, lifted the chain and walked out.The female apprentice handed Zhan Wuya a large enamel cup of tea and a towel.Zhan Wuya drank half of the glass in one gulp, then wiped his sweat again.Tell the female apprentice to bring you some bottles of salt soda.

"Bring two more packs of cigarettes!"

A few veterans squatted at the door of the heat treatment workshop, smoking, waiting for the test results - no smoking in the workshop is a rule set by Zhan Wuya.The female apprentice quickly brought some small benches.Although it was mainly done by naturalized migrant workers, several elders supervised and guided almost every step, and worked continuously for two days and two nights.Everyone's eyes are red.

After a little effort, Sun Li came back with a smile on his face: "Egg! Success!"

Several people cheered and stood up, Zhan Wuya was a little excited, and asked again: "How is the test going?"

"The pull test was done according to the actual working conditions of the dumper, and it passed completely. It didn't break until it was increased to 120%." Sun Li said, "I think we can do the whole machine test of the dumper right away!"

"Okay, this time the experiment has been completed and the process manual has been quickly compiled, and mass production will begin." Zhan Wuya is very excited. The mine chain is an urgently needed product now - the mine chain is almost always used in large-scale mine development.With the basis of manufacturing high-strength mining chains, the production of chains on many industrial equipments will be overcome in the future.

After the second test was successful, the General Machinery Factory improved the bucket elevator.The first is an anti-reversal device with a ratchet mechanism.Bucket elevators are most afraid of power interruptions. During the lifting process, one side is an ascending hopper full of materials, and the other side is a descending empty hopper that has unloaded materials.After the power is interrupted, the hoist must reverse due to gravity.With the reversal of the hopper, the material is unloaded to the bottom of the bucket elevator until it is full and jammed.Since reversing is an accelerated movement, it is easy to tear off the hopper, causing damage to the equipment.

Modern bucket elevators are all sealed - the purpose is to reduce the dust flying of materials during lifting and loading and unloading.For the consideration of saving materials, when designing the hoist, the General Machinery Factory omitted the shell at first, but during the test process, everyone felt that it was better to install it—anyway, an iron shell does not consume much material, but Can greatly reduce dust pollution.Occupational diseases caused by industrial dust can't be solved by the high-level medicine in this time and space.Besides, the dust of iron ore is also iron ore, and if it is sintered, it can make steel.

However, new problems appeared after the iron shell was installed. During the trial operation, it was found that after the seal was sealed, it was difficult to feed and unload the hopper, and the hopper was not full and could not be unloaded.Everyone quickly went to the technical archives room to look for the design drawings, and found out that a veteran, the workshop director of the sheet metal workshop responsible for manufacturing the sealed casing of the hoist, saved the suction pipes and vents at the head and bottom of the hoist to save trouble.

The sealing shell is well-made and reliable, but it causes a pressure difference in the process of unloading and feeding materials, forming a negative pressure condition in the sealing shell.Causes poor loading and unloading.The vent makes the internal pressure of the elevator basically equal to the external pressure, and the function of the suction port is to prevent dust from overflowing through the vent, avoid waste and clean the environment.

"A lesson, comrades, this is a profound lesson." Zhan Wuya was inconvenient to publicly reprimand the veterans, but he still couldn't help but beat this model in a work meeting, "A design on industrial equipment, a All kinds of craftsmanship are the direct reflection of years of experience and lessons accumulated in the industrial society, and they cannot be changed casually by anyone who wants to! This kind of unscrupulous attitude will cause accidents in industrial production!"

(End of this chapter)

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