Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 805 Steel Complex

Chapter 805 Steel Complex

The third phase of the iron and steel system project is very large in scale. Compared with the first and second phases, which are emergency iron melting furnaces, small converters, and simple steel rolling equipment, the third phase of the project is a steel complex unprecedented in this time and space.It includes all links in the production of ore dressing, iron making, steel making, rolling steel and steel.Not only will the steel output be greatly increased, but it will also be able to produce steel plates, strip steel, wire rods, and various section steels that were common in old times and spaces.

With a stable supply of steel, the production of special steel and alloy steel can be put on the agenda.With a sufficient supply of steel, the bottlenecks restricting the scale of industries in cement, transportation, construction, chemicals, machinery and other aspects can be broken, and it is possible to promote the industrialization process in Lingao and even in Hainan.

The sea breeze made Ji Wusheng's hair messy.His wicker hard hat was thrown on the table, and the main "generals" of the construction company stood with him and pointed at the construction site.There is a folding table beside them, on which there are many drawings and the kraft drawing tubes containing the drawings, which are pressed down with pressing bars.A group of busy naturalized staff, apprentices, and interns were busy around the table and surveying instruments, discussing something in whispers from time to time.

Several soldiers with Minie rifles on their backs stood guard not far from the senator.The young soldier looked at the senior man and the nearby steel factory with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

"The environment of Hongbai Port is very complicated. It needs to be used as a port." It is Mond who is giving advice.His face was pale, and he was wearing a civilian-style M65 windbreaker with the epaulettes of a lieutenant commander of the Fubo Army on his shoulders.Appears bulkier than others.Mond has been recuperating since he was honorably injured in the rescue of the five-masted ship, and he didn't even participate in the second anti-encirclement and suppression campaign when the veterans were mobilized for military training.Just officially came back not long ago.Considering his physical condition, Chen Haiyang suggested that the general office arrange him a job that does not require frequent trips to sea.So Mond became the nautical instructor of Fangcaodi Naval Sergeant Class and the director of Bopu Harbor.It replaced the original position of Li Di - the latter has been transferred to the Navy Command to be the Chief of Staff.

In addition to instructing naturalized seamen to operate motorized ships, Mond also used what he had learned in port management and construction.

"...Hongpai Island is a basalt sea-eroded platform, and its frontal sea area has better water depth conditions, mostly at a depth of 5 meters. However, the water depth in Hongpai Port is only 2-4 meters due to sand drift along the coast." Mond Pointing to the various locations of the Red Card Port, "Without sand dredging and rectification, the utilization rate of this port is very limited."

"We don't have a dredger... we can temporarily assemble one." Someone's eyes fell on the excavator that was digging. "It should be enough to get a floating barge and fix the excavator on it."

Mond nodded: "I did see someone doing this at the inland port - no technical difficulty, as long as it is fixed firmly. However, the excavation depth here is large, so I don't know if the bucket arm is long enough. And it is used too hard There is no place to replenish the hydraulic parts..."

"There is no need for a special excavator." Jiang Ye said as a mechanical station clerk at the construction site, "It has only been a few years since the hydraulic excavator appeared. In the past, the power drive on engineering equipment was a hoist with a wire rope. In the 20s, large-scale construction sites There are many more excavators like this."

With the manufacturing capacity of the industrial port, it is not a problem to build a special dredger. They have steam engines and can also manufacture centrifugal pumps.In order to put it into use immediately, Jiang Ye proposed a simple bucket-type dredging ship plan, using the iron barrel floating barge stored by the Port Authority for assembling temporary floating docks, and installing a steam engine-driven bucket on it.

"Use two floating barges, the installation bracket is straddled between the two barges, and the folding bucket is installed in the middle. Use the wire rope and the hoist to control the lifting and opening of the bucket," Jiang Ye talked about his idea, "The biggest technology The difficulty lies in the closing device of the bucket, but something similar could have been built by the Venetians in the 16th century—people were still driven by human pedal wheels. There is no reason why we can’t make a better one.”

Mond asked, "How long will it last?"

"Three to five days." Jiang Ye said, "There is no need to build a ship, as long as the existing equipment is used. The main reason is that the machinery factory has to manufacture a digging bucket and an opening and closing control device. Mechanical ports such as steam engines, wire ropes, and winches All of them are available in stock. As for the small barges used for transporting mud, you can use the small barges built for Nandu River—it would be good to have a small motorboat to tow them.”

Mond nodded and looked at Ji Wusheng.Ji Wusheng said: "If you think there is no problem, then I will be fine - you are an expert."

"I'm a Brick." Mond joked and coughed a few more times.A maid in overalls hurriedly put a light woolen coat on him.

"The current red card port should be able to enter the thousand-ton ship. We first survey the channel and mark the suitable channel and anchorage. Then we will build the ore loading and unloading dock—at least let a temporary unloading dock be used."

With the wharf, many large, heavy, ultra-large and ultra-long equipment to be installed later can be directly transported to the shore by ships, instead of being transported by a large number of ox carts with 48 rounds of heavy-duty flat-bed carts.

The motion of laying the train tracks of Maniao-Bopu has also been proposed, but the consumption of wrought iron is estimated to be too much, and the planning institute can't come up with this extra plan after all the calculations-the steel reserves of the planning institute are already huge Part of it has been invested in the development of horses, and the stock has bottomed out.The conclusion is that the factory railway can only be laid in the industrial zone at most.

A crawler tractor equipped with a bulldozing blade and a bucket is roaring not far away—this is the "tractor armored soldier" commanded by Bai Yu digging earth.A deep ditch has been dug in the red land, and many special laborers in overalls with shaved heads and white triangle marks on their sleeves are working at the bottom of the pit, laying stones.This is a large-scale drainage channel for the entire development zone. Industrial wastewater will be discharged into this main channel through various branch channels, and then sent to the wastewater treatment plant.Of course, Ji Wusheng knew that the so-called industrial wastewater treatment that Tian Jiujiu had done was nothing more than some simple treatments such as multi-stage sedimentation, aeration, and chemical acid-base neutralization. difficult.

The ditch is deep and wide, and boats can be rowed in the drainage channel, and there are also walkways for maintenance personnel to walk on both sides.

The water supply is transported with a large-diameter reinforced concrete casing - in order to reduce the degree of water pollution during transportation.The water supply pipeline is buried in a large culvert of the same scale, which is convenient for future maintenance, replacement and installation of other pipelines and lines.This kind of ditch also has certain military significance, such as the ability to secretly deliver infantry and the like.

Since Lingao Industry does not lack enough reinforced concrete to make prefabricated slabs covering the top of the ditches, these canals can only be opened as open channels for a long time.

Heavy industry consumes a lot of water. In addition to using the nearby water source of the Mayiao River, the river water is also drawn from the Wenlan River through pipelines.Tian Jiujiu is also planning to build a large-scale rain collection system in the development zone - of course, this all depends on the steel plant being put into operation as soon as possible.

In the distance, there are many scaffoldings, and the temporarily installed steam crane is smoking and hoisting wrought iron forged trusses to assemble the elevated factory building.There is a newly built open hearth steelmaking workshop, and the Xinde converter workshop is located next to it.According to the plan, the converter workshop and steel rolling workshop currently in the small steel plant by the Wenlan River will be relocated to this place after the blast furnace and steelmaking workshop are fully completed and put into operation.At the same time, all the steel rolling equipment that has not been installed will be installed, and a steel rolling plant will be officially established.

The place where the bucket elevator and the water tank stand tall is the mineral processing plant - most of the equipment of this mineral processing plant was brought from the old time and space: 2 mineral processing machines, 5 crushers and 2 crushers.In the future, all the iron ore that cannot be set up in the mining area due to objective conditions will be sent here for beneficiation.Of course, it can also undertake the task of selecting some other non-ferrous metal mines.

The largest and most difficult project, the core part of the Maniao Iron and Steel Company: the construction of the blast furnace is nearing completion.A 10-meter high blast furnace has been erected.It is close to the coast, and typhoon protection is a key issue, so not only the foundation of the blast furnace was spared, but also the best cement produced by Lingao was used.Around the furnace body of the blast furnace, there is also a circle of reinforced beams and fixed anchor cables for support.

The Ma Niao No. 125 blast furnace has a volume of 1880 cubic meters, and its technical level is about the level of the old time and space standard of 1900-[-].It is quite a severe challenge for the industrial port.Ji Wusheng, as the only veteran who has been in the furnace of a blast furnace and worked as an operator in front of the furnace, has become the main technician of the blast furnace construction.

He is no longer the "director of the iron and steel plant". In the recent personnel appointment letter, his title has become the people's committee member of the metallurgical industry under the director of manufacturing, general manager and chief engineer of Lingao Iron and Steel Company.Having a series of prominent titles does not help him overcome a series of difficulties in the construction of steel plants: after all, no one among the veterans has actually built blast furnaces and open hearth furnaces, and no one has systematically engaged in the design and supporting of a complete steel company and construction works.Except for the materials in the big library, everything in actual operation depends on groping.

"If it weren't for the ready-made design materials and drawings of the steel plant in the big library, this steel plant alone would be enough for us to build for ten years." Mei Wan said with emotion.

Ji Wusheng said: "Without information, we don't even know where to start the project. At any rate, the first blast furnace is almost completed now—as long as we can start making steel and iron, the project will be half completed."

 Note: The following 29 sections are technical chapters, which can be skipped if you are not interested

(End of this chapter)

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