Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 802 Poisonous Mushroom

Chapter 802 Poisonous Mushroom

The stretcher was carried into the emergency room, and when they came to her, Guo Fu asked, "What's going on?"
Who in Sanya doesn't know the number two person in the health center, an elite among female nurses. "An accompanying hygienist hurriedly said: "Food poisoning. "

"What did you eat?" Guo Fushu waved his hands together, "Hurry up, put it on Channel 1!"

"Eat mushrooms," said a hygienist.
Poisonous mushroom poisoning.Guo Fu thought, this is the most common type of food poisoning in the local area.No matter how many health education classes are given to the laborers, no matter how many death cases there are in the past, the mushrooms in the forest are always full of temptations for the laborers.Sometimes someone eats.

"Did you bring the sample?"

"Here, here," the hygienist opened a labor lunch box, which contained boiled mushroom fragments, a gray pile.She pointed to a few workers with bad complexions behind her, "They also ate, but the symptoms were not serious, but they were weak all over and had stomach pains..."

"Stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting?"

"Yes!" The hygienist panicked, "They ate it last night, I don't know when they picked it." The female hygienist turned pale with fear, "I really didn't see it..."

She has seen cases of death from eating poisonous mushrooms and knows the serious consequences.The most important thing is that if there is such a serious fatal accident in the squadron that I am in charge of, I have to be sent back to Lingaojin for a "study class" held by the Ministry of Health. The status of "study class" in the eyes of naturalized people and indigenous people is now second only to "labour camp".

"Don't worry." Guo Fu reassured her, while telling the nurses on duty in the emergency room, "Hurry up, go get Dr. He, and all the nurses on duty will come if they are fine!"

Guo Fu asked people who had symptoms but were not serious to sit down on the bench against the wall first, and dealt with the seriously ill patients lying on the treatment table first.

The work clothes on the patient's body were already filthy with vomit, and there were traces of watery feces on the trousers, which gave off a stench.

"Hurry up, help him undress!" Guo Fu told the third-term nurse while wiping her hands with alcohol. The female hygienist who brought the patient was afraid that she would be hurt if something happened, so she hurriedly said, "I'm ready."

"Okay, the scissors are in drawer 5." Guo Fu said as she opened the lunch box brought by the female hygienist.She dumped the shredded mushrooms on an enamel plate and pulled them around with tweezers.The Ministry of Health has printed a lithographed "Illustrated Book of Common Poisonous Animals and Plants in Hainan Island", which contains not only line drawings, but also detailed descriptions of shapes and colors—because Lingao’s printing industry is temporarily unable to carry out large-scale color printing of photos— ―This book is not only included in the training materials, but also an essential reference book for all health institutions.Guo Fu has put a lot of effort into this book, but the shape and color of the cut and boiled mushrooms have changed. She can only reluctantly think that it is probably a boletus.

"How much did you eat?" Guo Fu asked.
"I heard from them that there was a lunch box," said the female hygienist. "Others don't eat much. This person is on the middle shift. After get off work, he worked three hours of overtime and missed the supper time. When he returned to the dormitory, he saw that there were boiled mushrooms. I ate a lot of the rest, about half of it."

"When did you find out?" Guo Fu asked.

"Just now," the female health worker was terrified, "I went to the squadron dormitory to check the sanitation, and they carried him out, saying that he passed out—I really didn't know they were secretly cooking mushrooms to eat in the dormitory!" She cried Get up, "This is killing me!"

"Don't cry!" Guo Fu hurriedly stopped her, and asked again, "How long have you been unconscious?"

"It's been almost an hour now."


"Are there any fresh samples?" she asked, feeling hopeless.

"No, I went to their dormitory after I found out about the poisoning..."

She lifted the patient's eyelids and shone a tiny flashlight into his eyes.His eyeballs moved smoothly, and he let out a moan.

"what is his name?"

"Jiang Dashan."

Guo Fu leaned down to the patient and said directly into his ear: "Jiang Dashan, can you hear me? Jiang Dashan!"

His eyes moved slowly towards her, and he nodded slightly.

"What's your name?"

"Ginger... big... mountain..."

The degree of his reaction is enough to prove that the nervous system has not been damaged-this should be gastroenteritis-type mushroom poisoning, which is the mildest type of mushroom poisoning.However, although some mushroom poisoning also manifests as gastroenteritis-type symptoms, it will be accompanied by organ damage.However, the incubation period of this type is generally more than 10 hours, and neither vomiting nor diarrhea is serious.She thinks her judgment should be correct.

She told the nurse on duty, Shi Jiemei:

"Prepare the intubation, saline solution, and straw," Guo Fu ordered, and then ordered, "People against the wall, give them medicine to induce vomiting!"

The time for gastric emptying is about 4 to 6 hours. Foods with higher protein content such as mushrooms stay in the stomach for a longer time, and there is still time for gastric lavage.As for the other few people, it was a bit late to induce vomiting, so maybe it would work a little bit—anyway, their symptoms were not serious, and adding laxatives should be enough.

"I'll go right away!" Shi Jiemei quickly went to get the medicine and equipment - she is the best among the third-term students: from the fact that she can name Dr. Shi, it is known that Dr. Shi is very fond of her.Shi Jiemei is not only serious in her study and has a strong comprehension, but she can score 1630 points in the appearance evaluation according to the "Comprehensive Evaluation Standards for Office Maids (Version 175)", which belongs to the A-level level. .

"Give them magnesium sulfate after vomiting!" Guo Fu urged from behind.

Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate is a chemical used in medicine as a detumescent, vasodilator, and cathartic.Magnesium sulfate in Lingao is manufactured in the bittern factory in the Mariao Salt Field.Guo Fu gave them magnesium sulfate mainly for catharsis and to encourage patients to empty their intestines as soon as possible.

"Understood, there is also rehydration to correct dehydration and electrolyte imbalance—" Shi Jiemei came out from the other end of the corridor with a deliberately high-pitched tone.

Guo Fu nodded helplessly: "Yes, I need to replenish fluids." Although her age is about the same as Shi Jiemei, she has been homeless for a long time, and she is more mature than others in dealing with people.

After all the equipment was ready, Guo Fu opened the patient's mouth and stuffed it into a gag, inserted a tube, and deftly poked it into his throat, all the way to his stomach.A nurse then handed Guo Fu a glass jar filled with normal saline.Guo Fu poured part of the saline into the funnel at the top of the cannula.

After she was halfway filled with the solution, she waited a moment for the solution to drain into her stomach, then took the saline straw again, which she squeezed out into a basin, before continuing in the same way to clean the remains of the mushrooms.On the third puff, she found dusty bits of food.In this way, she cleaned the stomach cavity of the patient again and again, gradually sucking out all the food residues, and she felt that the patient was out of danger.

"0.5ml atropine subcutaneous injection, every 6 hours! Intravenous injection of 5% GS solution and normal saline!"

Atropine is injected to relieve gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea.After Shi Jiemei injected the atropine, she quickly inserted the infusion needle.It is easy to administer intravenous saline and dextrose to the patient to prevent dehydration and correct electrolyte balance.At the same time, Guo Fu observed the patient's heart rate, pulse and chest sounds.

Guo Fu felt that the patient had regained some strength, so she helped him sit up.

"Activated charcoal 100 grams, mixed with water orally."

Jiang Dashan then drank a glass of activated charcoal.He didn't want to drink the strange black water, and coughed up some, but was forced to drink it anyway.Activated charcoal water can not only prevent toxins from entering the patient's body, but also digest part of what has been absorbed.

Then Guo Fu checked his blood pressure, pulse and respiration again, and also checked his vision and reaction.She talked to him incessantly, making sure his reflexes were all in order -- though his responses were feeble.

Then she turned around and dealt with mild patients: After inducing vomiting and catharsis, these people were tossed and sluggish one by one, paralyzed on the hospital bed and unable to speak.Shi Jiemei has given them oral glucose saline mixture to replenish body fluids and restore electrolyte balance according to the doctor's order - Shi Yanren asked everyone at the work meeting of the Ministry of Health not to use infusion therapy unless absolutely necessary .This is not only for the purpose of saving the use of equipment, but also for avoiding many dangers that may occur in the infusion.

Seeing that everything was on the right track, Guo Fu sat down and began to write the medical records.The female hygienist dawdled anxiously to the table.

"Are you all right?"

"It should be fine." Guo Fu said, continuing to write the medical record with a dip pen, "I'm going to write a report on this matter..."

The female hygienist was in a begging tone: "I beg you to draw a supernatural life, and speak kindly for me in front of Dr. He...I don't want to send it back to the Lingaojin study class."

"It's not a serious accident if there are no deaths." Guo Fu comforted her, "Besides, they secretly picked mushrooms to eat, and they are also responsible. You are not very responsible."

"Thank you, thank you..." The female health worker almost knelt down and kowtowed. Of course, this is not allowed under the Lingao system.The fear of the female hygienists is not without reason: the salary level of the hygienists is much higher than that of ordinary laborers. Once they enter the study class, they will not have personal freedom for several months, and their wages will only be paid a small amount of living expenses.It was a rather dire blow to many working families.

(End of this chapter)

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